Caught on Camera: Part Four (6 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Four
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“This is the key, the key that will open the door to what you really want. Submission. Be blind, mute and willing for me to control you and own your pleasure. During that time nothing can hurt you but me, and I will make your hurt pleasure.”

The ends of the flogger swept over Reece’s arse, tickling and teasing.

Reece groaned and tipped his head back, letting his neck droop. He’d waited so long for this.

And then it was there. With a sharp slice of fast moving air and a shooting sting of pain, the flogger bit his right buttock.

He jerked forward. His cock bobbed and his tongue pressed up against the ball.

“That’s just the beginning,” Cade said. “We have much to do before you are really surrendered.”

He hit again, the opposite buttock.

Reece let the pain burn through his skin to his pelvis and to his cock.

It hurt. If he hadn’t been so aroused, so keen to find that dreamy state Cade had spoken of, he would have protested. But he wanted it. He wanted more.

He shoved his arse backwards as though searching for the flogger.

“Oh, good boy,” Cade said, stroking Reece’s head, down his spine and over his arse. “That’s it. Here you go.”

Cade began to hit in a one-per-second rhythm. Each strike on a slightly different area of Reece’s skin, his arse, the tops of his thighs, his lower back and his shoulders.

Over and over the pain nipped, bloomed then penetrated.

Reece screwed his eyes up tighter. Fuck, his balls were retracting and his cock surging. The discomfort, the burn… It was making him so hard, so turned on. And his mind, it was reaching that pale-fogged state—thoughts transient, internal words not forming. It was all about the pain and the next hit.

Cade paused and again ran his palm over Reece’s sore skin.

“You’re doing so well,” he whispered. “But it’s time to take it up a level. Keep your eyes shut though. I don’t want you coming back to the room when I’ve just got you floating.”

Reece managed a small moan in reply. His buttocks and back were on fire. The air that had been hot when he’d walked in felt cool, swirling around his body now.

Cade’s breaths were on his arse and his hands touching, feeling, exploring between his legs.

He touched Reece’s balls.

Reece curled his toes and pulled on his wrist harnesses. The cum inside him was eager to get out. His cock was desperate for attention.

“Shh…” Cade said, pulling Reece’s left arse cheek aside. “Take this now.”

Slippery lube, cold and soothing, rubbed over Reece’s anus.

He let his chin fall to his chest. He knew what was coming. He just hoped he could take it.

The tip of the butt plug pushed through his sphincter. Smooth and a little chilly, it stretched him wider and wider as Cade inserted it.

As his hole accommodated the thicker part of the plug, Reece groaned. The sound quivered around the ball, his teeth and his tongue and up to the joints in his temple.

Damn, it felt good to be full back there and Cade was easing it in at the perfect speed.

Suddenly it popped in completely. Reece was aware of the T-bar pressing on his cheeks and stopping the plug from getting lost inside him.

“How’s that?” Cade asked, pressing his chest to Reece’s back and whispering in his ear.

Reece nodded.

“Let’s see if you like this?”

Reece was aware of Cade stepping away. He knew what was coming.

More of the flogger.

It snapped down on his arse, both cheeks.

He clenched, and as he did so, a deep throbbing sensation raged through his rectum and into his belly. He jerked upwards, pushed back. The feeling followed.

The butt plug was vibrating.

“Shh, there you go. I’ve got you.”

Cade was in front of him, cupping his cheeks.

Reece didn’t open his eyes but he could feel Cade’s breath on his face as he’d spoken.

“Mmm…” he groaned against the ball.

It was a sensation he’d never felt before. Fuck. It was incredible. Instant orgasm.

Cade gripped Reece’s cock—a firm, still hold that beat down a wave of arousal that threatened to topple him over the edge.

“Not yet, sub,” Cade said. “I’ll tell you when.”

Reece tried to keep still but he was tugging with his wrists and his feet. Fighting against the cross.

“Keep still,” Cade said, stroking his cheek and still gripping his cock. “Let me hold you. I know what’s best for you. Push everything out of your mind. There is only this moment and it seals the past and molds the future.”

