Celtic Fury (17 page)

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Authors: Ria Cantrell

BOOK: Celtic Fury
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“Let it go, beauty. Ye’ will feel so much better when ye


“I…I am afraid…” Rory kissed over her stomach and said, “Shhhh, no, no, no. Dunna' be afraid. Trust me. Let me bring ye' over the edge. Just let it happen, Brielle.” 

He thrust his finger deeply inside her again and he lowered his head to tantalize her. He felt her arch up against his mouth and a moan tore from her throat. She felt like she was shattering into pieces, but as his lips and tongue continued to pleasure her, she succumbed to her first climax and she cried out from the shear pleasure of it. Her honeyed essence dripped onto his tongue and he licked her juices, tasting her sweetness on his lips. Tasting her only made him harder.

He raised his eyes to hers. She was so beautiful in the afterglow of her first orgasm. He wanted her deeply now, more than he had ever wanted a woman. He moved up to her and she held her arms open to him.

“I need to love ye now, lass. I dunna want ye to be afraid.”

“I am not afraid any more. That was amazing…love me, now, Ruiri…be with me.”

Ruiri felt her legs parting so that he could fit between them. He drew her legs up and he said, “Put yer’ legs around me sweetheart.”

Brielle did as he asked, sensually stroking her foot up his leg as she went along. Now that she had tasted passion, she naturally responded to him and coaxed him. He caught her leg and raised it around his hips, stroking her calf sensually. He lifted her hips slightly and he poised himself just at her sensual opening. He slowly inched inside of her, giving her time to get used to being penetrated. He felt that small obstacle of her virginity and he looked into her eyes. He didn’t want to hurt her, but there was no way to avoid it.

“Brielle, I…” Her hand touched his face, kno
wing he was taking great care.

“Ruiri, I know it will only hurt for a moment. I dunna’ want you to stop. I need to feel ye’ completely inside me.”  

He sank deeper, barely able to contain himself. He felt her clenching around him and he knew he needed to be one with her. He felt her suck in her breath as he breached her maidenhead and he held very still.

“Don’t move. Just be still. It will pass, sweetheart.” With her hand gently touching his face, she said, “It already has passed, Ruiri. Just love me…. ahhhhh ye are inside of me.”

“Yes I am.” Brielle saw the strain in his expression as she knew he was trying to hold back until she was ready. She had felt such little pain that it was not even worth mentioning and now she just wanted to be with him and reach that place that she had reached when his mouth had brought her to orgasm; she wanted to reach that place now with him.

“Love me, Ruiri.” He felt suddenly overcome with emotion. He had lassies a plenty, but this one, who should have been his enemy, had given herself to him, unconditionally.

“Ye are my destiny, Brielle.” She arched up against him, taking him as deeply as she could. The feel of him, thick and deep inside of her was wonderful. Her legs hooked around him as she rose up beneath him, only to feel him meet her and plunge down with him. She moved with him, touching him as he thrust gently into her.

She was so glad it was Ruiri who had been her first. She felt his strength and yet he had been so careful not to hurt her. His gentleness was so evident. This was the Ruiri she had fallen in love with. She sighed thinking how good it felt to be making love with him. He felt her responding to him, naturally moving with him, causing him to tense inside her. His hand gently stroked a breast and watched her face to assure himself that she was not in pain. She looked so beautiful as her eyes met his. He felt dazzled by the love and passion he saw there. He felt her rocking with him and she touched him, feeling his flesh, hot beneath her fingers. She loved feeling the hard thickness of him inside her. He felt like she could peer into his very soul when she looked at him like that. He moved over her, with her, in her, and she matched his rhythm perfectly. She heard him moan and her own voice was letting him know how much she was enjoying his loving. Hearing her sighs of pleasure was causing that blissful pressure to build in him.

She sensed he needed to go faster and she followed him, moving as one with him.

