Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)

BOOK: Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)
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Rebekah Daniels

Nephilim Series












“We fight to defend the honest, the trustworthy, and the noble.
I fight for the good of salvation.”

Malachi Starkman







Rebekah Daniels




Copyright 2013 Rebekah Daniels

Edited by Rebekah Daniels

Published by Bookrhythm, LLC




All rights reserved.
This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and review.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locals is purely coincidental.
The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiousl




This book is dedicated to my very supportive husband that never let me get discouraged and always believed I would succeed.
I love you
dearly for that.




A special thanks to my father who took the time to proofread and edit my story.
You were a wonderful sounding board and your opinion means the world to me.






There once was a time when everything was right and peaceful in heaven.
God had his angels that were his trusted servants, and his archangels that were strong and loyal. Things were all as it should be until a time when “all hell broke loose.”

There was an archangel that was one of the most angelic beings ever to be.
He was a trusted confidant to God, he was the most majestic, and not another one could compare to his beauty. This celestial being’s name was Lucifer.

Lucifer wasn’t satisfied with his trusted position and wanted more, much more.
He came to believe that he should be the Almighty, and started conspiring to overthrow God and take his place of power. In his delusional conquest, he convinced a group of angels to side with him and go to battle against their former brethren. Because of this, the Great War in Heaven started.

There was a fierce battle between angel and angel, brother and brother.
The remaining two thirds of Gods angels fought valiantly for their lord. There was much killing, but neither side would relent that easily.

Through the intense rage and hatred that Lucifer was feeling, he began to transform from the angelic creature he was to an enormous and fierce blood red dragon.
This menacing dragon had seven heads, ten horns, and a deathly forked tail. With the transformation came a renewed sense of energy fueled by his rage.

After seeing the transformation of Lucifer, God’s noble archangel, Michael, knew that something needed to be done.
He charged at the raging dragon and fought with all the strength, skill, and speed that God had granted him. The battle waged on, and Lucifer began to tire. The number of angels left in his army had dwindled, and he knew the end was coming soon.

Lucifer and his band of followers were eventually defeated.
God quickly cast Lucifer and the remaining traitorous angels down from heaven and onto Earth to wait until final judgment could be made regarding them. From that day forth, the once angels were now demons and they served under the great evil, now known as Satan.

Satan declared that he and his band demons would do everything in their powers to thwart God’s plan.
Opportunity finally arose shortly after, when along came man. God’s very own perfect creation, and placed on the same rock as his nemesis. The temptation was just too sweet for Satan to ignore. He soon found out what a powerful tool this
could be.

As more people populated the planet, Earth became the Devil’s own playground.
Anytime he could intercept God’s will or intensions, he would take it. The more time he spent there, the more rage fueled his being. Soon, he was getting his thrills by instilling greed and selfishness into men and women. He started to build back up his army to defeat The Almighty by turning as many souls as he could to the side of evil. His demons and he would torment the innocent or bargain for their souls.

Still, his favorite form of corruption was temptation.
It worked so well with God’s precious Eve; but he wanted to go bigger…better. Therefore when the Watcher angels showed weakness to some Earth maidens, he pounced. A little push here, a little nudge there, and voilà…fallen angels.

Satan just sat back and watched as things unfolded.
The longer the “angels” were away from heaven, the more devious they became. He smiled when the fallen gave away trade secrets to their fair maidens and laughed when children that God never meant to be were conceived. It was a devilishly joyous time when these children grew into monstrous giants with unbelievable strength and powers, combined with a mean streak a mile long.

The world was becoming corrupt at an astronomical rate.
These half-breeds were evil incarnate, and the vile was spreading like poison. His army was going to be unstoppable! Now he had this new weapon, these nephilims.




Chapter 1



His kisses were so soft, especially when he kissed her leg… right there. She couldn’t help the small noise that slipped from between her lips, “Ahh.”

Trinity Bradshaw couldn’t remember the last time she felt so thoroughly cherished.
She moved her hands around his body, loving the feel of the solid muscle underneath his warm skin, the way everything shifted as he moved his hands down the backs of her legs.

“You like?”
He asked before he ran his tongue down her inner thigh. His husky voice sending chills through her body.

It took a moment before she could formulate a clear thought.
She knew what she wanted to say, but the only thing that came out was “Mmm.”

His laughter sent vibrations all the way from her nether regions to her toes, and she almost came on the spot.
He was taking his sweet time, tormenting her with his tongue and teeth.

Soon, she could feel his hot breath right in front of where she wanted him the most.
He leaned forward and she heard him inhale deeply before letting out an audible groan.

“Then you are really going to love this.”
He stated right before her world turned upside down. Leaning forward, he used his tongue in one long stroke from the bottom of her opening all the way up to her over sensitized nub.