A future with Cade, was what Reece wanted to shout. He couldn’t imagine not having him there. It was a crazy flush of love but that was what it was, love. He was sure.

Reece managed to calm his breathing and his twitching movements. He was coping with the vibrations. Not to say he didn’t still want to come, he did.

“That’s it,” Cade said, “just breathe. Just breathe through this next whip of pain.”

Reece groaned.
The whip.
Fuck, he couldn’t even imagine what that would feel like.

Cade released him and again Reece let his head fall forward. He was on fire, hung up, strewn out, bared for all to see. He had nowhere to hide. It was as if every shred of his soul was spread out for the room to witness.

“Brace,” Cade said.

Reece heard the snap of the whip.

A practice lash.

Silence descended. It was as if everyone had collectively held their breath.

Then the real hit came. A streak of electric-hot pain seared over his right buttock.

Reece yelled around the gag, his tongue bashing into the ball. Shit, that had really fucking hurt.

Before he’d finished thrashing against his binds another hit came. It speared across the first slash, creating an agonizing cross right over his arse.

His cock heaved. His belly clenched. A wild ringing in his ears blocked out all thought and he felt like he was lifting off the floor, getting higher and higher. Looking down on himself, suspended, hovering on climax, surrendered to not just Cade, but everyone. Everyone here, everyone he’d ever known, everyone he’d ever meet in the future.

Suddenly the vibrating stopped.

Cade removed the plug with a slippery tug.

Almost immediately Reece felt the hot tip of Cade’s cock pushing into him.

He could have wept with relief. It was Cade he needed right now. Nothing else would do.

Cade didn’t go on an easy, stretching ride but a fast, frantic drive to full depth.

Reece held his breath, accepted Cade completely and allowed the first pulse of his orgasm to spurt out of his cock.

“Fuck yeah, come, sub,” Cade gasped by his ear. “Come and let everyone see that I own you. That you’re mine. That you’ll only ever be mine.”

“Urgh…” Reece managed, coming, over and over, just coming—flinching his muscles and straining against the cross. Pleasure pounded through his body, ravaging his nerves.

Cade was burying deep with each thrust and also yanking on Reece’s cock. Their balls bashed together and Cade’s fist whacked against Reece’s belly with each jerk on his erection.

Bright lights flashed in Reece’s vision and spiraled him inwards, into his own mind where there was only Cade—Cade fucking him, holding him, possessing him. The pleasure was intense, more than fire, more than death.

Reece became aware of Cade climaxing as his last spurt of bliss splattered onto the dungeon floor.

“Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah,” Cade gasped. “Open your eyes. Look at all these people seeing you belong to me.”

Reece did as instructed.

A sea of faces, including Stella and Mindie, stared back at him. Their features were fudged because his vision was blurry, but he could sense a wave of arousal coming off them, off everyone—some were kissing, fondling, to his right two men were also getting frisky. Their show had gotten them all hot for it—hot and wet and looking for action.

“Ah, there, it is,” Cade said, stilling. “Fuck yeah. Damn it. I love you, sub. I really fucking love you.”




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Escape to the Country

Lily Harlem




Chapter One



With Jackie O sunglasses perched on the bridge of my nose and a Burberry scarf around my auburn curls, I chucked my suitcase on the back seat of the car and leapt in.

“All set?” Tim asked, cracking a grin my way.

“Absolutely.” I rubbed my hands together in excitement and did a little bounce on the seat. “Can’t wait.”

He revved the engine twice, hard, and the wheels spun off the gravel driveway, catapulting stones at the grimy brick wall of our London flat. We bumped onto the road and our soft-top Mercedes roared up the gears, showing approval at being taken for a decent ride, and Tim, well, Tim looked more than ready to catch some serious speed after being cooped up in his high-rise office all week. This trip away was all he’d talked about since it had been arranged.

“You’ll love Matt and Jane, I just know you will,” he shouted over the rush of wind when we hit the M40. “We had such a blast together at Uni. They were always up to something, always the ones with the crazy ideas.”

