CHEAP SMUT: Four Erotic Romance Novels (Boxed Set) (38 page)

BOOK: CHEAP SMUT: Four Erotic Romance Novels (Boxed Set)
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I moaned as his pace and depth slowly increased. When he reached a point that he was stroking me with every inch of his cock, he dug his fingernails into my shoulders and forced me to arch my back.

“That’ll hit that spot,” he growled into my ear.

And he was right.

The tip of his ever so lovely cock was grinding against my g-spot with each stroke. No differently than someone shoving their fingers into my armpit and tickling me, his stiff cock was positioned perfectly and tickling me sexually.

He released my shoulder, and reached for my breasts. As he squeezed them in his hands, he continued to pull me back, forcing his swollen tip into my tingling g-spot.

Although I had no real way of knowing if all women shared my sexual chemistry, my boobs were connected by a direct sensual string to my pussy, and I enjoyed it immensely. As he squeezed them in his hands firmly and continued to fuck me, my body, mind, and spirit began to reach a heightened state of being.

“My tits,” he said as he squeezed them firmly in his hands.

“Yours,” I said.

“My fucking ass,” he said as he released my right boob and slapped his hand against my ass.

“Oh God yes.
,” I said through my teeth.

He slapped his hand against my ass again harshly, and then again. The force of his swats were a huge turn on, but took my breath completely from my lungs. As I attempted to catch my breath and focus on his cock, his hand gripped my neck.

As he squeezed my neck in his hand and turned my head to the side, I peered upward. His mouth opened slightly and he encompassed my lower lip in between his upper and lower lip, biting it slightly.

As he bit down with slightly more force, I groaned in pleasure. Certainly not for everyone, but a far cry from abusive, this was exactly what I desired in a sexual relationship - rough forceful sex at the hand of a bad boy who was, above all things, a good man.

As he released my lip and began biting along my shoulder he continued to squeeze my neck in his hand. With his left hand steadily squeezing my boob and pinching my nipple, he maintained a direct connection to my throbbing g-spot.

I was close. It was almost time. Reaching a point of sensory overload, my eyes began to open and close rapidly. His cock continued to pound against my g-spot with each stroke, bringing me one step closer to climax.

After dragging his teeth along my shoulder and up my neck, he breathed into my ear.


“Uhhm,” I stammered.

He released my neck, pressed his hand against the back of my head, and forced my face deep into the bottom cushion of the lounge. Startled, I naturally tried to resist. As I arched my back against his hand, he pushed harder, pressing my face firmly into the bottom of the chair. Now incapable of speaking and barely able to moan, my muffled groans melted into the fabric before they escaped onto the deck of the pool as nothing more than silence.

My helpless state left me feeling sexually owned. Not abused. Not taken advantage of, and certainly not anything but the sexual property of Dalton Biskette. I had become Dalton’s, wholly and completely and he knew it. As he pulled against my hip with his free hand, I groaned into the chair and raised my ass high into the air.

I whimpered into the chair as he pounded himself into me harder and deeper than he ever had. Although I couldn’t see him, I suspected he was standing on the balls of his feet, forcing himself into me as deep as his cock, my pussy, and the laws of physics would allow. As his hips pounded against the cheeks of my ass, my swollen muff throbbed like a beating heart.

As I felt myself reaching climax, I screamed into the chair, his hand still pressing against the back of my head. For the sake of reassuring myself I was owned by the right man, I attempted to raise myself from the chair. A growl in return and a firm hand on my head reminded me I’d chosen the only one to properly tame me.

“Hold still, little girl, we’re almost done.”

I cried out into the chair as I reached climax, sorry the entire neighborhood wasn’t able to hear my screams of pleasure.

I wanted the world to know I was satisfied.

For now, I’d settle for Dalton knowing.

As I felt his cock swell inside of me, I knew he was close to climax. As I bellowed my tune of ecstasy into the cushion, I felt his cock slowly pull from my dripping pussy. He moved his hand from the back of my head, causing my shoulders to naturally lift slightly.

“Turn around, I want you to see this,” he said.

With my boobs still resting on the chair and my ass still high in the air, I craned my aching neck to look behind me. As my gaze met his throbbing cock, I watched him stroke it twice before it exploded between my ass cheeks.

He stroked it a few more times, spurting warm cum onto my ass and pussy with each stroke. Some girls may have been repulsed. Some might have felt belittled or less of a woman as a result.

I felt blessed.

Because for that moment - as the cum ran along my ass and dripped onto the lounge - not only was I truly his, but he was mine.

And in
mind at least, there was no denying it.






Perfection. My life had become the definition of perfect. I prayed it would never change, tried to live with nothing more than a little hope - and cast any and all expectations to the wind. I would have never thought Dalton and I would have become so close, but I was sure glad we had.

As we sat across from each other in P.F. Chang’s eating, I couldn’t help but wish the night would simply last forever.

