Caught on Camera: Part Two (3 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Two
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“You have?” Reece turned to Cade.

“Yep.” Cade fingered the shirt. “Getting paid to wear nice clothes and fuck is my idea of a good day.”

“Trouble is…” Tom hesitated. “Cade has given me a condition.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Reece asked.

“He said he’d only do it if he gets to choose his male lead.”

Reece was struggling to keep up. Tom was filming a porn movie, today? Cade was in it and Cade was picking the male lead? Why the hell was he here?

“And,” Tom said, “he now tells me he’ll only work if you take the job opposite him.” He raised his palms. “He only wants to fuck you, Reece. Only wants you.”

Reece let his jaw hang open.
Star in a porno?
Him? With Cade?

“Say yes,” Cade said, reaching for Reece’s hand. “Go on. You know you want to. We’ll have an amazing time together.”

“I don’t really understand,” Reece said. The idea of being fucked with hundreds of film crew around wasn’t exactly a turn on.

“I should probably add,” Tom said, “that I have a very unique way of filming my movies. I like my actors relaxed and comfortable, and I also like the orgasms real. Women can fake it, blokes can’t. I want to see that spunk on camera.”

“Spunk on camera?” Reece repeated.

“I insist on only one cameraman in the room. The sound techs and lighting do their job first then get shooed out. So you won’t feel like you’re being ogled by a whole gang of people.”

“Okay,” Reece said.
Why the fuck was he saying okay? That sounded like he was agreeing to this crazy idea.

“And you will be wonderfully looked after during the filming of the movie,” Tom added.

“How long will it take?” Reece asked.

“About a week,” Cade said. “I reckon you could afford to take a break.”

“Do you work for yourself?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, it’s my own business. Won’t make me rich but it keeps me warm and fed.”

Tom leaned forward. “I can pay you handsomely for your services—either in royalties from the finished movie or a one off payment.”

“Well, I don’t know.” Reece turned to Cade. “What are you doing?”

“One off,” Cade said with a shrug. “Know where I’m at then.”

“And how much is the one off?” Reece asked.

“Ten thousand pounds plus all expenses.”

Reece jumped up. “What the fuck? Is this a joke?”

“No,” Cade said with a smile. “No joke.”

Tom stood and walked around the desk. “It’s big business, sex, and it pays well, Reece. Ten thousand is a lot for a first timer but I’m in rather a pickle so I’m happy to pay well to dig my way out of it.” He gestured down the length of Reece’s body. “And you fit the part perfectly.”

Chapter Eight




“I’ll do it.” The words fell from Reece’s mouth and as they did, his heart stuttered.
Ten thousand fucking pounds.
He’d be able to pay off his credit cards, sort out the van and take a holiday all from one week’s work. Shit a brick, that was awesome.

“You will?” Cade said, raising his eyebrows.

“Fuck yeah. Ten thousand quid to fuck you for a week. How can I say no? How can that be real?” Reece shoved his fingers through his hair.

Tom laughed. “It’s real all right.”

Cade stood and held out his hand to Reece. He tugged him up then pulled him into a hug. “You won’t regret it,” he whispered. “I promise.”

Reece wrapped his arms around Cade’s waist. “I hope not. I’m fucking terrified about being filmed shagging, but I’ll give it a go.”

“You’ll be the next big stars,” Tom said. “You and Cade clearly have chemistry, so just relax and have fun and you’ll hit the high life.” He groaned. “It’s when the two leads hate each other I really run into problems.”

“You won’t have that problem with us,” Cade said, skimming his lips over Reece’s.

“Good. Here are your scripts,” Tom said, pushing two pads of paper toward them on the desk. “Nothing complicated and I don’t mind a bit of ad lib. Just get your cocks out and shag like you mean it.”

Is there any other way to shag?

Reece untangled himself from Cade and took the script. He hadn’t held one since he’d been Joseph in the school Nativity play.

“Slippery Slots,” Cade said, reading the title of the film.

A voice in the back of Reece’s mind asked him again what the hell he was doing—
Slippery Slots
—but then he thought of his credit card bill and told that stupid voice to shut the hell up. He could do this. It was sex with Cade and he liked that. More than liked, he craved it.

“Okay…” he said. “Now what?” He looked at Tom.

“You go and learn your lines, loosen up, dress up and then we get to it. The set, sound and lighting crew are just finishing off the room.”

