Caught in the Net (3 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #paranormal, #domestic discipline, #contemporary romance, #spanking

BOOK: Caught in the Net
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Michael wrapped his arm around the man’s neck.  “Nah,
you’re just old.  We’ll see you guys tonight.  I’ll call if we are late.  I
might take her out to dinner if she’s nice to me.”

“Have fun.  Love you,” Dr. Quimby said, kissing his
daughter's forehead and leaving with Scott complaining about his side hurting.

“Dinner?  Where?” Sam asked excitedly.

Michael sat on the edge of the table, crossing his
arms.  “Dunno.  Any ideas?”

“I only have jeans and a tee shirt to change into, so
somewhere casual.  Maybe downtown?”

“Hmmm, I could go for Cajun.”

“Yum.  Can we close now?  Please?”

Michael looked at his watch, nodding.  “Go get changed
and we’ll get out of here.  Frank?  We’re gonna scoot out a bit early and grab
a bite.  We haven’t really eaten much since yesterday.  Would you please close

“Sure thing, Mike.  I still don’t know why you guys
don’t just take off the days you get called on assignment.  You both look

“Got things to do.  Plus, the old folks wanted to
interrogate.  You know the routine.  I might start changing it, though,
especially since she’s so cranky when she doesn’t get enough sleep.”

”Please do.  She scares us,” Frank grimaced.

Michael laughed, and then turned to see his sister
present herself wearing snug jeans and a cropped shirt showing off her tanned,
muscular, but tiny, mid-section and the soft curve of her hips.  Both men
raised their eyebrows.

“What’s this, pray tell?” Michael asked, poking her

She giggled, “Don’t do that, it tickles.”

“We’ll get you something a little more appropriate to
wear to dinner.  I’ll be back in a minute, I need to change, too.”

* * * * *

“I know what I really want to do.  You promised you
would buy me anything I wanted, right?” Sam asked, allowing her brother to take
her hand and start towards the car.  Michael glanced at her suspiciously.

“I did.  Within reason.  What is it?”

“I would never take advantage of your generosity and
you know it.  Promise?  Anything?”

“Well… that is true, you haven't so far.  So, yes.”

“I want to get my belly button pierced.”

“You’re kidding,” Michael groaned.

“Nope.  Take me, please?  I’ll let you pick out the

Michael shook his head.  “What do you think Dad would
say to that?”

“I’ve never asked him.  Probably ‘no’.  He had a fit
when Scott let me get my ears pierced.  It’s not like a tattoo.  Plus, I am an
adult, you know.”

“Your age doesn't mean a thing when it comes to him
and you know it, Samantha,” Michael grunted, calling her by full name to
emphasize his point.  “Aren’t you supposed to stay out of water and stuff for a
couple of weeks to avoid infection?”

Sam ignored him.  “I was going to propose this to
you.  If you take me, I’ll let you hook me up and see how the readings react in
response to the pod.  I can talk with them about your monitoring ideas.  Well?”

Michael eyed her again, and decided to seize his
opportunity for cooperation.  “Scott wouldn’t care if you did it.  All right,
but no more arguments about the pod, got it?”

“I promise.  Thanks.  You should get a tattoo.”

“Not this time, thank you.”

“Chicken.  I’ve heard about this place downtown that has
a good reputation.”

“First, let's get you something better to wear, then
dinner, then the torture.”



Michael’s Jag caught the eye of several women as he
pulled into Horton Plaza.  By the time they finished shopping, he was in
possession of four phone numbers and a date for that Saturday night.  His
sister was not happy with his choice and freely offered her unsolicited

“I don’t like that girl.  She’s a gold digger.  She
also kept giving me the evil eye like she didn’t believe I was your sister.”

Michael shook his head, calling upon his patience. 
“Sam, despite our coloring and size, we have the same features.  No one in
their right mind would think differently.  I just want to have some fun with a
pretty girl now and then.  Please don’t be so possessive.”

“I'm not possessive.  I am protective.  I don't want
to have to kick the ass of any girl who tries to come between us.  You are mine

“I'd be interested in hearing what your definition of
‘possessiveness’ is, if you don't think that comment proved it.”

“Okay, fine.  Be that way.  I guess then you wouldn’t
mind if we went on a double date.  Just for fun.”

“Now wait, you didn’t…”  Michael frowned, putting the
bags into the trunk after handing Sam a top to change into. 

“Yep, I gave him my number.  He asked me out Saturday
night.  His name is Rich.”

“But, he’s a lot older than you.  Does he know your

“Mike, you are positively pale.  Yes, I was honest
with him.  And he’s 23.  Around the same age as you.  And way hot!”

“You know nothing about this guy!  I can’t allow it.”

“You can't allow it?  Excuse me?”  Sam planted her
hands on her hips and scowled.  “Should we talk about which one of us is
possessive?  Michael, I love you, but you aren’t my father.  Rich seems to be a
nice guy and he was very respectful to me.  He’s the one who suggested that we
double when I told him you were my brother.  He also works at North Island.”

“I don’t care.  It’s illegal to fraternize,” Michael
glowered, looking for an excuse.

