Change of Passion (Falling for the Billionaire #1)

BOOK: Change of Passion (Falling for the Billionaire #1)
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Reviews for Karolyn James books:


The sex was HOT


If your thinking
this is just another "billionaire" series don't; its much better!!!!


second book was
great.. need another one…


I love this book.
I think the series will be well worth reading…


for the Billionaire-





Karolyn James


day jitters are typical.  So of course little mistakes, like getting on the
down elevator when she's supposed to be going up, would happen to Rebecca Smith
on her first day at the HB-Ley Corporation.  Little did she know, when the
doors open in the garage, billionaire CEO Mr. Bradley would be just as
surprised to see her as she is to see him. 


Bradley is not even thirty years old, yet he has more money and power than
anyone can ever dream of.  What he needs though is a submissive woman who will
be under his domination at all times, in all situations. 


body makes that choice before her mind even knows what is happening.  Alone in
the elevator with the sexy billionaire, she is lost in his aura.  His sensual
touching turns erotic, and then suddenly she is on the top floor of the
company, bent over the nicest desk she's ever seen.  Outside the enormous
window, autumn is beginning to arrive, everything is changing... will Rebecca,
or Becky (as Mr. Bradley prefers), be willing to follow every deman and accept
his submissive nature?  Or will she be fired on her first day and sent back out
into the crisp air to be blown away and forgotten like the fallen leaves?



go with it.

Those words were once the most
romantic thing Rebecca Smith had ever heard; a time when the six foot four
backup quarterback of the Wildcats held her in his bed as he managed to sweet
talk his way into Rebecca’s pants.  To be fair, by that point Rebecca hadn’t
been wearing any pants, or panties for that matter, and by the time the morning
light came, the phrase
just go with it
had taken a turn from romantic to

But that was college.

While it ended a few years ago,
Rebecca was just now feeling the jitters of dealing with the real world, after
completing her graduate degree in finance and finally receiving a job offer. 

The offer wasn’t what Rebecca
wanted, let alone hoped for, after all the years of studying and working so
many low paying, high stress office jobs.  Sadly, the offer that stood was a
desk job on the tenth floor of a high rise instead of the standard cubicle job
on the first floor. 

She had expressed her personal
discontent with the job, and life in general, almost wishing she could do a
full spin and try something else.  However, in those precious moments of trying
to regain some of her innocence, it seemed too easy to just throw things in the
air and find something else.  But then, right on cue, her cell phone would ring
with someone who had a heavy accent that called himself
, looking to
collect on something.  Her student loan debt was staggering and without the
proper mix of vodka in her body, it was too much to think about, which all lead
her to opening the large gold plated doors to The HB-Ley Corporation, located
in the heart of the Winston, Washington.  From the outside, the city was
nothing more than your average attempt at matching something like Seattle, but with a building as large HB-Ley’s headquarters, it didn’t take long for more
buildings to take on the same prestigous look, thus turning it into it’s own
little world. 

As Rebecca walked through the
second set of doors, she paused, noting the elevators to her left, the stairs
to her right, and a large rounded desk in front of her.  Attractive lighting
glistening upon a sign told her she was in the right building.

Her desk job, to be quite honest,
was shit.  It was more filtering phone calls and sorting mail than actually
anything pertaining to the fancy title of Department Supervisor.  She had no
idea what department she was supervising, only that it had nothing to do with
financial formulas.  But the key – as many of her friends explained to her over
the past week – was that by being in the building, she would get there. 
HB-Ley’s was one of the largest investment companies in the world, with hands
tied to everything from real estate, insurance, technology, and well beyond
into the international business world. 

Work hard, and you’ll rise.

Rebecca believed it as she touched
her bag.  She had taken a picture of herself and her closest friends and placed
it in her purse.  It was their last hurrah together, in Cancun for a week of
sun, fun, and some experiences that Rebecca thought were going to be
regrettable but weren’t. 

She planned on putting the picture
on her desk somewhere, as a reminder of the good times leading her to this

As she stood a few feet from the
reception counter, the woman ignored her, looking at her with a set of mean
brown eyes.  She raised an eyebrow as if to say
fresh meat is here
then went back to her conversation. 

Rebecca didn’t plan on being late
for her first day nor did she plan on dealing with anyone’s attitudes.  She
knew her job waited on the tenth floor and she intended to find it herself. 

Worst case she would find someone
who could help her.


waited for the elevator to stop.  She watched the light moving along the top
five floors of the building.  Annoyed, she started to hit the button harder.

“Come down,” she whispered.

Finally, the elevator did.

When it opened she hurried inside,
not realizing the elevator would continue to go down, into the basement of the
building, where the executive parking garage was located.

