Chasing Bristol (The Finding Trilogy Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Chasing Bristol (The Finding Trilogy Book 2)
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“Okay.” He sighed, not mentioning it.
“Let’s get you back to your dad’s. I’ll keep searching for clues. If you think
of anything, call me.”

We stood and headed to the door. I
picked up the bag of water bottles I’d taken from my fridge. “I can’t believe I
have to leave my apartment,” I groaned. “Damn it, this is
not fair.”

Surprisingly, Mason hauled me into his
strong arms, hugging me tightly. His embrace was so warm and safe; I wanted to
live there forever. Dropping the bag, I hugged him back, clinging to his shirt
for dear life and inhaling his provocative scent. It felt so…good. I really
enjoyed being near him.

But then Mason released me. My stomach
plunged as the feeling of security flew away.

“It’s only for a while,” he consoled me.
“Once we catch this guy we’ll do what it takes to put his ass in jail and you
can feel safe here again.”

I nodded and forced a smile. What I
really wanted was for him to pull me back into his arms and never let go.


We stepped into the hallway and I locked
the door. I didn’t want us to separate just yet. No. I had to stay with Mason a
bit longer.

“You know, it’s early. I’m not doing
anything except sitting around my dad’s condo feeling anxious, and since you’re
off duty right now…how about lunch?”

That sexy, crooked grin crossed his
lips. “Okay,” he said.

“And,” I added as we started for the
stairs. “No talking about my mess. I’d like to get this whole thing off my
brain for at least an hour.”

“Sure,” he agreed, then he asked in a
cunning tone, “So is this a date, Bristol?”

I laughed. “Just friends having lunch.”

Mason chuckled. “Friends, huh?”


He allowed me to trek in front of him
down the stairs. Reaching the exit, we continued to the parking lot. I dropped
the water bottles on the backseat of my car.

“There’s a place close by,” I said,
indicating we should leave our cars behind.

Mason agreed, and then gestured for me
to lead the way. We walked for a few minutes until we reached the seaside
restaurant. The place wasn’t too crowded. We sat at the circular,
rustic-looking bar, and after putting in our orders and receiving our drinks,
we started to talk again. I told him a bit about me, including why I’d chosen
to live in Newport.

“So you wanted to escape the tight hold
of your mom,” he concluded.

I tittered. “Something like that. I
wanted to live my life without her constantly trying to control it. I mean,
Newport isn’t too far from Middletown, but I needed to put a little distance
between us.”

“I know what you mean,” he said. “My
dad’s like a dictator. He made all the decisions for me and Ariel. We were too
scared to go against him, but the older I got, the more I fought to make him
hear me.”

I listened without interrupting him. It
seemed like Mason wanted to get some things off his chest, and I was pleased
that he was sharing them with me.

He glanced at his drink as he continued
talking. “When I told my dad that I wanted to join the force, he wasn’t
supportive. He came up with all the reasons in the world for me to attend
college instead and become a businessman like him. He and my mom thought it had
to do with Ariel, which was partly true. I also wanted to help others and felt
that being a cop was one way to start.”

“What’s your other way?” I asked,

Mason refocused on me, pride etched on
his face. “Well, I’d like to be a mentor, help kids in our community.”

Humph. This guy was amazing. “Nice. Good
for you,” I said, trying not to show how mesmerized I was by him. “Actually, I
volunteer at the center downtown once a week when I can.”

He grinned broadly. “That’s cool. I like

“Yeah but it’s nothing compared to what
you do for our community. Trust me, you give back enough by being a police

He grazed my fingers, the tender touch
making me shiver.

“Thank you,” he said softly. “You’re
making a difference too by volunteering.”

A contagious grin split his lips,
causing goose bumps to break out across my skin. I wondered if this man knew what
he was doing to me.

Heat seared through my cheeks, and I
glanced at my drink to try and hide it. Feeling naked and vulnerable next to
him, I started to shift on the stool. A part of me was anticipating something
as he drank me in with his soul-shaking stare.

A kiss.

When I managed to look up at Mason, I
found the strength to ask, “Why do you stare at me like that?”

“Because…” He gasped in awe, grazing my
cheek lightly. “It’s so hard not to. You’re beautiful, Bristol.”

“Are you sure about that?” I joked
nervously. “I’ve been a total mess for the last couple of days with this cre—”

“Hey.” Mason took my hand into his. “You
said we weren’t going to talk about that, remember?”

Exhilarated from the warmness of his
palm, I nodded and whispered, “Right.” Thankfully, he moved his hand away and I
was able to breathe normally again.

beautiful, and really
strong for keeping it together.”

