Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day (28 page)

BOOK: Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day
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“I’ll take your bags up. I’m sure you're pretty beat from traveling so far.” Chase said considerately.

“Yeah.” Day said quietly.

Chase hefted the heavy bags, wondering why she’d brought so much as he walked up the stairs. Once he reached her room, he froze in place. Pat hadn’t changed one square inch of the room. Memories of their first time together rushed Chase’s mind, as did the blood to his shaft.

“Thank you. I think I’ve g-got it from here.” Day tried to say coldly from behind his back, but Chase heard the tremble in her voice.

Chase knew that she was thinking of the same things he was. But he wasn’t going to poke the sleeping dragon. It was glaringly obvious that she had years of pent up anger inside of her and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to unleash it. Instead, he quickly placed the luggage next to her frilly white bed and headed towards the door.

“Good night, Day,” Chase said before closing the door behind him.






Chapter 9





Day released a huge swoosh of air from her lungs the moment the door closed. Memories of their first time together flooded her thoughts, as did the moisture that pooled at the apex of her thighs. For some reason unknown to her, it had been so erotic to see the man standing in her virginal room as he remembered the boy he once was, making love for the first time to the girl she used to be. If she hadn’t of dismissed him, she surely would’ve been tempted to ask for a repeat of eleven years ago.

Day huffed out an angry breath. “Shit this sucks,” she grumbled under her breath.

She walked over to her bags to grab something to put on after she took a shower. Unfortunately, she realized in her haste to pack her bags, she’d only grabbed her usual nightwear. It was her habit to buy men’s pajama sets. She’d wear the tops and Rhys would wear the bottoms. Of course when she’d packed she didn’t think that the pajama shirt would be a problem since she didn’t know she’d be sharing a house with her best friend/ex-lover. Now she wished she’d packed something with a little more coverage.

Day made her way into her old bathroom. She figured she’d just avoid running into Chase while she was in her pajamas. She hopped in the shower and tried to let the hot water relax her tense muscles, but it didn’t seem to work. Once she gave up on relaxing, she got out and lotioned up her arms and legs. She shrugged on the oversized pajama shirt and buttoned it up. Out of habit, Day didn’t even think to put panties on, since she never wore them to bed anymore. It was easier access that way for her husband. When he decided to have sex with her, that is. It had been weeks since they’d made love, which was how she knew he was cheating. Rhys had always had a healthy sexual appetite, so if he wasn’t getting it from Day, he had to be getting it somewhere.

Day’s main worry was why she didn’t seem to care as much as she should. She should be devastated and crying in a corner somewhere.
That can’t be a good sign.
She thought as she tiptoed back to her room.

She had no idea where Chase was. She assumed he was in the spare bedroom, where he always stayed when he was there overnight.

A few minutes later as she laid in bed and tried to relax enough to sleep, Day heard his footsteps go into the bathroom. A few seconds later, she heard the shower turn on. She frowned and rolled her eyes at herself when images of water running down his muscular naked body danced in her head.
So much for sleeping.

Day heard him leave the bathroom after a while, but that didn’t stop the X-rated movie, starring Daylen and Chase’s greatest hits, from playing on a constant loop in her mind. She spent the next hour or so tossing and turning in her childhood bed. Finally, she gave up and threw back the covers. She wondered if her mom had stashed some cookies in the cupboard, so that she could self-soothe herself on milk and cookies.

Day crept to her door, opened it, and peeked her head out. The coast was clear, so she tiptoed down the stairs. She turned the corner into the kitchen and let out a girlie screech at the sight of Chase sitting at the kitchen table. He jumped at her scream as Day clutched at her chest, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat.

“You scared the shit outta me!” Day exclaimed breathlessly.

“Sorry,” Chase apologized.

He apparently had trouble sleeping as well and had the same idea as her. He sat with a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies in front of him. Day also noticed that he’d forgone a shirt to go with his gray sweats. His skin was tan and smooth and stretched over corded muscles. Every muscle in his body was honed for a purpose, considering his profession. But they sure did make a girl salivate.

Day realized too late, that while she was eyeing up the male perfection in front of her. He too was looking her up and down. His eyes focused on her shapely bare legs, peeking out from under her nightshirt.
So much for avoiding him.

