Read Chair Yoga for You: A Practical Guide Online
Authors: Clarissa C. Adkins,Olivette Baugh Robinson,Barbara Leaf Stewart
Alternate Nostril Breathing | Anuloma Viloma |
Breathing Exercises | Pranayama |
Camel | Ustrasana |
Cat Pose | Marjaryasana |
Chair Squat | Utkatasana |
Cow | Bitilasana |
Dancer’s Pose | Natarajasana |
Downdog | Adho Mukha Svanasana |
Eagle | Garudasana |
Easy Pose | Sukhasana |
Extended Side-Angle Pose | Utthita Parsvakonasana |
Gate Pose | Parighasana |
Half Moon | Ardha Chandrasana |
Lion Pose | Simhasana |
Mountain Pose | Tadasana |
Pigeon | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana |
Posture | Asana |
Revolved Triangle | Parivrtta Trikonasana |
Seated Forward Bend | Paschimottanasana |
Spinal Twist | Ardha Matsyendrasana |
Standing Forward Bend | Uttanasana |
Sun Salutation | Surya Namaskar |
Tree | Vrksasana |
Triangle | Trikonasana |
Warrior | Virabhadrasana |
Bell, Lorna and Wudora Seyfer. Gentle Yoga. Cedar Rapids: Ingram Press, 1982.
Gentle Yoga helps people with arthritis, stroke damage, multiple sclerosis, in wheelchairs, or anyone who needs a guide to yoga.
Christensen, Alice. The American Yoga Association Easy Does it Yoga. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999.
This is a complete yoga program for those challenged by age, illness, injury, or inactivity.
Dworkis, Sam. Recovery Yoga. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1997.
Recovery Yoga addresses yoga for chronically ill, injured, and post-operative people.
Fishman, Loren and Ellen Saltonstall. Yoga for Arthritis. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008.
This is a collection of techniques that ease joint pain with yoga poses.
Kempton, Sally. “Letter to a New Meditator.” Yoga Journal. September 2010: 77+
McGonigal, Kelly. “Your Brain on Meditation.” Yoga Journal. June 2010: 69+
These articles are helpful to anyone wanting a guide for practicing meditation.
Sweeney, Matthew. Ashtanga Yoga as It Is. The Yoga Temple, 2005.
Sweeney outlines detailed information and photos showing the primary, intermediate, advanced A and B asanas, and vinyasa.
Vishnu-devananda, Swami. The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. New York: Crown Publisher, 1988.
This book describes the benefits of yoga for the body, mind, and spirit.
© Clarissa C. Adkins, Olivette Baugh Robinson & Barbara Leaf Stewart 2010