“Yes,” she murmured. He felt the wonderful warmth of her enveloping him, gently squeezing him from inside. Her hands wandered over his hips, clasping him against her. The feel of her nails pressing into his backside caused jolts of pleasure to course through him. He threw his head back and cried out her name as his seed pumped inside of her. Her eyes widened in surprise. She loved how he looked when he came. Seeing his face express his pleasure made her feel so close to him, like she was part of a secret just between them. He was so beautiful in his climax. He moved with her, leaning over her to kiss her. His tongue mimicked the thrusting inside her and as he kissed her, she felt the cresting pleasure overcoming her again. She rose under him and a powerful orgasm consumed her again. Rory wanted to watch her come as he felt her climax again. She blushed, wanting to look away, embarrassed at her own moans of pleasure, but he turned her face back to his and golden fire met lilac pools.

“Dunna’ be embarrassed by your pleasure, Brielle. It is so beautiful to watch.” 

She saw such a look of tenderness in his eyes. She sighed, “Oh Ruiri, that was…wonderful.”

He smiled at her and said, “Did ye like that?”  She said, “Mmmmm, Oh aye…Ruiri, I hadn’t dreamed it would feel like that.” He touched her face and said “Aye lass, for me too.”

He started to withdraw his body
slowly, but she held him saying,

“No…Dunna’ leave me. I need to feel ye

inside me still.”  He laughed a little and he said, “Just for a little while, lass. I promise.”  Brielle looked into his eyes and she asked, “Ye

will love me again?” 

He kissed her pretty lips and said, “Most definitely.” He stroked down her arms and said, “I plan to love ye

all through the rest of the day and into the night.”

Brielle blushed at his words, but was more than happy to spend the next few hours lost in passionate pleasure with Rory.

Rory moved from her and lying beside her, he gathered her into his arms. Her back was slightly pressed to his chest and his arms circled her waist, nestling her delicious bottom against his groin. He stroked her, and nuzzled her neck, gently nibbling the tender flesh below her earlobe. She sighed, enjoying the feel of his hands and lips on her. His touch was so tender and gentle. Brielle felt so much love for Rory.

He said, “Do ye

hurt, Brielle?”

Stretching her neck so his mouth could nibble there, she said, “Nay, Ruiri. Not at all. Mmm, you made it wonderful.”

He kissed her neck again, sliding a hand up her ribs, to rest it below her breast. She placed her hand over his and drew it fully around her breast. His fingers flexed gently around it, slowly rotating against her peaked nipple. She had to tell him. She needed him to know how she felt.

“Ruiri, I…” 

“What is it, sweetheart?”

“I…I …I am in love with you.”

There she said it. There w
as no way to take it back, now.
Come what may, now he knew. His hand gently squeezed her breast and he said, “I know lass.” 

“Oh…” she said quietly. He kissed her neck again and said, “I am not the kind of man to fall in love, Brielle.” 

Her heart sank, but she had known that before agreeing to be his lover. Still, this time
her “oh” was barely audible.

Palming her breast, he said, “Until now.”

She turned in his arms and said, “What?” 

He had the most endearing smile on his face and he said, “Until now, lass. I have fallen in love with ye

, too, Brielle.” She felt shock at his words.



love me?” 

“Aye, lass.”

“I dunna’ want ye to feel obligated to say that …because we just…” he kissed her mouth and said, “I dunna

feel obligated because we made love. Ye

broke the barriers around my heart, Brielle. I couldn’t sleep nights for wanting you; needing ye’…and finally realizing …loving ye

.” Her eyes welled with tears, and she kissed him.

“Oh Ruiri, I …
Ruiri watched as tears pooled in her beautiful eyes.

“Dunna’ cry, my love.” 

“I am just so happy.”

“Me, too, love. Ye are mine, now.”

“Even though I am a Campbell?” He smiled down at her and stroked over her cheek.

