Charlotte Boyett-Compo- Wyndsheer (14 page)

BOOK: Charlotte Boyett-Compo- Wyndsheer
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“Come on, come on, come on!” he hissed at the pneumatic doors and when they began to peel back, he rushed into the monorail car before they were barely open, squeezing through the gap, and took a seat at the back, his eyes trained on the medical center entrance, one knee nervously pumping, a cuticle clamped between his teeth.

From his fifth floor office window, Simon Ordwell watched the monorail pulling out of the station. He stood there with his hands clasped behind his back, legs braced apart, gaze tracking the train as it began to pick up speed on the elevated rail.

“In regards to the men who returned from the Pionós Mountains, I want all but Agent Wendt immediately terminated with extreme prejudice,” he said to the other man in the office with him. He glanced around. “Handle it as we did the others.”

“Understood, sir,” the man replied. “Have you spoken with Wendt?”

“Not yet,” Ordwell answered, “but I will before the evening is over.”

“Any instructions on how he should be handled?”

Ordwell turned away from the window and took a seat at the opulent desk afforded to him by the Agency when he was in residence at the Compound. “Yes. Have him injected with 150 milligrams of Introspectaline-4. If needed, another 5 milligrams may be administered in ten minute increments until he is calm enough for me to interrogate him.”

The man glanced up from the pad on which he had been writing his orders, pen paused over the paper. One thick white brow lifted. “That won’t short circuit him, sir?”

“Not in the hyper state in which he’s locked. He has enough adrenalin streaking through his system to counteract the effects of the I-4. Just have them monitor him carefully and have a suitable amount of Epi on hand just in case.”

“Very good, sir,” the man replied and left quietly to do as he’d been ordered.

Ordwell went through a few papers on his desk, but could not concentrate. His thoughts were on the Lycant--the last of his kind, though he doubted MacGivern knew that. Leaning back, he threaded his fingers together over his belly and closed his eyes.

“I will have you in hand very soon, Jamie,” he whispered. “And this time, you won’t escape.”

* * * *

Cody Wendt glared at the little man who entered his room. “Get the fuck out of here, you fucking midget!” he hissed and struggled against the restraints that held him to the bed.

Ordwell nodded to one of the two orderlies who had accompanied him into the patient’s room. Both men walked to the bed and one leaned down to slap a hand over Wendt’s mouth. The furious grunting and squealing behind the constriction of the man’s hand came to an abrupt stop when the other man cupped his hand firmly around Wendt’s testicles.

Although he went as still as death, Wendt was so agitated that he was sucking gulps of air through his nose, his nostrils flaring and contracting as he stared with fear at the man who came to stand at his bedside.

“Now that I have your attention, Agent Wendt,” the small man said, “let’s discuss Allison Graves.” He nodded and the two men released their holds on Wendt and stepped back.

“Ally? Ally?” Wendt said, his mouth open, drool sliding down one corner.

“You do know where she is, don’t you?” Ordwell asked.

“He has her.” Wendt hissed. He narrowed his eyes. “That animal has her!”

“Yes, he does and he is using her in the filthy way of his kind,” Ordwell agreed.

A low, keening sound pushed from Wendt’s throat and tears formed in his pale blue eyes. His blond head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. “My Ally,” he whimpered. “She was

“And she can be again,” Ordwell declared. “With MacGivern out of the way.”

“I want to kill him!” Wendt shouted and struggled violently against the restraints. He continued to thrash until the small man bent over him. “I
kill him!”

“But killing is so final, Agent Wendt,” Ordwell whispered in a persuasive tone. “Wouldn’t you prefer he suffer for a very long time instead?”

Wendt went still again, his eyes riveted on Ordwell. “Suffer how?”

Ordwell smiled nastily. “In ways you can’t even begin to imagine,” the scientist purred.

“You would punish him for me?”

“Will you go after him for
?” Ordwell countered.

Wendt pulled against his bonds. “Let me loose and I’ll show you what I’ll do!”

Ordwell straightened up. He’d seen in the eyes of the man on the bed that which he’d been seeking and was satisfied. “Unbind him,” he told the men, “and get him a set of camouflage fatigues.”

