Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (35 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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Chapter 31

Masking the nervousness she was feeling Lady Paili sat at her vanity brushing her hair. She almost jumped out of her skin when Lord Faolan came up behind her from what appeared to be out of nowhere. Tipping her head back to him he kissed her on the forehead giving no sign he noticed how on edge she was and turned away. She started brushing her hair again and her eyes followed Lord Faolan as he walked through the door to the torture chamber beyond.

Once she heard the click of the lock she stopped in mid stroke. Her hand slightly shook as she set the brush down on her vanity. Paili stood and calmly as possible walked out of their chambers. Nodding at the guards by the door and headed towards Kiara’s chambers. Just as she reached the adjoining corridor across from the Seer’s door and glanced back at the guards.

The guards outside Lord Faolan and Paili’s chamber were engrossed in their conversation and paid her no mind. She took a sharp turn away from the Seers chambers and hurried down the torch lit corridor. Pushing through an unguarded door she swept into the Generals chambers.

“Is everyone prepared?” Lady Paili asked as she anxiously walked up to him.

“Yes, a ghrá. Lord Faolan will not know that we are gone. I am confident you can find other ways to distract him if he questions.”

“Of course I can. Where is Cadmon?” she let out a dramatic sigh. “I hate to take away one of the loyal guards of the Seer. They are so hard to come by.”

“He stepped out and will return shortly.” Daigh said as he pulled her into a kiss.

Paili pulled back and glanced anxiously at the chamber door “Where is my brother?”

“Damon was making preparations to make certain he was

Their heads turned as the sound of footsteps entered the room.

“And that I am. Cadmon and Tiran are outside. We are all ready.”

Damon looked over General and wondered why after his sister had almost put the man on the altar that he still wanted her. Obsession, power, greed, those were just a few of his answers. With Lord Faolan back he was fearful for his sister who was pushing her luck.

“None of my business I suppose.” He said under his breath.

“What was that brother?”

“Nothing, my dearest sister.” He walked over to her and kissed her on her cheek.

“Make sure you come immediately back. Lord Faolan will be ready shortly to help you hold the connection with Kiara’s brother.”

Paili walked up to the General and kissed him. “Be well my love.”

“If I do not make it back. Know that my last thought was of you.” General Daigh bowed and kissed her hand.

She watched nervously twirling her bloodstone necklace as both her brother and General Daigh left the room.

Chapter 32

Looking over her armor Lara spotted a pile of clothes set underneath it. She lifted up a black leather long sleeved padded shirt and pants. The shirt fitted like a bodice tied up the front with a raven embroidered on the back. The pants were very fitted and Lara moved around to make sure she had full movement. When she was satisfied she sat down and pulled out the box which held her raven bracers, necklace and hairpins. She hesitated putting them on. The last battle they had been in the Morrigan lost. Lara shrugged it off and put on her bracers and necklace along with her boots making sure they were buckled and the laces were tight.

“Never thought I’d use these for anything more than digs.”

As Lara walked out in the sitting area. She started as Gobnait stepped in with a silver covered platter. Gobnait sat it on the table and inspected Lara’s clothing.

“Those fit you well. I brought some breakfast for you.”

“Thank you. Where’s Aodhan and have you seen Kedryn and why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be in Tralee?”

“Whoa, hold on there with the questions. Aodhan is up on the hill with General Ruark and Blaine. He was able to convince them to let Kedryn meet with you before he joined with the troops. I have volunteered to help the healers.”

Lara felt the butterflies return and she sat her raven hair pins on the table. “Be safe. I’ll have to admit that was very thoughtful of Aodhan with what he did. I am assuming everything is ready. The soldiers are lined up and ready to battle?”

“Yes. The soldiers tents are down and they are already in formation. General Ruark wanted Aodhan and Dillon to look them over and make sure there are no weak spots. I told him that I would bring you your breakfast and help with the armor. Eat first you will need your energy.” Gobnait said as she picked up Lara’s body armor and looked it over.

“Of course. You are right. I should eat.” Lara said as she sat down and ate as quickly as possible. When Lara finished she pulled the body armor that covered her chest and back over her head and Gobnait pulled tightly on the leather straps on the side and Lara grunted.

“I have to breathe you know.”

“You do not want it falling off during battle.” Gobnait said as she picked up Lara’s arm and leg armor and helped her with those too. “There. You are ready.”

Lara looked down at her armor and moved her legs and arms and was surprised as to how much movement she had. She walked over and grabbed her hair pins just as Kedryn walked in.

“Ready? They are waiting and we should go.” he looked her over and his nerves jumped to a worried frenzy for his mom.

