Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion (88 page)

BOOK: Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion
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Matuszewski, Ignacy, x, 139–140, 142, 145, 146–147
Matuszewski Poles, 139
Mauritania, 309
McGarrah, Gates W., 81
McKittrick, Thomas H.
as president of Bank for International Settlement, x, 305, 366, 380, 418
relationships with Nazi leaders, 380
McSherry, Frank, 401, 408–409
Mechelen, 205
Mefo bills, 43, 72, 121, 123
Mein Kampf
(Hitler), 5–6, 31, 63, 91, 334, 379
Melmer, Bruno, 358, 359
Melmer gold, 355–361
SS units claim of, 417–418
Memel, 163
German control of, 319
Menjou, Adolphe, 15
Meppel, 225
Mercantile system, 3
Mercer, Lucy, affair with FDR, 54–55
Allied discovery of, xiv, 401
audit of gold found in, 410–411
gold and art treasurers in salt mine in, 203, 410–411
gold evacuated to, 397, 412
stealing of gold from, 411
storage of records in, 396
turf war between Bernstein and Stout at, 403
Mers-el-Kébir, 308
Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft (Metal Research Company) (Mefo), 42–43
Metaxas, Joannis, 327
Metternich, 368
Michalski, Stefan, x, 273, 275, 276–277, 319
Miesen, Bernard, 420
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 394
Miklas, Wilhelm, 96, 97
Mikoyan, Anastas, 345, 346
, 272
Mill, John Stuart, 26
Minsk, 345
Mittenwald, 421–422, 425, 427
Młynów, 142
Moevus, Captain, 273, 274, 276–277
Molde, 183, 188, 190, 193
Molotov, V. M., 340, 345
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 22, 131–133, 316
Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty, 151–152, 163
Monarch of Bermuda
, 297
Monnet, J. G., & Co., 162
Monnet, Jean, 162, 163
purchase of American weapons and, 241
Mont-de-Marsan, 231, 234
Montoire-sur-le-Loir, 324
Monument Men, 411
Moors, Franco’s use of, 12
Mootz, Richard, discovery of German gold and paintings and, xiv
Moret, Clément, as governor of Banque de France, 240
Moreton, Charles, x, 277–278, 279, 280, 281–282
meeting with Ollive, Emmanuel, 308–311
Morgan, Charles, 289
Morgan, J. P., as member of Bank of International Settlements, 80
Morgan Grenfel, 265
Morganthau, Elinor
friendship with Roosevelt, Eleanor, 49
politics and, 49
Morganthau, Henry, Jr., x
advance to Soviets to buy weapons, 338
arms sales and, 161
attraction of, to agriculture and ranching, 48, 49
Bernstein and, 153
concerns over developments in Europe, 115–116
concerns over Hitler, 159–161
as Conservation Commissioner, 50
coordination of weapon sales and, 163, 165
diary of, 55
education of, 47–48
Eisenhower’s need for financial assistant, 360–361
financial advisors of, 58–59
Fishkill Farms and, 48, 49
friendship with Roosevelt, Franklin D., 47, 49, 50, 159
gathering up of world’s central bank gold, 170
as head of Farm Credit Administration, 51
as head of Federal Farm Board, 50–51
help for Britain and, 302
Hopkins, Harry, and, 161–162
learning disability of, 47
luncheons with Roosevelt, and, 336–337
military service of, 48
movement of gold and, 161–162, 316
ownership of
American Agriculturist
and, 49, 57
personality of, 47
plans for handling Germany’s postwar economy, 388, 389–392
politics and, 49
purchase of gold from Soviet Union and, 351–352
purchase of gold on international market, 59
Schacht and, 74, 126
swearing in, as Secretary of Treasury, 56–57
U.S. prices for gold and, 54, 55
Vatican gold and, 264–265
wheat prices and, 54
White, Harry Dexter and, 166, 168–169, 325, 388, 389
Morganthau, Henry, Sr., 47
as ambassador to Ottoman Empire, 48, 159
Morgenstierne, Wilhelm, 195, 196
Moroccan State Bank, 279
Moss, W. Stanley, 427
Mostar, 330
Mount Narodnaya, 341
Mozhaisk Highway, 350
Müller, Friedrich, 112, 116–117
Munch, Edvard, 178
Mundell, Robert, on gold as part of international monetary system, 4
Munich, 423
beer hall putsch in, 27, 61, 419
bomb damage in, 423
Munich agreement, 131, 161, 163, 229, 240
Munich crisis (September 1938), 111
Münstereifel, 209–210
Murmansk, 348, 352, 353
Murrow, Edward R., 301
Mussolini, Benito, x, 100
alignment of Albania with, 198
Ciano and, 199–200
demands for Zog, 200–201
fall of, 203, 330, 363, 367
Hitler and, 199, 324–325, 363
protection of Italian bullion, 363–364
rescue of, 363, 367
Spanish Civil War and, 10
takeover of Austria and, 89, 94, 96–97
as undecided, 261
war objective of, 251
Mussolini, Stefiono, 371
Mutual assistance pacts, 152
Nagy-Appony, Géraldine Apponyi de, 200
Napoleon, 67, 227, 368
invasion of Russia, 339
Napoleonic wars, 289, 369
Napoleon III, 243
Narodowy Bank Polski, 135–136
Narvik, 174, 177
Nassau, Hubert, 234
protection of Belgian assets, 229–230
National Bank of Albania, 198–199
National Bank of Greece, shipment of gold and, 328
