Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (28 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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“I just have to remember he’s not Wash. I almost lost myself for a minute while he was here.” Lara whispered.

She started to get up but decided she didn’t want to forget the night and what had previously happened and started writing in her journal. She had already made up her mind that if she met Liam in battle it will be a fair fight. No holding back and no confusion.

When Lara’s eyes and head started to droop she got up and walked back into the sleeping area and rolled into the furs. She thought of her son and wondered if he was ok and her lids closed and she fell instantly back asleep.

Chapter 21

Aodhan woke up just before the break of dawn. “Why is it that on a day we are allowed to sleep in, I cannot?” he said to himself irritably and rolled up sitting edge of his pallet. Aodhan looked over at Eion who was still fast asleep.

He ran his fingers through his hair, pulled his boots and shirt on and headed out. Aodhan paused outside of Lara’s tent and looked around. The moon sat on the edge of the horizon. Aodhan pulled the door flap back to her pavilion and walked into the sitting area.

“Must not be up yet.” he mumbled to himself.

He glanced at the table and noticed her journal and another book sitting on it. Being more focused on Lara he decided to ignore them and he quietly walked into her sleeping area immediately stopping. Aodhan felt himself turn red and chastised himself. It’s not like she doesn’t have anything on. Her auburn hair was spread out around her and she was wearing left little to the imagination. Lara was lying on her back with her arm over her eyes and the furs lie on the floor or pushed to her side.

As he turned to walk out Aodhan heard her quietly murmur his name. He turned to look at her as she rolled over to her side facing away from him and was amused at what he heard and saw. He looked at her shoulder and still couldn’t make it out. The one on her lower back was quite clear.

Aodhan turned to walk out into the other room before he did something she might slug him for. The first time they met he found out that she had a mean right hook. He walked over to the table and sat down deciding to look through her drawings. Aodhan ran across one of her dagger and had an idea. He rolled up the picture and hurriedly walked out so he would return before she woke.

Lara woke to the sound of chair creaking in the sitting area. She swung her legs to the side of the pallet, twisted her hair up into a couple of hair pins and grabbed her dagger. When she cautiously walked into the other room she saw Aodhan sitting at the table. Lara realized what she was wearing and turned pink.

“Good morning. I’ll be right back.” she turned around and gracefully moved back into the other room.

“She tortures me and doesn’t even know it.”

Lara hurried over to furs on the floor and picked up the blanket she had wrapped around her during the night. She walked back into the room feeling a bit more covered. She sat down across from him and swept some hair out of her face. He was sifting through her drawings and Lara realized she ended up drawing more than she expected to. Scenes from Tralee, the men she had just met and the one of Liam. Apparently Aodhan hadn’t seen that one yet. As Aodhan flipped through the sketchbook a piece of paper fell out. He picked it up and looked at it. He handed it to Lara.

“I take it that is him.” Aodhan flatly said and handed it to her.

Lara examined the picture. “Yes. That is Wash.”

Lara tried to hide her feelings as she felt her heart start to hurt again. The picture was of Wash and Kedryn on his Indian motorcycle. She picked the
picture up and set if back on the table face down. Looking at Aodhan she felt better. For some reason he put her at ease.

“He does bear a close resemblance to Liam.” Aodhan said as he shuffled through more and stopped at one. He waved it in front of her. “Is there something you wish to tell me?”

Lara glanced at the picture that he held up and let out a loud breath. Aodhan put the picture down on the table. He felt a twinge of jealousy and for the first time felt insecure around her. What if she decides to chose to be with Liam because of the resemblance to Wash? Aodhan cringed as he thought of Liam sitting in the very chair he was in.

Lara brought him out of it by patting his cheek. “Come back to reality. I had a visitor last night. I take it you haven’t seen Kedryn yet today or you would have known.”

“No I have not. Father and Ruark decided to allow the soldiers to sleep in. I woke up early and wanted to see if you were awake. When I saw you were not I did not wish to wake you. There will be a war counsel after breakfast and you can fill us all in about the conversation you had with your
. Why Kedryn?”

She stood up and stretched her legs out. “He came in last night just as Liam was leaving. You good with a needle?”

He looked at her puzzled why she would ask him about women’s work. “Why?”

