Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay) (6 page)

BOOK: Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay)
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Re: News


 Of course I know how to compromise. Most of the time I chose not to. You may thank me by not bamboozling my security teams into letting you have your way and walzing around in public waiting for some lunatic to take a shot at you. Remember there’s still someone out there who tried to kill you. I need you safe.



To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Subject: Questions


 Do you have any questions for me? Even though you are a world class snoop, I invite you to ask me anything you want. Though I’m a simple creature and I think you know the important stuff and where my priorities lie.




 P.S. There is no bamboozling, just a quick trip to the grocery store. Once. But I will cede to your wishes. For now.



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

Re: Questions


 The only question I can come up with is why did the housekeeper find a bowl with raw ginger in one of the spare rooms?

Curiously yours,



To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Re: Questions


 Um, pass. Suffice it to say it was the other guy’s idea. Best two out of three?



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

Re: Questions



 For a simple creature, you have a plethora of secrets. Good thing I am a world class snoop. You and the other guy need to clue me in to what goes on when I’m not around. My imagination is driving me to distraction.


To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Subject: Secrets


 There aren’t any secrets between me and the other guy, just things I’m not comfortable writing down. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you in vivid detail when you get back. I know he has secrets, but he hasn’t bothered to share them with me. I swear I’m not keeping anything from you.

  Off to see Pops.



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

Subject: The Other Guy


 Don’t trust him too far. Never forget that he has an agenda, one I doubt you will enjoy. There are things I need to tell you too, about me, and him. Things that have happened that I don’t want to write down either.

 I’ll be back tonight. Wear something special for me.



The box arrives about twenty minutes after Connor’s final email. I’m reading up on Dubai over my morning coffee, when there’s a brisk knock at my door. Rochelle departed the day after Connor and I haven’t had any visitor’s since. If nothing else, the time sequestered on the Rosemont without the distraction of Connor Edge highlights exactly how much of a hermit I’ve become. Without work to fill my days, I’m at a loss. The trip to Dubai will prove a welcome diversion until my classes start up.

 Two brisk raps on the door draw my attention away from my tablet, AKA who I’ve dubbed Simon and has become my new best friend.

Snarkerella mutters.

 Brushing her aside I cinch my red robe tighter and head for the door. It’s way too early for the security team to check in on me, we visit Pops in mid-afternoon. Maybe I should get dressed, in case something’s wrong. But I don’t want to leave whoever is on the front porch waiting.

 “Hello?” I call through the closed door. My heart is pounding though I have no idea why.

 No one answers me.

 Connor is making me paranoid. Who the heck would get through the gates, past the two patrolling security teams and then come knocking on my door and wait for me to answer?

 Sucking in a fortifying breath, I yank the door wide. No one is insight but a small white box sits on my stoop.

 Taking a few steps out onto the rickety porch I look in every direction. Whoever left the box beat feet out of the area as fast as their legs could carry them. Weird.

 Nudging the package with my foot, I flinch, hoping nothing will hiss, growl, detonate or do anything else creepy packages do.

Get a grip.
Snarkerella rolls her eyes.
Remember, Connor wanted you to wear something special? What are the odds the control freak didn’t pick it out for you?

Only one way to find out.

 Gingerly, I nudge the lid askew until I can see inside. At first there’s only an ocean of blue tissue paper, so I grow bolder and remove the lid entirely. The objects inside are still wrapped in store packaging and as soon as I realize what they are, my face flames. No wonder the delivery person ran off.

Told you so.
Snarkerella sneers.

I hate it when she’s right. Although somehow I doubt she’d seen this one coming. Recovering the box quickly, I scurry inside and bolt the door.

 What had Connor been thinking? When he said wear something special, I never in a million years would have thought he meant a butt plug. Shows how well I know him.

 Setting the package down on the table I picked up the lid again. The small silver thing is oddly shaped, with a bulbous head tapering to a thinner neck that curved slight with a wide ring shaped base. My teeth sink into my lower lip. For holding?

 Reading the packaging only makes me more uncomfortable. Apparently my new friend is made from medical grade steel, is nonporous and will never degrade or corrode. It promises a silky smooth penetration, a true sense of fullness along with a “bonus massage” for both partners during double penetration. A small bottle of scent free lubricant peeps out of the tissue paper.