“Thank you,” I replied, my voice was
laced with a strange hunger for him. Embarrassed, I grabbed my iced fruit punch
and sucked down half the glass. It was hard to settle the jitters in my

Not long after our food came out, we
began talking again. Afterward, we headed back to the parking lot at my

Mason stayed close to me as I approached
my car. We dawdled by the door for a moment, searching for something to say. I
didn’t want our time together to end, nor did he, it seemed.

The radiant afternoon sun accentuated
his features so much that Mason looked more handsome than ever. His unwavering
gaze unnerved me. I yielded and dipped my head, staring at the asphalt. I could
still feel him watching me though, stripping me apart from head to toe.

“How about dinner on Friday?” he asked,
a hint of caution in his voice.

I glanced up then. “I can’t.”

His expression morphed into regret as he
said, “I’m sorry. I keep doing that… I mean, the timing is—”

“No, it’s just that my company is
hosting a fundraiser on Friday,” I explained. “I’ll be busy with that and will
probably need the rest of the weekend to recuperate once it’s over. My boss has
been working me hard.”

He smiled in relief. “Oh, I see. That’s
fine. We’ll take a rain check.”

“I’d like that, Mason.” I nudged toward
my apartment. “This would be so much better if I didn’t have
worry about too.”

Mason’s gaze drifted to the building.
“Right.” Looking back at me, he said, “Don’t worry. We’ll catch him.”

“Thank you.” I turned to open the car

He stopped me, holding my hand.
“Bristol.” The desirous way he said my name sent an icy sensation trickling down
my spine.

Anxious, I rotated back to Mason. He
filled the distance between us. My head began to wallop with both expectation
and fear. I trembled when he caressed my fingers with his, so gentle and

Yes, Mason. Kiss me now!

“Call me anytime,” he said, snapping me
back to my senses. “No matter what, okay?”

“Uh…” I cleared the lump in my throat
and managed to say, “Thank you. I will.”

A little upset that he hadn’t done more,
I turned and hopped in my car, started the engine, and pulled out of the
parking lot. I steadied my racing heart when I turned onto the street and Mason
was no longer in sight.

Words couldn’t describe the way he made
me feel whenever we were close. It was a mixture of safety and excitement. Such
a rush. But at the same time it scared the shit out of me.

It still felt too soon.



Dad was working overtime, which meant
he’d be home around midnight. He and his crew were trying to meet the deadline
for the Portuguese restaurant. The owners wanted to open no later than the
first week of July.

I loafed around the condo until I
decided to watch TV. After a while, my throat started to feel parched, so I
went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water out of the fridge. I wanted to
finish the ones I’d brought from my apartment before drinking any of Dad’s. I
drank nearly half the bottle as I wandered back to the living room.

Setting the rest of the water down on
the dark roadie-style coffee table, I dropped back on the couch and brought my
legs up under my butt to get more comfortable.

Almost instantly, my head started to
spin and my lids felt heavy. My whole body was as light as a feather,
dissociated, and all my strength had left.

Weakly, I moved my legs from underneath
me and slid out on the cushion, winded. I pressed my hand on the arm of the
couch and tried to stand up.

My legs felt numb. They wouldn’t obey,
and I collapsed right back onto the couch. My vision faded in and out. My head
hammered even more.

What the hell is happening to me?

I stiffened at the click of the door as
someone opened it and entered the condo. I hadn’t fastened the chain in case I
fell asleep before Dad came home.

Dumb decision.

“Dad?” I groaned.
“Something’s…not…right…” My words were stretched; I sounded like someone on

Drugs? Oh no!

“Dad…” He didn’t answer. I started to
panic, breathing heavy with terror.

I strained to make out the dark figure coming
toward me, but it was too hard with the fuzziness in my eyes. “Who’s…there?” I
whimpered. “Please…”

Putting my weight on the arm of the
couch again, I tried to stand up. I lost my balance and was about to fall when
the figure caught me at the waist.

The strong, leathery scent of his
masculine cologne burned my nose when he lifted me off my feet. My head rested
against his chest as he carried me away.

I was unable to fight. The last thing I
saw was the half empty water bottle before my eyes closed against my will. The
last thing I felt were large, rugged hands slithering up and down my thighs,
and his cold, soft thin lips brushing against mine before I was taken over by







I jumped up,
like oxygen was returning to my lungs. “You’re okay,” a
calm voice soothed me back down on a comfy pillow.

Taking steady breaths now, I observed my
surroundings: gray walls, the smell of medicine, muffled voices nearby, and
beeping in the background. I glanced at myself, fear consuming every cell in my
body when I saw the white hospital gown.

Mason touched my arm, reassuring me.
“It’s okay now.”

“What happened?” I asked, bewildered.

