Caught in the Net (12 page)

Read Caught in the Net Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #paranormal, #domestic discipline, #contemporary romance, #spanking

BOOK: Caught in the Net
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“Probably the only time,” Scott grumbled.

“I think you’re right.”  Dr. Quimby laughed.  “So you
see, you two, Scott and I know how this whole dynamic runs and what you feel. 
Even when he’s being stubborn.”

“Am not.”

“And grumpy.”

“Bite me,” Scott grumbled. 

“Have you ever noticed his need to have the last
word?  Listening to him argue with your mother was always entertaining because
she was the same way.  She’d make sure she’d mutter something outside of his
hearing so she could win.”

“Yeah, and how many times did I also manage to hear
her smart ass comments?”

“I rest my case.”

“Bite me,” Scott repeated.  Michael elbowed his sister
and winked.  Their father had managed to get Scott off Michael’s back and
completely change the subject.

* * * * *

“Sammi?  Are you ready?”  Michael asked Friday
afternoon as they were closing.  They were going to meet Rich and pick up Jen
at UCSD, which was close to their house.  She emerged from her dressing room in
a filmy sundress and her long, thick red hair hanging loosely down her back.

“Yep.  Are you wearing that to meet her?” she asked,
eyeing him.

“Yes, what’s wrong with it?” Michael asked, tucking
his pacific blue shirt into his black slacks.

“Nothing.  It is a great color for your eyes and you
look hot.  That shirt’s a bit snug on your shoulders.  It makes you look huge.”

“I am huge.  See?”  He flexed his biceps. 

She poked it.  “Only about the size of a tangerine,” she

“Grapefruit, you mean.”

“We were talking about your biceps, not your brain
size.  OW!  Put me down!  I’m in a dress!” she yelled as he smacked her before
hefting her over his shoulder.  He held his arm across her upper thighs,
trapping her skirt under it.  The crew started laughing and wished them a good

She threatened and complained all the way to the hopper
where she was unceremoniously dumped as Michael jumped in.  They rode across
the bay to headquarters to pick up Rich.  Michael helped his sister out of the
boat and hooked her hand in the crook of his elbow as he escorted her to

“Wow, you look stunning, Miss Samantha,” Rich said,
shaking Michael’s hand and kissing the girl on the cheek.  He was dressed in a
dark green collared shirt and black slacks as well, his emerald eyes radiating
from the bronze tanned face.  He didn’t catch the glimpse she gave the crew as
she grabbed his head, rose on her tiptoes, and planted a long, hot and sultry
kiss full on his lips.  He folded his arms around her and gently broke it off,
blushing as the crew cheered.

“Public display of affection is not appropriate, young
lady,” he whispered in her ear, making her shiver.  She couldn’t believe how
the feel of his breath on her neck and the sound of his voice in her ear made
her weak in the knees.

“Really?  And what do you intend to do about it?” she
whispered back, nipping his earlobe. 

Rich chuckled, taking her hand.  “I guess it’s no
secret now, guys.  We’re kind of dating.”

“Kind of?” the girl asked when the men started

“We’re hoping Rich will keep her out of your hair for
a while.  Wish the poor man luck,” Michael told his crew.  After saying their
goodbyes, the three left to pick up Jen.

The pretty girl was waiting outside her dorm when
Michael drove up.  Her eyes widened as she saw his car and she reddened as she
saw him.  Sam made the introductions and watched her brother carefully.  Yeah,
this was a good set up. The four went to a little coffee shop off campus to
talk and get to know each other.  Jen was easygoing and intelligent, soft
spoken with a good sense of humor.  Sam liked her.  More so, Michael did too.

The girls excused themselves to the bathroom where Jen
grabbed Sam’s hand.  “He’s so sweet!  Do you think he likes me?”

“No doubt.  I know him better than I do myself.  Told
you he’s a cutey.”

“He is beyond cute.  Those eyes!  And he’s cut.”  She
turned to look at her backside in the mirror.  “My ass is huge.  I better start
working out and lose some weight, huh?”