I smiled and looked out at the first fields I’d seen in months. He’d told me all this before. “It was kind of them to invite us,” I replied. “It’s just what we need, long walks in the Cotswolds and lazy pub lunches.”

Tim smiled in that crooked way I loved and reached for my hand. He pulled it to his mouth and his dark stubble scratched my palm as he kissed me. “Lots of long lazy everything,” he said with a naughty boy wink. “And maybe a few quickies too.”

I felt a twist of optimism in my heart. We could do with some free time to re-connect physically. My shift work and his stress levels had left action in the bedroom infrequent and, when it did happen, unsatisfying—for me at least. An escape to the country would do us good, force us into concentrating on what we could give one another instead of just careering along in the rat race, paddling like mad for the next promotion and pay cheque.


* * * *


Two hours later, at the end of a pot-holed lane, we found ‘Buttercup Cottage’ buried beside a small copse. It had a dense, dusty thatch which lifted like drooping eyebrows over four open upstairs windows and a matching thatched porch which sheltered a red stable door. Bay windows on either side showcased enormous bunches of wild flowers on the inside and, on the outside, held wonky window boxes which tickled the ground with ivy and hit halfway up the panes with overgrown geraniums.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, instantly captured in a bubble of excitement. “It’s like something from a movie set, or a postcard, or…or a dream.”

Tim shoved at the rickety wooden gate and I rolled my cerise suitcase onto the cobbled pathway. “Yeah, Matt fell right on his feet with this place when property prices slumped a few years ago.”

I murmured an agreement and pulled in a deep breath; it was like being at a Harrods perfume counter, only so much better. The heat from the midday sun had warmed all the floral scents and they slipped up my nose and over my tongue like syrup. Jasmine, lavender, rosehip, lilac—it was a cacophony of delight for my smog-ridden senses.

I was just about to comment on this delight when the front door burst in on itself. Out of the shadows stepped a tall, tanned guy, early thirties, dressed in a pair of aquamarine swim shorts and leather flip flops. He had wide, defined shoulders, a mop of dark blond hair, which looked damp, and the smoothest, broadest chest I’d ever seen, so perfectly silky it must have been freshly shaved and expensively moisturised.

“Matt,” Tim called as he dodged round me.

Matt’s face crinkled into a grin. He took two ground-eating paces up the path, flung his arms around Tim’s shoulders and slapped him heartily on the back. “How you doing, old mate?”

“Great to see you,” Tim said, giving his friend an equally forceful slap. “Thanks so much for inviting us.”

“No, no, thank you for coming. We get so bored here on our own weekend after weekend. It’ll be great to have some new blood in the place.” Matt snapped back from Tim and turned his attention to me. “And this must be the delectable Annie.” He stepped up and cupped my face in his big hands, his voice dropped low. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Hi,” I said, looking into eyes so blue they could have been chipped from an ancient glacier. “Nice to meet you, Matt.” I swallowed.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He bent his head and kissed me full on the mouth. Not a quick peck and not a deep, tongued affair. But a heavy, passion-infused kiss that covered my lips and continued for several long seconds.

I stood there dumb, in shock, arms hanging at my sides. Matt had so over stepped the mark of a polite greeting. Was I complaining? Hell no, the guy was cute, and like his garden, he smelt divine, sun cream mixed with a tangy fresh male scent. But as he pulled away, it flashed through my mind that my longed-for weekend away could have already finished. If Tim took offence to Matt’s overfriendly greeting, I would be scrambled back into the car and sped up the motorway before I’d seen a single buttercup.

I glanced nervously at Tim. But he just grinned and pushed a hand through his dark curls. He could occasionally get jealous. In the year we’d been together, there’d been several instances when other men had chatted to me in bars and clubs and he’d warned them off with threats of violence, so this reaction knocked me off kilter. He seemed to almost approve of his old friend cradling my head in his hands, kissing me and gazing into my eyes.

I looked back up at Matt’s handsome face. He licked his lips, seemingly savouring the fruity flavour of my lip gloss. “Mmm,” he said. “Delicious, Jane is going to love you.”

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