Cheaper to Keep Her Part 3 (2 page)

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Authors: Kiki Swinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Cheaper to Keep Her Part 3
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“Fuck that! I’m tired of you disrespecting me with these bitches Bishop. I keep telling you I’m gonna fuck up every chick I see you with,” Keisha warned.

I burst into laughter. “I hope you don’t think you did damage to me with that little ass punch, bitch!” I commented sarcastically.

“Shut the fuck up ho! You know I would bury your skanky ass!” she snapped. She acted like a crazy stalker. People that were shopping at the outlet walked by us and stared in disbelief.

“Yeah, whatever! Carry your fat ass on before I spit on you!” I snapped back, continuing to throw gas on the fire.

“Why don’t you bring it on!” she screamed. “I swear I would beat the fucking breaks off you if I felt the slightest bit of your saliva hit me.”

“Bring your fat ass back over here and I’ll show you!” I roared. I had become fed up with this chick calling me names. She had literally gotten on my last nerve.

I must’ve gotten on her last nerve too because like a thief in the night, she tried to sneak by Bishop to assault me again. But unfortunately for her, I was too fast for her slow ass. Bishop grew more furious and grabbed her by her right arm and forced her in the other direction. I heard Bishop yell a few times for me to close my mouth but I ignored him. I wasn’t about to let this fat bitch disrespect me and not put her ass in check. And besides, she hit me first. I hadn’t laid one finger on her. I wished I had but as life had it, she had one over me.

Meanwhile, Keisha’s two friends stood around and acted like they wanted to attack me themselves. I watched them through my peripheral vision the entire time and waited for one of them to make the first move. Trust me, I wasn’t in the mood to go head to head with those chicks, but I vowed to myself that if one of them approached me then I’d have to bring the heat. Lucky for all the parties involved, they went their way and I did the same. And in the end, no one was hurt.

It took Bishop about fifteen long minutes to get Keisha under control. By the time he got back to me, I had taken a seat on one of the benches near the food court. I was not a happy camper when he approached me. My facial expression made him well aware of how frustrated I was about that incident that just happened. “Are you alright?” he asked me.

As badly as I wanted to scream my lungs out for asking me that ridiculous question, I held onto what little composure I had left inside of me and forced myself to smile. Then I shook my head casually and said, “I did not sign up for all this drama. If I wanted to get into a fight, then I should’ve stayed in Virginia.”

“Oh, so now it’s my fault?” he asked me as he stood before me.

“Well, whose fault is it? Because the last thing I remembered was while I was walking alongside of you minding my fucking business, out of nowhere comes your big ass girlfriend cursing me out and then she attacks me.”

“Didn’t I get between you two after she hit you?” Bishop defended himself.

“Yeah, but that was after she hit me upside my fucking head!” I snapped. At this point, I was angry as I could be. For him to stand there and act like he really saved the day was a fucking insult. If I was back in Virginia, I swear I would’ve told him to kiss my ass and walked off. But since I was here completely at his mercy, I found myself once again biting my tongue. I figured why ruin my chances of staying here with him behind the dumb shit that had just happened with his fat ass girlfriend? I also figured that if I acted like I was a bigger person than Keisha and that whole scene was water underneath the bridge then I’d be able to score more points with Bishop and move Keisha’s dumb ass out of the way. I mean, I did witness her say that she was tired of him disrespecting her with different women, so it makes me wonder how many women she’s caught him with?

The only reason I could see Bishop cheating on her was because she was so fucking immature. I mean, come on, what grown-up starts fights with women she catches her man with? If anybody needs to be hit, it would be the damn man. It was apparent that Bishop was tired of Keisha’s bullshit. And who knows, maybe I could be that woman that crashes her parade and ride off into the sunset with her man. I mean Bishop was very easy on the eyes, not to mention he knew how to fuck me real good.

The only complaint I had regarding him was that he didn’t get into the emotional part of the relationship.

