Charlene Sands (12 page)

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Authors: Taming the Texan

BOOK: Charlene Sands
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Clint leaned on the counter. “A bottle of your best bourbon.”

“Sure thing. Want to sit yourself down at a table? I’ll bring it—”

“Nope. Just a bottle and a glass.”

Clint didn’t know the barkeep. He hadn’t much cause to come to town. But the man worked for him, and Clint had seen his name on the payroll.

Hoyt Hayworth built this saloon right after he sold his first hundred head of beeves. Of course, Clint remembered the saloon looking different, smaller, less stylish. Over the years everything Hayworth owned eventually was improved upon until it set the standard for all others.

That was how his father had done business. Being the biggest, being the best, meant the most to him.

Clint poured his first shot and swallowed it in one gulp. Amber fire burned his throat. He relished the sensation.

“Tell me,” he said to the barkeep, rolling the small glass around in hands. “Do you know Tom Larson?”

“Yes, sir.”

Clint looked up. “What’d you think of him?”

The barkeep’s light brows rose and he didn’t hesitate. “He’s a good man. Fair. Honest.”

Clint poured a second time and took another swallow of bourbon. “That’s how I remembered him, too.” Clint had known Tom while growing up. Tom had been book-smart. He’d always had his nose in a reader. And he’d never gotten himself in any trouble.

Tess was enough temptation for any man. Maybe she’d worked her wiles on him. Or maybe the earnest bookworm Clint remembered as a boy had changed. People do. They change due to the circumstances in their lives.

Didn’t matter, though. The man Clint once knew wasn’t the same man now. He was working with Tess. That made him his enemy.

“You’re John, right?”

Surprised, the barkeep nodded. “John Barnhard.”

“How’d you know me when I walked in?”

“Oh, uh, I heard folks greeting you tonight. But I’d have recognized you anyway. Your pa had a tintype of you and your ma. Kept it with him at all times, showing you off to anyone who asked. Sometimes even if they didn’t.”

Clint slid the bottle out of his way. He was through drinking. “Do me a favor, John. Don’t tell me how decent my father was next time I come in, and we’ll be friends.”

Puzzled, the barkeep agreed. “Uh, okay, Mr. Hayworth.”

Clint put out his hand. “It’s Clint.”

The barkeep wiped his hand before accepting his handshake.

Clint left three-quarters of the bourbon remaining in the bottle. Seemed not even bourbon was enough to dull his senses tonight.


The sun had faded into dusky twilight by the time Tess reached the stream. She paced and waited, wringing out her hands. Tom approached with a look of deep despair in his eyes. Tess noted his usual easy gait now nervous and tense. She went to him and he wrapped her into a grateful embrace. “Tess, thank you. Thank you for coming here. I didn’t want to leave Laura for too long. I didn’t know who else to talk to about this. And I didn’t want anyone to overhear about Laura. You know how some might gossip.”

“What is it, Tom?” Tess had a dozen questions for him and she didn’t know if she could stand another second of not knowing. Her stomach clamped tight. “Tell me.” She pulled out of his arms and looked into his eyes.

“Laura’s not herself. I’ve been patient with her, Tess. Just like you told me. But something’s not right. She cries all the time. She doesn’t want to hold Abby unless it’s to feed her. I left Abby sleeping at Lorilee Benjamin’s home. She had a baby months ago and agreed to watch her for me for a little while.”

“Oh, no. Laura was so thrilled about the baby. But she was also frightened about being a mother.”

“The doctor said those fears are normal, but once a woman has the baby, motherly instincts take hold. He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with Laura physically. She’s been examined.”

“You say she’s crying?”

“All the time, Tess. When she’s not, she’s so moody I can barely say anything to her. I don’t know what to do.”

“Do you want me to speak with her?”

“That’s the problem. It will upset her if she knew I came to you.”

“We won’t tell her that’s the reason for my visit.”

“Do you think you can help her?”

Tess didn’t want to give Tom false hope. She wasn’t any sort of professional, but she’d heard of this happening before. “I knew a woman once, a neighbor, who went through this very thing after giving birth. She spent a lot of time crying for no reason. She couldn’t help it and she didn’t know why she was doing it.”

“That’s exactly what’s happening. My wife just cries, and when I ask her why or how I can help, she gets even more distressed. The doctor says to make sure she rests and eats properly. I’m doing the best I can.”