Wendt licked his lips, anticipating his freedom. He nodded as though agreeing to some inner commands only he could hear.

“I will give you the way to drive MacGivern to his knees,” Ordwell said as Wendt sat up, massaging his chafed wrists. “It will be up to you and your team to bring him back to me.”

“Then you’ll kill him?” Wendt asked, his eyes shining.

“No,” Ordwell said. “But I will make him wish I would.”




Chapter Eight


She marveled at the complex pathway along which they moved. The twists and turns and perilous drops, the abrupt dead-ends that looked like a solid wall, but which turned out to be an illusion, the sheer volume of strange corridors down which they traveled boggled her mind. Her hand was clasped tightly in his and when they came to a dangerous precipice, he picked her up and carried her across, cautioning her not to look down.

“How far into the ground are we?” she asked for it seemed they had been walking for at least an hour.

“A mile, perhaps two if you straightened out all the passageways,” he answered.

“No wonder they couldn’t find you,” she said and her eyes grew wide at the beauty of the boxwork ceiling above them.

“And now you know why I couldn’t just draw you a map,” he said, looking around at her with a grin. The glow from the flashlight he carried made his high cheekbones look eerie, his pale green eyes giving off a chatoyant reflection.

“I would never venture this trail by myself,” she said.

“To do so would be dangerous,” he agreed and his fingers tightened around hers.

By the time she saw light at the end of a long tunnel, she was bone-tired, her legs feeling rubbery and her back aching. She knew he must be in agony, yet not once had he reached around to massage the small of his back.

Outside it was almost sundown and the sun was at such an angle that it cast its last rays upon the cave’s entrance, bathing the surrounding hanging vines in a crimson glow. The towering rock face around them glistened with the light.

“Is that a waterfall I hear?” she asked as they came out of the crevice and skirted the tall sentinel rocks that hid the passageway into the cave.

“Aye,” he said. “It is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.”

With her hand still tucked in his he led her through the forest and to the spectacular cascade. It was only a few hundred yards away and when she saw it, she drew in an awed breath and stared at it with the rapt attention of a child.

A heart-shaped fall of water fell in sparkling waves to a bubbling pool over which silvery water tumbled and churned. Mist splashed the smooth rocks circling the basin and wafted to the lovers, dampening their faces. The verdant green depths of the pool looked inviting and he told her he often bathed there for the water was much warmer than it looked.

She let go of his hand and sat on one of the boulders, leaning over to drag her hand through the water. “Can we go in?” she asked.

He nodded. “I thought you might want to,” he replied and laughed for she was already pulling off her boots, tugging hard on them for they were a size too small for her feet, but the only ones Elspeth had in stock.

“There’s no rush, Mairi,” he said as he leisurely unbuttoned his shirt.

“I want to fuck you in that waterfall, Wolfman,” she said around clenched teeth.

One dark brow shot up. “You do, do you?”

“With extreme prejudice,” she told him.

He chuckled as she peeled her t-shirt off and tossed it aside, standing to unbutton her jeans--jeans that fit her ass so lovingly, so tightly just watching her shuck out of them did all manner of evil things to his libido. Still he took his time undressing, enjoying watching her desperate striptease and when she waded out into the water, he drew in a breath and held it.

“Venus rising from the foam,” he said as the mist swirled around her. He stood there and watched her sure, firm strokes as she set out across the pool until she was standing in the V of the heart shaped falls, water cascading over her.

It was a sight that set his blood to racing. Her long hair was draped over her shoulders, clinging to her breasts as the water fell all around her. She had a deliciously ripe figure, as she had told him was—indeed—36C, 22, 36, and though her suit had been a size eight, she normally wore a size ten though she preferred a size eight in jeans.

“I like them to mold to me,” she'd said.

And they did, he thought as he kicked off his boots and stepped out of his own jeans. They clung to her in such a way his mouth watered just thinking on it.

“Are you going to stand there all day and tease me with that body of yours, or are you coming in?” she called out to him.

