Chance (17 page)

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Authors: Christina Palmer

BOOK: Chance
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She didn’t particularly
want to have sex at that moment, but at least it meant he'd take his jeans off.
He'd probably just leave them in a heap on the bedroom floor as he usually did.
Perhaps she'd be able to dig her hand into the pocket while he wasn’t looking,
leaving him in the post-sex haze to doze and relax while she went to the
bathroom. He probably wouldn’t even notice.

Logan normally fell asleep
immediately after his release for at least twenty minutes or so. Sometimes he'd
doze even longer, depending on whether they’d had a late night previously.
Would she dare to be so bold as to use the key while he was home?

Having agreed to have sex,
he practically dragged her into the bedroom and pushed her onto the bed. He
began to undress himself while she sat up and worked on removing her own
clothes. She’d recently given in to his previous demands to wear ‘sexy’ clothes
in the house at all times.

That afternoon, she was
wearing a clingy, white summer dress that came down to just above her knees and
had a plunging neckline. Underneath it, she wore a skimpy pair of black lace
panties and no bra. Charlotte felt a bit uncomfortable without a bra and with such
impractical underwear. However, Logan truly loved it and it kept him pleased,
distracted, off of her back and unsuspecting of her plans.

She stood there before
him and kicked off her heels seductively. Then she slowly pulled down the top
of her dress so it exposed most of her breasts, but not her full nipples. Then
she laid down on her back, propping herself up on her elbows and watched Logan.

His eyes were filled with
lust at the teasing look of her breasts peeking out at him. He looked almost
drunk with arousal. His body froze as he looked from one breast to the other
for a few moments, then he quickly jumped on her and pulled the garment down,
exposing her fully. He was like a child with a new toy. He buried his face in
her ample bosom and began to lick and tease her nipples as his strong hands
found their way under her dress, between her thighs.

The sex act, of course,
was as predictable and rushed as it usually was with Logan. Sometimes she was
able to block out her thoughts and her disdain for him temporarily and she'd be
able to give herself over, purely to the pleasures of her body. However, today
she was too preoccupied with what she was trying to achieve—the key to the
office, and eventually, her escape.

Charlotte clung to
Logan’s back and made fake sounds of pleasure to satisfy him. She only began to
feel any degree of enjoyment herself near the end of the act, when the slippery
friction of him inside of her finally wore her defenses down. She was surprised
to find herself nearing a rare climax when he suddenly groaned, shuddered and
relaxed heavily on top of her. That didn't surprise her.

She cursed inwardly, but
gave no indication she wasn't satisfied. Instead, she moaned in mock release. Frankly,
whether or not she enjoyed their romps, never seemed to make a difference to
Logan. As long as he found his release, he seemed happy. Therefore, it didn't
matter if she did or didn't. She rarely did. Since Logan rarely wasted much
time with foreplay and never seemed to take long once he entered her, she'd
rarely get so worked up as to need an orgasm too badly.  

From the very beginning when
he first dove at her breasts until Logan rolled off of her sated, collapsing on
the mattress beside her, took less than ten minutes. She just lay still, warm
in his arms until she heard him snoring lightly. This was her chance to get the
key, but she found herself wrapped so tightly in his arms, she wasn’t sure that
she’d be able to get free without waking him.

She took hold of his
right hand and slowly moved it away from her body. Then she slowly rolled
forward, out of his left arm. He grunted and moved a bit, opening one eye.

“Mmm…what are you doing?”
he mumbled sleepily.

“I'm just going to the bathroom,
love,” she whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek gently. “I'll be right back.”

“Hmm.” Logan closed his
eyes again, seemingly satisfied with her explanation. He then rolled over
facing the window.

She waited there,
unmoving for half a minute or so, until she heard his breathing become slow and
regular again. Then she carefully slipped off the bed. Charlotte bent down
cautiously and slowly picked up his discarded jeans. All the while, she prayed he
didn’t have anything, like coins, that might prove noisy in the pockets.

As she delicately rifled through
the first pocket, she had the awful feeling she wouldn’t find anything. That he
somehow put it somewhere safe when she wasn’t looking. Her heart sank when she
discovered it to be empty. She was incredibly tense, but continued on her
quest, which might eventually lead her to freedom.

She took her hand out of
the first pocket and inserted it into the second, when Logan suddenly stirred.
Charlotte froze, her heart thumping in terror. As she waited in silence to be
discovered, he settled back down and began snoring again. She briefly wondered
if her loud heartbeat might wake him. She half expected to see her heart to
burst from her chest from the anxiety she felt.

Charlotte chastised
herself inwardly.

Jeez, you have to do
better than that, Charlotte! You can't just stand there frozen, next time. What
the Hell were you thinking? This is serious, woman! This is your life, your

More urgently this time, she
stuck her hand deeper into the second pocket of his jeans. Her fingers quickly found
the cold metal edge of the key. Triumphant, she closed her hand around it and
extracted it. She dropped his jeans softly back on the floor.

She looked at the key in the
palm of her hand, wondering what to do now. She'd need to return to bed soon or
he might wake, noticing her absence. She couldn’t go snooping around in the
office now. It was too dangerous. However, if she kept the key, what would
happen if he put his jeans on later and realized that it was gone?

She stood there for a
moment, trying to figure out what to do.
An Idea suddenly came to her. She grabbed a pair of her track
pants from the laundry basket and hid the key in her own pocket before
returning to bed and snuggling up against Logan.

He gave a quiet murmur,
stirring ever so slightly, before slipping back into a deeper sleep. She closed
her eyes and tried to relax enough to doze a little herself. She couldn't. She
was so worried about him getting up and putting his jeans back on later, there
was no way she could sleep.