National Bank of Hungary, gold traffic and, 167
National Bank of Yugoslavia, 368
conversion of accounts into dollars and, 329–330
National Defense Council of Yugoslavia, 319
Nationale Bank van België
, 228
National Front, 9
Nationalists in Spanish Civil War, 8, 9, 10–11, 12
National Redoubt, 419
National self-determination, 198
National self-sufficiency, 26
National Swiss Bank, Nazi gold traffic and, 378
NATO, 432
Naval Quartermaster Corps, 48
Nazi gold
laundering of, 387
statistics of, 439–440
Nazi Gold
(Sayer and Botting), 427
Nazi Gold trade, 444
belief in autarky, 37
gold as centerpiece of economic policy and war strategy, 6
military spending levels by, 87
racial policies, 71
Nefertiti, value of bust of, xvi
Negrin, Juan, x, 16, 17, 18, 19–20, 21
bullion standard of, 83
bullion storage at New York Federal Reserve, 207
demands for restitution, 430
DSK confiscation of gold in, 70
fall of, 204–225, 242
gold of, 312
Hitler’s nonrespect for neutrality of, 377–378
Nazi objective of conquering, 173
sale off of bullion, 438
shipment of gold to U.S., 164, 170, 207–208, 289
smelting of gold, 378–379
stolen gold of, 440
The Netherlands National Bank, 206
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
, 179
Neuhauser, Hans, 424, 425
Neumann, Erich, 68
Neurath, Konstantin von, 11, 87, 89–90
Neutrality Acts (1935, 1936, 1937), 159–160, 166
(Soviet ship), 21
New Deal, Supreme Court and, 59
Newton, Sir Isaac, 3–4
New York State Agricultural Commission, 51
New York Tribune
, 25
Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 334, 336
Nickel, German need for, 165
Niemeyer, Otto Ernst, 114
Niemöller, Martin, 356
Nieuwe Waterweg, 222, 223, 224
Night of the Long Knives (June 1934), 62
Nikolayev, Léon, 14
Nikolsky, Lev, 14, 15
, 330, 331, 332
Nixon, Richard, closing of gold window, 437
Nixon Shock, 437
Noël, Léon, 140–141
Non-agression treaty, signing of between Germany and Soviet Union, 133
Noordeinde Palace, 213
Norman, Montagu, x, 4–5, 286
Bank of England under, 77, 80–81, 82, 84, 163
fixing of gold prices and, 57
Harrison, George L., and, 55
Schacht, Hjalmar, and, 29, 120, 124, 127
shipping of Belgian gold to Britain and, 230
transfer of Czech assets and, 113, 114
North Africa, Allied invasion of, 361
North Tirol Alps, 421
German invasion of, 174–175, 180–196
golden inheritance and, 176
gold of, 312
move of gold and, 182–203
sending of bullion to U.S., 164
storage of gold at, 177
Novikov, Fedor, 411
Novsibirsk, 343, 344
Nuremberg, September 1938 Nazi party rally in, 108
Nuremberg Party Festival, announcement of Four Year Plan at, 66
Nuremberg trials
interrogation of Schacht, Hjalmar, at, 43
postwar studies done for, 354
Nygaardsvold, Johan, 179–180
Odessa, as destination for Spanish gold, 20, 22
Ogilvie-Forbes, George, 26
Ohrdruf death camp, tour of, 405
Oil, 40
German need for, 165
in Romania, 40, 326, 376, 384
U.S. buy up of, 165
Olathe, E. J. van, 217
Olav, Crown-Prince, 180
Oliveira Salazar, António, 9
Ollive, Emmanuel, 283
meeting with Moreton, Charles, 308–311
Omsk, 335
Operation Barbarossa, 326–327, 334, 351
Operation Dynamo, 294
Operation Fish, 297
Operation Lucid, 295
Operation Mercury, 327
Operation Sea Lion, 193, 322
(Cut of the Sickle), 206
Operation Typhoon, 350
Operation X, 13, 16
Oran, Algeria, movement of French gold to, 315
Orczykowski, Stanisław, 137, 140, 148
Organisation Todt, 418
Orgera, Giovanni, 372
Orlov, Alexander, x, 14, 15, 18–19
as representative of the Bank of America, 19
transfer of gold to Soviet Union and, 19–23
Orlov, Maria, 15
Orlov, Veronika, 15
Osborne, Sir D’Arcy, 261, 262
Oscarborg Fortress, 181
Oslo Fjord, 182
Ostend, 228, 232, 233
Oster, Hans, 209
Ostmesse, 46
Ostrog Monastery, 330–332
Otnosovo, 346
Ottawa, movement of gold to, 287, 291, 310
Ottoman Empire, Morganthau, Henry, Sr., as ambassador to, 48, 159
Oven, Wilfred, 330–331
Oyer, 183
Pacelli, Eugenio, 260.
See also
Pius XII
Paget, P.G. T., 187–188
Papal States, fall of, 259
Papen, Franz von, 33, 35
recall of, 91
See also
Popular Front government in, 229
Paris Conference on Reparations (1945), 429
Parr, Edith, 285
Pascua, Marcelino, 16–17, 23
Paserewski Park, 138
Patton, George, Jr., 402
arrival of Third Army in Spital am Pyrhn, 415
discovery of German gold and paintings and, xv, xvi
memoirs of, 405
movement of Third Army of, across Germany, xiii
responsibility for gold and, 401
tour of death camp by, 405
tour of Room #8, 404–405
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 351
Pearson, Frank, 52
Peiβenberg, 421
Pellegrini Giampietro, Domenico, xi, 369–370, 371, 372
Penfentanyo, Hervé de, 273, 274–275
Perkins, Sidney, 297, 298

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