Centerfold (20 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Centerfold
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Glade glanced at Roman.

Roman held up his hands. “Don’t look at me. The girl has a temper. Always has. And I can’t say that I blame her in this instance.”

“Fine.” Glade leaned forward, steepling his hands together as he rested his elbows on the solid wood surface. “As I told you when you arrived this time, I can tell impostors a mile away. And when I suspected you two weren’t what you’d claimed during your last visit, I considered confronting you. Then I realized you weren’t targeting me or my magazine, but rather the drugs I’d been trying to get rid of for some time. As such, I decided to see where you went with your investigation. I can honestly tell you, I never suspected Everett. Man had never missed a day of work.” He snorted. “Of course, I realize now it was because he made more money getting my girls hooked on cocaine than through his photography. I guess I didn’t screen my staff any better than my models. A drug dealer and a narcotics officer. But in the end, you did me a favor.”

He sighed. “I’ll admit. I fully expected to have federal agents on my yard by the next morning. When nothing every came of it, I suppose you could say I was grateful.”

Roman edged forward in his seat. “If you knew we were undercover, why not just level with us and bring us in as staff?”

“Because no one else would have believed that. I don’t hire men who look like you to wash cars or carry trays. Besides, you already had an in. And you needed to reincarnate Ms. December if the retreat was going to appear legitimate.”

Scarlet paced across the room before turning and pointing a finger at him. “You still could have let us know—not pressured us to perform like your other guests.”

“But that was exactly why I didn’t. If you couldn’t fool me into thinking you three were lovers, you never would have convinced anyone else. And I heard more than a few of the women talking. A couple had you pegged as a cop. I thought if you had to prove your cover to me…”

Roman crossed his arms. “So why now?”

“Because until a few hours ago, I sincerely believed this was all just for show. I never thought the killer would infiltrate my home, which is why I allowed you all to think your cover was intact. I figured you three would keep the women safe while your counterparts within the Bureau would hunt down this deranged creep outside of my walls. But after the explosion…” He shook his head. “Once I finished with the fire marshal, I had my security check up on the other ladies. It appears no one’s seen Mary Clarke, aka Ms. September, or her partner since the explosion.”

“What?” Roman pushed to his feet. “I personally talked to her—to every model. She got out.”

“I saw her with the paramedics after I came out of the studio.” Aiden pointed at Glade. “You were there.”

“I haven’t seen the young lady since. All I know is that she’s not in her room and her vehicle is still in the garage.”

Aiden shook his head. “This doesn’t make any sense. She’s not next in line and if we’ve learned anything about this bastard, it’s that he’s methodical and obsessive about every detail. Taking anyone other than Ms. July would only frustrate him. I don’t even know if he’d be able to kill them out of order.”

“Let’s not find out if your theory’s true.” Roman pounded his fist on the table. “Damn, we still aren’t any closer to having a concrete suspect. If Nick’s the guy then why didn’t he abduct Amber during the explosion? No one would have seen him with all that smoke.”

“Maybe that was his plan, but it didn’t work out. We showed up. Maybe he didn’t think anyone would come inside?”

“No. He headed out with those women right away. He didn’t even come back in.”

“But if it’s not him, then who? We’ve been watching every night. Security’s high. No one’s sneaking in and out of here without someone seeing him or her or setting off an alarm. Hell, I tripped one in the damn dark room, and I looked for it. It
to be someone already here. Someone connected to that first case.”

Scarlet inhaled. “He doesn’t screen his models.”

Roman turned to her. “What did you say?”

“Not me. Glade.” She faced the older man. “You said before that you didn’t screen your staff any better than your models. That implies you don’t screen the women. You choose them solely on whether they fit what you’re looking for.”

Glade nodded. “Basically. As shallow as it is, this industry is all about giving my readers the type of girl they’re fantasizing about.”

Roman grabbed her shoulder. “Are you suggesting the killer’s one of the models?”

“Fuck!” Aiden slammed his hand down. “Ms. November.”

Roman spun around. “What about her?”

“Remember in the studio, how she wanted to take Amber out? Kept trying to convince us to let them go out alone? Then during Scarlet’s big show, she was scowling the entire time.”