She tried to control her reaction, she really did, but she was lost.
Her hips flew up off the bed so far that his mouth was momentarily disengaged. In a split second his hands were on her stomach pushing her back down to the bed. Moving them to her hips, he securely pinned her down.

His mouth was back on her before her hips hit the bed.
He was doing figure eights with his tongue that felt so good but were just as frustrating, because he was missing the places she wanted…no needed…his tongue to be.

She felt herself splintering and needed to grab onto something to stay grounded.
Reaching out, her hand came into contact with his head and she ran her fingers through his hair, tugging a little harder to show her frustration.

He must have gotten the hint because in the next instance his tongue was on her clitoris lightly sweeping across and over.
She needed even more but didn’t know how to tell him. “Please,” she begged.

He paused in what he was doing to look up at her.
“I know Baby, I know. You’re just the best thing I’ve tasted in a long time.” Looking back down at him, she admitted to herself how utterly handsome he was. The tussled look of his hair and slight smirk gave him a boyish charm, but it was the hunger in his piercing green eyes that made her insides clinch. “Sugar and Spice…” As he spoke, he inserted two fingers into her opening, “…but you’re not very nice, are you?”

Wow that felt good.
She reached down and grabbed the comforter on either side of her and threw her head back when she arched into his touch. He was moving his fingers slowly in and out of her. His hand, his magical hand, was driving her insane. When she looked back down at him, she noticed that he was still staring at her. Finally, she realized he was still waiting for an answer to his question. It took a couple tries to get anything coherent out, but she sucked in a breath and finally spoke. “Not tonight, I’m not.”

He obviously liked this answer because he bent his head back down to her and continued where he had left off.
He was more vigorous this time, using his teeth, tongue…even the scruff of his slight facial hair was doing wonders to her. All the while, his hand never stopped what it was doing. She watched him while trying to control herself, thinking that if this was an Olympic sport, he could win the gold.

She couldn’t take it any longer, it was too good, and she was too close.
Trinity reached down to grab both of his upper arms and gave a gentle tug. “Please…now…I need you now!” Her words were broken as she tried to catch her breath.

When he looked up at her, he must have seen something in her face that convinced him because he relented and began to kiss his way up her body.
After finally making it all the way up, he settled himself fully on top of her and kissed her deeply, passionately.

Eventually, she felt her body relaxing and she wrapped her arms around him.
It felt so good to have this man, so strong and gloriously naked, lying on top of her. At this moment, she felt so safe. She started to run her hands over his body, where she could reach. When she stopped at his shoulders, she dragged her nails down his back as far as she could reach. It was not hard enough to break the skin, but there was enough pressure to make his whole body shudder and a deep groan be pushed from his throat.

There was now a new sense of urgency in him, because the next thing Trinity new, he pushed up from the bed by his elbows.
While staring down at her, he ran his large, strong hand quickly down her leg, stopped at her knee, and pulled up to place it at his hip.

When she felt the tip of his manhood at her opening, she knew that this was it.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

“Open your eyes.”

The commanding tone to his voice made it so she couldn’t deny him. When she opened them, his face was directly above hers.

“I want you to keep your eyes open so you can see exactly what you do to me.”
His voice was strangled and it was the last thing he said before he thrus-

Trinity gasped as she sat bolt upright in bed and looked around disoriented.
It took her a minute to figure out where she was…in her own bed and no man in sight. Ugh, her body was still humming, but at the same time, a sense of loss fell over her. Frustrated, she groaned and collapsed back down onto her bed, throwing her hands over her enflamed face. “It was just a dream! I can’t believe it, a freaking dream!”




Trinity was lying in bed, just staring at the ceiling. After several attempts to get back to sleep, she finally realized there was no use. She was too hyped up from her dream to even come close to relaxing enough to fall asleep.

As she lay there, she thought about the day that was ahead of her.
Today was officially the end of her summer vacation. She loved her job but was not looking forward to today. She was a photography teacher at the local high school and loved educating her students on something she had such an interest in, but the first week was always the hardest. Cringing, she remembered the first days last year. She liked getting to know her students but she could only take so much of…
Who dumped who...Who’s dating who
…and her personal favorite,
OMG; you would never guess what this person did
. It usually took one or two days for everyone to settle in and get to work, but they just had to throw in an extra day this time and start on a Wednesday.

As she was lying there, she knew she had to get up, but couldn’t get the will to do so.
It had always been hard for her in the mornings. She loved to sleep, to dream, and just relax in her bed. It was what she loved most. When she found out she was getting a raise this year, she probably should have gotten the AC fixed in her car. Instead, she forked out the money for a new pillow-top mattress.  The people she knew loved to tease her about, what they called, “her obsession”. 