He looked over his shoulder at the
nurse. She inched closer and placed her writing pad down on the table next to
the bed. “You were drugged,” she said, studying me.

“Drugged?” I repeated in a whisper.

“I was calling you earlier,” Mason said,
pulling my attention. “When you didn’t answer your phone I got worried and
drove out to your dad’s condo. The door was open. I found you unconscious in
bed and…” He struggled to hold my gaze as he added, “You wouldn’t wake up. No
matter how much I tried...”

Terror rippled through me. I pushed up
on my elbows, passing a frantic look between Mason and the nurse. “Was I
assaulted?” I asked them. “I mean, I don’t…I don’t feel like—”

“I didn’t find any evidence of that,”
the nurse said. “And according to Officer Daniels, the person who drugged you
left a note that said he didn’t.”

“Do you remember anything, Bristol?”
Mason asked.

“I don’t…” I murmured and slammed my
eyes shut, searching for a face.
. Frustration curdled into
anger when I couldn’t. “Just the water bottle…and the smell of his cologne.”

The door burst open. Amber and Julian
rushed into the room. “Bristol, are you okay?” they asked in sync.

I noticed the suspicious glare that
Julian shot Mason when she saw that he was with me, again.

“I’m okay,” I told them, but I wasn’t.
Rage streamed through my veins, so much that I felt like exploding. “Just
lightheaded,” I added dryly.

“That’s common,” the nurse said. “You
were drugged with Ketamine and feeling woozy is one of its side effects. It
seems it was only applied in a small amount.” She touched my hand, sympathy
cutting through her voice as she added, “You’re one of the lucky ones.” Then
she turned and headed out of the room.

Mason stepped aside so that my friends
could come closer to the bed.

Julian brushed my hair aside. Tears
glossed her eyes as she spoke. “I’m so sorry, Bristol. I can’t believe this
happened to you.”

“Your dad’s on his way,” Amber said. “I
called him after talking to Mason.”

I stared at Mason He leaned against the
wall with his arms folded. He was fuming, like he could kill someone right

Amber added, “He’s freaking out.”

freaking out,” Julian
exclaimed. She peered over her shoulder at Mason and snapped, “Can’t you do
something? This is getting really serious.”

He pushed off the wall and unfolded his
arms, appearing shocked by her sharp tone. The muscles in his neck bulged. He
gritted his teeth as he fired back at her, “Look, I’m trying. There’s just
nothing to go on. No leads. Nothing.”

Julian scoffed and turned back to me,
muttering, “You’re not trying hard enough.”

“Stop it!” I snapped at her. She
grimaced in surprise.

The room went quiet; the atmosphere was
intense. I sank my head into the pillow and pressed my eyes shut, trying again
to remember something about the guy besides the strong smell of his cologne.

Tears pushed to fall when nothing else
came back to me. Nothing at all.

Someone rubbed my arm. My eyes flicked open
and I saw that it was Amber. “Are you okay, honey?” she asked, her voice

After a moment I said, “I’ll make it.”

Mason released a long sigh. “I’m going
to talk to the officers outside.”

Once he left the room, Julian spoke
freely. “Isn’t it interesting how Mason is

Amber and I looked at each other,
confused by her words. “What do you mean?” I asked Julian, sitting up on my
elbows. “He’s a cop, Jules, and he’s been trying to help me since the
beginning. Of course he’s going to be around whenever something happens.”

“It’s just that…” She shook her head.
“It’s too much of a coincidence.”

“Jules, come on,” Amber piped in. “You
don’t think that Mason is the creep, do you?”

Julian shrugged. Refocusing on me, she
said, “Every guy around you is a suspect. I’m not ruling anyone out.”

What the hell!

“It’s not Mason,” I defended. “How the
hell could he have bashed up his own car while talking to me? Unless he’s a
freaking magician.”

“Okay, okay.” Holding her hands up,
Julian backed away and stood at the edge of the bed, pondering.

I climbed out of bed and fixed the gown
on me. “I want to get out of here. I hate hospitals.”

“Wait.” Amber stopped me. “We should
talk to the nurse first, see if it’s okay.”

She stalked past Julian and left the
room, leaving us alone in the thick air. I sat on the side of the bed, sighing,
still feeling faint.

“I’m sorry,” Julian finally said. “After
what I’ve been through, I guess I’ve learned to look beneath the surface.
Sometimes things aren’t what you think.”

Understanding her intentions, I softened
my tone as I replied, “I know you’re only looking out for me, Jules, but we can
trust Mason. I know it.”

I felt it in my heart.

Her genuine smile reappeared; it always
comforted me. “I’m sorry, Bristol,” she said. “I’m just afraid for you. Look
what happened tonight.”

