Charity Moon (2 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Kinney

BOOK: Charity Moon
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“I’m going to ask him out,” Delaney stated, breaking me from my euphoric daze. Dang it.  She got up from the table and headed toward him.


“Why am I not surprised?” I murmured.


“Let us know how it goes,” Ashley called to her cheerfully, still shoving food in her mouth.


We all watched in anticipation as Delaney crossed the cafeteria and approached Levi standing in the food line. They exchanged words, but all I could see was Delaney’s back, her body language bordering on seductive. Within seconds she turned and headed back to our table, not looking the slightest bit happy.


“What did he say?” Ashley was bouncing in her seat with anticipation, her face beaming.


“He said ‘no thank you’,” she responded coolly.




“I walked over to him, introduced myself, asked him if he wanted to go out, and his response was ‘no thank you’. He must be gay.”


“See, just like I thought, he’s a jerk,” I responded.


“Come on, Charity. Delaney’s probably just not his type. Why don’t you try?”


“Oh please, Ashley. I’m sure I’m not his type unless he likes getting beat up, besides he’s definitely not mine.”


“Charity, you don’t have a type. You never even go out,” Delaney murmured.


“Well excuse me if I don’t enjoy getting felt up by every guy who takes me out, but I do have a type.”


“Okay, then describe him to us.”


“Well,” I said, my thoughts suddenly drifting into the clouds, “
I were to ever fall in love, and that’s a big, fat “if”, then he’d have to be handsome of course, sensitive, strong, and possess beautifully soulful eyes, eyes I could just stare into for days. It’s absolutely mandatory that he have a sense of humor and a protective nature. I want a man who would fight to the death to protect me.”


“Oh wow! Where can I find a man like that?” Ashley commented.


“Did someone call for me?” Toby remarked, plopping down in the seat next to me. “What have I missed?”


“Nothing. Charity was just showing us her vulnerable side,” Delaney answered without meeting his gaze, and I didn’t miss the sarcasm in her tone. 


“You’re kidding me. I always miss the good stuff,” he pouted.


I blew out my trademark huff. “Remind me why I like any of you again. Besides, I don’t have a vulnerable side. I’m outta here. I’ll see you psychos later.”

Chapter Two

I put a piece of gum in my mouth as I entered my last and favorite class of the day, Art. I’m actually very gifted in art. I take after my dad in that way. He was a talented painter in his spare time. I have some of his paintings hanging on my bedroom wall.


I sat down and took out my pad and pencil, waiting for further instructions, when Mrs. Reed entered the classroom, her orangey red dye-job the first thing visible. Levi Drake followed closely behind.


“Oh great, just my luck. Now my favorite class is ruined,” I murmured under my breath, popping my gum lightly in irritation.


She introduced him to the class and escorted him to—surprise—the empty seat directly across the table from me.


As he took his seat, he stared at me with an amused expression, a slight smirk on his lips. It was amazing how much that irritated me. I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled at him.
If he thinks his charms are gonna work on me, he’s in for a big, fat, gnarly surprise.


“Okay class, everyone take out your sketchpads,” Mrs. Reed began. “As I told you last week, starting today, we’ll begin on our portraits. Now I apologize if some of you have done this assignment before, but we’re competing with the other classes, so do your best. Other than paints, you’re free to choose whatever tools you prefer. I’m waiting for our sculpting clay to arrive for our next project. It’ll take a week, so you have that time to complete your work. You’re going to partner up with the person sitting directly across the table from you. Charity, now that you have a partner you won’t be drawing me.”




“I want
side of the table to draw
side first. You may begin when you’re ready.”


Oh wonderful, Levi got to draw me first. He could just draw a bulldog with fangs. I’m sure that’s how I looked to him, not to mention how I felt.


“I guess I get to draw you first,” he scoffed.


“Gee, you’re very observant.”


He opened his sketchpad, took out his charcoal pencil, and glanced up at me under his thick, black lashes. “This is going to be harder than I thought,” he murmured under his breath, but I managed to hear him. “Could you at least
to have a pleasing expression?”


my pleasing expression,” I snapped.


“You know it’s occurred to me that perhaps you just don’t know how to smile, but could you fake it?”


“Too much effort. Besides, I do know how to smile—just not at you.”


“So you want your scowl forever imprinted in the minds of those who’ll see my work?”


“You seem to have a lot of faith in your talent.”


He just smirked, and after a brief moment of staring added, “You don’t like me very much, do you?”


“Do you want the truth or the sugar-coated version?”


“The truth.”


“You make me feel like I need to throw up.”


“Great. Is it too late for the sugar-coated version?”


the sugar-coated version.”


“It’s funny but I was under the impression that you didn’t even know me.” His gaze turned piercing.


I met his gaze head on. “And your point?”


He sighed in frustration.


I folded my arms across my chest as he began. When he looked down at his pad I secretly stared at him, prepared to look away the moment he glanced up at me. His face was terrifyingly handsome and chiseled, with a nice, strong jaw-line. His bottom lip was full and pouty, and his wavy, brown hair was slightly in disarray, but very sexy, framing his face nicely. It’s the kind of hair you instantly wanted to run your hands through. His skin was tanned, and he was wearing a white button-up shirt that was unbuttoned enough to reveal some hair at the base of his throat along with a defined Adam’s apple.


