Chart Toppers (Star Maker Book 3) (44 page)

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familiar voice answered seconds later.
“Hey, Kit. What’s up?”

She sat
down in her chair and giggled.
“Well, Jonathan, it seems I received quite a delivery from Diamond Corporate
a little while ago.”

“Is it sitting in your
driveway now?”

Wow, Jon, thank you.
This is so amazing.
I am so grateful.
It’s been my pleasure to work for
Diamond all these years.
I want to
keep these successes flowing for you guys.”

love it if you did.
We appreciate
all your hard work, Kit.
With you
as CCO, you’ve singlehandedly put Diamond back on the map as the cool record
company that artists want to sign with.
And I won’t even go into what you’ve done with GT and Jade Riff.
Lots of buzz flying around town about
you these days.
Any wish list of
want to work with?
Because everyone who’s anyone wants to
work with you.”

She chuckled.
“I think that’s a gross exaggeration,
but yes, the phones have been ringing off the hook since I got back into
I haven’t given much thought
to a wish list.”

you should.
We’d like to do a
dinner for you as well with the execs, the board, and spouses.
We want to do this at the best time for
I know Sully is still on
Do you have a preferred

thought about it and knew May would be out of the question with his throat
surgery coming right off of a massive world tour.
“Let’s go with late June or early
That would work best for
Thanks for holding off so I can
bring Sully.
I appreciate that.”

you need, Kit.
And, by the way, the
board has lifted restrictions on the jet for you.
It’s at your disposal.”

eyes widened.
There were only three
corporate jets for Diamond in operation.
One was for Diamond Pictures; one was for Diamond Records and one served
in tandem to whichever entity was busier.
Only the CEOs had unlimited access to the jets.
The fact that they were giving her this
privilege was unprecedented.
that’s amazing, Jonathan.
Is it
just you, Lew and me that can do that?”

You can use it for anything you
Business or pleasure.”

very generous, Jon.
Thank you.”

And, by the way, that was
Lew’s idea.
He misses working closely
with you.
He had a great time with
you at the Grammy’s.”

“I miss
him too.
I’ll have to pay him a
visit at Diamond Pictures soon.”

I know you’re a busy girl
these days, but he’d love a drop by if you have the time.”

“I may have to go show off
my new wheels.
Take him out for a

“He’d love that.”

waved to get her attention.
frowned, questioning why silently.
Giselle tapped her wristwatch and widened her eyes.
Kit bobbed her head and gracefully
concluded her call with Jonathan, grabbing her purse and new car keys.

As she
ran out of the office, she waved.
“Thanks for the reminder, G.
I won’t be long.”
She hopped
in her new car and took a moment to relish the experience.
She giggled as she started the car and
headed out.


light turned green, but Kit didn’t notice. She remained in a daze until the
honking horn of the car behind jarred her back into the present moment.
She grinned and pressed the accelerator.
Her mind had temporarily lapsed into
baby land.

She was
returning from her doctor’s appointment where she received the confirmation
that she was indeed pregnant and due in late November.
She turned the corner and climbed the
hill to her home, pulling past the gates and into the circular driveway. She
felt a rush of excitement, having a good feeling about her pregnancy.
She drew on her strong belief that this
time it would work out and come November; she’d have a healthy newborn baby in
her arms.

strolled into the office and threw down her purse, noticing Lila and Giselle
completely occupied with calls.
approached Giselle’s desk and planted her hands on it, staring until Giselle
looked up and met her eyes.

asked the caller to hold.
Do you need me?”

“Yes, but finish your
I need a moment, in private.”

nodded and continued her call, trying her best to wrap up quickly.
She watched Kit leave the room and
wondered where she was headed.

Kit sat
down at the keys of the vintage Steinway and started playing, feeling a
tremendous peace overwhelm her so much it made her smile and pause to enjoy
She resumed playing until she
heard Giselle call out to her.

wanted to see me, boss?”

stopped playing and looked at her.
Come with me.”
She stood up and made her way up the
stairs to one of the bedrooms that were in proximity to the master bedroom she
shared with Sully.
She walked into
the room and looked around.
It was
furnished as a standard guest room.
She looked at Giselle and grinned, her emerald eyes twinkling.
“I’m going to need your help with
You’ve always had a good
eye for interior design.
My office
looks like a million bucks because of your suggestions.”

