Caught: Punished by Her Boss

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Authors: Claire Thompson

BOOK: Caught: Punished by Her Boss
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Romance Unbound Publishing






Claire Thompson










Edited by

Jae Ashley

Donna Fisk






Cover Art by Kelly Shorten








Ebook ISBN

Copyright 2012 Claire Thompson

All rights reserved


Chapter 1



“I think you’ll be quite pleased with what we’ve come up with.” Eric Chapman turned toward the three high-level executives of Franklin Foods, the frozen foods company he’d been courting for the past three months. He almost had the deal in the bag. This account would finally put his firm on the map, on equal footing with the big boys.

He nodded to Jessie, who lowered the lights. They all turned expectantly toward the screen and Eric pushed the key on the laptop to start the presentation, his heart pumping in anticipation.

There was a collective gasp from the two men and one woman, echoed by Eric as he took in what appeared on the wall screen. Bigger than life and in full color stood a tall, imposing woman wearing nothing but a black leather corset and lace thong panties, an impressive bullwhip in her hand. Her long legs were spread in a dominant pose, her feet arched in high stiletto heels. Her dark hair hung loose and straight and her lips were painted a deep, shiny red. A naked man with a jutting cock knelt at her feet, his face obscured by a black hood.

“Shit!” Jessie hissed in a low, urgent voice. At that precise moment Eric realized with a shock that jolted his nervous system just who that was up on the screen. He whipped his head in Jessie’s direction, stunned.

The picture was displayed another two seconds before Eric recovered enough control of his faculties to hit the X at the top of the page to close the image.

It was two seconds too long.

All three Franklin executives jumped up as if springs had propelled them out of their seats. “I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing, Chapman, but I’ve never been so disgusted in my life!” The senior VP of Franklin Foods turned a red, angry face toward Eric. “Is this some kind of sick joke?”

“It’s a terrible mistake,” Eric said quickly, glancing again briefly at Jessie, wondering if maybe his eyes had played a trick on him. No way the Dominatrix that had flashed on the screen was his prim and proper employee, who stood now with her hair pulled back in a tight bun, dressed in her usual uniform of high-necked white blouse, blue skirt and matching pumps.

Her face, normally so composed, was flushed, and she was biting her lower lip, her hands clutched tightly in front of her. Eric could only hope none of the other three people in the room had recognized his assistant on the screen. He could hardly believe it himself, but he didn’t have time to ponder the implications of what he’d seen. He had to do damage control, and fast.

Turning away from Jessie, he held out his hands beseechingly to the potential clients who were now heading toward the door. “Please, come back and sit down.” He tried to keep his tone authoritative without letting the rising panic he was feeling get the better of him. “I don’t know what happened. Some kind of glitch, maybe someone’s idea of a practical joke. We’ve put months of effort and time into this presentation and I really think you’ll like what we have to show you. If you’ll just—”

“We’ve seen
enough, thank you.” Vivian Jordan, a fifty-something woman with the stern visage of a boarding school headmistress glared at Eric, compressing her lips into a thin, angry line. Vivian was the one they’d worked most closely with in pitching the deal. She was the last person Eric wanted to piss off.

“It appears at the very least,” added the third exec, “that your files have been hacked. It raises serious questions about the integrity of your firm’s security and computer systems.”

Eric opened the laptop but realized he didn’t dare start the presentation again—no telling what the hell might pop up this time. “If we can reschedule—this time tomorrow morning? Or maybe later this afternoon? Please, give me a chance to make this right.”

“We’ll let you know,” said the VP, frowning. He might as well have said,
when hell freezes over,
based on his body language and tone. They filed out of the boardroom. Eric didn’t even have the heart to see them to the outer doors of the office.

“Eric, I’m
sorry. I have no idea how that picture got there. You have to believe me—”

Jessie lapsed into silence as Eric turned toward her, letting the fury he’d held at bay while the clients were in the room show in his face. He was a big man, at six-foot five and two hundred forty pounds, all of it muscle. He knew he could be imposing, and most of the time he kept his temper in check. But right now, as the realization of what had just happened sank in, his chest felt tight and he wanted to smash something.

At the same time, seeing Jessie up there on the screen, dressed like a whore in an S&M scene, he experienced a crazy, nearly uncontrollable impulse to grab her by the hair and jerk her over his lap. He wanted to flip up her skirt, pull down her panties and use that whip she had been holding on her.

He was furious with what had happened, but at the same time, his cock stirred with hidden desires he barely dared contemplate. Instead, he hit his thigh with a clenched fist. “What the fuck was that, Jessie? And how in the hell did it end up on my laptop?”

