Caught Up in You (4 page)

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Authors: Sophie Swift

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: Caught Up in You
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“So um…” I cleared my throat. “What’s up?”

She shook her head, taking another sip of her drink. “It’s Grayson. I think he’s losing interest in me.”

And she’s telling

I nodded as though I were sincerely engrossed—which I wasn’t.

“Really? What makes you think that?” I took a sip of my drink.

“He won’t fuck me anymore.”

The whisky combined with her brash words burned my throat and I coughed violently.  “Excuse me?”

I couldn’t look her in the eyes. Her gaze was too penetrating right now. Too searching. Too hungry.

So instead I looked at her leg. The one touching mine. The hem of her dress had risen up another few inches and I wondered if she’d done that on purpose when I wasn’t looking.

“It’s true!” she insisted, her voice warm and breathy near my ear. “It’s my body. He hates it.”

I coughed again and took another sip. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

And then she was in front of me. Kneeling down on the floor between my legs.

my fucking legs.

I had no choice but to look at her then. No choice but to gaze into those endless blue eyes of hers. The ones I’m sure she’d used to seduce countless men. Break countless hearts. Harden countless cocks.

But then again, who was I to judge?

My eyes were my weapon of choice, too.

And then in a demure voice, she asked, “Do
think I’m sexy?”

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Uh…” I was speechless. For the first time in my life a woman had rendered me utterly speechless.

“I mean,” she went on. “Would you want to fuck me? Because I used to think that I was totally fuckable. And now, I’m just not sure. Grayson has completely messed with my head. He used to want to fuck me all the time and now, I don’t know. He just...doesn’t.”

She placed her hands on my knees, leaning into me. She looked so sad. So lost. She was genuinely full of pain. And the sincerity of her expression surprised me.

It shifted something inside of me.

“I-I-I…” I stammered, taking another sip of my whisky. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You are totally…um…fuckable.”

Then suddenly her mouth was on me. Her body was descending. I was shoved back onto the couch, as her tongue searched for mine. I fell to my back and she was on top of me in an instant. Her beautiful, perky breasts squished up against my chest. I could feel them through my thin T-shirt. I could feel her nipples harden. Which tipped me off that she wasn’t wearing a bra.


All the blood left my head. It traveled downward until I was so hard, I thought I would burst.

God, I wanted to push her off me. I wanted to tell her to go to hell. She was engaged. I didn’t do
women. To me, it was worse than married. When you were engaged you were still supposed to be helplessly, head-over-heels in love. Enough to promise to be together forever. You haven’t even had the chance to grow sick of each other yet.

Cheating on a fiancé is something a coward does.

You clearly shouldn’t be marrying this person, so get the fuck out the relationship.

But I couldn’t push her off me. I couldn’t tell her to go to hell. Because for once, I wanted something more than just sex from the woman pushing her tongue into my mouth. For once, I was on the other side of the table.

was the one with the ulterior motive.

I thought about Lia. The way she used me. The way she rejected me. Last night and so many times before.

And there I was, lying under her sister, while her hands desperately thrashed beneath my T-shirt, rubbing fire into my skin with her skillful fingertips, working their way down to the waistline of my shorts.

There I was with the girl Lia had struggled to live up to for her entire life.

And I had a chance to win again.

I had a chance to get my confidence back.

It was the taste of that promised victory that kept the words trapped in my throat. It was the thought of finally getting over Lia Smart that inspired me to wrap my arms around her sister and pull her deeper into me.

Alex reached for the button on my shorts, ripping it clean off. I shimmied out of them while she tore her dress over her head. I saw that not only was she not wearing a bra, she wasn’t wearing panties either.

“Fuck,” I whispered as I sat up and pressed my mouth hard against her nipple. She moaned in pleasure, tangling her fingers in my hair. Her legs were spread, one knee on either side of my legs.

I let one hand wander up from her knee, tugging at her skin, teasing my way toward her moist center. When I sunk my finger inside her, she gasped.

