Charmed by the Werewolf (18 page)

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Authors: Sandra Sookoo

BOOK: Charmed by the Werewolf
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” She shook her head. “I thought I heard something a few minutes ago, but then we were… Do you think it could be him?” Tremors moved from her body to his.

’s someone else in the office now.” With regret, Xavier released her, but not before he let her slide down his body until she regained her footing. His raging case of lust would have to wait. “Quiet.” He moved stealthily to the door, and laid an ear against the metal.

“I want to hear, too.
” She nudged him in the ribs with an elbow. He refused to budge. “Is that…? She rubbed her hands over her arms with jerky movements.

” He felt her fear as sharp as if he owned it himself.

Sophia laid an ear to the door. “It’s Sterling! What are we going to do?

“Steady. Let’s be patient and see the drama play out.
” Xavier squeezed her hand, wanting to put her fears at ease. Deep down, he knew they were trapped.

Cracking open the closet door,
he saw the glass and chrome structure that served as the Portal Master’s desk. Sterling rifled through a stack of contracts on the corner and glanced in the cleaning person’s direction.

“Hello, Alberto. Don’t mind me; I’m not here to work. I need to pick up some paperwork then I’ll be on my way.

The cleaning man’s response was indiscernible, and Sterling didn’t say anything more. The sweat coating Xavier’s back turned to ice when the Portal Master looked up from his contracts and slowly scanned the room.

“Alberto, has there been anyone in this office since you’ve been here?”

Xavier held tight to Sophia’s hand as the cleaning man answered in the negative.
Her terror flooded the cramped space. Frustration from the situation held him captive.

“Did you see anyone on the staircase on your way up?
” Sterling’s dark eyes took in every nook, cranny, and shadow of the office. “Is someone on this floor?”

Again, Alberto confirmed he was alone.

Sterling’s gaze lingered in the general direction of the supply closet then moved away. “Very well. Carry on, but if you see any strange activity please report it at once. I have a strange suspicion all is not what it seems.”

It never is
. Xavier quietly pulled the door shut. He slumped against the wall, exhausted, and hauled Sophia against him. “That was close.” The hum of the vacuum began once more as Alberto finished the last of Sterling’s office.

“Too close.
” She shivered. “How can we be certain Sterling won’t be lurking in the building by the time we what to leave?”

“We cannot be certain of anything, Sophia. We can remain vigilant and have a bit of luck that we’ll escape unharmed.
” He pressed a kiss to her hair, content to keep her in his arms. “You must trust me sometime.”

“How many more narrow escapes can we get away with before Sterling reels in the net that surrounds us?
” Hysteria laced her voice. “You need to leave…”

n’t say it. Let me remind you once more. You belong to me, and I to you. There’s no point in trying to ditch me.” He absently stroked a finger over the front of her sweater, grinning when one of her nipples sprang to attention at the slight touch. “I’m going to play the cards I have been dealt.”

“You’re the boss.
” She settled against him, obviously willing to wait.

Damn straight.

Fifteen agonizing minutes later, the office remained quiet. Then the distant drone of Alberto’s vacuum sounded somewhere on the floor below. Sophia tugged at his hand. “Come on. At this point, I need a cup of coffee.”

Xavier gathered the file folders and exited the closet, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of Sterling’s office. “I
’m so famished I could eat a person.”

She gawked at him. “Are you serious? I thought we discussed this issue?

By the gods, she was such fun to tease.
He looked forward to a lifetime of such activities. “You’re going to have to learn how to take a joke.”

Chapter Fourteen


“Many different styles of shape shifting or transformations are referred to in popular literature today. One is the bodily alteration where the human shape physically changes into the animal or inanimate object. Depending on what the subject is changing into, the body will shift, stretch, compress, grow fur or scales, or expand altogether. This type of shifting is often a slow and painful process and articles of clothing are usually lost or destroyed.”


Sophia snapped the book on lycanthropy
closed and stared at Xavier. “Any luck?” She reached over the middle console of the werewolf’s SUV and poked him with a forefinger. “Well?” After breaking out of Sterling’s office, they’d driven a couple of blocks over and parked in the relatively empty parking lot of a superstore.

Xavier shook his head, stroking his goatee. “Nothing yet.

“Give me a file and I’ll help out. Maybe the search can go a bit faster.
” He handed over a manila folder and Sophia propped it open on her lap. “This guy looks promising.” A shiver rocked her body when his arm jostled hers as he leaned over to look at the paperwork. “Says here he’s a lawyer now but originally came from Demon Realm. If that doesn’t suggest a dragon I don’t know what will.”

Xavier chuckled. “Just because a person is an attorney does not necessarily make them evil or a dragon.
” He closed his file and added it to the small stack on the dashboard. “What else does the dossier say?”

“Divorced, forty years old, goes by the name Braeden.
” She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. “His office is supposedly located in Vincent Towers. Should we call for an appointment?”