“The room?” Reece asked.

Tom placed his hands on his hips and a firmer look came over his face. “It starts now son—the filming. I’ve invested lots in this movie. It’s part of a Cities of the World series I’ve been winning industry awards for. There is much to be done.”

“Oh, well, okay.” Reece gripped the script a little tighter. They were starting now.

“Might as well jump in at the deep end,” Tom said with a twitch of a smile. “If you know what I mean.”

Reece raised his eyebrows. Did Tom know about their pool and hot tub liaisons? Their sunlounger shagging?

“Don’t worry about the decorating, someone else will finish and clear up. I want you to go and learn your lines,” Tom said with a wave. “Drink coffee, take Viagra, shave your chest hair, whatever you want. Go, and I’ll sort out your contracts and then call for you when we’re ready to roll.”

“Righto, boss,” Cade said, heading to the door. “Come on, Reece. I know I could do with a coffee before we start.”

Reece took one last look at Tom then followed Cade out of the office and across the hallway to the kitchen. His legs were a little floaty and his stomach felt hollow. It was like he was in a daydream or something.

“Have you done this before?” Reece asked as Cade filled the kettle.

“Yeah, a couple of times. But not anything this big.” He turned and grinned. “And I don’t mean big as in your cock. I mean big in as being the star of the movie.”

“Oh, I see.” Reece sat on one of the bar stools at the island and clasped his hands together.

“Yeah, this is cool. In the past I’ve stood in for no-shows. A ménage the first time. I was mowing the lawn and Tom strolled across, told me he’d give me three grand to go inside and screw a couple of hot blokes for the afternoon.” He shook his head. “I felt how you’re probably feeling now. A bit stunned.”

“Yeah, stunned is right. I thought I was going to be painting all day.”

“How quickly life can change, eh?”

“You can say that again.” Reece paused. “So what else have you done?”

“Last month I did a week shoot in Spain.”


“Yeah. You don’t think this tan is all English, do you?” He tapped his chest.

“What was Spain? Another ménage?”

“Nah.” Cade reached for two mugs then spooned instant coffee into them. “That was a short film about matadors. It was fun—lots of whips and spanking and a bit of bondage. I wasn’t the star or anything, but I had a few more lines in that one.”

“And you didn’t mind doing all of that on film?”

Cade laughed. “’Course I didn’t mind. I loved it. Like, really loved it. I must be a bit of an exhibitionist because I was just so damn excited to see the end result. Me being fucked, me fucking—the whole thing. It was hot.”

“And you don’t mind if your family and friends see it?”

Cade poured boiling water into the mugs and stirred. “Well, I’d rather my mother didn’t watch it at her crochet club, you know. That just doesn’t feel right. But friends, nah, they know I’m bent as a tent peg and a complete show-off. I haven’t handed out the DVD for birthdays or anything, but if they come across it, hey ho. I’m the one that’s laughing. I’m the one with a damn Porsche.”

“The Boxter’s yours?” Reece widened his eyes.

“Ha, don’t look so impressed.” Cade set his coffee down. “It’s only second-hand and more than a few years old, but that’s what I treated myself to after Spain went so well. And now…” He sat next to Reece and took a sip of his coffee. “And now I’m going to be quids in again. Just like you are.”

Reece pursed his lips and blew out a breath. Damn, all that money. It was so worth feeling a little nervous to have his bank balance hitched up to the sky.

“Are you worried about your folks seeing it?” Cade asked, his smile slipping.

Reece shrugged. “My parents live in Malaysia. Went with my father’s work years ago and then they retired there. I don’t see them for years at a time. I was a pain in the arse as a teenager. We never quite recovered our relationship.”

“Oh, a bad boy.” Cade waggled his eyebrows.

“No, a pain in the arse, like I said. And my mates? I guess I’m like you. They know I’m into blokes, so it wouldn’t be a surprise to see me with one.” Reece thought about it for a moment. “I’m not real close to anybody. I’m pretty self-sufficient.”

Cade reached out and placed his hand over Reece’s. “I know we’ve only just met and this is a whirlwind of a thing we’ve got going on, but you’ve got me now.”

“It is a fucking whirlwind, you’re right. But I’m glad. Glad that I have you.”

“Gentlemen, gentleman, what are you doing?”

Reece turned as a woman with flowing blonde hair and huge breasts walked into the kitchen clapping.