She looked at Gobnait and gave her a hug. “I’ll see you on the flip side.”

“All of you will be in my prayers.” Gobnait said as she watched Kedryn and Lara walk out of the pavilion.

Kedryn led Lara to the edge of the hill that overlooked the troops. The healer’s tent was moved to the top of the hill and the armory had been taken down. She looked back at her pavilion and the servants had started to take that down too. General Ruark’s pavilion was the only one left standing.

Lara looked over General Ruark, Aodhan, Lord Blaine and Eion who were all in full armor as they walked up. She glanced at Kedryn and notice he was too. She supposed she didn’t notice since his armor was a glossy black and theirs were gleaming in the sun. Or she was just in denial.

“How did you manage that?”

Kedryn gave her a guilty look. “Remember the spray paint you took away from the boys vandalizing the site in Greece? I kno
w I was supposed to throw it aw
y. It was still in my pack.”

Looking over the Duir plain Lara saw Liam’s army miles across at the other side spread out in a similar checkerboard formation that the Danann were in. She shook her head at the

A breeze caught her hair and she realized that her hair pins were still in her hands. Lara looked over the plain. As she turned the sun shown so brightly around her she put her hand by her eyes while she walked to Aodhan’s side. Lara put her hair up the best she could.

Across the Duir plain Liam was looking up at where Lara stood through his spy crystal. He had caught sight of her auburn hair as she stood on the top of a hill. His breath caught as the sun peeked through the clouds and its light surrounded her. A slight breeze had caught Lara’s hair as her armor shined with tint of red to it.

General Kayne was looking in the same direction and he let out a low whistle.

“Now that is power and beauty all in one. I hope our scribe caught that and put it in a sketch. I do not think anyone is going to see anything like that ever again.”

Liam looked away from Lara and hardened his heart. Any feelings he had towards her or anyone else on the Danann side he had to set aside. Those feelings could cause hesitation and prove deadly to him or anyone around him. He made himself feel the hate as he thought of his father’s murder.

“Ready the men.” Liam said as he walked away from Kayne and shouted over his shoulder. “Make certain Niall stays behind with me. He is too eager for a fight and I need him.”

“Yes Lord O’Cuinn.” Kayne said and watched as Liam strode up to Niall.

“The troops are in formation and ready as soon as you and General Ruark give the signal to charge, my Lord.” Niall said.

“To the front line.” Liam said and mounted his horse with them following.

As Lara walked up to Aodhan he looked over her armor and it hit him
that this really might be the last time they see each other alive. He took her hand and led her down to the battlefront along with the others and Kedryn at her side.

“Ready for this?” she asked and glanced over at him.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Don’t die on me, ok.” Kedryn said as he gave her the best hug he could with all their armor on. His stomach was in knots.

“I don’t plan on it. Keep yourself safe too. Love you Kedryn.” Lara said as she held back tears and hardened herself for what was about to come.

Scanlon walked up to Kedryn “Let’s get in formation.”

As Kedryn and Scanlon walked away he yelled behind him.

“Love you mom.”

“Love you too” she yelled back as she watched as he walked away.

A loud thundering rhythm started to pound through the air. Lara’s attention was drawn in Liam’s troop’s direction. Both sides were lined up preparing for the word to march into battle while each of their leaders rode in front to examine the lines. The
pounded their armor and shields shouting. Even though they had different fighting styles their tactics remained the same. The Danann soldiers started to pound on their armor and started shouting back.

As planned General Ruark and Lara were behind the front line close to the middle. Lord Blaine MacCionaoith was to wait behind the heavy infantry and direct the soldiers from there. Lara looked over to where Kedryn was. He noticed her looking his way and saluted her. He was trying not to give away how nervous he was about taking lives.

The signal was given and the armies moved towards each other. The archers were let loose and both armies kept their men out of range. When in range their shields were raised to deflect the arrows.

General Ruark gave the signal for the archers to cease fire and gave the signal for the first line of light infantry to run forward into battle. Heavy infantry following closely behind.

Liam had dismounted and was positioned behind the heavy infantry and he saw General Ruark give the signal. He nodded to General Kayne and they moved their way to the front lines into battle.

Kedryn and Scanlon’s side clashed with Liam’s army first with the cavalry unit following closely behind. Aodhan’s and Devlyn’s side pounded against the Milesian army next. It seemed that the middle line was a bit more cautious on the Danann side.

As Liam rushed a few paces behind the front line he paused to survey the scene. He noticed that more than anywhere else in the battle Milesian bodies were scattered around the Danann’s right flank. Liam looked for the cause and noted a soldier covered in black armor and recognized the fighting style. He signaled to Niall pointing in Kedryn’s direction.

