Charity Moon (22 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Kinney

BOOK: Charity Moon
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I could feel my face turning red with anger. “No!” I yelled, reaching across the seat for him, only to be stilled as the man in the back seat clamped his big hands down over me.


“Really, Charity. What did you think you were going to do to me? I’m a werewolf—a lycan. You can’t hurt me, but I can hurt you, though I really don’t want to, so please behave.” There was smugness to his voice.


I stopped struggling and accepted my defeat. The man next to me released me, and I began to cry.


“That’s sweet, but it won’t save you. You’ll get use to the idea of being with me, and soon you’ll learn to love me.”


“I’ll never love you! What’s wrong with you anyway that you can’t find someone on your own? Is Benji having trouble finding love?” I spat.


A growl rumbled in his chest. “Careful, Charity, you don’t want to unlock the beast inside me. Lucky for you, we have a few weeks before the next full moon. Now that’ll make for a good memory, don’t you think?” he asked, his dark eyes amused.


“I think you’re a jerk, and I know you’re just trying to scare me.”


“Is it working?”


“No, and I can’t wait to see Levi wipe that smirk off your face.”


“Not this time I’m afraid.”


“Why do you want to marry me anyway if you don’t like me?”


“Actually, I like you a lot.”


“Really, then why do you take pleasure in hurting me?”


“I’m not going to hurt you, Charity. Actually, I’m gonna make you very happy.”


I didn’t miss how he accented the word ‘very’.


“That’s not possible. I don’t love you. I love Levi, and he loves me. He’s the only one who can make me happy.”


“Well the challenge is on me to prove you wrong then. We’re entering my boundary now. Levi has lost, and I’ve won.”


“You haven’t won anything. You cheated. In a fair fight Levi would beat the snot out of you—but then you know that. That’s why you kidnapped me.”


“Charity—just except your fate. There’s nothing you can do to change it now. You don’t have a choice.”


“Yes I do. My life is not, and will never be, in your hands.”


“That’s where you’re wrong.”


“We’ll see about that.”


“If you’re planning to harm yourself, it won’t work. Hector, I’m appointing you to guard Charity every minute right up until the wedding.”


“Yes sir,” the man beside me answered.


I gazed up at him, a Shaq look-a-like to be sure. He was a big, bald man, possibly 7 feet tall, and an intimidating figure, and yet, for a brief moment, I thought I saw a look of compassion in his deep, dark eyes.


I didn’t see a way out of the situation and my eyes filled with fresh tears.


The car disappeared down a ramp and into the ground, just like at the Drake House, and then we were in their underground garage.


Once the car was parked, Wesley cut it off and climbed out. Surprisingly, I noticed he left the keys in the ignition. Hector grabbed my arm and pulled me out, but suddenly I had an idea and acted on instinct.


“Ouch, ouch!” I said, pretending to hurt myself, and once Hector was distracted, I pushed him and quickly jumped in the driver’s seat, shutting the door and locking it. When I turned on the ignition, Hector was there, in front of the car, holding it in place. Wesley appeared at my door, looking very angry. My eyes widened in horror as he yanked it clean off, tossing it aside like it was nothing. He reached in and grabbed the back of my neck—then my world went completely black.






Chapter Eighteen


I woke to the sensation of pain shooting through my neck and head. “Oww,” I moaned, grabbing my neck as I sat up, my eyes focusing instantly on Wesley and his wicked smile.


“I’m sorry I had to do that, Charity, but you really gave me no choice. I do hate that I had to ruin the car though. It took me days to find one identical to Levi’s. Now I see what he sees in them. I’ve seen what he sees in you as well.”


My gaze followed his as I looked down and discovered myself clothed in a long, white dress. “Did you undress me?” I asked, appalled.


“Charity, do you automatically think the worst of me? I sent someone in to do it for me. Don’t worry—it was a female. I can’t have you getting married in your jeans now can I?” He smirked.


I jumped to my feet. “I thought you said the wedding was tomorrow night!”


“I changed my mind. I can’t take a chance in Levi attacking us in a desperate attempt to get you back. As soon as we’re wed, I’ll send word to the west pack, and Levi will know there’s no use in coming for you.”


“You’re wrong. He’ll come for me anyway, and he’ll kill you.”


He laughed exuberantly. “Once you’re mine he won’t want you anymore.”


“Well, now you’re wrong again. You see, our love is stronger than you think. We have a heart connection.”


   “A heart connection, really? Did you hear that, Hector? Levi and Charity have a heart connection.” Though he tried to hide it, his anger rose to the surface.


Hector’s expression also turned to alarm.


Wesley reached over aggressively and grabbed my hand, turning it over and staring at my symbol. “So then if I want to kill Levi, all I have to do is kill you first.” He threw down my hand and grabbed me by the throat. I gasped and swung at him, struggling wildly to free myself. I tried to pull his fingers away but they were like stone, frozen in place. I was just on the verge of collapse when Hector interrupted.


“Sir, wouldn’t marrying her cause Levi greater pain in the end?”


He released me, and I fell to the floor, gasping frantically for air.


“Yes, you’re right, Hector. Thank you. I’m sorry, Charity. Once again you’ve pushed my buttons. I hope you’ll have forgiven me by tonight. I want this night to be special. I apologize for the simplicity of the dress, but it looks amazing on you. I’ll send someone to help you with your hair and makeup as the time draws closer.” He glanced down at me, reaching to touch my neck. “Oh no, you have bruises on your neck. I’m sorry about that, Charity. I guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes. Maybe some makeup will cover those up. Hector, stay with her. Make sure she doesn’t harm herself. I have some arrangements to make.”


