Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day (17 page)

BOOK: Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day
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“You guys are like celebrities,” Daylen shouted to Chase over the music.

“Nah! Only to people that love college football.” Chase brushed it off.

“Then that’s a lot of people.” Daylen grinned up at him and nudged him with her shoulder. “Admit it. It’s awesome.”

“Okay, yeah. It’s kinda cool.” Chase admitted as he gave her his sexy sideways smile.

They checked their coats, and then made their way through the packed club, over to the bar. Chase towered over nearly everyone at the bar, so he easily got the bartender’s attention. Day ordered a Captain and Coke and Chase got a beer. They waited for everyone else in their group to get their drinks. No drinks were allowed on the dance floor, so they all toasted congratulations to Chase’s win and slammed down their drinks. Then they all headed towards the dance floor.

Day tried to maintain her distance from Chase but found that it was next to impossible on the crowded dance floor. The song
Days Go By
by Dirty Vegas, pumped through the club and they were both slowly shoved towards each other. Until nothing stood between them but their clothes. The moment their bodies touched, Day felt an electric charge course through her and felt Chase harden against her stomach. The lyrics of the song narrating the past two years of their life.

She looked up at him and was so tempted to kiss him that her lips tingled. Day bit down on her bottom lip as she turned, feeling it was better to dance with her back to him than face to face. She was wrong. Chase crouched lower, fitting her ass snugly against his erection. His fingertips touched the skin on her thighs, just below the hemline of her dress. Then they trailed up her dress, over her arms, leaving a path of burning flesh in his wake. Chase moved her hair further to the side, baring the back of her neck. Day felt the whisper of his breath on her skin and involuntarily rolled her ass into him wantonly.

Chase was driving her insane with want. From the first glimpse of him at the airport to this very moment. He had gotten under her skin and into her system. She was on sensual overload and she had no idea how much more she could take.

Day pulled away from him and grabbed his hand to lead him off of the dance floor. She needed another drink. If she was going have to continue to be tortured, she might as well get drunk. She walked to the bar and Chase followed.






A couple hours later, Day and Chase stumbled into their hotel room drunk and laughing hysterically. One of the nominees, a buff and rather cocky running back, puked his guts out in the cab on the way back to the hotel. The cabbie kicked them out of the taxi and cursed in every language possible. They hadn’t stopped laughing since.

“I can’t believe he was such a lightweight. And after he talked all that smack!” Daylen collapsed back on the bed.

“Yeah, you drank him under the table. When did you learn that little talent?” Chase asked curiously.

“Just because I’m at a performance arts school, doesn’t mean that we don’t have a good time. And besides, my roommate
Amy.” Day gave him a look.

“You have a point.” Chase conceded as he plopped down on the couch.

The room suddenly became awkwardly silent. They stared at each other and the once jovial mood turned sultry in a matter of seconds. Day watched as Chase stood up and started towards her. She swallowed hard and then nearly jumped out of her skin as the hotel phone rang shrilly next to her. Chase stopped his slow path towards her and Daylen looked at the phone wondering who would be calling this late. She reached for the phone to answer it and quickly wished she hadn’t.

“Hello?” Daylen said hesitantly.

“Daylen, baby.” Her mother’s shaky voice reached her ears.

“Hey, mom! Did you hear that Chase won the Heisman?” Daylen asked as she looked at Chase, who smiled brightly.

“Yes, sweetie. But that’s not why I’m calling.” Pat’s voice quivered and a chill ran down Day’s spine.

“What is it, mom?” Day asked warily. Chase frowned at her.

“I-It’s Chase’s mom.” Pat’s voice filled with emotion. “I don’t want to ruin his night, but he should know.”

“Mom, what happened?” Daylen asked with an overwhelming sense of dread.

“S-She committed suicide. Ben McCoy f-found her in bed. She t-took a bunch of p-pills.” Her mother told her tearfully.