“Why?  You’re beautiful.  He prefers a girl with a
little meat, especially the backend.  Just be yourself and don’t try to change for
anyone.  He’s super honest, so you aren’t going to get any deception from him.”

“He’s a little intimidating.  Not towards me, but his
carriage.  So is Rich.  But they are both so nice.”

“They are dominant men, that’s all.  They are just
like my dad and uncle, and just as wonderful.  Try to relax.  Michael is my
best friend.  I would tell you if he was vibing something strange, I promise.“

“I’m glad you guys came.  I hate blind dates.  Even
when they are drop dead gorgeous,” Jen giggled, brushing her long hair out.

“We’ll do our best to make you comfortable, okay? 
Take your time and if you want us along, just let Michael know.  He doesn’t
mind.  Rich is like his best friend now, next to me.”

“Okay.  I’ll see what he says.  Let’s go back, I can’t
get enough of those eyes.”

Rich watched the girls leave, and then leaned forward
to his friend.  “Well?  What do you think?”

“She is adorable!  I love her face and she seems so sweet. 
Did you see that ass?” Michael grinned.

“I wasn’t looking at her ass.  I am dating your
sister, remember?  But she is a looker.  And well versed.”

“I want to go slow with this one and see how she fits
with the family.  Kind of like what we did with you.  You know how important
that is to us.”

“She might feel a little intimidated.  Having Sammi
around might help her be more comfortable.”

“Intimidated?  Why?”

“Mike, I’m 6’4” and 215 pounds.  Your family
intimidated me at first!  You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?”

“Yeah.”  Michael punched his arm.  “They can be a
little overwhelming.  You and I have that going for us, too.  I love watching
my sister shrink when you give her the

“I didn’t think you noticed,” Rich chuckled. 

“Trust me, there is very little I miss.  Ah, the
ladies return,” he said, standing with Rich as the girls came back to the
table.  They held the chairs for them and then rejoined them.

“I must admit,” Jen commented.  “I don’t recall seeing
this type of manners being displayed by anyone nowadays.  It’s delightful.”

“My father insists on etiquette.  We’ve been raised
with old-school values and practices.  May I get you some more coffee?”

“No thank you.  I’m really enjoying myself tonight. 
Thanks so much for inviting me.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Michael said, taking her
hand in his large one, and meeting her eyes.  They reminded him of melted
chocolate.  “I’d like to do this again very soon.”

“That would be wonderful.  Do you mind if we double
again?  I’m kind of shy and your sister really helps relax me.  She said I
should ask you,” Jen said, watching Rich take the other girl outside to the
garden area to give the new couple a few minutes alone.

“I love having Rich and Sam along.  They keep me
entertained,” he laughed sweetly.  “Are you busy Sunday night?”

“I have no plans other than studying.  Finals are coming

“If you need help with anything, please ask.  I’ll
call you with details, okay?”

“I would like that.  Thanks.”  She blushed slightly.

He gently squeezed her hand.  “Just be up front with
me.  I know you’re nervous.  I’m not going to hurt you,” he reassured, his
white teeth flashing. 

She looked down.  “My insecurities.  I’m a bit of a
nerd and have never had a man of your, well, caliber be interested in me.  I’m
sorry if I’m too forward.”

“If my opinion matters, I think you are absolutely
beautiful, funny, smart and sexy.  You’re quiet too - although I doubt that
will last long being around my kid sister for any amount of time.  I like what
I am seeing and don’t want you to ever try to alter who you are to try to
please me or anyone else, okay?”

“That’s what Samantha said, too.  I’m being silly, I’m

“Just don’t let her talk you into participating in any
of her stunts.  She’s a trouble-maker,” Michael grinned. 

Jen smiled back.  “I had that feeling about her.  I’ll
bet she’s a hoot to live with.”

“Life is certainly not boring with her around.  She
said you were a bio major.  Do you dive?”