Lara took his hand and led him into her sleeping area. She pulled back the small overturned table and he gave her a troubled look.

“Liam took it upon himself to find a different way to get in my tent than the front door. He was lurking in the shadows when I came in.” She pushed the table back and led him back into the other room and sat down at the table. Lara started stacking the drawings and placing them in her sketchbook.

“I thought Kedryn came to see Eion for the aurar thing.” Aodhan said more than a little annoyed at Kedryn.

“He was. I can handle myself when it comes to Liam. Don’t blame Kedryn for not telling you he was probably still seeing spots.” Lara said with a hint of hesitance in her voice.

“Did anything take place? He is pretty smooth with women.” he leaned forward to gage her reaction.

Lara gave him a goofy look on the verge of sticking her tongue out. Instead she got up and walked around the table. She picked up his arm that was resting on the table and slid into his lap. Lara put her head on his shoulder and Aodhan pulled her close and kissed her hair.

“You put me at ease.” Lara said

“Not to ruin the moment. I thought you should know that Bevin will be at the morning meal with her ladies. I tried to talk my father out of the marriage.” He started to play with the loose strands of her hair.

“Let me guess. You couldn’t”

“Father still believes that it could end the war. I really think the sickness
has gone to his head. Everyone knows that it most defiantly would not.” He let her hair fall through his fingers.

Lara turned her head and kissed his cheek. “What are you going to do about that?”

“I will have to wait until the war is over. Father is not doing so well and with the added stress I don’t think his heart could take it.”

Lara scooted out of his lap frustrated and started pacing the room letting her emotions get the best of her. “Are you telling me that I’m going to have to watch you two together? I knew I should have ignored how I felt about you and focused on everything else.”

She could feel and recognize now when her power of confusion was being released and relaxed.

“It is not just you this is affecting. Dillon has to put up with it too. Wait, what was that? How do you feel about me?” Aodhan asked with his eyebrow raised.

She waived an impatient hand at him “Not now Aodhan. We have a war to think of and you a marriage. We should stay away from each other.”

Lara had started pacing again causing Aodhan to let out a huge sigh. He got up and stood in her path so she would run into him and stop. He grabbed her and put one arm around her waist and his hand behind her head so she was looking in his eyes.

“You really think we can do that? Mother said she would talk to father tonight. Who knows? She may even hit him on the head with a frying pan to change his mind.” he said and let out a laugh at the inside joke.

Lara gave him a puzzled look and gnawed on her lower lip. She looked at the bit of light coming through the door flap.

“I’m sorry. I must be more stressed than I thought.” Lara said and kissed him.

“Come with me.” he let her go, grabbed her hand and led her out of the tent. They walked to the top of the hill and watched the sun rise on the last peaceful day before battle.

Chapter 22

Scanlon arrived back just before dawn from Tralee and was falling back to sleep when he woke to the sound of blades clashing. Half asleep and thinking the battle had started he ran out of his tent with sword in hand. Half dressed he looked over at the training area watching as Kedryn, Doyle and Lawler sparred.

Lowering his sword Scanlon shook the sleep out of his head. He watched as Kedryn taught them a few different fighting formations. He noticed that while Kedryn dominated he also let the others get the upper hand every once in a while. He stretched his arms and turned to head back to his tent and get a little bit more sleep. Letting out a loud yawn he noticed Devlyn out of the corner of his eye. Devlyn was watching him with a huge grin on his face. Scanlon gave him an annoyed look.

“What did you do now?”

Devlyn shrugged as Scanlon scowled at him and walked back into their tent.

“It is a day of rest and yet they train.” Scanlon said as he walked into the sleeping area of their tent.

He set his sword by his bunk, lay down and put his arm over his eyes. Groaning knowing that there was no way now he could get any more sleep he pulled on his shirt. He almost tore up his whole side of the sleep area searching for his other boot.
, he thought to himself.

Hobbling outside with one boot on and looking around. He spotted Devlyn who was watching Kedryn and the others spar. Devlyn turned when he heard Scanlon behind him and gave him an innocent look all the while rocking back and forth on his feet whistling.