Day clapped a shaky hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. She instantly sobered up and her eyes filled with tears. Her vision was blurry as she looked at Chase. She couldn’t fathom how she was going to tell him on the best night of his life.

“Baby, are you still there?” Pat asked.

“Y-Yeah, I better go.” Day’s voice wobbled.

“If Chase needs anything, let me know. Okay?” Her mom said thoughtfully.

“I will.” Day replied, trying her best to keep it together.

She hung up the phone and looked up at Chase. He hadn’t moved a muscle, obviously sensing something bad was coming.

“What is it, Day? What happened?” He asked nervously.

“C-Chase…” Day said forlornly. “I-It’s your m-mom.”

Chase immediately started shaking his head in denial. “No…don’t say it. Don’t fucking say it!” He came towards Day and gripped her upper arms painfully, shaking her.

“I’m so sorry.” Her tears fell freely. “Your father found her. S-She’d taken p-pills.” Day’s voice trembled and Chase released her like she’d burned him.

“No no no no no…she wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t kill herself. She was waiting for me to get her out of there. She was
!” Chase ended on a cry.

Day watched him with tear-filled eyes as he tried to come to terms with his mother’s suicide. His eyes looked so lost. He just stood there like a beautiful, heartbroken statue. Only his jaw and his hands at his sides flexed with movement. Day saw as rage replaced the hurt in his amber eyes.

“FUUUUUCK!” A heart-wrenching scream ripped from Chase’s throat.

He grabbed for the closest thing to him, which was the lamp on the nightstand. He ripped it from the stand, ready to slam it against the wall and Day jumped off the bed and ran to him.

“Chase, NO!” Daylen shouted at him as she gripped his arm.

Chase dropped the lamp to the floor and replaced it with her arms, clutching her painfully, once more. He shoved her against the wall. Day was sure that she’d have bruises on her arms after this, but she didn’t care.

“She said she’d wait. She was supposed to hold on for just a little longer. She said she’d wait!” Chase released Daylen’s arms and slammed his fists on the wall next to her head.

With her hands now free, Day reached up and stroked his hair back from his face. For lack of anything better to do to show he was loved, she began to place kisses over his face.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She repeated over and over between kisses.

Chase clasped her wrists and ripped her hands from his face. Day pulled back and stared up into his devastated eyes. Suddenly he grasped her face and his lips crashed down on hers. Chase kissed her so hard that she was sure she tasted a hint of blood from her lips hitting her teeth.

He roughly pulled her dress up to her waist and ripped her panties in half, tossing the lacey rags to the floor. Day quickly undid his pants and pushed them and his boxers down his hips enough to release his thick erection. Chase lifted her left leg to drape over his arm. And still in her heels, Daylen was at the perfect height as he slammed into her. A scream ripped from her throat as he filled her deeper than she had been in over two years.

Chase took his anger, hurt, sorrow out on her body. Luckily Day had been in a constant state of arousal since she’d seen him at the airport, so her slick passage was ready for his assault. He pummeled her aching core with punishing strokes. His hand stroked down her cheek to her neck and then he squeezed tightly. His grip on her neck shocked, frightened, and aroused her.

Two years of quiet and gentle Drew hadn’t prepared her for being with Chase again. He was primal and powerful, dominating every inch of her flesh. Her back smacked into the wall with every commanding thrust. After more than thirty-six hours of heightened arousal, Day was at the precipice within minutes. Her walls clenched around him and he tightened his grip on her neck as he continued to pound into her. And she fell over the cliff…hard. The lack of air heightened her climax to the point of near unconsciousness.

“Chase!” Day cried out his name as a near painful orgasm tore through her.

Chase growled deep in his throat and doubled his efforts. He was delirious as if he was trying to slake his pain through her body. Day gave herself over to him with no question. If she could have, she would’ve taken all of his pain into herself.