He spooned more of the chicken and rice mixture into a leaf of lettuce and rolled it tightly. As he lifted it toward his mouth, he gazed past it and fixed his eyes on me.

“You suppose those fuckers in China or whatever actually eat this shit, or is it all a bunch of Americanized stuff?” he asked.

“Americanized. I don’t know. Yeah, I’d say Americanized,” I shrugged.

He took a bite of the lettuce wrap, swallowed it, and grinned as he pointed the remaining portion of the wrap toward me. “Well, either way, I fuckin’ like it.”

“I do too,” I said as I grabbed a wonton with my chopsticks.

“Ain’t figured out how to drive those damned things yet. You’re gonna have to teach me,” he said as he finished the last bite of his lettuce wrap.

“Okay,” it’s easy, “Lay one across your finger like this…”

I placed the middle of the stick in my web of my hand and rested the end of it on my middle finger. Carefully, I placed the other stick beside it and pinched it between my thumb and forefinger.

“And the other like that,” I said. “Now, you just click the ends together.”

“We’ll have to get us some of ‘em and practice. I ain’t lookin’ to be somebody’s fool up in here,” he said as he glanced around the restaurant.

“How are you two doing?” the waitress asked as she approached the table, “Does everything taste good?”

Dalton nodded his head as he wagged his index finger in the air. “Tastes damn good. Can you bring us another plate of the lettuce wraps? While she was eating those little dumplin’s I ate all the lettuce wraps. And bring me another glass of water if you don’t mind.”

“I’ll get that right out,” she said. “Anything else?”

“Not yet, but keep checkin’ back, we’ll come up with somethin’, I’m sure of it,” he responded.

He leaned forward, rested his elbows on the table, and ran his fingers along the edges of his beard, “You know, I ain’t even gonna try and bullshit you one bit. Kat, I like you. I like you a lot. I’m thinkin’ this deal we got between us is one of them every single fucker on this earth wants, but can’t get. Guys will hop from girl to girl lookin’ for the one. They never find her, so they keep lookin’. Well, I’m gonna announce it right now. I’m fucking done.”

“Done what?” I asked, not sure of what point he had made.

“Lookin’. I’m done lookin’. Found what I was lookin’ for. You make me happier’n fuck. Hell, six months ago I’d a never guessed I’d be sittin’ in some Chinese joint eatin’ shit wrapped up in a piece of lettuce and lovin’ it, but I am. You’re good for me,” he said as he continued to gaze at me admiringly.

“Thank you. You make me happier’n fuck too,” I giggled.

He released his beard and leaned away from the table as he nodded his head. After a few seconds he leaned forward and grinned.

“When you get outta college, we should shack up and see how things go,” he said.

Tickled pink by the mere mention of it, I nodded my head repeatedly. “We should. I think I’d like it.”

“I know
like it,” he said with a nod.

His eyes were hazel, and the specific mix of color I’d always wondered if anyone truly had. After seeing his, I decided everyone else’s eyes were just stupid. As I attempted to stare into them and figure out what made them so different, he tilted his head to the side.

“That was quick,” he said as the waitress placed the plate on the table.

“And there’s a water,” she said a she slid a fresh glass of water beside his empty one.

“Anything else?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“Can I say something?” the waitress asked.

“Say whatever you want,” Dalton shrugged as he shifted his eyes to meet mine.

I nodded my head in agreement.

“You two are like the cutest couple in the world. I mean, I don’t know. It’s just that you’re like so happy together and it shows. I just wanted to tell you that,” she said with a grin.

My mouth shot into a smile so quickly it hurt.

“Oh, thank you,” I said as I covered my mouth with my hand.

“She’s beautiful, huh?” Dalton asked as he tilted his head toward me.

“She is,” the waitress agreed.

“You ought to see inside of her. She’s twice that pretty on the inside, and that’s a damned fact,” he said.

Officially falling in love.

I moved my hand away from my mouth and mouthed the words. “Thank you.”

As the waitress walked away Dalton reached into the glass container in the center of the table and removed a pair of chopsticks. After placing them just as I’d shown him into the web of his hand, he reached for the mixture, picked up a piece of chicken, and poked it into his mouth.

“Impressed,” I said as I clapped my hands together lightly.

“Good teacher,” he responded. 

After a few more bites with his chopsticks, he rolled another wrap and held it in his hand.

“We get done here, you think you can just stay at my place tonight?” he asked.

“I nodded my head, “Sure. No school tomorrow, so I don’t see why not, why?”

“Well,” he said as he took a bite of the wrap, “After all the fuckin’ and swimmin’ we did earlier, I’m wore out. Thought maybe we could eat, ride to my place, and just lay around in bed naked, you know with our bare skin just touchin’ each other. Maybe fall asleep like that. It’d be nice.”

And, no differently than Dalton had said earlier, I was done.