“Go! Take care of that. We do not need to lose any more men than we have to.” Liam said.

Niall’s eyes searched for the Battle Raven’s son and heard a loud crash. Their side had clashed with the Danann front line. Niall yell at him over the
clashing of swords.

“It will be such a waste of talent.” He looked at Liam’s narrowed eyes. “All right. I will take care of him.” Niall said and started to make his way over to where Kedryn was fighting off another Milesian soldier.

Liam’s thoughts were on only one person, Lord Blaine. As he easily fought off two Danann soldiers Liam scanned the lines in front of him. Lara and General Ruark were almost to the front line. His eyes spotted Blaine who was still positioned behind the heavy infantry.

“Coward.” he said and cut his way further into the battle reaching the front line where General Kayne had made his way hacking at the Danann front line.

“Look at him hiding behind those two.” He signaled Kayne to move with him straight toward Blaine. Liam felt a sharp pain as a blade sliced his shoulder. He kicked the solder to his side in the gut and sliced down with his sword beheading the man. Looking down at his shoulder he noted it was just a scratch. His eyes scanned the soldiers for again for Blaine as Kayne appeared in front of him.

“Pay attention Liam!” Kayne shouted angrily as he arched a swing down knocking a lance out of a soldiers hands slicing the man’s hand off. He kicked the soldier in the head knocking him on the ground.

On the edge of the battle Niall was fighting his way through the soldiers to get to Kedryn and began to notice something off about the bodies.

He looked at them closer and realized that the soldiers on the ground were not dead.

“Interesting.” Niall said out loud and thought that he just might have to disobey Liam’s order as he blocked a battle ax, spun and ran a man through.

Lord Blaine was also keeping an eye out for Liam. He blocked a blow to his side and caught sight of him. He decided to move forward with his own plan of action. He ran past Lara jumping over bodies fighting his way straight through to Liam.

General Ruark and Lara’s line of soldiers backed off and moved forward to clash again with the Milesian. Ruark almost missed dodging a blade coming at him when he heard Lara shout.

“No! God. What is he doing?”

Ruark cursed as he looked over and saw Blaine fighting his way to Liam. He moved forward some more to catch Blaine. Milesian soldiers crowded in on him and he lost sight of Blaine as Lara appeared at his side.

“Has he lost all sense? He knows you are the one to get to Liam first.” Ruark yelled.

“Do you think he thought if he got to him face to face that Liam would listen?” She swung her daggers in a deadly arch at a Milesian who had gotten past her defenses. She kicked him to the ground.

Aodhan appeared in front of Lara and made her jump. She almost slashed at him out of reaction and held her arm back. General Ruark parried a blow that was aimed at Aodhan’s back.

“Get back to your post. Devlyn needs you!” Ruark said.

“I can get my father out of there.” He looked anxiously at where Blaine was sidestepping a blade and spun as he ran the man through.

“You will drain yourself and have already used translocation once to get here. If you go to your father and bring him back what use will you be if you can’t fight? The healer’s cannot keep using their powers to heal you. They have to attend the wounded. Get back to your side of the line!”

Lara watched as Blaine cut down the warriors around him. He was almost to Liam and she tried to fight her way closer. More Milesian soldiers were breaking through the line held in front of them. She took a chance and looked back at Eion. They wouldn’t be able to flag him down in time. She had a thought and jumped over a fallen soldier making her way to Aodhan meeting up with him back to back.

“Have you ever translocated something to a certain area.” She yelled.

“Just playing around. Why?” he turned and stopped a battle axe that was aimed for her side.

“How badly did that drain you?” she asked as she spun and kicked a man in the head. Thank God for steel toed boots she thought as she heard his helmet ring when her boot hit it.

“Not entirely as bad as doing it myself.”

Aodhan scanned the soldiers and spotted his father who was almost to Liam. He realized what she was thinking.

“No. I am not going to do it.” Aodhan said.

“I am the one who has to reach Liam first. Your father is not strong enough. Look at him he will wear himself out before he even gets there.”

She spun and struck down a Milesian who swiped a long dagger at Aodhan’s back. Lara grabbed Aodhan and kissed him as she deflected another arching blow looking him in the eyes.

“I trust you. I will be where I’m supposed to be and you can get back to help Devlyn.”

“No. I cannot …” Aodhan started to say as he blocked a sword blow and smashed a fist into the face of a soldier. Aodhan spun to her and thought about going ahead and get his father out himself. Then reason took over.

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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