“Fuck,” she said as she pressed the
number ten on the panel.  The button lit up for a second and then went out.

She’d have to ride the elevator all
the way down and then back up.

The doors opened at the basement
and no more than ten feet away sat a black car.  The windows were black too and
upon the elevator doors opening, the driver’s door flew open and a heavy set
man struggled to get out of the driver’s seat, biting on his tongue, wrestling
with his large figure.  He walked to the back of the car and opened the back

“Mr. Bradley, the elevator is

“Took long enough,” a voice said.

A moment later, a figure appeared
from the vehicle.  Rebecca watched him, seeing his eyes first, like two white
dots coming from a pitch black night.  It made her think of something animal
like and she had a momentary flash of lust in her mind. 

When the man stood from the car he
looked like an average man, at first.  He adjusted his suit jacket and tie,
then rubbed his smooth jaw, and looked to the driver.

“Wait here.”

“Yes, sir.”

The doors to the elevator started
to close.

Rebecca felt like she was in a
trance staring at the suited man and she didn’t know why.  There was something
about his aura that drew her to him.  She stepped forward and put her hand to
the doors to make them open again.

She stood there like that, waiting
for the man.

When he finally looked at Rebecca,
his eyes moved up and down her quickly, one time.  He had a look of annoyance
on his face, as though being accompanied on an elevator would be the low point
of his day.  He looked to his left, then to his right, each time giving Rebecca
a chance to study and memorize his features. 

His dark hair.

His well cut jaw line. 

Finally, he started to walk towards
the elevator, one hand in his pocket, the other hand starting to point at

“You coming or going?” he asked.

“I’m supposed to be on the tenth
floor,” Amanda said.

“You’re a long way from there down

Amanda smiled, instantly feeling

The man stepped into the elevator
and turned.

Amanda stepped back and a few
seconds later, the doors started to shut.  For whatever reason, call it
intuition, Amanda smiled as though she had just won the lottery.

In many ways, she had, just a
different kind of jackpot awaited her…


Smith.  That’s me.  I’m she.  Her.  I’m Rebecca Smith.”

The man glanced at Rebecca and
nodded.  “Do you know who I am?”

Rebecca shook her head.  She could
judge the man based on his expensive suit, gold watch, and the way his cologne
filled the elevator like a deadly gas… the smell obvious but not overwhelming. 
If anything, as the smell of him filtered through Rebecca’s body, she felt hotter. 
And not just in temperature.

“Bradley,” the man said and then
turned his head.

Bradley as in the not-quite-thirty
billionaire executive who started and still ran The HB-Ley Corporation.  The man
who started trading and investing in companies for fun while still in high
school and made his first million before he turned eighteen.  The man who took
that million and instead of pissing it away with wild adventures, turned it
into a billion before he was legally able to buy a bottle of booze.  The man
who took that billion and created an empire that stretched across the world. 

When Rebecca heard his name and
when he looked forward, she then realized she had seen that sexy facial
structure before.  He had been in several magazines and articles.  His picture
compared to real life did no justice.  He was a gorgeous man with deep thinking
troubled eyes. 

“You’re… my boss,” Rebecca said.

“I’m everyone’s boss,” Bradley said
in a calm voice, staring at his own distorted reflection in the elevator doors.

Rebecca imagined hitting the red
emergency button, stopping the elevator, and… what?

The thought made her cheeks blush. 

Rebecca hadn’t had an erotic
thought in weeks, if not months.  Not since Cancun.  Not since life got real
and things seemed to be requiring her to live on a plan.  And that plan, thus
far, didn’t including dating, men, or sex unless it came from her own touch,
which only went so far on a woman like Rebecca.

“You’re new here,” Bradley said
breaking up the silence in the elevator.

Rebecca looked up and saw the light
moving from five to six. 

There wasn’t much time until her
stop would come.

“First day,” Rebecca said. 
“Finished graduate school this year and this is my first job.”

“You know, I get a hell of a
kickback for hiring post graduates.  Keeps the schools happy because they can
say they effectively placed their hard earning students.  Keeps the politicians
at bay too.  They love when I hire people.  But the thing is, I don’t need to hire

Bradley looked at.  Rebecca never
felt so helpless in her life.  She felt as if she were about to die yet she had
an erotic feeling surging through herself.  It was so intense that she stepped
back to lean aganst the elevator as she felt the feelings in her legs started
to disappear.

“See, they need me to hire people
but I don’t have to keep them.  I usually don’t either.  What’s the point?  Why
pay for something someone else can do… or something I can do myself?”

Rebecca didn’t understand yet, but
that moment was perhaps the most important moment of her life.  Bradley turned
now and faced her, his hands at his sides.  The numbered lights told her they
were now approaching the ninth floor.

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