Tess witnessed Tom’s frustration. She set her hand atop his and reassured him the best she could. “I’ll try to talk to her, Tom. I’ll come by tomorrow. How’s that?”

“I can’t thank you enough. I’m just so—”

“Confused? Worried? Hurt? This isn’t a betrayal on Laura’s part, I’m sure. She probably can’t help it. I know she loves you and Abby more than anything.”

He threw his hands up in a hopeless gesture. “She doesn’t even want to hold Abby much anymore.”

Tess cringed at the thought. That wasn’t like Laura, but she was certain that her friend couldn’t control these emotions. At least she’d try to find out if that were true. “I’ll talk to her. I promise. I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

Tom bent to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Tess. Thank you. I don’t know where else to turn. Laura places a good deal of trust in you. And so do I.”

“I’ll do my best for all of you, Tom.”

He looked at Maple, grazing on a patch of grass. “You rode out here all alone?” he said, setting his expression in worry. “The least I can do is escort you back home.”

“No, Tom. It’s not necessary. Maple knows the way, and you need to get Abby and take her back home.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. The ranch is only a few miles out. I’ll be fine.”

Tess left the stream and rode home, her mind in turmoil. The irony struck her. Laura had the gift of a sweet child and a wonderful man like Tom who loved her, yet she was unhappy and probably didn’t know why. Tess would give anything to be in that position, to have a man love her beyond reason and to bring his baby into the world.

Her concern over Laura put her in a melancholy mood. Once she entered the house, she climbed the stairs slowly and opened her bedroom door.

“Nice of you to come home tonight.”

She gasped. Clint stood by her bedroom window, his face shadowed by moonlight. She would have fainted from fright if she hadn’t immediately recognized his deep, compelling voice and the outline of his hard, strong body. “You frightened me. What are you doing in here?”

Traces of a smile emerged on his lips. “Waiting for you.” He approached her slowly. “And now the wait is over.”

Chapter Eleven

here was a look in Clint’s eyes that thrilled her. She’d come into this room downhearted with concern over her friend and feeling slightly sorry for herself. It wasn’t a notion she would entertain for long. She abhorred self-pity, but in weaker moments she would succumb.

Clint, with just one long, lingering look, had wiped those sensations away. As he came closer, the air grew thick with the scent of bourbon and tall, handsome man. Her heart welcomed him. She didn’t want to be alone right now, but propriety set in. She moved to the lamp and turned it up, putting a soft glow in the room. “You shouldn’t be in my room.”

She bit her lower lip, wishing she hadn’t turned on the lamp at all. She had a clear view of his face now and the winning quick smile that set her nerves to jumping.

“You want me here.”

How did he know? How in heaven did Clint know that the fight had gone out of her tonight? In her most honest moments she could admit that she’d been disillusioned after speaking with Tom. She’d always looked to Laura and Tom as the perfect pair. They shared a close, loving relationship. They had a new baby. They adored each other.

And yet they were troubled.

Tess’s life had been less than glorious. She looked to Laura and Tom for affirmation that life could be wonderful. In them, Tess had found a measure of hope.

She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them to stare at Clint. The gleam in his eyes grew bright, and she read danger and pleasure and fulfillment in that one look.

Oh, yes. Yes. She wanted that. Tonight. Just once.

Clint tossed his hat on the bed. He removed his gun belt—something he’d begun wearing lately—and dropped it to the floor. “Your turn,” he whispered.

A mixture of fear and desire coursed through her body. She shivered and the fear won out. She spun around and put her hand on the doorknob. Clint came up behind her. He pressed his body to hers, his chest against her back, and covered her hand with his over the knob. “Turn around, Tess,” he said quietly, nipping at one side of her neck. His moist kisses drew her breaths up short. “Face me, honey.”

“We can’t…do this,” she managed to whisper.

Clint slid his hands to her waist and gently, inch by inch rode them up farther along the sides of her upper body until he teased the undersides of her breasts.

She ached for his touch. Hot, hungry heat burst forth, and her breasts swelled, the tips growing erect and more sensitive.

“Don’t fight it, Tess,” he said.

She had fought it for days and weeks. She had no fight left in her. Not tonight. She wanted Clint to hold her, kiss her, make her feel like a desirable woman.