“Don’t you have a game to play or something?!” Day snapped in frustration.

“Yes, but they know that Pat is like a mother to me. So they’re letting me sit this one out.” Chase informed her, the deep timbre of his voice vibrating through her body.

“Why are you really here, Chase? You could’ve just called to check up on her. You didn’t have to come.” Day pressed. She walked over to the cabinet to grab a glass and then headed to the fridge for the milk.

“I have every right to be here, Day. Your mom is nearly as important to me as she is to you. But no, she isn’t the only reason I came. I’m here to see you. To get our friendship back.” Chase turned in his chair to look at her.

“You can’t get that back. Besides, friendships end all the time.” Day sniffed as she poured milk into her glass.

“Then why are you still wearing the bracelets?” Chase looked down at her wrist.

Day looked down as well. The ID bracelet and white leather bracelet he had made were worn and scuffed, but still there.

“It’s something that I don’t even think about. They’ve just become a part of me.” Day tried to shrug nonchalantly.

“Like I haven’t?” Chase said insightfully.

“That’s in the past, Chase. We were best friends and now we’re not. End of story.” Day said, grabbing a few cookies and going to lean against the counter, as far away from him as she could get.

“Why are you so pissed at me? It’s not like you didn’t get married too.” Chase argued.

“It’s not that you got married. It’s
you got married too, Chase!” Day’s voice raised in her agitation.

“Jesus, Day! That was years ago. Let that shit go! We were kids. She’s not even the same person she used to be.” Chase lied. “She even apologized for being terrible to you.”

“Oh, please! If I know Whitney Taylor- Oh excuse me, Whitney
.” Day corrected with a disgusted sneer. “I’m sure she probably said it just to get in your good graces.” Day said, hitting the nail dead on the head if the look in his eyes said anything. “And let it go? I still have the scar she left on my fucking face!” Day yelled as she pointed to the scar on her chin. “That bitch has left a scar on me internally and externally. So let it go? I don’t fucking think so.”

Chase stood up quickly, the chair scraping loudly across the floor. He walked towards her and Day leaned back slightly.

“Don’t,” she warned and he stopped a few feet from her.

“What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?” Chase demanded in frustration.

“Nothing.” Day mumbled. “I know you married her to hurt me. So you succeeded. Deal with it.” Day glowered at him.

“What was I supposed to do?! Huh?” Chase asked. “You left me! Moved clear around the world to another country. And then you married that asshole!” His anger finally emerged.

“You had become a raging alcoholic, Chase! Was I supposed to sit by and watch you ruin your life? When no matter how hard I tried to help you, you pushed me away?” Day pushed back.

Chase took a step closer to her. “I turned my life around for
! I wanted to be a better man, for
I did was for you,” he said as he moved closer still. “And when I called you, to beg for your forgiveness. To ask you to come back. You told me that you were getting married. I couldn’t stay in Chicago, with memories of you everywhere. So when San Diego offered me a spot on their team, I jumped at the chance to get away from your ghost. It was a coincidence that Whitney already lived there and that she just so happened to be the realtor that showed me my house. She was the only person I knew there. It just happened. So, if you want to blame anyone for what happened…blame yourself.” Chase growled, getting into her personal space.

“Screw you, Chase! Coincidence my ass.” Day tried to sidle past him.

Chase placed both hands on the counter on either side of her, bracketing her hips.

“Let me through, Chase.” Day ground out and placed her hands on his bare chest.

She’d meant to push him away, but of their own accord, her fingers splayed over his nearly hairless and smooth pectoral muscles. She felt his heat radiate through her palms. His heart pounded rapidly.

“I know you feel that,” Chase said low in his throat. “The heat. It was there in the hospital room, the moment we saw each other.”

“That wasn’t heat. That was fury.” Day denied. “There’s a difference.”

“Call it what you want, but I know you.” Chase leaned closer, till they were almost nose to nose. “I wouldn’t doubt that you’re drenched and dripping down your inner thighs, even as we speak.” Chase breathed against her lips.

“Fuck you.” Day said though it came out as a breathless whisper, rather than the screech she’d intended.