“He’s a lieutenant, Mike.  Butter bar.  Two years out
of OCS,” she answered firmly, meeting his eyes without blinking.

Michael recognized the stubborn tilt of the chin.  It
was one of the few physical features she managed to inherit from their father. 
She was not budging on this one!  'Choose your battles carefully', was the
mantra that echoed in his mind, so he relented and offered a temporary truce. 
“Let’s go eat.  I don’t want to argue tonight, all right?” he said softly. 
“Put your seat belt on, please, and put on your shirt before we leave the
parking structure.  We don't need an accident while you strip.”

“Ha ha, funny man.”  Sam caught the hint to change the
subject and obeyed, tying the tails of the new blouse around her waist and
offering him a mischievous grin. 

“You are just gonna try my patience tonight, aren't
you little sister?”

“I didn't do anything.  I'm a delight.” 

“You certainly have your moments,” Michael agreed

Despite several failed attempts to dissuade her,
Michael found himself being dragged into the piercing shop and to the counter
to help pick out a ring.  Rolling his eyes and quickly becoming bored, he
pointed to a titanium ring with a sparkling heliotrope crystal.  “I like that

“It’s gorgeous, but also 150 bucks,” Sam said quietly.

Michael shrugged.  “So?  Do you like it?”

“Of course, but it's too expensive.”

“She’ll take that one,” he announced decisively,
scanning the paperwork before handing it to Sam to sign.  Anthony, the piercer,
grinned as Michael rushed out of the room during the procedure.

“Mike?  You okay, bro?”  Sam called.  “It’s doesn’t
hurt.  Just a little pinch.”

“I needed some water,” Michael called back, his voice
sounding a little choked.

“Don't worry about him.  I see a lot of guys get
queasy during piercings.” Anthony chuckled, helping the girl up.  “He’ll be
fine.  How’s it feel?”

“Honestly, it didn’t hurt.  How’s it look?”

“Beautiful.  You have the perfect shape for these. 
When it heals, you can change it.  In fact, I, well… Here, I’d really like you
to take this,” he said blushing, handing her a box.  She opened it and gasped. 
It was a dangling white gold dolphin with a diamond eye.

“It's stunning!  But, how did you know…”

“You made quite an impression on me.  A bunch of us
were surfing the day you brought that kayaker in from the rip.  None of us knew
that you guys were out there, watching over us with that whale.”  He
shuddered.  “Anyway, I couldn't stop talking about it and when my wife and I
went to a show, she saw this piece and made me buy it.  Please, I want you to
have it as a thanks for keeping us safe out there.”

Sam was touched and hugged him closely.  “You have no
idea what this means to me, Anthony.  Thank you so much.  I promise to wear it
with pride.”

“Just stay safe out there.  That whale...”

“Next to my big brother, that boy is my best friend. 
He's saved my butt more times than I can count,” Sam smiled, patting his arm. 
“Now, speaking of the big brother, let's go see if he passed out on the floor.”

They found Michael sitting on a chair, head between
his legs.  Sam rubbed his shoulder as she squatted down to look at him.  “Hey,
are you okay?  You are positively green.  I don't get it; you have seen much
more gross stuff than this.  Look how pretty it is,” she ordered.  Michael
blushed a bit, apologizing for his reaction to the piercing.

“You’re not alone, my friend.  This happens all the
time,” Anthony smiled kindly, reaching to shake Michael’s hand.  “I could never
do what you guys do out there.  Thanks so much.”

Sam shared Anthony's story as she skipped happily
beside her brother, completely unaware of his exhaustion.  He placated her by
pretending interest, keeping her entertained with questions and asking her
opinions on work related matters, wondering where she had managed to summon the
level of energy she was demonstrating.  He withheld a sigh of relief when his
cell phone rang at 9:30.

“Hey, it’s me.  When are you two coming home?  You
have work tomorrow.”

“Thank God it's you.  I swear, Dad, the kid has
managed to wear me out.  She can never accuse me of not being the best brother
in the world after tonight.  Sammi?  Are you ready to go home?  It’s Dad.”

“Do we have to?” she whined.  “It's still early.”

“Tell her ‘yes’.  You can blame me,” Dr. Quimby said,
hearing his daughter in the background.  “Did you also let her exhaust your
savings account?”

“Pretty close.  She had fun, though.  She’s looking in
another store now.  How the hell did you handle this with Mom?  I can’t keep up
with her shopping escapades.”

“I tried to just hand her the credit card and tell her
to go and have fun,” Dr. Quimby said.  “Of course, your mom didn’t like
shopping alone and dragged one of us with her to suffer.  Scott used that time
to pick up girls.”

“Trust me, I got some numbers.  Here she is.  Sam?  Please,
let’s go home.  You can drive; I’m beat, hon.”

Dr. Quimby laughed, as he heard the loud, happy
squeal, and ordered them to be careful, before hanging up.  Michael sighed,
handing Sam the keys.

“You’re really going to let me drive your car?  Wow,
you MUST be tired.”  Sam snatched them from him and began to trot towards the
parking spot.