He waited. Patiently. Giving her time to make up her mind. If she said no, he would accept it. She trusted in that. But she couldn’t say no. She couldn’t fight her desire any longer.

She had fallen in love with Clint.

It was impossible. They had no future. She could never trust him with the truth of her identity. She’d lived a violent life. She’d killed. That horrible day hung over her like an ominous cloud.

Clint would never understand. He hadn’t yet softened from age and illness. He still had a view of the world as it
be and not as it truly is.

Tess turned in his arms. She faced him. His eyes blazed with promise and pleasure and hunger.

He brought his lips down, and the instant their mouths touched flames ignited. His mouth moved over hers in a devouring kiss that shot tingles up and down her body. She quaked from his raw, elemental need.

He kissed her again and again, stroking his tongue, delving deep, exploring in an openmouthed, moist, hot union.

Tess grew warm all over. She burned. The sensations swept through her like a raging fire. She wasn’t frightened of him. Though his passion flared, he was gentle and tender in ways that she was just learning.

He skimmed his mouth to her throat, pressing moist kisses, working his way lower, his hands holding her steady at the waist, her back to the door, his manhood rubbing against her riding skirt. The burning intensified. Her need grew stronger.

He slipped his mouth farther and wet the material of her blouse. Her breasts strained through the fabric to feel him and she arched her back.

Tess moaned with tiny sounds escaping her throat, wanting more.

Clint responded. He tried unbuttoning the tiny pearls that fastened her blouse. His large fingers fumbling, he gave up in seconds and ripped the blouse down the center. Pearl buttons flew through the air.

She smiled, and when she caught his gaze, he did, too, and then kissed away her amusement, bringing her back into a mindless swarm of pleasure.

He undressed her, peeling away one piece of clothing after another, his gaze lingering on her as he tossed her clothes aside.

“You’re mine tonight, Tess.” He lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

Tess reached up for him, but he didn’t come to her right away. He stood over the bed, looking at her, his gaze flowing over her body, surveying her from the top of her head all the way to her toes. She was exposed to him. Fully. Completely.

“There’s no escaping this,” he said.

It wasn’t a threat but a statement of fact. He was right. From the moment they’d met it seemed they were meant to come to this juncture in their lives.

“I’m not running anymore,” she breathed out.

He gobbled her up with a look. “You wouldn’t get far.”

Clint removed his shirt, his muscles flexing. There was such strength to him, such manly power, his shoulders so broad, the expanse of his chest so solid.

He had chiseled features, more defined now as all parts of him tightened with need. While Tess softened everywhere, her body melting into a puddle of anticipation, Clint seemed to harden, his jaw clenching, his chest contracting, his whole body rigid.

He kept his pants on but removed his belt before coming to her, covering his body over hers. With arms braced on the bed at the sides of her head, he took her in a long, delicious openmouthed kiss that coiled the pit of her stomach and released a furnace of heat.

She kissed him back with little regard for decency. She was on her back. Naked. Allowing liberties with a man who was her enemy. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t deny them this time together. This consuming passion. She would finally fulfill the wonders in her mind with the man she loved.

He touched every part of her, making her wild and wanton and bold. She gave herself up to him, unable to imagine permitting anyone but Clint these freedoms.

His tongue stroked.

Her body flamed.

His hands roamed.

Her heart pounded.

He demanded.

She responded.

His heat…

Became her heat.

He touched the junction of her legs, and the soft, moist folds opened for him when she spread her thighs.

“You’re ready for me,” he whispered in her ear, his breathing hard.

He continued to stroke her. She squirmed with unexpected tortured delight. “Clint!”

The need in her was strong. Her body moved in gyrations that met and matched his, movement to movement.

“But I’m not ready for you. I’ve waited too long for this.” He moved down her body and came to his knees, lifting her up and mouthing her where his fingers had been seconds ago.

She moaned. Exquisite sensations rippled though her. The position excited her. The things Clint did to her made her cry out in pleasured moans of ecstasy. She lost control of her body.

Clint lifted up to watch her. His fingers replacing his mouth, he stroked her thoroughly over and over. Their eyes met, his gleaming with dark, unbridled pleasure. Her hips bucked again and again, and she felt herself pull up, rein in, and everything went tight.

“Let it go,” he said.

The release came with force. She cried out as she convulsed, her senses reeling, absorbing this new feeling. Her body surrendered to the intense pleasure and slowly let down, bringing her back to reality as she gazed steadily into Clint’s face.