What would you like to do with this
room, in particular?”

smiled wide and nodded.
“I’d like
you to turn into a nursery, G.”

eyes widened.
“Oh my God.
Kit, are you pregnant?”

giggled and nodded.
I just got the confirmation from my
I’m due in November.”

screamed with delight and hugged her tightly.
“Oh gatinha, I’m so happy for you!
This is the best news ever!”

pulled back and grinned.
I want to wait to
tell Sully until I see him in person.
Also, I’m only at eight weeks.
I’d prefer to hold off on telling people until I’m into my second
Alexa already knows, but
other than her, I’d like to keep a lid on this for at least a month if not a
little longer.”

was unable to wipe the large grin off her face as her head bobbed.
“Of course.” She giggled.
“It will be our little secret.”
She reached out and squeezed her hand.
“Anything you need, I’m here to do
I’ll watch your schedule even
more carefully and if it gets too heavy, just say the word, ok?
Don’t be a hero, Kitty.
Keeping your little bambino safe and
healthy is much more important than your professional duties in my opinion.”

That’s why I wanted to share this with
I will need your help with
And I may have you step in to
manage the band more actively.
know how to do it, and you do it well.
Those guys have mad respect for you.
It will be a good transition.”

nodded. “Do you want to start that transition immediately?”

hadn’t anticipated that question and took a moment to think about it.
Recalling what happened with her
previous pregnancy and also her doctor’s urging to take it easy, she
Let’s start that transition, but we have
to be careful that Sully doesn’t suspect anything.”

“We’ll pull it off.
By the way, Gina confirmed Lew for
You’re good to stop by
and spend some time with him.
be on the lot.”

Looking forward to it.”


assistant, Gina, led her into his office.
He looked up and smiled.
He got up and walked
toward her, arms outstretched to give her a hug.

remained in his embrace for a while.
Lew was like the father she never had and always wanted.
It had been a while since she had seen
him in person or received one of his legendary bear hugs, and she wanted to
relish every moment of it.
They weren’t
able to spend as much time together at the Grammy’s as they would have

She smiled
at him.
“Hey, Lew.”

He grinned
at her.
“How’s my favorite girl

giggled and took a seat in front of his desk as he headed back to his
“I’m doing well.
Things have been a little crazy since
the Grammy win.
Thanks for the car,
by the way.
It’s gorgeous.
I love it.”

“You’re welcome.
You earned that car.
How’s Sully doing?
How’s the tour?”

She sat
back and got comfortable.
“The tour
wraps in six weeks.
He’s doing
Tired of the road for sure.”

many dates was this one?”

chuckled and shook her head.
will be two-hundred-forty-seven when they’re done.”

Lew cringed.
That’s a big tour.
How long have they been on the road?”

February of

eyes widened for a moment, and he grinned.
“Hardest working band in rock n’ roll.
Those guys are going to need some
serious rest before going back into the studio for another album.” He wagged
his finger at her.
“Don’t let Jonathan
push you.”

shook her head.
“I won’t.”

Kitten, what can I help you with?
You mentioned you wanted my help with something?
Want me to write another big check for
your foundation again?”
He smiled

“I’ll always take one of
those, sure.
In fact, we have a
gala coming up this weekend that I would love you and Sheri to attend, but
that’s not why I’m here.
wants to experiment with acting.
He’s had some bit parts and faired well enough that he’s gained
favorable attention from some directors and producers.

He’s got some pretty decent
acting chops, but I don’t want to manage that part of his career.
I know nothing about the film and TV
side of the biz

“I need
to find him an agent or manager for this.
I’ve had people calling wanting to represent him daily, and he’s got three
roles right now that he’s up for, so I need to find him someone quickly.
I don’t want to choose just anyone.
I was hoping you could recommend someone
or point me in the right direction.”

didn’t miss a beat.
Everyone calls her
She’s the best, and she’s a
She’s been in this
industry for thirty years.
give her a call right now.”

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