Grudgingly she decided it was time to get out of bed.
Not that she was going to get back to sleep any way…damn dream!

With one last stretch, she moved and sat on the side of her bed.
She then got to her feet and made herself start moving before she could lie back down. Quickly, she walked across her cool hard wood floors in the direction of her bathroom, reminding herself again to save up for carpet or a rug of some kind.

She was not a morning person.
Her bed was always so warm and her house was always so cold in the mornings. There was always that early chill that her house could just not keep out, which was now making her hesitate to strip down and get in the shower.

“Isn’t it supposed to be warm at the end of August?”
She grumbled to herself as she reached in to turn on the water. When the temperature was at just below scalding, she took her clothes off and stepped under the water. Nothing could have stopped the long, drawn out, sigh that came out of her mouth once she did.

Knowing that she didn’t have too long, she quickly shampooed and conditioned her hair before shaving her legs.
The stream of water beating down on her still sensitized skin made her remember the man her mind had just conjured up. She pursed her lips when she couldn’t piece together his face. His image had been slowly slipping from her memory. She could still remember everything that went on though; where his hands touched, where his mouth had been. She remembered what she had felt like when he stared at her with those intense eyes. She could almost still picture him on top of her, spreading her…


“SHIT!!” She jumped. The interruption successfully cut off her wayward thoughts.

“Hey, are you almost done in there?!?
I’m going to need a shower before work!” her friend Nicci shouted from the other side of the wall.

What the hell? This is so not fair!” she said to herself, more frustrated than when she went into the shower.

“What was that?” BAM, BAM, BAM “Hellooo!” came irritatingly from next door again.

“Keep your pants on. I’m almost done.” Trinity shouted at the wall.

She then heard a chuckle.
“That’s the whole problem! I need to take them off, and get into the

This made Trinity roll her eyes.
“You’re lucky I love you.” She hollered before shutting off the water.

Trinity and Nicole Summers, Nicci as she called her, had been friends now for fifteen years.
They were put into the same foster home and immediately hit it off. When someone goes into the system, you hear both good and bad stories. Unfortunately, they got the latter. Nicci was almost two years younger than her, therefore she felt it was her right to shield and protect her whenever possible by sometimes redirecting the heat onto herself. Nicci in turn would always be there to help her, sometimes even before Trinity knew she needed it. Their bond solidified when they spent most of their time in the house with each other; whether that be working, sleeping, or hiding.

Through the grace of God, they were moved and things got better.
Anyone could see how inseparable they had become and luckily they found a place that took them both in. It finally felt like they had a normal life. They would go to school; they had chores, and eventually got jobs. Trinity even went on a few dates. No matter what they did, they always stuck together.

This is why it was so hard when Trinity started going to college in the city while Nicole was still in high school.
The separation between them was hard, but Nicci eventually went to college somewhere else as well. They were still always there for each other when the other one needed something. Their bond was too strong.

In the end, they both came back to each other.
Now, Trinity had her job and Nicci, bless her heart, became a social worker. When both sides of this dilapidated duplex came up for rent, they pounced. Of course neither of them made a ton of money, so the low rent was just what they needed. The only way they could get the apartment so cheap though, was because they couldn’t call the landlord for any building maintenance issues; hence, the temperature inside the house matching the outside.

After finishing drying off and getting ready the rest of the way, Trinity went to her kitchen to scrounge up stuff for breakfast.
She was not one to keep a lot of food in the house, so every morning was always hit or miss.

Finally giving up, she walked over to the back of her kitchen and out the sliding glass door that led to the back of her house.
Yeah, it’s a tad chilly…and still wet, she thought once she got outside. She hunched her shoulders and bowed her head to ward off some of the rain. It felt like it had been raining forever, but, in actuality, it had only been the last couple of weeks. 

She walked over to the other back door to the house and let herself in.
Nicci always has what she’s looking for.

The moment she opened the door, the smell hit her nose.
The aroma was actually making her mouth water. “Apple muffins?”

“Close, they’re Apple Cinnamon Muffins.”
Nicci walks in and frowns when she sees her. “No jacket?”

Trinity waved off her concern and sat at the table holding two steaming mugs.
“I’m fine; it’s only a few feet.” She picked up the mug closest to her and went to take a sip. Just as it was about to touch her mouth, the scent took her by surprise. “Ack! Coffee. This must be yours.” She couldn’t put it down fast enough.

“Actually, it’s more like ten feet, but you should still wear a jacket.
What if you accidently lock yourself out and I’m not home? With it being wet and cold, you could get sick if you were out there too long.” Nicci walked over to pick up the other cup, in turn, traded it with the one still in front of her.

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