“I don’t want a dragon masquerading as an attorney to know in advance I
’m looking for him.” He shifted positions, rolled his shoulders, and straightened his turtleneck. “Ready to go?”

“Now? I haven’t eaten yet.
” When she met his intense gaze, Sophia quickly dropped her eyes. His overt sexiness unnerved her. “Can we pick something up on the way?” As if to emphasize the fact, her stomach grumbled.

“Do you have to constantly worry about your stomach?
” He jammed a black fedora over his curls.

“Well, excuse me if I can’t just eat a passing mailman.
” She glared before rubbing her scratchy eyes. “I don’t guess you’ll want to stop by the apartment so I can take out my contact lenses?”

“Not really. You have beautiful eyes. They should never be hidden behind glasses.

“Doesn’t matter but thank you. You’re still going to have to because I need lens solution and my case. I can’t just wear them all night.

Xavier uttered a slight growl. “Fine. I’ll stop at a drugstore so you can take care of your issues.

If only that were possible with one stop.
What she said was, “Thanks. I knew you’d see it my way.”

He started the engine, letting the vehicle idle for a moment. “Anything else about the attorney we should know before going in?

“Let me check.
” Sophia rifled through the few papers then sucked in a breath. “People refer to him as The Dragon because he wins every case he works on. He’s feared within his company, admired among his colleagues, and one of the most sought after bachelors in the city.”

’ll drop you off at the apartment and handle him myself.” The low, silky tone of his voice brooked no argument. “Call Mona and let her know.”

“I don’t think so, Alpha Boy.
” Sophia snorted. “Anything you can do I can do.” She shoved her hands into the pockets of her denim jacket and slumped in the seat. “Besides, I’m not afraid of a lawyer. It’s ridiculous to fear someone based on rumors. He’s just a man.” She whipped out her cell phone and texted Mona regarding their plans.

cleared his throat. “Regardless of your foray into bravery, I’ve vowed to protect you. You’re staying at home.”

“What the hell
? This isn’t life on the frontier.” Her glare lost strength when he reached out to caress her thigh, moving his fingers beneath her skirt, dangerously close to brushing against more sensitive parts of her anatomy. “What next, keep me barefoot and pregnant?”

“Is that a valid option?
” He glided his hand up a fraction of an inch to rub against the cotton crotch of her panties. He gave a soft laugh when she squirmed. “I’ve been attempting to see you naked for a couple of days now.”

” Tingles radiated up from her core to chase a wave of delicious warmth through her insides. “I get that you want to keep me safe. I understand why you don’t want to put me into danger, but if we both go, we can get the job done sooner.” She ran a hand over his arm to pat him on the cheek. “Work first, naked later.”

“Is that a promise?
” His golden eyes held hers captive.

She sighed as her resistance to him crumbled. “Yes, it’s a promise.
” Sooner or later, she’d end up in the werewolf’s bed—and for her sake, she hoped it was sooner or else she’d spontaneously combust.




“How long do you think he’ll keep us waiting?” Sophia glanced at the carriage clock on the receptionist desk and sighed. “We’ve been here for thirty minutes.” She thumbed through an outdated magazine before slapping it down on the table. “It’s almost four o’clock.”

A growl signaled Xavier’s annoyance. “No matter how often you mention the time, I still
won’t know how long we’ll be kept here. Practice patience.”

“You’re just as irritated as I am.
” He drummed long elegant fingers on the brim of his fedora. “Admit it.”

’m aggravated, but what would you have me do? Eat the receptionist?”


A tiny smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “While we
’re waiting, answer me this. How well do you know your friend Mona?”

“What are you getting at?
” She stared at him and shifted in her chair. “I think I know her pretty well.” A curl of anxiety sketched through her gut. “I rescued her from a mugger three years ago then invited her to stay with me when I found out she didn’t have family here. Why?”

“You might find this interesting.
” Xavier held out a newspaper. “Read it.”

Glancing at the logo for the
Off Realms Gazette
, Sophia frowned. “Was this lying out in full view?” That was strange. Usually subscribers of the newspaper were not eager for mere humans to be privy to the news occurring beyond the Mortal Realm.

“It was folded inside a magazine. Someone obviously was interrupted.

“This will be a problem.
” She scanned the photo of four people—a man, a woman, and two teenaged boys—then moved to the headline. “First Family of Moussai in Hiding.” Her eyes watered, as she read the article. “Missing daughter of the First Couple sought for questioning.” An old grainy picture of Mona accompanied the piece. “Damn. I had no idea Mona’s family was that important. No wonder she never wants to talk about them.”

“I think the greater problem is what she is running from and why.
” Xavier brushed at a piece of lint on his pant leg. “If she’s wanted in any of the Realms and the Enforcement Team comes to collect her, she could conceivably spend time in prison.”