Embarrassed that she sounded like a wanton and desperate female, she tried to back up her words with physical violence. Day tried to smack his face with her right hand, but he caught it in a tight grip. When that didn’t work, she tried her other hand and it met the same fate.

Chase forced her hands behind her back and held her wrists together with one large hand. He then pushed her feet apart with his foot, making her legs spread wide. Day was helpless to move against his overwhelming strength. The calloused pad of his index finger touched her full lips. Chase slowly dragged it down her lip to her chin. It continued a path down her neck, between her breasts over the shirt, and down her trembling tummy. When he reached the hem of the shirt, his hand reached underneath it to touch the top of her thigh. He stroked up to where her thigh and hip met and found no barrier there. Day saw his eyes widen slightly when he realized she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

His hand moved towards her inner thigh and Day started to struggle in earnest. She didn’t want him to find the evidence of her arousal. But he ignored her feeble attempts at getting free like she was nothing more than a child. And just like he had predicted, his fingertips came into contact with a single drop that was sliding down her inner thigh. Day watched humiliated, as Chase’s signature boyish smirk turned up one side of his mouth. She also saw the banked flames in his eyes, spark into wildfire.

Chase’s finger followed the path of that single drop, back up to her swollen labia. Her nether lips were drenched with her arousal and instantly coated his finger. He stroked his finger up the soaked folds and lightly grazed her hardened clit with the very tip of his finger.

“Chase!” She cried out as her body convulsed in response.

“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, threatening her with the loss of what he knew she wanted.

Day didn’t speak. She didn’t dare, or she’d start begging. She just looked at him with dark hooded eyes, her breath hitching on a sharp inhale. Chase flicked his tongue against her lips, right as he stroked up her folds and flicked her nub again.

“Ah…fuck!” Day bucked against his hand.

“I’ll only continue if you ask me to. I won’t be accused of taking without permission.” Chase taunted her.

“I’m m-married. And s-so are you.” Day said, not willing to say yes or no.

“That’s not what your pussy says. Nor my cock. But if that’s what you want.” Chase removed one hand from her aching cleft and the other released her wrists.

He stepped back and Day saw the evidence of his arousal pressing against his sweats, creating a tent. Her body hurt from the loss of his touch and she strained towards him. She wanted to scream at him to fuck her till she forgot everything, but the words were lodged in her throat. She may not have been able to speak the words, but her next actions spoke volumes.

Day reached out her hand and her fingertips grazed the tip of his erection through his pants. Chase hissed in response and his hips flexed forward instinctively. Day stepped towards him and slid her hands into the waistband of his sweatpants that hung low on his hips. She pushed the material over and down his cock, careful not to bend it down unnaturally. Slowly, Day lowered her body to her knees in front of him.

“What are you doing?” Chase asked, his breath coming like he’d just ran a marathon.

In the past, Day had been too shy and unsure of herself to go down on him. She had always wanted to give him a blowjob. But the memory of Whitney being the first to do it and the fear of not being good enough in comparison had stopped her. She’d learned a lot since then with Rhys. In fact, she had become somewhat of a fellatio savant. She loved watching the reactions to what she was doing. And she was probably a quick study because she wanted to be good at it, after that traumatic experience long ago.

Day looked up at Chase but didn’t respond to his question. She just quirked up a brow as her tongue snuck out to taste the pearl of liquid that had gathered at the tip of his long, thick cock. The look on Chase’s face was priceless. His mouth popped open and he looked as if he was ready to drool in anticipation.

She raised his shaft up to his stomach and laved at the delicate skin of his sac. Day slowly and gently drew in one of his testicles into her mouth. A groan rumbled deep in Chase’s chest.

“Oh my God!” He gasped as she moved to suckle on the other soft egg.

Day stroked her tongue up his thick stem and swirled it around the head when she reached the top. The knuckles of Chase’s fist turned white as he clenched his hands tightly at his sides. Day bobbed her head slightly, taking him into her mouth shallowly at first. Then she took him down as far as he could go in her mouth. He hit the back of her throat and still had inches left to the base. Day brought up her right hand and wrapped it around him, using it to assist her with what she couldn’t do with her mouth.

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