Chameleon (Supernaturals) (33 page)

Read Chameleon (Supernaturals) Online

Authors: Kelly Oram

Tags: #Romance, #teen, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

BOOK: Chameleon (Supernaturals)
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“Don’t even think about it,”
Russ warned me when I settled in on the couch after Alex left.

“What?” I asked defensively. I looked at Gabriel next to me and snapped, “We’re not even

“For once.” Russ sat down on the other side of me and snatched the remote from my hands. “
, I just meant don’t even think about watching a bunch of crappy home makeover shows all day.”

“I was not planning to watch—” Russ cocked a brow at me and I rolled my eyes. “Okay fine, smarty pants. Do you have a better idea?”

“As a matter of fact I was thinking we should go to the beach.”

“The beach?” I gasped. “Really?”

Russ grinned. “We’re less than an hour from Long Beach Island. They have an awesome beach there with this big lighthouse, I’ve been dying to take you to it since the minute Dad told me we’d be coming here.”

Gabriel interrupted my squeal of delight. “You wish to go to the ocean?”

He made it sound like Russ suggested we scrub toilets.

“I’ve never been to the ocean before.”

Russ laughed at the longing in my voice. “Dani’s obsessed with the water. We have this lake in our town back home and she made us go there every single day over summer break.”

“But it is the end of October,” Gabriel argued. “It will be cold and windy.”

“The perfect time for us to go,” Russ countered. “It’ll be deserted so Dani won’t need to cloak the two of you while we’re there.”

I didn’t care about this argument. Visiting the ocean was a life-long dream of mine. I was going no matter what. “We’ll wear jackets!” I said and jumped up off the couch.

I was quick, but Gabriel managed to stop me before I got out the front door. “Danielle,” he said in that way that he does when he’s about to politely argue with me.

I decided to beat him to the lecture. “We’ll be perfectly safe. I’m feeling much better today. I can handle hiding us for the ride to the beach. And if I do get a little tired it’s like Russ said, I won’t have to hold the spell while we’re there so if we need to, you can recharge my battery.”

“You misunderstand me. I am not suggesting we would be unsafe. But if you are truly well enough to leave, then I believe there are better ways to make use of our time than sightseeing.”

“Better than going to the beach?”

Gabriel hesitated but then said, “Have you not considered going back to the consulate?”

Go back?
” Russ and I asked together.

Gabriel nodded. “The council needs to know what we have discovered. They could help us figure out what the man in our vision is trying to accomplish, and they have much more power and resources to stop him than Russ’s father.”

“But there’s a mole in the council,” I argued.

“All the more reason to go back. I hate to think it, but it appears the mole is Robert and we need to warn the Councilor.”

“I only saw a warlock,” Russ said. “The man doing this probably
the Councilor. We can’t just give ourselves up to him.”

Gabriel sighed. “I promise you the Councilor is not behind this.”

say. Forgive me if I don’t trust your totally brainwashed opinion. Sorry dude, but Dani’s not going back. Ever. End of story.”

“With all due respect,” Gabriel said to Russ, “that is not your decision. It is a matter between Danielle and myself.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry Gabriel, but Russ is right. I can’t go back there.”

“Surely you do not mean ever?”

I shrugged apologetically. “The Councilor’s got to be furious that we left. If we set even one foot back in that building it’s an automatic life without parole. We’ll be locked up forever and they’ll throw away the key. You might not care about being free, but I’ll never see anyone I love ever again.”

“The Councilor would not do that. He would not take away my freedom.”

“No. Just mine. And like the dutiful little pet that you are to him you would stay with me.”

Russ laughed and both Gabriel and I glared at him.

“There is no need to be hurtful,” Gabriel said to me.

he even lets you stay with me,” I went on. “You know he’ll blame your leaving on me.”

Gabriel’s face fell. “I suppose I can understand your concern. Would you consider a compromise? Perhaps you could agree to a brief meeting with the Councilor away from the consulate? We can ask him to meet us at the beach Russ mentioned. That way the Councilor does not learn where this house is, and you are still able to see the ocean.”

Russ tossed Gabriel his cell. “I’ve got a better idea. How about you call him and tell him everything he needs to know over the phone. Then we could be half way to China by now for all the Councilor’s concerned and we can enjoy the beach in peace.”

“Works for me,” I said with a hopeful look to Gabriel.

Gabriel could see he’d lost the argument. “Very well.” He looked at the phone in his hands and sighed. “I do not know how to use one of these.”

I laughed and took the phone. “What’s the Councilor’s number?”

“Number?” Gabriel asked.

“You don’t know what a phone number is?” Russ asked incredulous.

“His phone connects directly to the Councilor,” I told Russ. “He’s never had to dial a number.”

I flipped through Russ’s contacts. As I suspected he’d saved Duncan’s number. “Russ?” Duncan said when he answered.

“Actually it’s Dani.”

“Thank the Creator. I thought I told you not to make my job difficult.”

“Sorry. Must have forgot that rule. My memory’s a bit fuzzy due to a healthy dose of
you know.”

Duncan laughed despite himself. “Where the hell are you? The Councilor is going crazy. I had to lie and tell him you were already gone when I got there or he might have had me executed for letting Russ in and then losing you.”

“Very funny.”

“I wish I were kidding. I’ve never seen him so angry before.”

“Well, that’s why I’m calling. Do you have his phone number? Gabriel wants to talk to him.”

“Actually he’s right inside the conference room. I stepped out of a meeting when I saw Russ on the caller ID. I’ll just hand him the phone.”

