Chasing His Bunny

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #paranormal romance, #Paranormal, #werewolf, #shape shifter, #paranormal erotica

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Chasing His Bunny

Book 1 of the Big Bad Bunnies

By Golden Angel

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I have a lot of people to
thank for helping me with this book. My Maries, my power houses!
Marie for all her help with editing and the continuity issues that
I occasionally struggle with (I swear, she remembers all the things
that I can’t). Another Marie, for her incredibly close attention to
detail, especially when it comes to commas, mixed-up words and my
excessive use of the word “that”. Katherine, for her ever-lasting
support, encouragement and suggestions. Michelle for her comments
and suppositions, which sent me in a different direction several
times for this story, creating a much better and more satisfying
plot than I’d originally had, with much more interesting character
development. Sir Nick, for providing the much-needed male
perspective. And RaineyCloud9, for the gorgeous cover art and
promotional posters that I’ve been sharing.

As always, a big thank you
to all my fans, for buying and reading my work… if you love it,
please leave a review!

Chapter 1

Monsters.  They were all

Her brothers were monsters.

Her baby sister was a

And she was a

They hadn't asked to be
this way.  If they'd
a choice, none of them would have chosen
this.  But no one had asked, no one had given them a choice;
the men had come and taken her and her siblings from their beds in
the night.  Taken them and kept them for the past seven years,
hidden away in a secret laboratory, and experimented on them

Worse, the experiments had
been deemed a "success."

Well, Dr. Montgomery said
they were a success.  The Bunson siblings disagreed. 
Vehemently.  But no one cared about their opinion.  The
only thing the older four had managed to protect the fifth -
Bailey.  Their baby sister.  She'd only been thirteen
when they were taken, kidnapped by the damned doctor and whoever
was funding his sick experiments.  The boys had started by
trying to protect both their sisters, putting themselves forward
for the doctor’s “research” if he’d just leave Bethany and Bailey
alone. Then, once the doctor didn’t feel he could do anything more
with them, Bethany had put herself forward, so at least Bailey
would be protected.

He'd told them he was
doing it to "help."  He said their unique genetics held the
key to saving countless lives in the future. That they would help
poor, suffering, innocent people.  Cynically, Bethany doubted
it. Even if he was speaking even partial truth, she doubted whoever
his sponsor was had equally "selfless" goals. 

After all, kidnapping an
entire group of siblings and holding them in a secret, high-tech
laboratory for years on end didn't exactly scream "selfless" or
"poor." The guards were military-ish, and Bethany was pretty sure
they were all mercenaries.  Someone was paying for that, and
she doubted it was to save people.  There wasn't money in
saving people.

Plus, how else to explain
the exercise and training regimen they were on? They were
constantly being tested for both their defensive and offensive
capabilities. Violent capabilities. And they weren’t exactly held
back from making themselves bigger and stronger; the doctor
encouraged it. So what exactly were they training for? Maybe their
genetics would save people, but it seemed like the doctor was just
as interested in how well they could kill people.  Her
brothers, Brady, Brock and Brice (yeah, her parents had issues when
it came to naming their children, she was well aware), were
huge.  Like, well over six feet tall and bulging with
muscles.  They made the mercenary guards incredibly nervous,
not that they had to be.  None of the boys would risk doing
anything that might come back to harm Bethany or Bailey.

Bethany was pretty sure
her brothers didn’t know much about her own "enhancements."
 Her training was kept separate from theirs.  She was
incredibly fast and agile, her reflexes were an athlete's dream,
and she was just about as strong as any of the men that trained
her, even if she didn't look it.  Since the brothers were kept
apart from the sisters for the most part, except for a one-hour,
daily, monitored visit, it wasn't exactly hard to hide Bethany's
changes from them.

Until today, that
is.  Because this time they'd taken Bailey, and Bethany had
flipped the fuck out.  They'd shot Bethany full of tranqs, and
when she'd woken up, Bailey wasn't in their room anymore. 
Which had led to another immediate flip out, which just happened to
coincide with an attack on the compound.

An attack that came too

The compound was overrun
with all sorts of big, burly soldiers with big guns and bigger
attitudes.  Although Bethany was grateful, because for the
first time in years she and her siblings were breathing free air,
she couldn't help but be a bit resentful that they hadn't come the
day before.

"Too fucking late," she
muttered under her breath, tightening her grip around Bailey's
shoulders.  Her baby sister was curled into a ball, her arms
wrapped around her legs, shivering under a blanket.  After
they'd been taken out of the compound, the soldiers had put them on
the bed of a truck that was sitting outside of the ruined
laboratory and collapsed buildings, given them blankets, and set up
a guard around them.  But it was already too late. The doctor
had given Bailey 
.  Injected it into
her, just like they had with Bethany and now Bailey was

Who knew into what? 
Well, Dr. Montgomery probably knew, but so far Bethany hadn't seen
him or his body.