Scanlon looked around and spotted his other boot at the top of the tent. The swords stopped clashing and he looked back where Kedryn was and all three were rolling with laughter. He took his boot off and threw it. They rolled down on to the dew covered grass and he turned to Devlyn.

“Is that the best you can do? That wasn’t as creative as you usually are. Go pick on Aodhan he is back.” He scowled at Devlyn and started laughing himself.

Spurts of laughter came from the training area. There were more soldiers out in the field now watching both of them to see what would happen next. Scanlon smacked Devlyn on the back of the head and sat down to put on his other boot.

In the small training area Lawler was laughing so hard he snorted. Kedryn stopped short his laughing.

“Did you just snort?” Kedryn asked and that sent all of them rolling in laughter. Tears were rolling down Kedryn’s and Doyle’s cheeks.

Doyle said through spurts of laughter. “Show us more. Then let

s get something to eat.”

“Sounds like a plan. Let me show you an Aikido move.” Kedryn said.

Chapter 23

After watching the sun rise Aodhan walked Lara back to her tent and patiently waited outside. She stepped back out quickly and gave him a bag. Lara was starting to get butterflies and rushed around in her tent getting cleaned up the best she could. Bevin was going to be at the breakfast and vanity set in. She grabbed out her makeup bag and started getting cleaned up. She looked at her last set of clean clothes and the wrinkled dress Shanna gave her and sighed.

“I should have asked Shanna about getting some of these washed.” she let out a huge sigh “It’s not like I’m going to be squeaky clean in battle.” She put on her black cargo pants and emerald green shirt. Then stepped through to the sitting area sitting down to brush her hair and turned as Eion stepped into her tent.

“Good morning. It is time to head to the morning meal.” He watched as she rolled her hair up in a knot and stuck hairpins in her hair.

“You look lovely. Not that you did not before. Something is different?”

“The essentials of a woman. A bit of makeup.”

He walked over and kissed her cheek. “Let us be gone before I lose my wits and snatch you away from Aodhan.” Eion said.

“Aodhan?” she blushed and turned to hide it.

“Never the matter. We should head out I would like to find someone to send for Scanlon and Devlyn. General Ruark and Lord Blaine would like them to be at the meal this morning. Kedryn should eat with the soldiers. I do not want them to think he is receiving special treatment.”

“If you don’t mind I will go get Scanlon and Devlyn. Besides I would like to see how Kedryn is doing after the flash last night. Did he make it to your pavilion?”

“Yes he did and he told me about Liam. Let us not dwell on that. You can bring it up during the war counsel today.” Eion held out a hand and Lara let him pull her up and lead her out.

“Always the Gentlemen. I better head out to get the guys. See you soon.”

Lara looked over the soldiers tents realized she had no idea which one was his. She had to ask a solder and he pointed her to the training area where she heard Kedryn’s laughter. As Lara walked up she watched as Scanlon threw a boot in the air at the top of a tent. She looked to where Kedryn was and thought

that it looked like he was fitting in just fine. They were all rolling on the ground laughing.

She walked up to Scanlon. “It’s good to see that Kedryn has made friends.”

“He is easy enough to get along with. He has manners unlike some here and is a skilled fighter.” Scanlon said pulling on his boots and stood giving her a slight bow. “For what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

“General Ruark would like you and Devlyn to join them.”

Devlyn appeared before her. “The morning meal in the war pavilion? I
am honored however I have other things to do.”

Lara nudged Devlyn in the side. “Wrong side of the bed this morning?”

“Nah. I would have liked to get in some more training with the newer recruits this morning.”

“Don’t you people understand the meaning of
Day of Rest
?” Lara said crossing her arms.

Kedryn came running up to her skidding in the wet grass to a stop. Lawler and Doyle followed closely behind him. “Hey. This is Doyle and Lawler.”

“Good to meet both of you.” Lara held out her arm and she clasped forearms with Doyle and Lawler.

“You too Lady Raven.” Lawler said.

“I’ll be eating with them if you don’t mind.” Kedryn said.

“That would be great. I think that’s what Eion had in mind for you anyway. You doing better?” she looked at Kedryn and he nodded. “Good. We better get going.”

“I’ll see you later.” He turned and started walking off with Lawler and Doyle heading to where the other soldiers had started gathering to eat.