“Yes, but I haven’t had much time since school
started.  I like surfing, too. ”

“Me too.  What about shopping?”

“Shopping?  I loathe shopping, sorry.”

“That’s it.  I’m keeping you,” Michael laughed.  “My
sister is terrible with shopping.  Poor Rich hasn’t had to play that card yet. 
What else do you want to share about yourself?”

“I know this sounds boring, but I’m an old-fashioned
farm girl from Kentucky.  I have twin eight year old brothers and my parents
have been married for 24 years.  I want to finish school, start my career and
hopefully fall in love, get married and have a dozen kids.  Silly, huh?”

“A dozen?”  Michael smiled, liking the girl even more.

“Maybe not a dozen, but at least four or five would be
good.  How about you?”

“If my children are anything like my sister, I’ll
settle for two or three,” he laughed loudly.  “Like my uncle says, her purpose
in life is to keep us in good shape, while making us prematurely gray.  She
can’t have children, so I get to make up the difference.”

“She can’t?  Why not?” Jen asked gently. 

Michael shrugged.  “Long story, but the bottom line is
that she was in a severe accident almost a year ago that crushed several organs. 
That’s one reason I’m glad she met Rich.  He doesn’t want kids either, so she
doesn’t feel pressured.”

“I really love how protective you are of her.  It’s very
noticeable.  Is it because of the accident?”

“No, because she was given to me by my parents as a
birthday present.  She’s always been my plaything and I never outgrew her.  We
do everything together and I love it.  That is something that I will never
allow to change,” he said, watching her reaction.

“I envy you.  My family is fairly close, but I
couldn’t stand having the twins around me for more than an hour.  They’ve
gotten worse since they got older.  I’ve always been a bit of a loner in order
to keep my sanity.  It must be wonderful to have a brother or sister so close
to you.”

“Having her around was really the only sense of
normality we had,” Michael explained.  “We were raised among hundreds of
servicemen, but never with kids our own age.  I didn’t even know how to begin
thinking like a kid, let alone acting like one.  Rich is the first real friend
I’ve had in my age range.”

“Was it hard growing up in that type of environment?”

“It’s all we’ve ever known.  My family is very loving,
supportive and protective.  We’ve never lacked for affection or discipline.  My
parents have provided a good balance of both and pushed us to never settle for
second best.  My mom passed when I was five and left my uncle Scott to take her
place.  It’s been harder on Sam, being the only female, but Scott raised my
mom, so he really helped Dad.  You’d like them.  They are good people.”

“They sound wonderful.  I can’t wait for the chance to
meet them,” Jen whispered, gazing into his eyes.  She felt her heart pounding
and blushed again.

“You’re cute when you blush.”

Jen made a face.  “I do that a lot.  It doesn’t take
much.  Sorry.”

“Please stop apologizing.  That’s the first thing
we’ll work on, okay?”

“Okay.  Sorry, I mean…”  She flushed again as his
deep, warm laugh echoed in the room. 

Sam, hearing it, turned.  She felt a warmth rise
through her.  “We’re connecting, I can sense him.  He’s happy,” she whispered
to Rich.

“Do you physically sense his emotions or is it in
response to his laughter?”

“I physically sense it.  It’s become pronounced since
we were integrated.  We haven’t found the origin of the synaptic link yet.”

“Maybe it’s chemical instead of electric.  Similar to
the pheromones.  Have you looked into that?’

Sam stared at him.  “Oh shit, you might be right! 
Come on!”

“No, we are on a date.  And your parents said no
swearing.  You’re in trouble.”  Rich grabbed her hand, pulling her next to his

She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up into
his eyes.  “Oh really?  And what are you going to do about it?” she whispered,
batting her lashes. 

Rich hummed, thinking, his arms wrapped around her snugly. 
“I think I might have to put you across my knee and give that gorgeous little
bottom a good spanking,” he whispered back.

“That wasn’t what I wanted to hear.”

“Of course not, but then did you think I would reward
bad behavior with something else?  Like a kiss?” he mumbled into her lips.

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