The search was over.

I had fallen face first and landed in a puddle of love.






There wasn’t too much I enjoyed other than riding, fucking, and fighting. Well, until now. As I attempted to lay still and breathe easily, Kat’s leg was draped over my thigh and her bare chest was pressed against mine. After fifteen minutes or so of me being as motionless as I had ever been, she began to stir.

As she began to moan, she rolled to the side. Lying flat on her back with her head pointed up at the ceiling, she opened her eyes. Upon realizing where she was, she immediately rolled right back on top of me.


“Morning,” she responded.

After a quick kiss, she ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later she walked into the room, still naked and as beautiful as ever.

“What day is it?” she asked.

I gazed at her for a long minute before responding. Her body, hair, skin…everything - was perfect. She was truly a god send. After I cleared my mind of what a fortunate man I was to have her in my life, I responded.

“Monday,” I responded.

“And the time?” she asked.

I glanced at my watch.

“Almost six,” I responded.

“Shit. I’ve got to go. I need to get home, take a shower, and go to damned school,” she said as she started picking up her things. “I feel like crap.”

She quickly pulled on her shorts.

“Probably wore smooth out,” I said as I rolled off the bed.

“No, I feel sick,” she responded.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Probably the Mexican food from last night, or hell maybe the Chinese from Saturday?”

She pulled on her top and grabbed her purse.

“Maybe. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get,” she said. “Time?”

I glanced at my watch. “Six straight up.”

“Shit. Okay,” she said as she leaned toward me.

After she kissed me on the lips she stood back, stared for a minute, and kissed me again.

“Miss you already,” she said as she turned toward the door.

If you had any idea.

“Miss you,” I said.

As I watched her Jeep back out of the drive, I realized lying in bed naked with her was my new favorite thing in the world. I had no intention of telling the fellas, or Kat for that matter, but I damned sure couldn’t wait until she came back and we could do it again.

She was a true one and only.

And she was mine.







Standing in my bathroom shaking, I stared down at the test I had taken an hour prior, still in absolute shock. The last thing a twenty-two year old girl who has an extremely independent bad boy biker for an
boyfriend wants to see is a positive pregnancy test – especially nine months prior to her completion of college. I sighed and set the test on the side of the vanity and opened the second test, one capable of telling me the amount of weeks I was pregnant.

I squatted, peed on the indicator, and waited.

After a long stressful period of hoping the first test was inaccurate, I opened my eyes and looked down.


The indicator said “3+”. From my interpretation of the instructions, it meant just what I was afraid of – the baby was older than 5 weeks old.


My body’s reaction to the birth control I used wasn’t typical nor were my periods. Some months I had one, some months I didn’t, and yet other month’s I had a miniscule period which included light spotting. My most recent period was eight weeks back, and I had dismissed my missed period as nothing more than another month of my not-so-typical periods.

I had only known Dalton for approximately four weeks, and if the test was accurate, it could only mean one thing.

The baby would be Kyle’s.

And it was conceived almost immediately before he went to jail, and after he beat the woman half to death.

He had come to my home in a drunken stupor, and demanded sex. After refusing him, he slapped me, choked, me, and held me down until I was exhausted. As I cried and whimpered, hoping for him to stop, he had sex with me and promptly left.

It was the last time we had sex, and I was afraid it was the day the child I carried inside of me was conceived.

I felt sick.

I stood, leaned over the vanity, and vomited.

After a long period of crying, and a longer period of denial, I walked to the living room and called my doctor.

And afternoon cancellation allowed me to make an appointment forty-five minutes from now, almost the exact amount of time it would take me to drive there.

I grabbed my purse, tossed my phone inside, and wiped the tears from my cheeks as I stepped out onto the landing.

There’s no sense in torturing yourself over this until you’re certain, Kat.

I walked to my Jeep in a daze, trying to figure out what my life was going to become if the child was truly Kyle’s. In my opinion, raising a fatherless child wasn’t an option, nor was abortion. Spending my life with Kyle, however, wasn’t something I could even begin to imagine.

But if the child was truly his, I felt it was my only option.

I leaned against the Jeep, pressing my hand against the hot metal as I attempted to prevent myself from collapsing onto the asphalt parking lot. As I stood and waited for my head to clear, my stomach convulsed once again.

And I vomited between my feet.

The thought of Kyle made me ill.

I wanted a life with Dalton, but I seriously doubted the child was his. A life with him which included raising a child wasn’t something I could see happening in the near future.

As I reached for the door handle, I began to cry again. I closed my eyes, tilted my head toward the sky, and prayed.

I don’t know what’s best, and you do. All I ask of you is this:

Do whatever you can to make sure I raise this child safely and to the best of my ability.

That’s all I ask of you.

You take care of me, and I’ll take care of the baby.

I opened my eyes and opened the door, knowing I had done all that I was able. The rest was up to God.

And the father.

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