Ceri's Valentine

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Authors: Nicole Draylock

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #lust, #valentine

BOOK: Ceri's Valentine
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Ceri’s Valentine

By Nicole Draylock


Copyright 2012 Nicole Draylock

Smashwords Edition


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This work contains sexual content. This
is a work of fiction intended for adults 18 and over


Being alone on Valentine’s Day sucked.
The big day was here and since her last date had ended in a total
disaster, Ceri hadn’t worked up the courage yet to go out on the
hunt again. Men couldn’t help it she supposed, they just spent too
much time thinking with their little head. Sometimes she thought it
might have been her; perhaps there was simply something wrong with
her ability to cull out the herd of men that just wanted to get in
her pants.

Carl had been the latest failed attempt
to develop something with more meaning than a one night stand. She
wasn’t prudish in the least, and had indulged in more than a few
first date flings, but somehow those never seemed to last and she
was tired of the games and foolishness.

Normally, a night alone with a good
erotic story and a vibrator wasn’t a big deal, she could get laid
at the drop of a hat, and she was still holding out against the
need to find Mr. Right Now, but this was a girl’s favorite holiday.
She was supposed to be in the arms of her lover tonight, being
swept away in a tidal wave of bliss that she could reciprocate in
full measure. Instead, she was pondering whether to go out on the
prowl, or simply stay home and pout.

Sitting on her bed staring at herself
in the mirror wasn’t helping. She was wearing a sexy bra and
matching panty and garter belt that she had bought just to cheer
herself up. She needed to decide what to do; she could either shed
these last vestiges of clothing and curl up under the sheets, or
get dressed and go face the world. As she ruminated on what she
should do the doorbell rang.

She wasn’t expecting anyone, but
answering the door gave her a moment at least to delay her
decision. Slipping on her rope, she went through the living room to
see who it could be. When she looked through the peephole she was
surprised. It was Jensen, her neighbor from across the hall. She
only knew his name because the mail carrier routinely put his mail
in her box. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her neighbor; he was
just typically so reclusive that she wondered if he ever went out,
or perhaps it was just that he was never home. Either way they only
occasionally passed each other in the hall and she had never given
him much thought.

Opening the door she greeted him. “Good
evening Jensen. My you are looking sharp tonight” she blurted out
as she took in his tailored suit.

Jensen smiled. “Thank you, you are
looking pretty nice yourself” he replied, looking up and down her

Ceri blushed slightly under his
predatory gaze, realizing too late that her robe had fallen open
giving him a clear view of her sexy lingerie. “Did you need
something Jensen?” she asked, feeling flushed.

I saw you hadn’t left for a
date yet, and decided it was time to work up my nerve and ask you
if you’d like to go out for coffee or something, but it looks to me
like perhaps you already have plans” he said.

Perhaps it was the fact that they were
neighbors, or something less obvious, but Ceri had never even
thought about her neighbor as an eligible man about her age. He was
far from unattractive and in his suit, all dressed up to go out on
the town he was positively easy on the eye.

I was just trying to decide
what to do tonight as a matter of fact” she responded, wondering if
indeed it might not be fun to go out with him, or better yet stay

Would you like to come in”
she invited, one part hoping he would be a gentleman and take her
out for a fun time, another part hoping he would be unable to
resist trying to finish undressing her.

Sure” he said, walking into
her apartment for the first time. “So what would you like to do” he
asked her, his smile melting her will to restrain herself from yet
another fling.

I don’t know, I still am
not sure whether to go out or stay in tonight, but either way I’d
love your company” she ventured, wondering if he would react to her
subtle flirtation. He seemed totally at ease in her presence which
was a plus.

I understand, I would love
to take you out sometime, but it need not be tonight if you’d
rather stay in. I also would just be glad of your company, it would
be nice to have someone to talk with and enjoy the evening” he

Ceri got the strangest feeling that his
intentions were not to get in her pants just now, and that his
offer to stay in and talk was sincere. It was not a feeling she was
accustomed too. Too many men would have taken their conversation to
be an invitation to sex. This gorgeous man seemed to actually care
about more than just getting his penis in her love

Let’s stay in. I feel
remiss that we don’t know each other better” she said.

If you’d care to share
some, I have a bottle of wine chilling in my room” he

Three hours later, Ceri had laughed
until her sides hurt at the stories he shared about his life and
work. The wine was making her feel warm inside but she was far from
drunk. She could hardly imagine that in all this time Jensen had
not once tried a bad line, or a good one for that matter, but
instead had engaged her in witty conversation and seemed genuinely
interested in who she was.

The wine gone, and the hour growing
late, Jensen suggested that perhaps he should go home, but he hoped
they could get together again soon, and perhaps go out on the town
together. Ceri had been waiting all evening for him to come on to
her and he had refrained to the point of leaving without even
trying to get her panties down. She was shocked at his gentlemanly
behavior, but at the same time, it made her want him the more. As
he stood to leave, she stood as well and boldly walked up to hug
him. Letting her robe drop from her body she rubbed the outside of
his leg with her own as she hugged him closely, looking into his
eyes lustily.