“Don’t think I’ve seen anything so damn thrilling in my life. I’m about ready to burst.”

And Clint came to her then, his eyes hooded, his breaths labored, his restraint defeated.


Clint wanted her wild and wanton. She hadn’t disappointed. He’d watched her come to the brink, her expression filled with awe, her sensual, undulating release enough to stir any man’s blood and make him crazy with need.

She looked at him expectantly and he assured her with a deep, lusty kiss. “There’s more.”

Much more.

Tess reached for him and scorched his chest with her touch. Her fingers rode over his skin. “What should I do?”

“You’re doing it,” he said, lifting off the bed to quickly discard the rest of his clothes.

There wasn’t time for her touches. Clint had applied all his willpower into making her ready. Now
was ready and his need stood at full mast.

He covered her with his body once again and kissed her lips.

God, how he’d waited for this.

He pushed aside her deceit, letting his desire for her overcome his need for vengeance.

He wanted her. Was dying to be inside her.

He rubbed the tip of his arousal to her and she arched. She was hot and wet, and Clint couldn’t take another moment without joining with her. He pushed inside with a solid thrust and met with a barrier.

Momentarily puzzled, he pushed again and the obstacle gave way. He felt the rip, a tearing of Tess’s female protection. Liquid spilled over his sex. This was the last thing he’d expected. He’d never lain with a virgin before.

He stared into Tess’s sex-hazy eyes, puzzled. His mind raced.

She reached up and pulled him down on her, kissing him soundly. “Don’t stop, Clint.” She moved her hips and spread wider for him. “I want you.”

Nothing could stop him from taking her, but she’d damn well surprised him. He thrust gentler now, moving slowly, building the pressure and watching her. She accepted him, her expression beckoning his movements, and soon she was undulating under him, meeting his thrusts and arching her hips.

Her hair spilled over the pillow, a coppery glow of untamed strands surrounding her face and shoulders. Her skin shone like fresh cream, soft and white. Her arms were positioned up and around her head. The sensual vision she made marked him for life.

He thumbed one rosy, erect bud and saw the pleasure on her face. She sighed and closed her eyes, and he continued to fondle her, working them both up to a frenzied state of arousal.

When Clint couldn’t hold back another second, he lifted her hips and thrust harder, deeper, taking them both to heaven with sighs of completion.

When he looked at her sated face, something broke apart inside his heart. He gathered her up into his arms, nuzzled her neck and whispered soft words into her long fall of wavy hair.

She had some explaining to do. But not tonight. Not now. All he wanted to do was keep her close and hold her. She’d given him something precious. He didn’t understand why. She was a puzzle he couldn’t figure. But he knew he wanted to protect her.


Sunrise dawned with an early ray streaming into the bedroom, waking Clint. He found Tess in his arms, her supple back pressing his chest. He settled in and drew her closer, his hand caressing her soft bare thigh. He roamed higher, over her hip, and she let out a little sound.

He smiled and kissed her throat, pushing her hair aside with his chin. Those waves tickled his face. He grazed his cheek to hers, gently kissing her again.

She murmured incoherent words and turned in his arms. Then she opened those beautiful blue eyes. She lay naked with him, and her first instinct was to pull away.

But Clint coaxed her back with another kiss. “Morning.”

She recovered, remembering. She smiled with her eyes. “Good morning.”

“Did I hurt you last night?”

“No…you didn’t.” She closed her eyes. “It was more than I expected.”

Clint chuckled. “That’s good to hear.”

She rolled onto her back and sighed. “I suppose you—”

He came over her to put a finger to her lips, cutting off her words. Then he removed his finger and stared into her eyes. “Not now.”

He lowered his mouth, taking her in a long sweep of a kiss. He didn’t want her explanations yet. His body wasn’t nearly sated. He hadn’t roused her from sleep to

Waking with her in his arms, crushed to his chest, naked and beautiful, was more temptation than he could possibly fight. She tested his willpower time and again.

He wanted more.

He kissed her again and wrapped both arms around her, coaxing her to roll toward him. Then he lifted her so that her sweet, shapely body covered his.

Making love to Tess in the morning’s light equaled that of taking her during the night. She was a striking sight, her breasts firm and lifted, the rosy tips erect. Her body full and giving and so perfect, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

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