She glared at the soldiers
guarding her and Bailey. They were big guys (and a few mean
looking, muscled women), dressed in combat gear and ready to take
on any threat. Their scents were unique, completely different from
the doctors’ and workers’ in the compound. The thing inside of her
had been whispering in her mind at each new smell.




Unknown. Strange.

After getting Bailey and
Bethany out of the lab, once the soldiers had realized the women
were experiments and victims of the compound and not more workers,
they’d gone into automatic protection mode around them.

A day late and a dollar short. 
Seriously, would it have killed them to get here 24 hours

"Bethany!  Bailey!"

The soldiers came alert as her
brothers came barreling towards her and Bailey.  She couldn't
blame them.  En masse, the Bunson brothers were kind of
terrifying.  They were just as big as the trained soldiers
around them - even bigger than about half of them - and right now
they looked more than a little pissy.  

Brady growled at one of the
soldiers who tried to intercept them, an unholy, terrifying sound
because it was so
.  Everyone stiffened,
the soldiers going on even higher alert, as Bethany let out an
impatient, frustrated grunt.

"Those are my brothers,
let them through," she ordered, her voice ringing out with
authority.  Brady was the oldest of their brood, but even he
bowed to Bethany when she was on a tear, and that kind of
self-confident, commanding dominance was hard to ignore. 
Especially for shifters.

Bethany might be a petite
blonde with big boobs and a less than intimidating stature, but
when she chose to exert herself, apparently shifters
listened.  Sadly, the effect tended to be less compelling on
humans, or she and her siblings would have been out of this mess a
long time ago.  Without outside help.

The soldiers moved aside,
letting the guys pass, although they stayed on high

Checking them over, Brady
looked even more pissed when he realized that Bethany was hovering
protectively over Bailey.  As the oldest, he had a tendency to
act like he was in charge, and Bethany usually let him because she
knew he felt like he'd failed them when they'd been taken - and
since then, as the doctor had experimented on them.  Not that
she thought he could have done anything to prevent it, but Brady
blamed himself.  With his dark brown hair and hazel eyes, he
looked particularly intimidating as he checked over his sisters,
muttering under his breath.

Beside him, keeping an eye
on the other soldiers, Brock and Brice both had their guards up as
well, regarding their rescuers suspiciously.  Even though they
were her younger brothers, as they'd grown bigger and stronger,
they'd started acting like Bethany was another younger sister in
need of protection.  While she appreciated the sentiment, she
couldn't help but roll her eyes a little.  Still, she was
proud of them.  They hadn't let captivity change their good

She smirked a little when
she saw several of the female soldiers giving her brothers the eye
back.  Except those females didn't look suspicious, they
looked intrigued. 

Altogether, Bethany knew
they were an attractive family.  She and Brock both had blonde
hair, although he had hazel eyes instead of blue like hers. 
Brice and Bailey had both gotten the big, baby blues from their
mother as well, but Brice's were matched with light brown hair that
looked sun-streaked with blonde highlights, and Bailey's hair was
nearly as dark as Brady's, which made for a striking contrast.
 Brady had the darkest hair and eyes, making him the most
intimidating at first glance, especially because he was also a
little taller and a little more broad-shouldered than his

Seeing the looks he was
getting, Brice puffed himself up a bit, grinning at some of the
ladies, whom he obviously didn't see as a threat, despite the guns
in their hands.  Idiot.  Bethany didn't truly judge him
though; she knew Dr. Montgomery had attempted to provide her
brothers with occasional female "companionship." They hadn’t wanted
anything to do with that part of the study.  He also hadn't
sent another male in to Bethany after the first one required
surgery to his testicles following his visit.  None of the
Bunson siblings wanted to provide the doctor with another
generation of Bunsons, and the man had seemed interested in
studying how long they could remain abstinent, rather than forcing
the issue. At least he’d drawn the line somewhere.  The guys
were probably thrilled to see females other than their sisters, the
paid workers the doctor provided, or the scientists that worked at
the lab.

Bethany herself was not entirely
immune to all the sexy males walking around.  Now that her
brothers were here and her subconscious had apparently decided that
she was totally safe, her libido was definitely perking up at the
presence of all these non-related males.  These non-related,
muscled, tall, strong males that might actually be able to hold
their own, even against something like her.

"What are you all standing
around for?  Get everything loaded up, and let's get the hell
out of here!"  The orders came pitched at a roar as another
man came out of the building, followed by a platoon. 
Definitely some kind of leader, the way everyone jumped at his
commands, grabbing up the equipment and boxes that had obviously
been removed from the buildings.

As tall as Brady, who was six feet
five inches on a short day, the commander had broad shoulders with
densely packed muscles, a short buzz cut of dark hair that really
made his incredible cheek bones and square jaw stand out, and eyes
so dark they looked black.  He was sex on a stick.  The
kind of man that made a woman's already perked up libido jump up
and down like a kid on Christmas.  In fact, she was pretty
sure she came a little just looking at him.  

Nom nom nom.

She wanted to climb him
like he was a playground.  Or a mountain.  All the way to
the top of him, and then let him plant
 pole in

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