I tried to remember again. Still
nothing, but then the rugged feel of calloused hands flashed to me.

“He touched me,” I whispered.

Julian shuffled closer and placed her
hand at my back. “What?”

Amber returned then. The nurse right
behind her. “You can go home,” she said. “But I must warn you that you might
feel groggy for the next couple of hours.”

“Okay,” I muttered under my breath,
disgusted by the fact that he’d touched me. I wondered what part of my body
he’d explored after drugging me.


They waited outside while I changed into
my clothes. I hauled on my t-shirt and jeans, and slipped on my sneakers. When
I walked out of the room, I found Mason, Amber, and Julian in the lobby. Their
worry-filled eyes flicked to me.

“You can stay at my place,” Amber said.
“I don’t think you should go back to your dad’s tonight.”

“No, I can’t lead him to your place
too.” Glancing at Julian, I added, “Any of you. I won’t put you guys in

“Sweetheart!” The urgent voice echoed in
the lobby. Dad hurried up to me and towed me into his protective embrace. “Are
you all right?”

“I’m okay, Dad. He didn’t hurt me.”

Dad eased me out of his arms. “But he
The police said you were drugged. Did he—” He couldn’t finish the question, but
I knew what he was asking.

“No, Dad. Thank god.”

He raked a hand through his graying hair
and then cut to Mason, anger veiling his face. “Tell me you have something on
this scumbag,” Dad fumed through clenched teeth.

Mason shook his head. He appeared so
regretful. “I’m sorry. The only thing from the condo was another rose and a

“What did it say?” I asked, nervous and
curious at the same time.

He looked at me, hesitated a moment,
then said, “That he could have done it, but he restrained himself because he
loved you too much.”

“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Dad huffed and
wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Is that all?” I pressed.

Mason fidgeted, not wanting to say more.
“Bristol, you—”

“I want to hear,” I insisted. “Tell me.”

“Okay.” A gush of air rushed from his
lips. “He said to consider the drug a punishment for leaving your home, and
that next time he won’t be so nice.”

“Ugh!” Amber gasped. “We have to stop
him. We can’t let this continue.”

Dad pointed a finger at Mason. “You have
to do something, damn it. What if it’s even more serious next time? I won’t
lose my daughter!”

.” I raised a hand
to stop the fussing. “I’m tired and I’d really like to get out of here.”

Collecting himself, Dad calmed down and
placed a hand at my back. “Okay, sweetheart, I’ll take you home.”

I relaxed in the safety of my father’s
presence as he ushered me past Mason and down the corridor toward the exit.
Pushing the doors open, he led me to where he’d parked his SUV.

My friends kept close behind until I
reached the passenger door. “I’ll stay with you tonight,” Julian offered.

Amber added, “Yeah, me too.”

Regret flooded me as I observed their
troubled faces. I didn’t want to cause them any further worry.

I glimpsed Mason across from us. He was
talking to another cop. They nodded in agreement with each other and Mason
stalked over to us as the cop got in his cruiser.

“It’s okay, guys,” I told them. “I’ll be
fine with my dad.”

Julian was about to protest when Mason
interrupted her, saying, “I’m going to stake out at your dad’s condo for the

My heart bubbled with joy. All the fear
I’d had up until that moment suddenly vanished.

“That’s good,” Amber said, relieved.

Mason nodded. “Yeah. I’ll keep an eye on
Bristol until this guy is caught.”

“Thanks, Mason,” I said softly.

He gave my arm a gentle squeeze and
flashed the lopsided grin that was starting to tug at my heart.

Amber made a “humph” sound, as if noticing
the attraction between me and Mason. I glanced at her. In spite of the
situation, she curved a brow and a mischievous smile reached her lips.

“Let’s get you home,” Dad said. I looked
over my shoulder at him. He hopped in and started the car.  

“Call me,” Amber muttered when I turned
around. She hugged me tightly.

Julian moved in for a hug once Amber let
go. She whispered at my ear, “Sorry for what I said before.”

I attempted a smile when she eased back.
“It’s okay.” Looking at both of them I said, “I love you guys. I’ll call you in
the morning.”

When they walked away, Mason gave me
another reassuring nod before opening the passenger door for me. “I’ll be right
behind you,” he said.

Dad drove away from the hospital the
instant I got in the car. Downtown Newport was lit up on every corner and
dotted with vibrant people along the streets. It was a popular spot for
tourists no matter the hour, especially since summer was quickly approaching.

I rested my hammering head against the
seat and stared out the window. Everything seemed to slow down for me as we
passed the many cheerful faces. I longed to be like them again, contented and
without a care.

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