Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (13 page)

BOOK: Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Their mutual expressions of “what the fuck?” were delightful, and she chuckled before running a tongue over her lips, sensuously, making them wet and inviting.

Robin made to move forward, but Emily jumped off the bed and stepped back. He stopped, unsure what she was playing at.

That wasn’t surprising. She’d never really teased him before. Now Finn, she noticed as she glanced at him, knew full well what she was doing judging by the grin on his face.

She winked at him and turned back to Robin, playing with the edges of her top, running her fingertips along the inside curve of her breast as she coyly smiled at him. Wetting her lips again, she undid another button, slowly.

Finn continued to smile at her and crossed his arms. She knew instinctively that this type of play was just the sort of thing he loved. Robin, on the other hand, just looked gob smacked. He had never shown himself to be someone who teased others. He was more of a direct person. Well, this would be good for him. Lighten him up. After a moment, Finn noticed Robin’s dumbfounded expression and swung a playful punch at Robin’s chest. “Hey, man, stop imitating a virgin boy.”

Emily giggled and pulled the shoulders of her blouse down, keeping hold of it over her breasts, tantalizingly blowing kisses at the two men.

“Is this what you’re after, boys? I might allow you some. If you’re good and work together instead of arguing.”

She then turned her back and slid it off. Holding the ends, she draped it under her butt, dragging it back and forth across her backside before raising it in the air to drop the garment to the floor.

“Are you going to play nicely together?”

Turning her head to look at them over her shoulder, she saw that Finn was leaning nonchalantly against a tall cupboard, thoroughly enjoying her striptease if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by. “Hmm, Finn. What
you have in those trousers of yours?”

Robin shifted around to see where she was looking and went bright-red.
The poor love!
Judging by the way he held himself rigid, she guessed she’d better finish soon, or he was going to come charging at her.

She sighed.
Boys rather than men have no staying power!
She couldn’t resist saying, “What about you, Robin? You getting hard, too, needing a little action?” She knew he did as his own bulge was pretty impressive.

That goad was almost too much, and he determinedly stepped forward, but Emily giggled and darted behind a chair.

“Emily!” Robin cried.

Leaning over the back of the chair, she let her breasts dangle and played with her nipples, stroking them, plucking them into hard points. She always liked it when anyone was a little rough with her breasts. “What? Is there something you want? Whatever could it be? Maybe one of you needs this and the other another part of me?”

He growled, and Finn intervened, reaching out a hand to clasp Robin’s upper arm as if to stop him pouncing on her. “Rob, Rob. Cool it. She’s just taunting you. Don’t let her get to you. She’ll only be impossible for the rest of our lives if you do.”

“How can you stand there so…so unaffected?” Robin gestured a frustrated hand in her direction.

Finn laughed at him and reached down to cup his bulge. “Believe me, I’m just as aroused as you are, but I refuse to let her best me.”

Oh, that was a challenge Emily just couldn’t resist, and she moved away from the chair to turn her back to them again, inching her skirt down, having flicked the buttons open, wiggling her backside all the while revealing the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear. “Oh, boyyyys. Look what I have.”

She heard a whistle and guessed it had come from Finn. Robin wasn’t the sort to whistle at a naked butt.

When Finn called out, she knew it must have been him, “Hey, Robs, that bottom sure does look gorgeous all red like that.”

That was something she wasn’t expecting, and it jerked Emily out of what she was doing. Swiveling her head around, she tried to peer over her shoulder at her backside lifting a hip to help her, but it was no good, she really couldn’t tell and frowned.

“Believe me, it is excellent evidence of
handiwork, even if I say so myself. Yup, Robs, I can see we need to do this again. Often.”

She just
at him, and trying to get back into character, she shimmied the skirt to the ground before elegantly stepping out of it. Bending down from her waist, she kept her legs straight so that her butt was directly facing the men as she went to pick up her skirt.

Christ! That hurt.
She wasn’t as limber as she used to be and resisted the urge to cry “ow” as her thigh muscles protested violently.
Okay, I might have two young husbands, but I’m not doing that again in a hurry.

But it got the anticipated response when Finn, again, yelled, “Wow wee, lookey at that. We are going to have such fun, Robs, my man. But I’ll let you have first dibs on it.”

“Gee, thanks,” Robin declared wryly. “I’ll take you up on it—when we finally get the bloody woman to stand still.”

She smiled and, turning to face them again, she held the skirt up to cover her body, pretending to drop it then pulling it back again. “Hmm, shall I let you see me or shan’t I?” Finally she threw it at Finn who battered it away. He raised his eyebrows at her as if to say, “Try as much as you like, but you aren’t getting to me.”

Now naked, she pouted and decided to concentrate on Robin. She suspected that if she got Robin to break, Finn wouldn’t be able to resist joining in. They might work together on some things, but there would always be a degree of competitiveness in them, she thought.
That’s okay as it may work in my favor.

Aware that she could have a great time playing one off another, she grinned.
Oh yes. I think I’m going to enjoy this marriage.
Raising her arms, she threaded her hands through her hair like a temptress, letting it flow over her shoulders before sauntering toward Robin a few paces. “If you want to get your hands on my butt again, Robin, you’re going to have to come closer—

Moving in her direction, Robin stopped suddenly as she stepped back a pace, teasingly trying to get him to follow her to the bed.

“If you come over here, it’s all yours, since Finn clearly doesn’t want any.”

She then moved forward, jiggling her breasts at him, enticing him toward her before stepping back again laughing.

Robin growled, his hands clenching at his sides.

“Emily!” cried Finn standing upright. “If you don’t stop it this instant, I am going to let Robin tie you over the end of your bed and whack you with his belt. And I won’t stop him. In fact I’ll jolly well help him.” He was beginning to sound aggrieved.