“I aim to change that soon enough.” She kissed him so fiercely at that statement, he almost felt bruised. He laughed softly, saying, “That is, lass, if ye will have me. I know I haven’t been so nice to ye. I am so sorry about that.” Putting a finger against his lips, she said, “No, my love. Ye saved my life. I love ye, Ruiri, with all my heart.”  Stroking a hand through her hair, he said, “Ye saved my life, too. More than you could know, Angel.”

Kissing her, he drew her over him. She loved to kiss him. She covered his mouth with kisses that were becoming more passionate with each one she rained on him. He held her, moving his hands down her back. She slid her hands across his chest and she kissed his mouth, jaw and neck.

“I love you so much,” she murmured.

“Come here,” he said huskily and he shifted onto his back, moving her on top of him. Brielle felt him harden under her.

She looked into his smoldering golde
n eyes and she said, “So soon?

“Aye, lass.”

Brielle had lost her shyness at his profession of love. She straddled him and kissed him; her tongue slipping into his mouth and she then said, “Make love to me, again, Ruiri.”

“It’s not too soon? I don’t want it to be uncomfortable…”

“Nay, I want to as much as ye' do.” 

He ran his hands down her back, softly squeezing her derriere. He eased his fingers under her to feel for certain that she was ready to take him again. She was!  Her moist heat enticed him to continue. He drew her legs around his hips and he entered her slowly. She threw her head back and cried out, enjoying the feel of him once again inside of her. She moved up against him, placing her hands on his strong shoulders. He lowered his head, taking a peaked nipple into his mouth. She sighed as he made her feel so many new feelings of pleasure; pleasure she hadn’t known existed before being with him.



Chapter Fifteen


Caleb found Morag outside of Ruiri’s door.

“Woman, what are ye doin’?”

“Hush, old man. Just seein’ if our lass has tamed the wildness in our boy.”

“And?”  The old woman laughed.

“It would seem so. Three times so far!”

! L
eave them be.” She snickered and said, “I was just going to bring them something to eat.” Caleb, took her hand and drew her away from the door.

“Come away, Morag. They will eat when they are ready.” Then stealing a wistful look at her, he said, “Three times, huh?” Morag smiled a craggy grin.


“Well, let us leave them to themselves. I suspect we willna’ see them until some time next morning.”

“Well, I should like to have a bath sent up in Brielle’s room. Poor little lassie will need it to soothe any aches.”  Caleb looked at her with confusion.

“What do ye mean aches? Is my son being rough with her?”

Morag made a face and said, “That I dunna know, but a virgin always feels achy after her first time.” Caleb shook his head.

“Woman, are ye daft? She is no virgin. She was married.”

“She was a maid and the bedding will prove it. Her husband never really made her his wife. He was too sick to treat her like a proper wife.” Caleb thought on the old woman’s words and then nodded, knowing Brielle had confided in Morag.

“Very well, have a bath drawn and I will send up a tray of food as well. This way, they can have time for themselves privately and enjoy their coming together.” Morag clapped her hands together happily.

“We shall create a little love nest for them.” Caleb walked away shaking his head. The old woman was as romantic as a lass.

Turning back, he said, “Now stop eavesdropping, Old Woman!”

“Ahhhh, just reliving the days I spent in the arms of a handsome man…”

“Woman, they deserve their privacy. Now come away.” Morag shrugged and followed the laird down to the main hall.



Chapter Sixteen


Brielle laid in Rory’s arms, sated and happy and very much in love. He was looking at her with such love and tenderness in his eyes; it caused her heart to hitch in her chest. She touched his delicious jaw and she said, “When did ye realize ye loved me?” Brushing a stray strand of hair from her face, he said, “Nearly when I first found ye

, I suppose, but I could ne're admit such a thing. I admitted it to myself finally today, when I saw you riding that wild horse. I feared ye' would be thrown and your battered little body wouldn’t fare well by such a fall. I…feared I would lose ye'…and that made me realize that the thought of losing ye' would ruin me. I needed ye'…and I knew I couldn’t lose ye', too…like I lost…”

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