She was ready for me.

So very ready.

And fuck, was she ever tight.

This was a girl who knew what she was doing. She knew how to take care of herself. And I’m not just talking about daily trips to the gym. There was no way she was a virgin, but damn, did she feel like one once I was inside of her.

I leaned back into the couch, keeping my finger deep within her. She stayed upright on her knees, allowing me the most delicious view of all. She closed her eyes and rocked slightly back and forth against my finger, allowing her whole body to sway and pulse. Her hands roamed up her own body, touching herself in strategic places, whimpering at all of it.

I’d been with my fair share of hot girls. But this was something else.

Alex Smart looked like a fucking porn star.

When she was ready for phase two, she gently removed my finger from inside of her, bringing it to her lips and licking it slowly. All the while she kept her eyes locked on me.

My body juddered, nearly losing all control.

Then, without breaking my gaze, she reached down slowly and felt for my cock. She grasped it tightly in her hand, holding it at just the right angle and gently lowered herself onto it. My vision shattered with tiny stars.

Fuck, she was wet. And tight. And delicious.

She clenched around me, sending waves of dizziness through me. I felt like I couldn’t see straight. Couldn’t breathe right. Couldn’t move for fear that I would just explode right into her at that second.

But it quickly became evident that I didn’t have to move.

Alex did all the moving. She did all the everything.

She rocked up and down on my cock, tensing and squeezing and pressing her delicate hands against my chest to give herself leverage. She made me growl in frustration, moan in ecstasy, suck in desperate lungfuls of agonizing air.

She rode me so hard, I had to fight to keep control.

Normally I have one rule: she comes first.

That’s how I have so many repeat customers.

But I knew, as soon as she slid around me, that my rule would be tossed out the window. There was no way I was going to be able to hold out with her bouncing up and down on me like that. With her sultry bedroom eyes blazing at me like she was trying to massage me with her irises.

“Oh, fuck, you’re going to make me come.”

She smiled—actually it was more like a sly grin. “Good. That’s all I wanna do.”

I closed my eyes, focusing all my attention on the way she felt. Slick and tight around me.

“You like my body?” she asked in a husky, breathy voice. I could feel her leaning back, allowing me the most beautiful access to her front wall.

“Yes,” I whimpered.

“Is my body going to make you come?”

“Oh, fuck yes!” I cried out. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Closer and closer to the most intense fucking orgasm I’d ever had. She didn’t let up. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I moved my hips to pull out but she squeezed tighter around me, clutching her legs together, keeping me locked inside of her.

“I’m going to come,” I warned her, trying again to maneuver myself to the outside of her gorgeous warmth.

“That’s good,” she breathed, pressing down on me so I couldn’t get away. Keeping control of everything the entire time. “Stay inside me while you come.”

“Are you sure?” I could barely get the words out before the explosion shattered deep within me, tearing my body and vision and breath apart.

I emptied inside of her, shuddering with sweet fire. She kept rocking against me until I was hollow. A shaking shell of a person. My body shivered, tiny bumps covering my skin.  

She carefully lifted herself up, easing me out of her, and climbed over my legs. She stood up and pulled her sundress over her head.

I was a mess on the couch, still recovering from whatever the fuck that was.

That wasn’t sex. It was something else entirely. Something even
didn’t recognize.

“What are you doing?” I managed to ask through a shaking voice as I watched her pull the dress down around her knees.

“I’m hungry,” she said, casually, as though she hadn’t just fucked the shit out of me. “Let’s go get something to eat.”




Alex tipped her head back as she lowered a lo mein noodle seductively into her mouth and chewed. I stared into my take-out container of Szechuan Pork and set it down next to me on the floor.

“So, um, what was that?” I asked, watching her make love to another noodle. Was she really going to eat them one by one like that?

Alex slurped the last of it into her mouth and licked her bottom lip. “What was what?”

I nodded to the couch behind her. We’d set up a mini post-coital picnic on the carpet.


