Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance

BOOK: Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance
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Chase the Moon

A Historical Romance






Lynn Hubbard

Hiram, GA


Chase the Moon

© Copyrighted 2011 Lori Lynn Pound

Cover Model-Julian Fantechi

Editor-Laura Nuttle

Graphic Designer-Dalal Al-Muhawes

Published By Lemon Press

ebook Version



This book is dedicated to my parents William and Lula, who have supported me all of my life. Thank you for teaching me the love of reading and the love of giving.



Special thanks to my son’s Nicholas and Michael for brightening my days. You mean the world to me!

This was an endeavor dear to my heart. After finishing Run into the Wind, I didn’t want it to end. Moreover, neither did my fans.

To my faithful fan Dawn Jackson-It’s finally finished I hope it is as good as you imagined.

Where would we be without bookstores? Thanks Susan, Britaini and Rhonda from The Book Worm and Peggy from the Book Shelter, you have inspired me to no end!

To Cindy Smith the fabulous song writer that really captured the soul of RITW. Knock ‘em dead!

To Kennesaw Taylor, Lisa Elizabeth Rose, and Vee J. Mulkey and my other Lemon Press authors, thank you for trusting me with your books!

To Mary E. Pierce, who introduced me to signing to music. Thank you for your time and talent!
Thank you Dalal for “Tweaking” my cover Julian looks hotter than ever!
Thanks to Julian Fantechi for letting me use your inspiring picture for my cover. (Again!)
To my cousins Shauna, Donna and the “South Carolina Bunch” thanks for keeping it real.
To Laura Nuttle thank you for being there all these years, the sky is the limit!


May your life intersect with your dreams!



Books by Lynn Hubbard


Return to Love


Run into the Wind

Chase the Moon

Chapter 1

ith the train rumbling along the tracks beneath them, Sabrina Lovett sat stiffly next to Brock, her intended. She shifted her back, it was aching from resting on the seat for such a long period of time. The worn down padding in the seat cushion offered little comfort. The scenery flashing by the window was making her slightly woozy. Of course, these days it did not take too much to make her nauseas, she thought as she placed her right hand on her slightly rounded abdomen.

She blushed thinking back to when she had first informed Brock of the upcoming event. He had swept her off her feet and carried her to their bed where he ravished her for hours. Since then he had treated her like a porcelain doll. Upon learning of the excursion, Brock had offered to get them a sleeping compartment but she had instantly declined.

With memories of the past arising again, she gripped his hand for comfort as a small tether to reality. Not all of her memories were good ones. Her last train ride was not pleasant and she was having a hard time pushing it out of her mind. Through her own foolhardiness, the madman who had slaughtered her family years ago had kidnapped her. He had drugged her and rented out a sleeping car to keep her subdued during the train trip.

Awaking early, she decided to play along with his delusion until she had a chance to escape. In the end, she took his life and jump from the moving train to gain her freedom. Walking west, she eventually ran into Brock and her other rescuers.

The motion of the train was hypnotic and in her drowsy state, she glanced over at Brock. Her memories wandered back to when they first met and her heart beat a little faster. It was a bit awkward to say the least! She had first met Sheriff Stafford while she was portraying a stable boy in Oklahoma. Her spirit fell in love with him instantly; her aching heart took a bit longer.

She had been hiding from her brother’s vast resources and put her love of horses to good use. Falling for Brock had not been in her plans but fate kept bringing them together. He had saved her life in more ways than one and her heart was a willing sacrifice. Although, he was half-Indian he choose to live in the white world and uphold justice. Even though they considered themselves married by Comanche tradition, her brother Warren insisted on them having a ceremony. After much argument between Warren and herself, Sabrina reluctantly agreed, for Brock’s sake, to get married at her childhood home in Mississippi in the spring. Thus, the train ride.

Sabrina shifted again. She looked at Brock and frowned. She was annoyed that
was so comfortable and she was not, she poked him. He instantly awoke, drawing his gun as he did so. Looking at Sabrina’s amused smile he replaced it just as fast.

“Sorry.” He mumbled.

“I don’t blame you for being high strung, being on this train is giving me the heebie jeebies. I still think we should have just ridden the horses.”

Brock frowned. “Thomas said…”

Sabrina groaned, she was so sick of hearing about him. Thomas is a good friend of theirs, who also happens to be a doctor. A really irritating doctor. When Brock’s father was gravely ill, he had traveled with them to see if he could help. In the midst of saving Jonathan’s life, Thomas ended up meeting Brock’s sister Jaelyn and fell head over heels for her. He had decided to stay with the family much to Brock’s annoyance.