“Hi, Donna,” Cade said, grinning.

“Cade.” She stopped, placed her hands on her hips and dropped her gaze down him. “Looking as fucking gorgeous as ever, I see. And that outfit I set out for you? It’s divine.”

Reece glanced at Cade. He did indeed look stunning in his smart clothes and every bit the movie star, even if it was a
movie star.

“And you must be Reece,” Donna said.

“Yeah, hi.” Reece stood.

“Well, well, well…” She walked up to him with her gaze slipping over his scruffy overalls and the tatty T-shirt he wore beneath. “I do believe there’s a hot body under all of…that”—she wafted her hand over his clothes—“just waiting to get out.”

“Oh, yeah, it’s hot.” Cade laughed. “You better believe it.”

Donna grinned, showing ultra-white teeth. “So strip,” she said to Reece.

Reece looked at Cade then back to Donna. “What? Here?”

“You’re a porn star now, honey. Get used to taking your clothes off on demand.”

“Oh, Donna, be easy on him,” Cade said, chuckling.

Donna winked at Reece. “I’m yanking your chain, though I am looking forward to seeing that tight tush of yours.” She stepped behind him and slapped his arse. “And I have the perfect outfit for you to get the show started.”

“Donna is in charge of wardrobe,” Cade said, plucking at his shirt. “She’ll get you all set and ready for action.”

“Ah, I see.” It made sense to Reece now. Though he wasn’t quite sure a woman smacking his arse was in the deal.

“Come with me, overall boy,” she said. “And I will have you looking the part in minutes.” She grabbed Reece’s hand and hugged his forearm to her chest. “Oh, we’re going to have such fun.”

Reece felt her soft breasts nestle against his arm. “Er, okay then.”

“See you in a minute,” Cade said, reaching for his coffee. “Oh, and take your script.”

Donna grabbed it from Cade’s hand. “I’ll make sure he knows what to do, just like I did you, Cade.”

“I’m sure you will,” Cade said with a grin. “I’m sure you will.”

Reece walked out of the kitchen with Donna then she led him up the stairs, still clutching him possessively. He felt like he was a new toy for her to play with.

“In there,” she said, nodding at a large door. “Is where the first scene of the movie is being filmed. The crew is nearly ready, so we mustn’t take too long getting you organized.”

“What exactly is the first scene?”

“It’s all in here.” She flapped the script in front of his face. “But it’s not Shakespeare, so don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Reece had hated Shakespeare at school. “Can I have that script?”

“In a minute, once you’re dressed.” She pushed down the handle of another door and led Reece into a room lined with clothes on rails.

Finally she released his hand. “Mmm,” she said. “I’m guessing thirty-two waist.”


“And sixteen collar.”

“Fifteen and a half.”

She plucked a pale blue shirt from a rail and some dark gray smart trousers. “You’re a lawyer just back from the courts after a tough trial. Your lover, Cade—or rather, Jenson—is waiting for you. It’s Valentines and he knows you’ve had a tough few weeks so has planned a perfect evening for you—champagne, strawberries and a surprise trip away.”

“Okay.” Cade nodded.

“Could you please strip now,” she said, raising her thinly arched eyebrows.

“Er, yeah, okay.” Reece began to slip out of his overalls.

“So this scene is all about Valentine’s evening.” She flicked through the first page of the script. “Look, hardly any lines to learn and it doesn’t matter if you make some of your own up, as long as it sticks to the story.”

“Yeah, Tom said that.”

“It’s about you fucking, fucking good and long, so there’s lots of close-ups of dicks and arses. The foreplay is great but it’s the fucking that pulls in the punters.”

Reece’s cock tingled. Just the word fucking was getting him excited. Damn, soon he’d be fucking with Cade again and getting paid handsomely for it.

He grinned, dropped his boxers and kicked them away. Soon he’d buy himself some real Calvin Kleins and not market knock-offs. As soon as he had that money in the bank, that was what he’d do.

“Mmm,” Donna said, rubbing her index finger over her bottom lip. “I’m thinking you won’t be needing any of the little blue pills.”

“No chance. Cade’s hot and I can’t wait to get started.” He fisted his shaft and pressed his thumb over the tip. “You want me to put underwear on under these posh trousers?”

“No, it just gets in the way when you’re stripped on set.”

“Fine by me.” Reece took the trousers from the hanger and pulled them on. He then slid his arms into the shirt.

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