Studying him almost brought tears to my eyes. I suddenly realized I couldn’t find even one outward flaw—no birthmark—no freckle—not even a pimple. All the flaws must be concentrated on the inside then. After all, a guy that good-looking, deep down, has to be a self-absorbed, arrogant, disrespectful jerk. He might have everyone else in this stinkin’ school fooled with his charm, smoldering good looks, and sexy smirk, but I wasn’t buying it. I’ve seen, all too often, the true nature of the opposite sex, and as a result I’ve concluded that none can be trusted.


He sighed again as he peered up at me. I wasn’t making it easy for him, and I smiled as I took the tip of my gum and strung it out and around my finger before putting it back in my mouth. I repeated the gesture over and over, enjoying his growing irritation.


“Could you please stop doing that?” he whispered.


“Stop doing what?” I smirked, taking my gum out again. Before I could counter, he reached across the table, snatching it from me and popping it in his mouth.


“Mmm, watermelon—my favorite.” His eyes twinkled with delight.


“No he didn’t,” I said in disbelief, my mouth gaping open.
Though I have to admit I admired the boldness of the move


He picked up his pencil and began again. I had no idea what he was drawing, but I was sure it wouldn’t look a thing like me. He was probably drawing Gollum, or E.T., or something creepy like that. I pulled my dark hoodie over my head and tried to keep my gaze focused on the phone in my lap. It was harder than I thought. I found myself looking up more often than I’d like to admit.


I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable as he studied my face. He peered boldly into my eyes, drifting his gaze to my lips, even moistening his with a stroke of his tongue, a very distracting gesture to say the least. No doubt he was mocking me, all the while chewing
gum. I wondered when the torture would end.


 I was relieved and out of my seat before the bell stopped ringing, shoving my things into my backpack with fervent speed. 


“Thanks for the gum,” he commented.


“Any time,” I responded without looking up. “You know you really shouldn’t try to talk and chew at the same time. I’d hate for you to choke.”


“Are you saying you wouldn’t perform the Heimlich?”


I looked up then, observing his poor attempt at looking hurt. “I didn’t pay attention in class when they were teaching that part. But if that’s the one where you hit someone repeatedly in the back until they cough it up, then yes I’d love to.” I smirked.


When he opened his mouth to respond, I decided it was best to make my escape and darted from the room.


All of the seniors who got out early were headed to the parking lot. I wasn’t surprised to see Levi Drake among us. I was surprised, however, to see the handful of followers who had gathered around him. He seemed to command attention, whether he knew it or not. He walked over to a brand new, cobalt blue Mustang GT with tinted windows. It was a nice looking car. It fit him. I, on the other hand, headed for my red Honda Civic. I loved my little Civic, though it wasn’t new, shiny, or even very fast. It also didn’t leak, squeak, rattle, or smoke, and it had a rockin’ sound system.


Ashley met me at my car. “Levi ‘Lava-Hottie’ and his friends are staring over here,” she whispered.


“Yeah, he’s probably telling them what a jerk I was to him in our last class.”


“What? You had another class with him? That rots!” She huffed in mock irritation. “You know, Charity, you don’t have to drive away every guy who might like you. Striving to remain untouchable must be totally exhausting. Maybe it’s time you let someone get close. They’re not all perverts like Frank you know. You can’t judge all by the actions of one.”


“Yes I can, and besides he doesn’t like me.” Then mumbling under my breath I added, “I’ve made sure of that.” I let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t care who the guy is—I don’t trust any of them.”


“You don’t really mean that.”


“Yes I do. And what’s wrong with being untouchable. It’s safe.”


“And boring. He must be really nice to have made friends so quickly. Oh, that reminds me, Sherry, from my Spanish class, said she heard that some of the jocks are annoyed at all the attention Levi’s getting. Isn’t that ridiculous? As if they don’t get enough attention of their own. She said they’re thinking of doing something to him to remind him of his place.”


“Well, Levi’s place has already been established. And at the moment, he’s sitting pretty at the top of W. W. High’s food chain.”


“You know, Charity, you have an odd sense of humor.”




“That wasn’t a compliment.”


“Sure it was.”


On the way home I told Ashley all about Art class. She thought it was funny, especially the part about Levi snatching my gum. A bold move, she agreed. Probably just trying to get under my skin, she’d said. And he had succeeded, though I would be hard-pressed to admit it.


Ashley was grounded for breaking curfew and wasn’t allowed to use her car, so Stacy and I were taking turns giving her a lift home.


“Do you need to stay at my house today, or is Frank working?” she asked.


“No, Frank will be working all day today.”


“I still can’t believe your mom hasn’t figured out what a pompous jerk Frank is. Why did she marry him? Is she completely blind?”


“Yes, and that’s the way I want it. He makes her happy. She hasn’t been this happy since before my dad died. He’s different with
, gentle even, and he treats her good. After graduation I’ll be gone and her happiness will no longer be in jeopardy.”


“Do you know how crazy that logic sounds?”

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