She glanced behind me and tilted her head. “Aww…were you a virgin? Did I take your flower?” The tone of her voice clearly indicated that she was fucking with me. “That was called sex. You see, when two people like each other a whole lot, they come together and…”

I kicked my foot out and jabbed her leg. “Shut up.”

She gave me a teasing grin and plunged her chopsticks in for another noodle.

I decided to try another tactic. “Where’s Grayson?”

I swore her face turned a pale shade of gray, but she shrugged the question off as though I’d simply asked about the spiciness of her noodles. “He went back to the city.”

“Why?” I asked, even though I really didn’t care.

“The fuck if I know,” she replied, almost angrily.

“Why did you really call me?”

She rolled her eyes, looking exasperated. “Is this a game show? How many pointless questions do I have to answer before I get the prize?”

I laughed tightly. “I guess it depends on what prize you want.”

She peered up at me through veiled lashes, a coy look if I’ve ever seen one. Then she set her container of lo mein down on the floor and crawled—yes fucking
over to me, her hips shimmying behind her like a sultry cat.

When she reached me, her hands planted on either side of my outstretched legs, she stopped. Her face inches from mine. “I want the grand prize.”

My eyebrows rose inquisitively. “Most women think snagging a fiancé is the grand prize,” I pointed out. “And you’ve already done that.”

“Most women are idiots,” she argued.

I shrugged. “Fair enough.”

She lowered her lips half an inch, so they were directly in line with mine. “Do you think
an idiot?”

I chuckled, leaning back on my hands. “Why would I think that?”

“Because I snagged a fiancé.”

I thought about it for a moment. “I think you’re an idiot for being here.”

“With you?”

“Mmm hmm.”

She leaned in, her mouth a whisper away. “Because you’ll break my heart?” she guessed, a playful lilt to her voice.

“Maybe you’ll break
heart,” I countered, just as light.

“Maybe I’ll break other parts of you.”

I ventured a glance down at her lo mein-glossed lips. God they were amazing. So pink and full and pouting, curved into just a hint of a smile.

“From what I’ve seen, that wouldn’t surprise me.”

She lunged forward and snagged my bottom lip with her teeth, pulling it back until my skin stretched painfully, before letting it snap back into place. I licked it with my tongue.

“Awww…don’t be such a baby,” she teased. “I thought you were tougher than that.”

“So did I,” I responded in all honesty.

“Do I scare you?” she asked, her eyes dancing with mine, her breath warm and spicy against my chin.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Prove it.”

I laughed. “Excuse me?”

“Take me.”

“Take you where?” I challenged.

She bent her head to lick my Adam’s apple. A low moan escaped my lips. “Take me the way you want me.”

She worked her mouth around to my ear, pulling the lobe between her teeth and sucking it hard. My body gave an involuntary shudder.

“I bet you fuck all those other girls the way they want it, don’t you?” she asked.

“Huh?” I managed to mumble between heavy breaths.

Her hand scraped along the carpet, traveling up my leg, and feeling for my hard cock. I could hear the smile in her voice when she found it. “All the girls you fuck. The ones you meet in the bar. What do you do to them?”

“Whatever they want,” I replied.

“I don’t want you to fuck me like them.” Her hand wandered up my shorts and circled around me. She gave me a firm yank and I trembled, gasping. “I want you to fuck me the way

“What if you don’t like it the way I like it?” I responded, my vision blurring at the touch of her hand.

“Try me,” she whispered in my ear.

I leapt forward, wrapping my hands around her tiny waist, and spinning her around so her back was to me. She giggled in delight as I slid her sundress up her thighs, exposing her tight, wet, throbbing pussy. I bent forward giving it a lick, sending tiny bumps down the back of her perfectly sculpted ass.  I unbuckled my shorts and pulled them down to my knees. Then I grabbed onto her hips and yanked her toward me, thrusting myself deep inside her.

“Yes!” she screamed as I rammed into her again and again and again. “Oh God, yes. Do it harder.”

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