He hadn’t said he loved me but that about sums it up. The kissing and touchy-feeling thing was off limits with Bishop. And that was cool with me since he made up for it by keeping a roof over my head. So, what more could a girl ask for?

After I came to my senses, I let out a long sigh and then I stood up. “Ready to go?” I asked him.

He stood there and looked at me with the weirdest expression. I knew he wondered how I turned off the vexed button so fast and put on the happy face. My zodiac sign was a Gemini and we switch up like the weather. So, sooner than later, he’d get the picture.

“After you,” he said and then he waited for me to lead the way. So, I walked off first.
“What’s gonna happen if we walked out of this mall and she’s waiting outside for me?”
“Don’t worry. She won’t be.”
“What makes you so sure?” I wondered aloud.
“Because I made sure she left before I came back into the mall.”

“If you say so,” I commented and then I headed towards the exit door on the east side of the mall. I hadn’t expressed this to Bishop but I liked the fact that I was the other woman. In my experience of being the side chick, I was always up for the challenge of moving the other chick out the way. Men I had dealt with in the past seemed to be more adventurous when they were hanging out with me. They also spent more money to keep our relationship off the radar. In Bishop’s case, it was clear after the way he handled Keisha, I knew I was only days away from stealing that bitch’s title.

I’ll take your man!


Cheaper to Keep Her part 3 Unique

Cock Blocking – Chapter Two

After the mall incident, Bishop took me back to the apartment. During the course of the drive, we rode in silence. It was evident that he was extremely angry. The good thing about it was that I knew he wasn’t at all angry with me. I struck up a conversation with him about his plans for later in the day, but when he acted a little apprehensive about answering my question, I left him alone and turned the volume up on the radio.

Not even five seconds after I turned up the volume Bishop’s iPhone rang. I knew deep down in my gut that it couldn’t be anybody other than Keisha. She went to great lengths back at the mall to let me know that she wasn’t going anywhere and that she would do whatever it took to get me out of the picture. So, I figured I was about to be on the rockiest rollercoaster ride of my life.

After Bishop answered his phone, I noticed that his mood changed drastically. He literally went from this angry guy to this mild mannered gentleman. I even caught him smiling at one point in the conversation. I watched his every move through my peripheral vision. “When did you get in town?” he asked the caller, and then he fell silent for a brief moment. “Well, listen, after me and Torch make this quick run together, I’m gonna come see you. So be ready,” he continued and then he disconnected his call.

I was somewhat upset with the fact that he sat there and made arrangements to pay someone else a fucking visit while I was still trying to process what had happened earlier. I’d already made up my mind that I wouldn’t nag him and act as if everything was okay. But I still needed him to stick around and make me feel a little more secure than I was. I knew it had been only a couple of months, but I had fell madly in love with Bishop and I depended on him emotionally, mentally and monetarily. So watching him spread himself thin between me, Keisha and his everyday hustle had taken a toll on me. I had no one on my team but Bishop, and I’d be damned if I’d let someone else come between us.

After he pulled up in front of my apartment building, I noticed he only put the car in park and left the engine running. I knew this was my queue to take my ass into the house and find something to do while he took care of his business. “Are you coming back over here after you handle your business?” I asked him. I really wanted to know if he had plans to come back to see me tonight before he went home to Keisha’s dumb ass.

He looked down at his watch and then he said, “Nah, I don’t think I’m going to be able to come back tonight.”

Disappointed, I sighed heavily and said, “Well, if you decide to change your mind, call me and let me know.”

“A’ight,” he replied and then he gave me the look like he was waiting patiently for me to exit his car. So, without further hesitation, I opened the passenger side door and stepped down on the sidewalk next to the curb. Under normal circumstances, I’d kiss him before I got out of the car, but tonight, I wasn’t feeling the mood. And the fact that he didn’t mention it, led me to believe that he wasn’t in the mood either. After I shut the door behind me, I said goodbye and then I walked towards my apartment building. I started to turn around and look back, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to. I was that chick from Virginia and back in VA, we don’t let the next person see us sweat. No way! That’s not how we do things.