“Slow down and wait for me, kid.  I am either
completely exhausted or totally insane.  You scratch it and you are dead meat,”
Michael warned.  “So, how long are you going to hide your little secret from

“Oh, I already have a strong defense if I need it. 
You won’t get in trouble for letting me do it, will you?”

“Probably, but I don't care.  Making you happy is
worth getting yelled out now and then.  I haven’t seen you have this much fun
in a while.  You actually were acting like a teenager.  It was nice,” he
admitted, settling in the passenger's seat and closing his eyes.

“Thank you so much for taking me out and doing this. 
Of course, I know I’ll be paying you back for a long time,” Sam stated as she
took a sharp turn and glanced over as he grasped the edge of the seat.

“Please slow down!” Michael begged.  “Can’t I just
take my baby sister out for dinner and shopping without suspicion?”

“I know you too well, Michael.  But I'm okay with it. 
Just let me know what you need me to do.  As for my secret, as far as I’m concerned,
Scott gave his permission.”

* * * * *

“YOU DID WHAT?” Dr. Quimby roared.  Michael bit his
lip and tried to ignore the slight shaking in his knees, as his sister grabbed
his arm and hid behind him.  His father’s face was red with rage, neck vein
pulsing.  Scott stood calmly next to him, hands on his hips, also waiting for
an explanation.  They’d both caught a glimpse of the new belly button ring,
which Sam unsuccessfully tried to hide, while sunbathing.

“I gave her my consent, since she asked me for it.  I
made sure the place was clean and supervised it.  She’s 18 and could have done
it without my knowledge, but she didn’t.  I felt that she exercised maturity in
coming to me.”  Michael tried to remain calm, reminding himself that he was no
longer a child and had no reason to be afraid of his father’s rare outbursts

“Daddy, please don’t yell at Mike.  This is my fault,”
Sam requested softly, clinging to her brother's wrist as she peeked out from
under his arm.

“Front and center, young lady.  NOW,” Dr. Quimby
commanded.  Hesitating, the girl obeyed.  She also tried to hide her
trembling.  “Whatever possessed you to do such a thing?”

“Well,” she started; ready to use her secret weapon. 
“It makes me feel pretty and Uncle Scott told me to do whatever I needed to
feel that way.  He also told Michael to buy me something nice, too.  It is
beautiful, don’t you think?  I swear, it didn't hurt a bit and the guy said I
had the perfect shape for it,” she said, before lifting her shirt to show
them.  The crystal glittered in the sunlight.

“Samantha, when I told you that, I meant clothes or
shoes or something normal, not this,” Scott said patiently.

“You don't like it?” she asked him, tears welling in
her eyes.

He sighed, nodding.  “Don't you start crying.  It's
lovely, darling, but you knew how your dad would react.  We went through this
when you got your ears pierced.  Please, no tears.  Damn it.  Joe, it’s not
like it’s permanent.  She can take out the thing if it’s that big of a deal.” 
Scott caved as a single fat tear rolled slowly down Sam's smooth cheek.

“I wouldn’t have given my permission for something
like a tattoo, Dad.  Please don’t be so angry.  It IS pretty,” Michael pleaded,
as he pulled his sister against his body when she began to cry softly with

“Not for my daughter.  Absolutely not.  And I know
crocodile tears when I see them.  Enough, Samantha,” Dr. Quimby growled, unaffected
by the display.

“Why don’t you two go take a walk for an hour or so
and give Dad a chance to calm down,” Scott suggested, nodding towards the back

“Okay, bye,” Michael said quickly, grabbing his
sister’s hand and dragging her out back and down to the beach.  The two walked
along the surf silently for a few minutes when Michael finally spoke.  “He
looked like he was going to blow a fuse.”

“I know.  I thought he was going to haul off and smack
you.  I think he was angrier with you than me.  I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, it seems.  He probably thinks that I
overstepped my bounds with giving consent.  I should have been more
responsible,” came the regretful response.

“Excuse me?  Michael, look at me,” Sam demanded,
stopping to stare up at him.  “How well do you know me?”

“As well as I know myself.  Why?”

“Then answer this question.  Would telling me ‘no’
keep me from doing what I wanted?  I’m 18 now, I could have just hauled off and
done it without your approval.  I mean, how many times did you try to talk me
out of it?”

“That word, ‘no’, has never been a favorite of yours,
that’s for sure.”

“So, in essence, the reality of things is that you
assured my safety by giving your consent and supporting my decision.  You
inspected the shop, liked the guy and purchased a high quality ring.  That’s
more responsible than leaving me to my own devices.”

“They were wrong.  YOU should have been an attorney. 
Thanks, little sister,” he smiled, hugging her.  “It’s so funny.  I’m 22 years
old, 6’3” tall, a good solid 210 pounds, black belt in four disciplines in
martial arts and a Marine Corps Special Forces officer.  And I still want to
run out of reach when my father gets mad at me.”

“Why do you think I still hide behind you?  You’re a
rock solid fortress.  I honestly don't understand what the big deal is.”

“It’s one of his hang ups, that’s all.  He’s like that
about this type of thing.  Don’t worry, Scott will straighten it out.  He
always does in situations like this.”

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