Jessie moved toward the offending computer. “Give me that. Please.” Her tone was urgent.

Eric eyed her, making no move to hand over the laptop. “Why should I?”

Jessie swallowed and made an effort to smile that didn’t work out too well. Again speaking in the calm, modulated tone he was used to hearing from her, she said, “It’s not your laptop, Eric. It’s mine. The network operating system crashed just before the presentation. You were busy on the phone so I didn’t want to bother you with it. I guess the software I had running on my computer to view my jpegs didn’t close properly.” Her voice caught. “I’m so sorry.”

Thinking of the three executives filing out of his boardroom after all his hard work, Eric snapped, “Sorry isn’t good enough.” Again the fantasy of jerking her down over his lap and smacking her ass until she begged and pleaded for him to stop sent a jolt of raw lust through his loins. He forced himself to ignore it.

“I’ll make it up to you, I swear. I’ll find a way to fix this with Franklin Foods. But I need that laptop. You have to give it to me.” Again Jessie reached for it, but Eric held it out of her reach, shaking his head.

“What else is on this thing, huh?” he demanded, realizing he couldn’t wait to find out. “This is company property, not a repository for your dirty pictures. I should fire your ass for this.”

A flash of anger passed over Jessie’s face but it was quickly replaced by a contrite, submissive expression. Eric could feel her tension, and his suspicions only increased. “Please, Eric. There’s nothing else on there. I swear. It was, um, it was just a joke. A…a costume party. A friend sent it as a joke. It won’t happen again.” When he didn’t respond, she moved closer, again holding out her hands. “Give me the laptop and I’ll make sure there’s nothing else on it.” It was issued as a command, in a tone of voice she’d never used with him before.

“No way. I’m taking charge of this laptop as of now. You better hope I can sweet talk Franklin Foods into scheduling another meeting, or we’re looking at three months of blood, sweat and tears down the drain. Who’s going to cover that outlay, huh? You?”

“I’ll fix it. I’ll call Vivian. I’ll make it right.” Again her tone was firm, as if she were the one giving the orders.

Eric shook his head. “No, you won’t. You’ve done enough damage for one day. I’ll handle it. In fact, take the rest of the day off. I have to see if I can clean up the mess you’ve created. I’ll deal with you later.”

Again a cloud of anger moved over Jessie’s face, her dark eyes flashing. Eric stared her down, silently daring her to defy him. As he watched her struggle to gain control of her emotions, he realized he’d never seen this side of Jessie. Though still furious at her, he was deeply intrigued, and not a little turned on. That picture was more than a costume party, he was sure of it. And he bet her laptop held some answers to the many questions that hot little jpeg had raised.

She started to speak and then seemed to think better of it. With a slight shrug, she turned on her heel and left the room.


Vivian’s secretary stonewalled Eric the several times he tried to get through. Instead of continuing to spin his wheels, he’d met with Tony and Blake, his junior partners, to see what irons they had in the fire. He’d been so caught up with the Franklin Foods account he’d been letting them run on their own for too long. They were working existing accounts, but didn’t have much new going on.

Though Eric wanted nothing more than to delve into what else Jessie had hidden on her laptop, he forced himself to focus on the job, spending several hours with Tony and Blake, brainstorming new angles and ideas to win new clients. When they asked how the Franklin presentation went, Eric was vague, saying the jury was still out, as the potential client needed time to consider all their outstanding offers. When they asked where Jessie was, he said she’d gone home sick.

Finally he sent the guys off on their marketing calls and settled back at his desk, Jessie’s laptop in front of him. A thorough search of her files didn’t turn up any more dirty pictures. He did find the one that had opened during the presentation. It had been saved in a temporary download file. He opened it again, taking his time as he stared at the sexy slut with the flashing eyes and a whip in her hand.

He massaged his cock through his trousers as he imagined coming up behind the Dominatrix and catching her by surprise. She would turn around, haughty and imperious, demanding that he get out of her dungeon, but he would turn the tables on her, grabbing the whip and using it on her ass, after he stripped her bare.

Focus, Chapman,
he reminded himself, taking his hand from his lap. He was on a mission to learn just what the woman he’d pegged as repressed and probably frigid was

Not surprisingly, her browser history was set not to save any information. That didn’t deter Eric, however. Using his network administrative password he was able to tap into the company’s firewall logs and get a list of all the places she’d visited on the Internet while on the company network.

He clicked on each URL and the first ten or so were sites she would have visited in the course of her work, but the eleventh site opened on a porn site that read:
XXX PussyWhipped–for Dirty Little Boys Who Need to Be Punished
Enter Princess Lola’s Dungeon and Prepare to Suffer.

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