Changing Tides (21 page)

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Authors: Simone Anderson

Tags: #Male/Male Erotic Romance, Science Fiction

BOOK: Changing Tides
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“Hey, what’s up?” Brett asked, hugging him before carrying him to the chair Orion had vacated after Miller left. “Nervous?”

“Yes. Is that stupid? It’s stupid. I shouldn’t be nervous.”

“Stupid? No. Normal.”


“What? Do you think that because you fought in and led the revolution or because you were elected first as President of the council then of the country that you shouldn’t be nervous?”

Orion shrugged. “Yes.”

Brett laughed. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. We’re only making everything official. You’ve been mine from the beginning.”

“I know,” Orion said, burrowing farther into Brett’s lap. “There are so many people though.”

“Yep, the entire world will be watching. Well, figuratively anyway. It’s not often that a world leader gets married.”

“I’m not a world leader. I’m just—”

“You lead this country. Your opinion will always count more than anyone else’s. That makes you a world leader. Everything you’ve done makes you a leader. You might have a different life than the one your family envisioned for you, but it’s where you are supposed to be. And it’s my job to support, protect and love you,” Brett said, kissing Orion. “I love you. I always will.”

“I love you, too,” Orion said. “What about kids? We never talked about having kids? I-I can’t have any. I-I’m sterile. Stupid doctors.”

Brett laughed. “We’ll adopt. The war left a lot of kids without families. Now, you’re stalling.”

Orion nodded. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I know. But, we’re going to do this right. Where’s your tie?” Brett asked, toying with his neck.

“Over there. I hate it. I can’t get it to work.” Orion pouted.

Brett smiled. “We’ll wear tuxes instead. You’ll look good in it.”

“Are you sure about taking my name?” Orion leaned his head to one side.

“Yes. I don’t want any ties to my father or siblings. Besides, isn’t it customary to take the President’s name when you marry him.”

“But I—”

A knock sounded, interrupting them just before the door opened. “Sir, it’s time to leave,” Miller said quietly.

Orion nodded and smiled. “I’ll see you at Memorial Gardens tonight.”

He kissed Brett one more time before watching him leave the room. Quickly, Orion changed into his tuxedo then made his way down to the waiting car, accepting congratulations and advice along the way. Tonight, he would finally marry Brett. They’d decided to wait for any official ceremony until after the war had ended and the country was beginning to recover from not just the war but the years of tyranny and deceit. He’d chosen to walk to Brett, to have his lover recite his vows first. It was Orion’s subtle way of acknowledging that Brett was the more dominant one, the one who would protect and support him.

“You look gorgeous, sir,” Miller said, smiling.

“The whole world is watching, I—” Orion began. “I’m not sure about this.”

“The only person who counts, the only one matters right now will be at the end of the aisle, wearing tux and waiting for you,” Jackson said. “And it’s right you two should get married at Memorial Gardens. It’s the place where we remember our friends and families who died for our freedom and we celebrate that freedom every year.”

Orion nodded. Even before General Landry and been hung, artists had come forward from all over the country with designs, answering the ever-growing plea for a place of remembrance and celebration. Ten acres had been cleared from General Landry’s compound, the ground leveled, the buildings razed and in its place gardens, a pond almost large enough to be called a lake, a fountain, and monuments carved with the names of everyone who had died for their freedom. After much discussion, he’d left his parents’ names off the list to be memorialized, because his mother’s actions had saved Landry’s life, even if there were ulterior motives.

The car stopped, and he followed the winding path, bordered on each side with well wishers, to the center of the gardens. In the setting sun, the landscape painted orange and red, Brett waited for him. Walking toward Brett, he was vaguely aware of Jackson and Miller by his side. Then they faded from his thoughts and he saw only Brett.

He and Brett recited their vows, not the ones issued by the state but the ones issued by their hearts.

“I love you, Orion. I always will,” Brett said, squeezing his hands.

Orion smiled and relished the ability to say the words that had long been in his heart. “I love you, too, Brett Hellman. I love you, too.”

About the Author

Simone currently lives in West Michigan with her family, but has lived in a handful of states and Japan and traveled to many more of each. She has been writing all of her life, seriously in the past few years, when her writing took on a dark and delicious twist. A college student, she offsets the tedium of lectures by thinking up new and interesting ways to torture her characters, occasionally shrieking in the middle of class “I got it!” to the puzzlement of those around her.

Simone loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
and can be contacted at [email protected].

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