She overheard Lawler. “Your mother is one hot . . .” and watched as Kedryn tried to trip him. Lawler reached over and put him in a headlock and Doyle joined in. All three started to wrestle.

Lara rolled her eyes and said “Boys.” and started walking back up the hill and stopped. She turned and looked to Devlyn and Scanlon who were watching the trio wrestling.

“Coming?” Lara called back and they turned around and walking up to her.

“As you wish my lady.” Devlyn said giving her a slight bow.

“Nice job with the boot. Scanlon, you will have to get a bit more creative than that to get him back.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Scanlon said and hooked his arm with hers.

Devlyn popped up on the other side of her and hooked his arm around hers. “Bring it on scout boy.”

She laughed and they walked up to Ruark’s pavilion. Lara smiled as they entered and looked at the huge makeshift table in the middle of Ruark’s war room heaped with food. It wasn’t the food that halted her smile. It was who she saw sitting by Aodhan.

“She just had to be beautiful.” she said just loud enough for Scanlon to hear and he gave her a side glance. She felt her stomach tighten with tons of butterflies and stopped a few steps before the table.

“I take it that’s Bevin.” she whispered to Scanlon.

“Yes that would be her.” He said and gave her a knowing look.

“What?” Lara tried her best to look innocent as she walked up to some empty chairs set by the table.

“Please. I have seen you two together.” he said.

Lara studied Bevin as she leaned into Aodhan whispering in his ear. Small, California blonde perfect wavy hair with huge blue eyes and dimples. Not a curl out of place. She watched as Aodhan laughed at something Bevin said. He looked up meeting Lara’s eyes and instantly jerked up in his seat and away from Bevin. Bevin looked at him puzzled and followed his eyes to Lara.

Looking around Lara noticed what everyone was wearing and started to feel very self conscious. The women all wore flowing velvet dresses of various jewel toned shades. Underneath the velvet dress was an off white silk chemise. Bevin’s dress was smooth golden velvet with twisted crimson piping on her square neckline and sleeves.

The men were dressed in what looked to be in different shades of leather tunics with embroidered symbols of what she assumed their family’s crest. She looked at Aodhan’s chest and Blaine’s. Their doublets had a griffin embroidered in silver.

“I believe we are a bit underdressed.” she said to Devlyn and Scanlon.

Next to her she heard Devlyn breathe in a sharp breath. “Isn’t she beautiful.”

Lara followed his eyes to the two women at Bevin’s side. She saw a violet eyed, dark haired exotic beauty who wore a lavender dress that set off her eyes. The other had honey brown hair, brown eyes and wore a sapphire blue dress.

Leaning over she whispered in Devlyn’s ear. “Which one has caught your heart?”

She nudged him to quit staring and reached up and pushed on his chin to close his gaping mouth.

“Fand.” Devlyn quietly said as he tripped over his own feet and knocked her into Scanlon She caught herself before falling into a chair. Lara had to look away quickly from Devlyn so he wouldn’t see her try not to laugh. To her relief no one seemed to take any notice to what just happened.

“He loses all sense when she is around. It is a good thing she will be in the healing tent during battle or he would not have a chance.” Scanlon said and

Lara let out a loud laugh as Devlyn who had turned beat red pulled out her seat. “I would have to agree he is right on that point.”

“Thank you. Always the gentleman.” She looked to Aodhan who’s blue eyes narrowed for a second and he looked away.

General Ruark stood to get everyone’s attention. “It is time for introductions. My Lady Battle Raven there are some here that you have not been introduced to yet.” He gestured to his right where Aodhan was sitting.

“This is Lady Bevin.” the woman at Aodhan’s side gracefully nodded her head. “Lady Doireann.” The violet eyed girl smiled at her. “Lady Fand.” she nodded and when she looked their way Lara felt Devlyn stiffen in the chair beside her. “Lieutenant Dillon. A Milesian strategist that has graciously decided to join our side.” Dillon nodded his head to her.
“My friends this is Lara Eve O’Broin, The Lady Battle Raven.”

Lara forced a smile at Bevin and looked at the rest. “It is a pleasure to
meet all of you.”