Chase pulled out of her trembling passage, spun her around, and drove into her from behind. Day gasped as her hands slapped against the wall. He wrapped a hand around her thick waist and turned her towards the couch, bending her over the arm. Like the porn from the night before, Chase wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled tight, bending her head back and arching her back. He hammered into her deeply, over and over again. Every time he hit the top of her womb, her legs shook uncontrollably. Day could barely continue to stand up in her high heels.

“Oh God! Chase,
!” Daylen cried out as she reached another climax.

This time, her pulsating channel brought on an explosive orgasm from him. Chase leaned forward, resting his forehead against her back as he groaned his release. Day felt him throbbing inside of her.

Chase barely paused, before he finally unzipped her dress. He pushed the red material down to the floor and unclasped her bra. He turned Day around, his lips found hers as he started to walk her backwards towards the bed and stripped out of his suit. It was obvious he was ready for round two though Day was beginning to worry about him. He had yet to cry. He was angry, which brought about his passion, but she knew he was holding back.

“Chase, stop.” Day pushed at his chest before he could lay down on top of her. “Talk to me.” She raised her hand to cup his strong, beautiful face.

“There’s nothing to talk about. I want to taste you.” Chase brushed aside her concern and started to head south down her body.

“You can’t bottle it up. It’s okay to be upset…to cry.” Day stopped his progress down her sensitive skin.

“Don’t,” Chase warned.

“You know you don’t have to be a tough guy with me. Just let go.” Day coaxed as she looked at him with sympathy.

“I said don’t,” Chase said through clenched teeth, his eyes becoming glassy.

“I-I love you, Chase. You don’t have to be perfect for me.” Day confessed, silent tears running down her face.

“Aww fuck, Day.” Chase’s voice cracked as he finally broke down.

He slid to his knees on the floor and doubled over. His arms folded across his stomach as if he was trying to hold himself together. Day slipped to the floor in front of him and gently stroked his hair and back. Tears ran down her face as she hurt for him.

Chase reached for her and pulled her onto his lap. Day straddled his hips as he wrapped her in a tight embrace. He buried his face in her chest and she hugged his head to her, as she stroked through his silky locks. Day could feel his hot tears slide down her naked breasts. His deep sobs broke her heart into a million pieces.




They stayed like that for a long time. Their naked bodies tightly entwined. Daylen in Chase’s lap as she soothed him and he clutched her tightly to him, his tears slowly subsiding. Chase thought that he should’ve been embarrassed by how hard he’d wept and slobbered all over her, but he wasn’t. Day had seen him cry before, and as always she was a steady beacon for him to go to as he weathered the storm.

Chase lifted his face from her wet chest and Day sweetly wiped at his face with gentle fingers. Her face was filled with so much sympathy, that he thought he’d start bawling all over again. Chase blinked back fresh tears and blew out a harsh breath.

“I was supposed to go on a week-long Heisman tour. You know, interviews and other awards ceremonies. But I guess I should probably go home.” Chase said resolutely.

“So you’ll come back with me tomorrow?” Day asked.

“Yeah. Do you think your mom would let me stay with her? I can’t be in the same house with my father.” Chase grit his teeth. “He’s the reason she’s dead. He drove her to it. And I wasn’t fucking there to distract his abuse away from her.”

“Don’t do that, Chase.” Day gently scolded him. “Don’t blame yourself. You couldn’t stay there and not live your own life. She
you to go to school. Wanted you to have a better life.” Daylen reassured him.

“Why couldn’t she have just waited? It was only going to be a few more months. I’d be drafted in the spring and then I could’ve afforded a place for her to stay. Or she could’ve stayed with me.” Chase railed and then slammed the side of his fist into the nightstand.

! Don’t start beating yourself up for this.” Day grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. “Who knows what was going through her mind. I don’t think depression is as easy as seeing an escape a few months down the road. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have done it. In her mind, she must not have felt she had any other choice.” Day reasoned wisely.

BOOK: Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day
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