Of course, that was before he found out Sabrina was with child. In concern for her safety, he now consulted with Thomas by post on a regular basis and they were driving her crazy.

Sabrina settled down in her seat and leaned against Brock’s firm chest as he put his arm around her. She pulled the blanket over them both and tried to rest. She was very tired but she could not get her mind to stop, so that she could sleep. She was going home. Well, her brother Warren’s home at least. She had not called Montgomery home for almost four years.

After the “train incident”, Sabrina and Brock had tried to make their life in Tulsey Town where they met. It was difficult though; there were too many bad memories to add to Sabrina’s already long list.

Walking down the main street, she had to pass by the still burned out barn where Brock had saved her life. Although she had lived, she had lost Star, the horse she loved. It seemed so long ago that she had been sleeping in the hay and pretending to be a boy. She thought of the first time that Brock had realized she was a girl and giggle escaped.

“What’s so funny?” He asked kissing the top of her head.

“I was just remembering the look on your face when you found out I was a girl.”

Brock groaned. “You tortured me so.”

Sabrina smirked moving her hand to his chest under the cover. “I could make it up to you.” She said sliding her hand down further and cupping his crotch. Perhaps a sleeping car would have been better after all. They could have created new memories.

“Behave.” Brock whispered but he did not move her hand.

“Supper.” A perky voiced called and Sabrina frowned at the woman hovering over them her hands laden with food. Reluctantly pulling away and sitting up the woman placed a steaming plate of chicken and greens in front of her. Sabrina took one whiff and scrambled over Brock, almost toppling the plates as she hurried to the lavatory.

She had barely shut the door before being sick into the commode. Catching her breath, she thanked Brock silently for his good sense in choosing seats that were closest to the back. Resting her head on her hand, she sat trying to settle her stomach. Her gaze landed on the lavatory. There was no basin and you could see the tracks below as she watched the earth fly by underneath them. The blur of the ground plus the swaying from the train was too much and she heaved again.

Brock was there this time holding her hair from her face and gently rubbing her back. Exhausted, she sat on the floor of the small room with her back against the wall. Brock knelt next to her in concern.

“You okay?”

She nodded. “I’m sorry, it’s all the motion and then the food.”

“Shh. It’s okay. Do you want to sit here awhile?”

Sabrina shook her head no before climbing to her knees. She took the cup that Brock offered her and rinsed out her mouth. He handed her his handkerchief then she gratefully wiped her lips and face before handing it back to him.

He helped her up and led her back to their seats. He took the window seat allowing her to sit on the aisle. She frowned seeing that the food had been removed.

“You had them take the food?”

“I didn’t think you would feel like eating right now.”

“You still need to eat.”

“I’ll live.”

Sabrina sighed not having the strength left to argue. Snuggling up against him again, she soon fell into an exhausted sleep.

Switching trains, the iron horse carried her closer and closer to her past. She had loved her homestead growing up, her family had years of happy memories there. However, every time she thought of Montgomery all she could remember was her father, mother and sister dead in the yard. They had died horribly and Sabrina had witnessed the last part of it. She would have been dead too if it had not been for her best friend Samuel.

Samuel was now the foreman at Montgomery and handled everything since her brother Warren traveled much of the time. It was unusual for a man of color to be in such a powerful position. However, Samuel was not help; he was part of their family. Sabrina had saved his life when he was younger and they had been inseparable ever since. Well, at least until her family’s death.

With her brother away and her home destroyed, she stayed with Samuel and his mother Alma. When Warren finally returned from Boston, he put her on a train heading North against her will. Sabrina hopped off and decided her own fate; she headed out west where destiny led her to Brock.

He gently nudged her awake from her nap seeing that their food was coming. He hated to disturb her sleep but figured she needed to eat as well. Sabrina reluctantly sat up and wearily watched the cook set a tray down in front of her. She smiled at the woman as she eyed the large pile of mashed potatoes and butter on her plate. She sat down an identical one for Brock and winked knowingly as she moved to the next travelers.

You could have gotten a steak.” Sabrina said taking a small nibble to test out her queasy stomach.

I know.” Brock said taking a big bite of potatoes.

Sabrina took a larger bite and then another as her body craved the food. They ate silently and Sabrina pushed away her empty plate, which was whisked away quickly.

Feeling better?”

Much. I hope your family can come. Do you think Thomas will be able to keep the secret?”

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