She noticed that Dillon looked absolutely disgruntled and then looked to Devlyn who was turning red in the face. Lara jabbed him in the ribs.

“Breathe.” she said and heard Devlyn let out a huge breathe as he straightened in his chair.

Across the table Bevin looked away from Doireann and to where Lara was sitting. Her curiosity was peaked ever since she heard that the Lady Battle Raven had arrived with Aodhan. Very stunning even in those strange clothes. She studied Lara some more as she was talking to Scanlon.

Although her face was almost a cherub like round it was a stunning contrast to her sharp and strong eyes and full mouth. Bevin’s eyes moved to the strands of dark auburn strands of hair that fell around her face and neck and noticed how she kept pushing them behind her ears.

Lara glanced over to Aodhan and caught Bevin studying her. She purposefully held Bevin’s eyes for a couple of seconds and turned back to Scanlon. Bevin felt as if Lara’s emerald green eyes had just looked right through to her core. She had heard the war goddesses that formed the Morrigan all had brilliant green eyes. It was like she was looking at one of the goddesses of legend and she didn’t like it. Vanity hit home with her.

“I am the most beautiful.” Bevin said under her breath.

“What was that?” Aodhan asked as he looked at the food. He felt his mouth water and glanced Lara’s way.

“Nothing.” Bevin said as she pushed some of her hair away from her face and over her shoulder. She noticed that Aodhan and Lara kept glancing at each other. She felt Aodhan’s reluctance to be near her as soon as Lara walked in. Also she saw Lara’s reaction him. Curiosity got the better of her and Bevin decided she just had to know. She reached up and pulled Aodhan to her and kissed him full on the mouth taking him by surprise. At the same she time glanced at Lara who flinched and quickly turn her head. The cattiness drained out of her when she looked at Dillon and felt instantly ashamed. She found out what she wanted to know and will explain to him later. Bevin turned to Doireann and started talking to her about her concerns.

After cups of coffee and juice were poured into the mugs set out on the tables Lord Blaine rose and offered an Irish blessing. One Lara often heard her grandfather speak with, of course, Blaine’s own twist on it.

“May the one God protect you and bless you today. May troubles ignore you each step of the way. And may God guard and guide you in whatever you do and wherever you go. May his loving protection be a blessing to you always today and the days to come. May peace and plenty be the first after this battle that is to be fought tomorrow.”

Everyone stood up around the table, raised their goblets. “Sláinte.”

After everyone was seated Devlyn stood up and offered his own.

“Here is to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold ale and another one!”

There were some whoops from the men and Blaine smiled at him and
tipped his glass to him. He made a gesture and everyone started to pass around the food. After everyone had filled their plate he stood up with his goblet raised.

“Today is a Day of Rest and also a day of celebration. Yesterday I saw the return of my son and my oldest and dearest friend Eion. Who does not seem to have changed a bit.” everyone around the table laughed and Blaine waited until everyone quieted and continued on.

“Also we are grateful for the presence of the lovely Lady Battle Raven. For her choice of being a Symbol of the Danann and fighting at our side. Lara, I have seen what you can do and I am thankful to you.” He raised his cup to them all “Let us not talk of battle this morning and eat.”

“Here. Here.” Everyone say in unison.

Aodhan kept glancing at Lara and then to Bevin during the meal. This was the most uncomfortable he had ever been. He nearly jumped when Bevin spoke.

“What is this drink? It is much like our morning drink but flavored differently?” Bevin asked as she took another sip.

Aodhan glanced up at Lara. “Lara had it in her pack when she came through the portal with us. She gave some to the cooks so we could have some with our meal.”

She looked Lara in the eye. “It is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.”

Lara decided to ease the tension between the women and she decided on a plan. “You’re welcome. I was thinking that we could gather the women for lunch and have a different type of drink that I brought along.”

“What would that be?” Bevin asked and Doireann and Fand looked up at Lara curious too.

Lara smiled deviously at Aodhan and said “Some hot chocolate”.

Aodhan gave her a surprised look. “I thought you gave all of it to Annie.”

Lara had a guilty look on her face. “I did take a couple of packs out. You never know when a woman could use some chocolate.”

As the plates were cleared off and people started to sit back in their seats General Ruark stood and cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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