Before Sophia could answer, the door to the attorney’s inner sanctum opened.

Piercing green eyes flashed from a face that should grace magazine covers. “If you wish to talk with me this afternoon, do it now. I have to be in court in an hour.”

Sophia opened he
r mouth and shut it like a fish. “Okay.” Xavier put a hand on the small of her back as they proceeded into the office.

“Remember, you belong to me, Sophia. No exceptions.
” The werewolf’s strong whisper rang in her ear.

“As if you’d let me forget.
” She grinned at his barely audible growl. Baiting him was such fun. “Don’t worry, Wolfman, I can only tolerate one overbearing man in my life at a time.”

The spacious office was dim and warm. The furniture was massive and heavy, made from dark oak and thick black leather. Thermal lined drapes of black silk covered the floor to ceiling windows behind the desk. As Sophia sank into one of the wingback chairs in front of the desk, she noticed a lit fireplace on the far wall—the heat source.

Xavier’s growl was the only indication he acknowledged the attorney’s presence.

Braeden Hollister perched on the corner of his desk, and for the second time in two minutes, Sophia was at a loss for words. A shock of chocolate brown hair fell over his forehead while brilliant eyes stared without emotion. Broad shoulders, muscled arms, and the way his lavender silk shirt clung to his chest like a second skin created dark fantasies in her mind. She
caught a vague hint of a washboard stomach under that shirt. “Oh.” Her lips formed an O of appreciation as she looked her fill until Xavier kicked her in the shin.

“Why the hell did you do that?
” Nevertheless, the pain broke the spell. Sophia glared at the werewolf.

” He lifted an eyebrow then turned his attention to the attorney. “We need a favor.”

Her fingers itched to brush the hair from Braeden’s forehead, but one glance at the hard set to Xavier’s lips reminded her of their mission. “We need an item of a personal nature from you.

“Apparently, you haven’t done your research.
” Braeden crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t do favors.”

“Surely you could make an exception in our case.
” Tingles crept over her skin when she met the attorney’s gaze. “It’s a matter of life or death.”

“Miss Raines.
” The lawyer extracted a small leather bound notebook and a gold pen from his breast pocket. “If I made an exception for you, word would get out and all my clients would want the same treatment. Then where would I be? I don’t represent charity cases and I don’t do favors. Period.”

“At least have the decency to hear us out.
” Her anger slowly built. Sophia gripped the armrest of the chair so tightly her knuckles showed white. “You owe us that.”

“What my mate meant was—

Sophia shifted her gaze to the werewolf. “If I meant to say a thing, I would have said it. We already covered this.

“Then stop wasting time.
” Xavier stroked his goatee. The corners of his lips lifted in a tiny grin. “You dither.”

“I do
dither. What the hell does that even mean?”

“You do, you
’re always—”

The growl that filled the air didn’t come from Xavier. “If I may interrupt this little spat, tell me how it is I could owe you anything?

Sophia blinked at the undisguised venom in Braeden’s silky voice then transferred her anger from one man to the other. “For one, you kept us waiting in your reception area for a huge amount of time, and for another, your office is incredibly warm.
” She fanned herself with a hand.

“Shut up, Sophia. I
’ll handle him.” Xavier frowned and sent her a warning glance.

“Sometimes, Xavier, you can catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar.
” She turned to the darkly scowling attorney. “Are there any other objections or shall we just get down to business?”

“You don’t wish to tangle with me, Miss Raines.

She sucked in a breath when Braeden swooped in close and rested his hands on the armrests of her chair. She felt Xavier’s rage beside her as he jumped to his feet, a snarl wrenching from his chest. “Uh…
” Her heart beat frantically at the very real danger from both men. Adrenaline surged through her veins as she stared into the vivid eyes of the attorney. Xavier laid a hand on her shoulder, dug his fingers into her flesh. His touch gave her courage to defy the dragon.

“Why should I be afraid of you? Contrary to popular belief, attorneys aren’t the evil menace they’re billed to be.
” He was so close she could discern the subtle pin striping of his suit jacket, each individual piece of stubble on his cheeks. “You’re a person, like me, and if I were you, I’d back off because Xavier’s about to attack.”

Braeden held her gaze for what seemed an interminable length of time before pulling away to perch on his desk. “I have under estimated you.

She released the breath she held and slid a glance at Xavier. His thunderous expression chilled her skin and shot a thrill down her spine at the same time. His strength and wicked possessiveness made her want to forget everything and burrow into his arms. Forget the quest, forget the curse, forget the birthright, and just take him.

Sophia swallowed and looked at Braeden. “Maybe next time you won’t be so quick to dismiss people.” She crossed her legs at the knee and settled her purse on her lap.

With a growl that bared his teeth, Xavier seated himself, never taking his eyes from
her face. “If you two are done flirting, could we get back to the reason for being here?”

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