Roman nodded “Yeah. But neither of those facts proves she’s the one.”

“There’s more. Before I returned to the room, I tried to follow Glade, but ran into a couple fighting in the hallway. I only heard a few words and I couldn’t place who they were at the time, but it was Candi and Nick. She was upset and told him he needed to get her what she wanted.”

“The pictures!” Scarlet yanked on Roman’s arms. “Do you still have those pictures?”

“Inside my shirt. Why?”

“Lay them out on the desk.”

Roman reached into his shirt and removed the envelope he’d stuffed there before they’d left. He shook the pictures out then spread them across the desk, turning to look at her. “What do you see we don’t?”

“These.” She picked up the ones of the couple having sex. “I knew I’d seen that tattoo before on the man’s wrist. It’s Everett. And I bet my ass the woman riding him is Candi. That looks like her necklace.”

Roman held up the photo. “So Candi and Everett were lovers. Which means he probably had her strung out on more drugs than just the coke he was selling. So when he gets killed at the drop…and with another woman on his arm…Candi snaps. Blames the other women at the shoot for her loss.”

“Or maybe she just blamed me—or should I say the undercover cop. But she didn’t know which one of the girls was the plant. My name wasn’t released.”

“She doesn’t know which girl betrayed her so she decides to kill all of you.” Aiden shook his head. “Fuck! This is crazy. But it explains how she was able to lure the other women to her. She wouldn’t have been a threat to them.”

“But what about the sisters? No way Candi took them both out without a fight. Strong or not, she’s not that good.”

Aiden closed his eyes. “Nick’s her partner. That might be why the victimization changed suddenly. He helped her kill the sisters and he was the one who violated them. That’s why they were arguing. In the studio, I thought I smelled something for a moment. It was sickeningly sweet. I’m thinking it was chloroform. She was Nick’s alibi. He helps the other women out, while she grabs Amber and no one suspects a thing.”

Scarlet scrubbed her hand along her jaw. “But when you and Roman prevented that…he nabbed whoever was last to leave. Whoever had to wait to see the paramedics. By then, we’d all left thinking the threat was over.”

Roman cursed under his breath. “This isn’t good. People like Candi don’t function like everyone else does. The rage she’ll feel at having Nick bring her the wrong model? This could easily turn into a spree killing. She goes on a rampage with him and murders anyone who gets in her way.” Roman pointed at Glade. “Get your security detail to round up the other ladies and get them out. Then quietly evacuate the estate. I’ll call for backup—have a unit meet everyone outside.”

Glade bowed his head. “I can’t believe… I have cameras on all the exits. They have to be on the grounds somewhere or I’d have been notified that they’d left. And I doubt they climbed over an electrified fence.”

“There has to be somewhere around here he could take her and be confident they’d have the privacy they’d need. After all, Nick thinks Candi will kill the girl. He might not realize how insane his partner is. So he’s picked a spot where no one’s going to hear their victim scream.”

“The studio!” Aiden waved at them. “Think about it. Electricity’s out. Alarms are down. And the only other person with a room in that wing is Nick. Maybe that’s why he left. He was preparing a place to hide Amber in that adjoining room until everyone left and they could retrieve her. Then they could torture and kill her without being interrupted or tripping any alarms. No one’s going back there tonight, not even security. No reason for them to. Everything’s been destroyed that’s worth taking.”

Scarlet inhaled. “Those other pictures. That’s why the studio looked wrong. It was from that first shoot with Everett. That’s why Nick has them. He’s going to recreate that shot, only to take pictures of them killing her.”

Roman grunted. “So I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Nick is Candi’s lover. That he’s her submissive and does anything the woman tells him.” He picked up a landline, motioning to Glade. “I’m calling it in. Go. Get your staff moving and get everyone out of here. I’ll have agents meet you out front. Have a unit sent to the studio as backup.”

Glade nodded, rushing out of the room.

Scarlet listened as Roman rattled off the situation, finally hanging the damn thing back on the cradle. “You know it might be too late if we wait.”

“I know, it’s just…” He pulled his lips tight. “Why don’t you follow Glade? Ensure he gets everyone out. Aiden and I will go to the studio. You can send backup our way once it arrives.”