He was returning her hug gently with
one arm, and his eyes roamed her body. There was the faintest hint
of an erection in his slacks, and Ceri knew she wanted him right
then. “Must you go?” she asked looking sheepishly at his tie as she
gently stroked his chest.

Ceri” he whispered softly,
his voice low and deep.

She loosened his tie, but still he made
no move to caress or kiss her.

I want you tonight” she
whispered back, “don’t you want me?”

A faint groan, barely audible escaped
his lips. “I must confess I have wanted you since the day you moved
in here. But I don’t want you to remember me as the neighbor that
you took to your bed one night because we both happened to be
alone. Better never to have that which fills my fantasies than to
sully it with such a fleeting act.”

His words moved her and she looked once
again into his eyes. “You have wanted me for that long? Why have
you never said anything?”

I was waiting on you to
notice me” he said simply.

Ceri wondered at her own blindness,
here was a man who would forsake her body in favor of a real
relationship, who could make her laugh and want him at the same
time, and he had lived across the hall for two years waiting on her
to see him.

I’ve been a fool” she

You are anything but a
fool” he said. “You are as brilliant as you are

She snuggled her body against his,
happy to feel that his bulge had grown significantly as she all but
through herself at him. “I don’t want to remember tonight as the
night I took the neighbor to bed out of desperation either” she
said. “Though this could be the night I took my new lover to bed
for the first of what I hope will be many times”.

His will was crumbling, and she could
sense it. He would make love to her this night. She had enjoyed
many men fucking her, and though she enjoyed a good fuck, she could
already tell that this man wanted something a great deal more
enticing from her, and for the first time in her life she was ready
to give it.

Taking hold of his tie she walked to
the bedroom, dragging her reluctant new lover with her. Once
reaching her destination she made no attempt to undress him,
instead slowly removing first her bra then her panties, leaving the
garter and stockings on.

Jensen watched her, lust in his eyes,
and she could tell he was slowly losing the war to keep their
relationship emotional and not physical in this infant phase. She
knew he needed more titillation to succumb to his baser desires.
Leaning back on the bed she opened her legs, putting her sexy
little slit was on display for him.

She knew she had him now, and he began
to slowly undress as she gently fingered herself, letting him know
just how bad she wanted him to penetrate her. Once he had undressed
completely, he stood before her nude for the first time and she
stared openly at the gorgeous hunk that she had overlooked for two
years that lived right next door.

As he moved forward she expected him to
go straight for the goal and push his nice if not oversized cock
into her wet and ready pussy, but instead he knelt at the edge of
the bed and lifted her legs, dipping his head to her sex, and
licking slowly up her slit, allowing his tongue to play gently
between her labia. She captured his head in her hands, not pulling
him in, but encouraging him gently as he licked again, deeper this
time, his tongue circling her inner lips and grazing over her
sensitive clit.

Ceri through her head back and relished
this moment. Few enough men took the time this one did, and already
he was giving her more pleasure than many. As his tongue flicked
back and forth over her little pleasure bud, a vibration began to
build in the core of her being radiating outward like gentle wave
rippling across a pond, only instead of getting weaker as its
energy dissipated, this wave grew ever stronger.

With gentle hands he opened her sex to
his tongue, and began licking her steadily, circling her vaginal
opening time and again before returning up the cleft of her sex to
flick his tongue over her engorged clitoris. For long minutes he
licked her until the dam within her broke and her orgasm sent a
cascade of joy throughout her body. She was certain he would not
enter her, or bring his surely rigid cock to her mouth, but he
continued to eat her pussy gently for what seemed to her an hour as
she came twice more.

She had never been treated to three
orgasms before a man used more than his tongue, and she was
desperately ready to feel him within her by the time he rose. She
was more than willing to suck him to completion as reward for the
pleasure he had given, but he had other plans as he rose up over
her, kissing her lips gently as he opened her swollen sex with his
glans and begin ever so gently to push and withdraw, entering her
so slowly that she thought she might cry for want of his stiff
member deep within her aching pussy.

Hooking her heels over his back she
encouraged him to push deeper and harder, moaning loudly in bliss
when she was rewarded with another inch of his stiff manhood
sliding into her opening. He was not hung like a porn star
thankfully, but he had yet to fully enter her. Rocking her pelvis
up to meet his she tried to make him take her fully, but he was
equally determined to be patient, giving her only a little more
with each stroke until she felt she might go mad of

When finally she felt his base seated
within her, she came. It hit her suddenly and without warning and
she wailed in pleasure as she held onto his head and kissed him
deeply, playing with his tongue with her own. As they moved
together, her passion rose to heights that she had never
experienced in her life. Though he thrust into her gently she could
feel the power of the man in a way that no other lover had ever
made her feel.

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