My apartment was on the first floor and you could see my front door from the street. So, immediately after I got inside and sat my bags down on the floor, my doorbell rang. I knew it couldn’t be Bishop because he had a key and he would’ve let himself in. So, as curiosity reared its ugly face, I made my way back to the front door and looked through the peephole. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t see through the damn hole. Someone on the outside literally had the hole covered with his or her finger or something. I was tempted to yell out and ask who was it, but for some crazy reason I couldn’t get my mouth to open. So, I stood there very quietly and said nothing. I even stopped breathing and held my breath to prevent this unknown person from hearing anything on my side of the door.

The knocking continued, while this person continued to cover the peephole. Sixty long seconds and one anxiety attack later, the person on the other side of the door finally stopped knocking. But he or she insisted on leaving the peephole of my front door covered. I grew impatient and I figured that whoever was playing games wanted to remain anonymous until I opened the door. I became terrified that instant. I knew I needed to get Bishop on the phone immediately.

Very quietly I crept away from the door and headed towards the sofa where I left my handbag, so I grabbed my Blackberry. But as fate would have it, my Blackberry started ringing as soon as I took it from my purse. Beyoncé’s song, Countdown, started playing very loud. I fumbled with it, trying to stop the music from playing, because, for one, I wanted to mask the thought that someone was inside of the apartment. And two, I knew it was Bishop calling. He was the only person who had my number.

So, while I was pressing down on the send button to answer his call, the front door of my apartment was kicked open. The door slammed back against the wall behind it. The force behind the booming sound punched a small opening where the doorknob was. I screamed and my Blackberry fell out of my hand, causing the battery pack from the back of it to fall out. I was standing in my apartment . . . alone . . . staring directly at two masked men. Both of them were at least six feet in height and I could tell that they were black as soon as they opened their mouths. “Get down on the floor before I put a motherfucking slug in your head!” one guy roared.

I stood there paralyzed as I watched the other guy close the front door. “Bitch, didn’t I tell you to get down on the motherfucking floor?” the same guy ordered as he rushed towards me. The manner in which he walked towards me gave me the impression that he meant business and if I didn’t get down on the floor like he instructed me to, then I would pay the consequences.

So, without another moment of hesitation, I fell down to my knees and leaned over to bury my face in the floor. My mind raced, trying to collect my thoughts. But the thought that dominated my mind was that my life had run its course. The writing was on the wall. The Carter brothers from Virginia had finally caught up with me to seek revenge for Duke’s murder and in any minute I’ll be taking my last breath.

With that thought in mind, I immediately went straight into prayer mode. I hadn’t talked to God since I asked him to help me escape from Katrina’s house that night I jumped from the second story window to prevent Duke from killing me. Now here I was right back in another deadly situation. I kept my eyes closed and asked God to forgive me for every possible sin I had committed. I even asked him to forgive me for getting into that rift with Keisha, even though she started all that drama. I mean, I couldn’t afford to let anything keep me from getting into heaven after these guys pull the trigger.

While I was trying to get back in God’s good graces, my would-be murderers were communicating back and forth with one another and it caught me completely off guard.

“Where the fuck you going nigga?” I heard one of the guys say in a strong Northeastern accent. It was very clear to me that he wasn’t from the south. “Check the refrigerator and the freezer first and if it isn’t in there then go check the bedroom while I stay in here and watch her.”

The instructions from one guy to the next immediately explained exactly why they were here. They were here for something other than me and what that was, I couldn’t quite figure out. So, I lay there in wait and prayed that whatever they were there for, they would hurry up and find it so they could leave. But leave me unharmed was what I also wished for.

I lay there on the floor with my eyes closed shut, making sure I wasn’t deemed as a threat to these guys. Unfortunately, my cooperation wasn’t enough, because within seconds the guy who seemed to be in control gave his partner instructions to get me up. The other thug grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled a bit trying to prevent this fucking maniac from pulling any of my hair out.

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