“And leave you two to face this alone? No way.” She held up her hand, cutting him off. “I’m scared of losing you guys, too. But there’s a life at stake. And three is better than two, especially when we have no idea what to expect. Those crime scenes were incredibly violent. Who knows what she’s capable of in that kind of state.”

“All the more reason to keep you out of her sights. It’s you she wants. And Candi might be fully aware you are the cop by now. Couple that with your head injury…”

“I’m not leaving you two and that’s final. I can watch your backs if nothing else. But I’m going.”

Roman huffed, nodding at Aiden as he headed for the door. Aiden waved her forward, sticking close as they ran toward the studio. Uncertainty prickled her skin. Damn, she hoped they were right, or they’d just given the killer the perfect escape and sentenced Mary to death.


Chapter Twelve




Roman hurried through the mansion, heading steadily toward the studio wing. Scarlet and Aiden shadowed his progress, their hushed footfalls in perfect sync with his. Shit, how had they missed seeing Candi’s involvement? Though he realized serial killers were rarely women, it all made sense—in a weird kind of way. It also meant she was extremely volatile and unpredictable. While he knew that her delusional, obsessive behavior would compel her to continue killing in sequence, being confronted could change everything and unleash that anger on everyone in the room.

Memories of Scarlet lying on the warehouse floor, her blood bright against her shirt shuffled through his head—the remembered feel of her weak body in his arms, the pale tone of her skin as she’d bled out. He hated putting her at risk again, though he understood he couldn’t prevent it. Couldn’t ask her to stop doing what was clearly a defining part of who she was. But damn if he had to like it. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her down again.

He slowed as he reached the hallway leading to the studio. The scent of smoke still hung in the air, tainting every breath as they stopped at the entrance to the lounge, taking stock of the layout.

Aiden shouldered up beside him. “Only other way in and out of that studio is an emergency exit door. But it only opens from the inside. Impossible for one of us to pry it open.”

Roman glanced at Scarlet. “I’m hesitant to separate. Our best bet is probably to confront her. See is we can reason with her long enough to get a clear shot. I just don’t see how we can sneak up on her or Nick, if he’s in there with her.”

Scarlet gave him a knowing look. “I should go in first. Talk to her while you boys come in behind. After all…it’s me she wants. She might fixate on that long enough you can get into position.”


“You’ll be right behind me.”

“And if she has a gun?”

“She hasn’t used one, yet. You need to stop thinking with your heart and do what you know is right.”

“Never going to happen where you’re concerned—or Aiden.” Roman muttered a few words under his breath before huffing it out. “And for the record, I hate when you’re right. Fine. We’ll secure the area, and you can go in first. There’s still no power, so all we’ve got is that damn emergency lighting and our flashlights.”


A hint of fear churned his gut as he cracked open the door, clearing the next room as best he could visually before darting inside, gun leveled, flashlight scanning through the shadows. Noting appeared changed from when they’d last been there a few hours ago, the room still smudged with ashes from the explosion.

Aiden fanned out to one side as he took the other, allowing Scarlet to keep to the middle. They searched the area, ensuring they were alone before meeting by the door. Just one more small room between them and the studio. If they were right—and he prayed they were—Candi should have Amber inside, unless she’d already killed the woman and had headed out looking for another victim.

He motioned to his partners, slowly easing the door inward, wincing when it creaked. Shit. They didn’t need to announce their presence. Surprise was their greatest weapon. Aiden darted through again, disappearing off to the left as Scarlet headed straight for the next door. Roman cleared the area to his right, staying slightly back as Scarlet crowded the doorway. A small triangle of gray light from the studio shone in the doorway, the slab obviously wedged open. Scarlet squeezed through as he and Aiden held steady at the door, a harsh voice breaking the silence.

“Ah, you’re awake. For a moment, I thought you’d sleep through all the fun.”

The woman’s tone was bitter and low, a hysterical edge to it that made Roman’s skin crawl. He peeked through the open doorway, but all he could see were shadows in the dull light. Scarlet waved him through, her silhouette just visible ahead of him. Aiden followed behind him as a muted groan sounded from the far corner.

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