“Thanks. And Duncan? Sorry we bailed on you. Promise we won’t rat you out to the Councilor.”

“It is the least you can do,” Duncan said and then I heard him say, “Excuse me, Councilor?”

I handed the phone to Gabriel. No way did I want to be the one on the phone when he picked up.

“Hello?” Gabriel asked. “Yes sir. We’re fine, sir…. Yes, I know, and I apologize. I was afraid she would have left without me, and I figured it was better for her not to go alone.... Yes sir…. No sir…. There is much we need to discuss concerning what we spoke of last…. Yes sir. We will meet you at the lighthouse on Long Beach Island, in New Jersey.”

“What the hell!” Russ shouted and snagged the phone from Gabriel. I could hear the Councilor saying something when Russ hung it up. Russ was absolutely red in the face and shoved Gabriel hard.

Gabriel didn’t seem bothered in the least that Russ was
to pounding his face in. “The Councilor told me we should not speak over the phone,” he said as if that explained everything perfectly.

“Of course he did! He wanted you to tell him where you are so he could send the freaking guardians after you.”

“Actually, I suspect he will bring only Duncan. He is concerned about a mole in the council. I am sure he did not inform them that Danielle and I left. He would not want the resistance out looking for us.”

“Either way, he’s still going to have something up his sleeve. His entire purpose in meeting will be to trap you and drag you back to the consulate.”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at Russ. “If you are afraid of the Councilor then you are more than welcome to stay here.”

I snorted. Russ is such a boy when it comes to pissing contests. Gabriel would win this fight.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s get this straight. I am not
of the Councilor,” Russ said, proving my point rather nicely. “But just because I’m not scared of a trap doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to go walking into one. I’m not going.”

Gabriel smiled. “Excellent. I am rather tired of dealing with you anyway.” He turned his attention to me. “Danielle?”

“But what if it
a trap?” I asked.

Gabriel sighed. “If I must, I will go alone.”

“Here, take the keys,” Russ said. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Gabriel snagged the keys Russ tossed him, and my heart seized up with fear at the thought of him actually leaving. “Gabriel, wait!” I ran to him like a pathetic ex-girlfriend begging for a second chance. “Don’t go. Please. That car is stolen and you don’t even know how to drive it! What if you get hurt or pulled over? What if you meet with the Supreme High Councilor and he doesn’t let you come back?”

“I am sorry, but it is the right thing to do.” Gabriel put his hand to my cheek and smiled sweetly. “I would never force you to come, but I am not above begging. Please come with me Danielle. The thought of parting from you, even for a few hours...
Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is where Juliet lives.

The way Gabriel’s voice softened as he whispered those famous words made me shudder. I closed my eyes to free myself from his gaze but all that did was intensify the feeling of his hand on my face. “It’s no wonder you always get your way,” I breathed. “You don’t play fair.”

Gabriel’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean exactly? Play what?”

“Oh hell!” Russ groaned and then pushed his way between Gabriel and me as he stomped out the front door.

. . . . .

The ocean was more magical than any pool—be it filled with water, or Jell-O, or even mermaids. The sky was dull and the wind was blowing cold air off the water, forcing the waves to crash against the shore and yet it was the most serene place I’d ever been. I had to take a good five minutes just staring wordlessly in awe at the sight before me. The edge of the world.

I kept myself wrapped in my jacket, but I’d taken off my shoes to feel the wet sand between my toes. After a while the freezing water pushed itself around my ankles, startling me back to reality.

“Water enough for you?” Russ asked coming up beside me.

I threw my arms around him. He laughed and twirled me around once before setting me on my feet.

“I don’t deserve all the things you do for me, Russ.”

“Don’t be such a narcissist,” he teased. “I didn’t want to bring you to the beach to make
wanted this moment.”

My stomach filled with butterflies, and as if Russ could read my mind, he pulled me in closer.

“Danielle?” Gabriel asked. I’d completely forgotten he was there. “I believe the Councilor will probably arrive shortly. It might be wise to head back toward the lighthouse now.”

Russ glanced over my shoulder and smiled. “Good idea. You head over and wait for him and we’ll catch up.”

I tried to pull myself out of Russ’s arms but he refused to let me. He smirked at Gabriel, and Gabriel smiled so sincerely in response it startled Russ.

“I would be happy to give the two of you privacy,” Gabriel said.

Russ did a double take and couldn’t help asking, “Serious?”

Gabriel nodded. “Of course. If that is Danielle’s wish. She knows she need only ask.”

Gabriel turned his smile to me. He was just being his understanding and considerate self, but he’d unknowingly put me in a very awkward position because as much as I was glad to see Russ again, since he’d changed the rules in our relationship I was as nervous to be alone with him as I was scared by the thought of Gabriel leaving.

“Well?” Russ asked me expectantly.

When it became obvious that I wasn’t going to make Gabriel go, Russ stomped off down the beach grumbling all of his favorite curse words.

I felt bad and looked to Gabriel for support but was shocked to see laughter in his eyes.

“You did that on purpose!”

Gabriel shrugged—a gesture that seemed too casual for him. “My offer was sincere.”

“But you knew I wouldn’t take it.”

He winked at me and my jaw fell slack.

“You’ve been spending too much time with Russ,” I grumbled and started following after Russ.

Gabriel fell into step at my side. “If you are angry with me, I apologize.”

Angry with him? How could I be? It wasn’t like Russ didn’t deserve a little of what he was shoveling at Gabriel. No, it was myself I was currently annoyed with, because I’d found what Gabriel did to be more than a little hot. He may have been naïve, but he was extremely intelligent and catching on to things very quickly.

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