 Dropping the package I head directly for the fridge and pour myself a glass of wine. Once that’s gone I refill my glass and move to the window. This must be in retaliation for the ginger root. I should have taken care of disposing of the evidence myself, but just like all my encounters with Connor, there was so much going on and it slipped my mind . Why else wouldn’t he just spring it on me, the way he did everything else? I’d agree to anything when we were in bed together, but in the harsh morning light with a stainless steel butt plug waiting for me, I can barely breathe.

 No this was deliberate, strategic. He wants to see if I’ll do it, if I’ll wear his little gift. It could even be a test of some sort. I wouldn’t put it past him to be toying with me. That makes sense, he expects me to balk.

 Maybe it’s the wine or just my natural stubborn streak, but I turn back to the box with a sense of purpose.

 Game on, Mr. Edge.


 After my visit with Pops, who hasn’t said a word since telling me not to marry Connor, I come home and draw a hot bath. According to the text Connor sent me, he should be landing in a few hours and I’ve had all day to plan my revenge for his little surprise.

 Taking the wine into the tub with me, I listen to some soft, soothing music and imagine the night ahead. No matter which version of Connor shows up, I know my girl parts, that have been neglected for a week, are going to get a serious work out tonight.

 Fresh and clean and wearing nothing but a towel, I retrieve my phone and set it on the dresser facing the bed, propped on its side. After checking the angle, I hit the record feature and lean down to stand in front of it.

 “Is this what you wanted?” Dropping my towel, I sit back on the bed, cupping my breasts. “Is this how you like me?”

 Fondling the heavy weights slowly, I close my eyes, losing myself in the pleasure of the moment. I’d brought myself to climax before, but never with the intent of seducing someone else. Connor said he likes seeing my pleasure, so I‘m going to take him at his word and give him a show he’ll never forget.

 With that thought in mind, I pull the tight peaks of my nipples, sighing as pleasure and moisture gathers between my legs. Reaching for the lube, I pour it all over my hands until they are slick with it. Lying back on the bed I draw my feet up until they are braced against the mattress., spreading my knees wide so the camera—and by proxy Connor— will have a clear view.

 One hand delves into my saturated folds. I don’t know if it’s the thought of Connor watching this or my uncharacteristic boldness, but my pussy is drenched. Two fingers slip easily inside my channel. I dabble for a time, rubbing my clit with the heel of my hand. My other hand spreads my labia so he can see everything.

 I imagine him watching this on the plane, or in the car, seeing me so greedy in pleasuring myself. Will he reach for his cock, maybe rub it a little, imagining it being shoved into my wet heat? Or maybe he’ll grit his teeth and wait for the main event.

 Though I’m tempted to make myself come, I take my hand away and roll onto my stomach. Checking over my shoulder to assure myself that I’m still in line with the camera, I reach for the lube once more, coating my hands thoroughly.

 “No, no, this is what you want.” Winking at the camera, I bend down, planting my face into the mattress. I feel dirty, slutty as I spread my ass cheeks for the camera and I actually like it.

 The position is awkward as I draw my right hand up my crease. I can barely reach but even the slight brush of my slick fingers against the puckered ring causes my clit to tingle. With only the pad of my finger I massage gently, groaning when I remember the way Connor touched me there. How he licked me there, the wet slide of his tongue coaxing me open.

 Pressing inward, my finger slides into that dark passage, the feeling stranger but intense. I thrust a little, working first one knuckle, then two past the tight barrier. It’s starting to feel good, really good, better than I had ever imagined such self-pleasuring could be. My heartbeat pounds in my clit, but I’m afraid to touch it with my other hand in case I orgasm.

 “Do you want to see me take this?” Removing my fingers, I reach for the plug. Talking to Connor as though he’s watching this right now, like he’s silently involved makes me hotter, wetter. “Do you think it’ll fit?”

 Lubing up the toy, I hold it between two fingers and angle it back to press against my seal. Despite the preparation, the metal head is huge and cold and my body clenches. I need something to distract me from the goal.

BOOK: Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay)
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