After about ten minutes,
she quietly got out of bed again. She picked his clothes up off the floor, hung
them up neatly in the wardrobe then climbed back into bed. It was another half
hour or so before he decided to get up. Of course, Charlotte was still awake,
just lying there next to him. He stretched and sat up.

“I've got to get ready to
go out,” he announced sleepily, dropping his feet out of bed to the floor
before slowly standing up and stretching. He ran a hand through his recently cropped

“Where are my clothes?”
he asked.

“Oh, I put them back in
the wardrobe, darling,” she told him. “Here, let me get them for you.”

She crossed the room to
the wardrobe and purposely took out a fresh pair of chino pants and a shirt,
different ones than he’d had on earlier.

“Mm, I like these on
you,” she smiled, going towards him and nuzzling into his neck. “They make you
look so sexy.”

“They do?” He chuckled.

“I'm not sure if I’ll be
able to let you out of the house if you put these on. I may not be able to keep
my hands off of you,” she lied.

She hoped he wouldn't be able
to resist a compliment like that. It seemed to work. He didn’t argue with her
choice of outfit, putting on the pants and shirt she'd picked out for him.
Maybe he didn’t think of the key, maybe he was distracted by thoughts of her
suddenly sexually aggressive behavior, or maybe he was secure in the fact she
knew better than to go snooping through his pockets. She'd been acting so much more
like the doting, obedient wife for the last month, than she'd ever done.

Within twenty minutes, he
was fully dressed and had left the house. She heard the car start and the sound
of the engine slowly disappearing into the distance, as he turned the corner at
the end of their road.

 Charlotte knew because
of Logan's unpredictable schedule, she had to act quickly, no matter what. She
had no way to be sure exactly how long he'd be away. First, she ran to the
window, needing to see for herself he'd really gone. Of course, he had. Then she
darted upstairs to their bedroom.

She quickly retrieved the
key from the pocket of her track pants where she'd stashed it. The silk
dressing gown he'd bought her flapped around her naked thighs as she padded out
onto the landing and down the stairs to his office. She hesitated outside the
door with the key in her sweaty hand.

A tiny part of her felt

This is wrong, isn’t
it? I'm sneaking around, plotting and scheming. I'm snooping around behind my
husband’s back. I stole his key and now I'm violating his privacy by searching
through his office. Hell, I'm even purposely manipulating him in order to do
everything. I'm using sex and my body to get what I want from him. This is just
not like me. Jeez, what have I become?

Then her thoughts went to
her father, and his potentially ruined reputation. She briefly thought about how
that would hurt him and her mother, as well. Then she started thinking about all
of the times she’d been scared, hurt and upset by Logan. She thought of all the
ways he had hijacked her life. He'd purposely cut her off from her friends, her
family and her career. She was trapped in the house, like some kind of personal
sex slave rather than a wife, an equal.

With every thought, she
grew braver and her guilt faded. Yes, she had changed. She'd done things she
would've never even considered in the past. However, she had no choice. It was
her family and her own life on the line. Although she thought what she was
doing was wrong, it was certainly justified.

She doubted Logan ever
felt even a twinge of guilt for all he'd done to her. Hell, the only thing that
counted to him was his own selfish wants and needs. He purposely manipulated
and controlled her. He punished her if she didn't automatically obey and bend
to his will. Hell, he'd even been responsible for murder. There was no way to
be more selfish than to have another person killed. Her offenses were petty on

She knew if she didn’t
act now, she never would. Her course of action was set; she knew what she had
to do. She had to move forward with her plan. It was imperative she do
everything within her power to protect her family. She couldn't allow Logan to
ruin anyone else's life in her family. He'd already taken her life away from

 Charlotte braced
herself, took a deep breath and inserted the key into the lock. She left the
door open behind her so she could make a quick escape if he came home. She
walked into the office and looked around. She’d never actually been inside of this
room before.

It was a decent size, as
were all of the rooms in their expensive, impressive house. A large desk was set
in front of a sprawling bookcase that covered one wall. The bay windows directly
opposite the door overlooked the back garden. There was a filing cabinet
against the wall immediately to her right.

She approached that
first, seeing as it was the nearest object to her. She tried one of the drawers.
Predictably, it was locked. She’d seen him lock it with her own eyes, earlier.
She had no idea where he kept the key. Possibly in his desk. She spun around to
look at it. The luxurious rich dark wood had a leather top. It looked expensive
and heavy, the desk was probably an antique piece. Old, but well looked after.

She walked around to the
other side and sat down in the tall backed leather chair. She spun around in a
circle, unable to help herself from indulging in the brief, simple, childish
pleasure it brought. She smiled for a moment then brought it to a stop,
drumming her fingers against the desk as she wondered where to begin.

There were five drawers
on either side of her, built into the desk. She'd just open every drawer, one
at a time, methodically and see what was inside, starting with the top left.
She swiveled the chair around slightly and looped her fingers in the handle,
pulling it open and peering at the contents.

She found loose coins and
dollar bills, from various currencies, not just American dollars. She picked up
a handful and scrutinized them with a confused expression. Euros, Pounds.

Why did he have all of
this currency? Where would he have gotten it? We’d never been out of the
country together and he’d never gone away for any length of time, not since I’d
known him, anyway.

Then there were wallets,
a total of five. She’d seen him with one wallet, which was where he kept his credit
cards and money. However, none of the five wallets in the drawer were his. Her
fingers trembled a little as she opened one of them. The driver's license
inside was in the name of
Cedar Hamza
. She’d never heard of this man and
she certainly didn’t recognize his picture. The license was also foreign, Turkish.

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