“Yes sir.”


When he was gone I began to hyperventilate.


“Miss Charity, are you all right?” Hector asked, stepping beside me.


“I need some air.”


He studied me for a moment, testing my sincerity perhaps. “Come.” He took my arm and led me out of the room and, in only a matter of minutes, we were walking through the forest. My breathing became more regulated, and I sighed in despair.


“Are you all right now, Miss Charity?”


“My breathing’s better, if that’s what you mean.”


“Yes, that’s what I meant.”


“So, your name is Hector? Were you named after the Prince of Troy?”


“Actually, yes I was. He was a great hero.”


“Yes he was. And do you consider yourself a hero?”


“Well, that’s a tough question to answer. I used to think so, but these days the line between good and bad is a bit more blurred.”


“Like today?”


“Yes, I guess so,” he replied, lowering his head.


“So, you don’t agree with what Wesley’s doing then?”


“Well, I’ve always liked Levi. He used to be my brother. I don’t relish the idea of hurting him like this. And this is the worst kind of hurt he could possibly be subjected to. I imagine he’s going mad as we speak.”


As he spoke the words, pain shot through me, sending me to my knees. I put my head in my hands, no longer able to fight the tears.


“Please don’t do that,” he pleaded, his voice full of compassion.


I looked up and met his gaze. “Help me, Hector, please.”


“I can’t. Wesley will kill me, and I have a family.”


“And how would you feel if someone from the west pack stole your wife and took her as his own, forcing her to love him?”


He gritted his teeth. “I would kill him.”


“Exactly. That’s what’s going to happen, Hector. Levi will kill Wesley and our packs will be united once again, but many pack members will die in the fight. Is that what you want?”


“Of course not. My pack brothers don’t deserve that.”


“I know, and neither does Levi. He’s a good man who only wants to live in peace with the packs and the woman he loves by his side. Please, Hector, help me.”


He looked at me for a moment, as if contemplating, and then his eyes turned soft. “Come with me.” He helped me up and led me swiftly through the forest, my feet struggling to keep up. After what seemed like forever, we came to a clearing in the trees, and there it was—the lake. I sighed as my hope sprang to life.


He whispered, “Okay, here’s what you do, swim straight until you see a wide gap in the trees to your right. Beyond that gap is the west boundary. Swim under water as much as you can to avoid being spotted. When you have to, take small breaks on the bank. When you get to the west boundary, yell for Levi, if he’s anywhere nearby he should hear you. Good luck to you, Miss Charity.”


“Thank you so much, Hector. If you ever want to join our pack, you’re always welcome. I owe you my life.”


“No, Miss Charity. Just make it back to Levi and live happily with him. Like you said, he deserves it. Now, you know I can’t just let you go.”


I slowly nodded, understanding his meaning.


He looked around until he found a thick, sturdy branch, one I could handle. Handing it to me, he looked into my eyes and nodded.


 I reached up on my toes and kissed him on the cheek before lifting the branch in the air, and with all the strength I possessed, swung and hit him in the back of the head. He fell like a stone to the hard forest floor.


I looked down at the strong werewolf lying helpless on the ground and felt saddened, but then, remembering my purpose, quickly righted myself, dropped the branch, and hurried into the water. I took a deep breath, submerging myself completely under. I was glad I had taken swimming lessons at the Y for three years.


I swam under water with all the speed I possessed, only coming up for air when absolutely necessary. And as I swam I prayed. I prayed there were no snakes. I prayed there were no alligators. I prayed I had the strength to keep going, to make it back to Levi, before succumbing to the cold or worse. I didn’t have much time.


I went as long as I could, but finally had to make it to the bank to rest. I felt like I was going to collapse until I had an image in my head of Levi’s pained face. I had to make it back to him, to the man who taught me how to love and how to finally trust again. With that thought I found myself back in the water, swimming relentlessly. With every stroke I thought solely of Levi, of his amazing smile, those dimples that possessed the magic to melt my tough exterior, his kisses that melted a lot more than that, the way he looks at me, his mind-blowing scent, and then I felt it—a tingling in my connection symbol that slowly began sending heat throughout the rest of my body, warming me. The hope ignited, and I felt like I just might have the strength to make it.


No sooner had that feeling come than my muscles screamed out in agony for relief until I had no choice but to obey them, turning on my back and floating.


“There she is!” I heard someone call from the forest, followed by several loud howls, then splashes as they hurried into the water some yards behind me.


I rose up in shock and looked to my right, spotting the wide gap in the trees Hector told me about.
Okay, Charity, just a little further. You can do this. Just a little further then you’re home free,
I told myself.


I began swimming with all my strength, and once I got my second wind, was swimming faster than I ever had in my life. I lifted my head. “Levi!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, barely breaking my stride. I pushed myself further and further until finally I was passed the gap, but I was so exhausted that I immediately began to sink. I struggled in desperation to stay above the surface, but it was no use. I came up gasping for air one last time before surrendering as the grip of the depths had their victory. I was slowly drifting downward when someone grabbed me from behind, wrapping their arms around me and pulling me to the surface.

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