She grinned.
She was finally getting to Finn as well.
At last!
She wondered if he would ever succumb.

“Promises, promises. And it’s going to take
of you to control me.”

Chapter Sixteen


Finn grinned and stroked his cock, loving what Emily was doing, even if he was beginning to weaken. She had such a fun side to her that many women didn’t have. He wondered how long the taunting would last before one of them broke.

It was Robin, naturally, being the one who least liked being teased, who finally lost his patience and grabbed hold of Emily with his long arms, jerking her to him. Her surprised squeal turned into a giggle, but when Robin lifted her up, she nearly yelped again and quickly clasped her legs around his waist to hold herself steady, clutching his arms tightly.

However, Finn moved up behind her so that she was sandwiched between them. He was careful, though, of her sore backside. Instead he hefted her large breasts in his palms, enjoying the fullness as she relaxed against him, her head briefly lolling on his shoulder.

“Hmm, very nice,” she intoned sensuously, curling her arms around Robin’s strong back.

Finn speculated whether she preferred Robin’s broad shoulders and big biceps, the effects of his carpentry work, or Finn’s leaner frame, wrought from the many times he had plied his trade on foot from place to place when he didn’t have money for a horse.

He smiled. Actually she was getting the best of both worlds. Robin would always provide the strength. But what could he bring to this partnership? Finn considered this as he let go of one breast and caressed Emily’s back, stroking her spine slowly with his fingertips, down to her lower back.

She arched away from him with a cry, pressing into Robin.

“What did you do to her?” Robin queried with a look of amazement on his face. Finn knew then exactly what he could contribute—the fine detail and the extra touches, the finesse. There was a lot he could show this young man, and he grinned at the thought of doing just that, although he wasn’t sure how far Robin would go. Time would tell.

As Emily relaxed again, she leaned in to pepper kisses over Robin’s face. Finn smiled at Robin’s expression as he tried to capture her lips, without success, his hands being occupied holding her hips.

“Finn, will you keep her head still for Christ’s sake!”

Laughing loudly at Robin’s exasperation, Finn responded, “Sure, man,” and did as requested. Entwining the fingers of one hand in Emily’s long tresses, he pulled it tightly, using her hair as a rope to restrain her. With his other hand he held her jaw. As Robin latched onto her mouth and Emily stopped her teasing to enjoy Robin’s attentions, Finn released her head. As he stopped clutching her hair, he began to enjoy the soft, velvety feel, instead.

Pulling a strand to his nose he inhaled her essence. He couldn’t place the smell, and then realized it was the flowers that grew in abundance in this part of the world, a fairly strong, spicy smell. One he would normally associate with men, but it was just right for Emily.

Lifting her hair aside, Finn bent to lick her shoulders and neck, tasting her, sucking her skin between his teeth. She was going to have some lovely hickeys tomorrow, he thought, silently laughing.

Aware that Robin was keeping her nicely occupied, Finn decided to take advantage of this rare moment of Emily not fighting them. He was suddenly conscious of the benefits of having two men in this relationship with one of them to keep her busy while the other could concentrate on different things. “Keep doing what you are, Robs, my man, while I get undressed.”

Whether Robin heard what Finn said wasn’t clear as he just continued his assault on Emily’s lips. As he stepped back, Finn was slightly worried, now that he wasn’t plastered at her back helping to hold her up, that Robin would drop her as she wasn’t a lightweight, but Robin proved himself quite strong enough.

As Finn started to remove his clothes, he couldn’t stop watching them. He wasn’t jealous. It was more mesmerizing, viewing his wife with his husband—sort of—his cohusband at any rate.

However, within moments of having her to himself, Robin swiftly turned and laid Emily on top of the cupboard Finn had been leaning against earlier, shoving all the female accoutrements aside as he did.

Finn had to jump out of the way as Emily’s things went flying, clattering as they hit the floor. “Hey!”

Emily repeated the exclamation.

Robin lifted his head, looked at the mess and gave a wry smile. “Sorry. Nothing seems broken.”

Chuckling back at Robin’s self-conscious expression, Finn said, “No prob, my man. So what did you have in mind?”

Emily was trying to sit up, so Robin muttered, “Uh-uh. Lay back.”

“On here?”

The corner of Finn’s mouth curled up at her incredulous tone.


“I’ll fall off.” Her hand reached out to grip the drawer handle as her head fell back over the edge of the furniture.

“As if we’d let you do that, sweetheart,” Robin assured.

Still, Finn stepped in closer just in case, as Robin moved back to hold onto Emily’s thighs and parted her legs, gripping her firmly under each knee. “See—just the right height.”

He saw what Robin meant when he bent his head to kiss Emily’s pussy before lapping away at it. Finn watched as Robin’s tongue swiped at Emily’s clit, and she let go of the handle to grab hold of his hair.

“Oh my.” Emily’s cry of wonder made Finn smile.

Hmm. Maybe the kid can teach me something after all.
That reminded him that Robin had more experience of Emily and knew her likes and dislikes.

Keen to join in, Finn quickly finished his undressing and moved around to the other side of the cupboard. He stood there running his hands over Emily’s quivering breasts. Her nipples were hard points.

Unfortunately, he soon became aware of something else. “Shit, Rob. This might be the right height for you, but remember I’m shorter than you,” he exclaimed in frustration.

“Oh God. Sorry. Umm, can you get a stool or something? What about that box over there.” Robin indicated with a nod of his head.

After getting said box, Finn stood tentatively on it. “I hope you haven’t got anything breakable in here, Emily.” However, it seemed sturdy enough, and he leaned in, cupping her head with his hands as he placed his hardening cock against her lips, which were now on a level with his hips.

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