He watched her gather her hair and begin loosely braiding it, saw her fling it behind her back before she dove under the water and in the last light of the sun, he saw her swimming toward him beneath the churning waves. He stepped down into the water and met her halfway across the pool. She swam right into his waiting arms, surfacing to press her naked body tightly to his.

“That’s better,” she said. She wiggled against him, smiling when he growled low in his throat and his arms became iron bands around her. “

He looked up for the moon had just crested the mountain top and its soft glow fell upon the water. By the next night, it would be full and he would have to leave her for a few days. That had been the reason he’d wanted to bring her up to the surface for a few hours that evening.

She followed his gaze. “You’ll be leaving soon?” she asked.

“Tomorrow afternoon. It will only be for three days,” he said. “Until the cycle is complete.”

This was something she would have to get used to and she knew there was nothing to be done about it. Three days out of each month they would be separated, but if that was the only time they had to be apart, she could endure it.

“Where will you go?” she asked.

“Deep in the cave system,” he replied. “Where I won’t be a danger to anyone.”

“But what will you …?” She shivered, hating to ask the question but he understood.

“When I am in Conversion, I’m not particularly choosy about what I eat,” he said. “There are all manner of rodents and ....”

She laid her fingers across his lips. “I guess I really don’t want to know,” she said.

He grinned at her and in the moonlight, his white teeth looked very sharp. “I promise I’ll brush and floss when I get back.”

She wrinkled her nose at his teasing and laid her head against his chest. “I’ll miss you while you’re gone.”

Laying his chin on the top of her head, he sighed deeply. “No more than I will miss you.”

With the soft mist peppering her face, she lifted her head and looked up at him, snaked her arms around his neck and pulled her legs up so she could wrap them around his waist. “Then let’s not waste a moment we’re together,” she said and forged her lips to his.

Jamie felt that kiss all the way to his toes and he shifted his legs farther apart so he could withstand the onslaught of the tumbling waters swirling around them. His hands slid under her rump to brace her. With his tongue plying hers, tasting her sweet mouth, probing and thrusting, he lifted her higher so his rock-hard cock could touch the core of her. He guided her onto his shaft and thrust his hips forward, delighting in the groan that he captured with his own mouth.

Impaled on his delicious rod, she clung to him as he waded through the shallower part of the water to carry her to a jutting rock where he sat her down, never once breaking free of her slick body. He pulled her harder against him and flexed his thighs, driving up and into her as she sat upon the rock. Her arms were around his neck, her breasts like burning brands searing his flesh as he thrust into her, her legs like vices around his waist.

Grinding against her, driving into her, he reveled in the wet folds of her honeyed cunt. She was gripping him with such wonderful little pulses that it made him want to throw his head back and howl into the wind. His fingers dug into her hips as he rocked against her, his mouth taking hers, and when he came, he came hard, his entire body trembling with the force of it. In his heart of hearts he knew if it had been possible, such a strong, violent climax would have surely seeded her with his child. Before the last spurt left his body, she had joined him, her fingernails clamped into the flesh of his shoulders as her inner muscles undulated around him.

He tore his mouth from hers--breathing hard, the blood pounding in his ears--and lowered his forehead to her shoulder, dragging in gulps of air as he strove to get his racing heart under control. He could feel the animal part of him striving to break free and with the moon nearly full it was calling to him, prodding the ferocious side of his nature and he growled.

She reached up to smooth his wet hair, crooning to him as she held him in her arms. She, too, was breathing harshly. Her legs tightened around him and they stayed that way until she felt his cock slide from between her thighs.

“I never thought to have a mate,” she heard him say. “I thought I’d always be alone.”

“You’ll never be alone again,” she told him.

“If I ever lost you ....”

“Shush,” she said sternly. “You aren’t going to lose me.”

He needed to lay with her. He needed to be in their bed, in the safety of his lair and he lifted her off the rock and carried her out of the water.

“Our clothes!” she said, glancing back as he started for the cave.

“They’ll be there tomorrow,” he said and his purposeful strides carried them up the slight embankment and back into the forest.

BOOK: Charlotte Boyett-Compo- Wyndsheer
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