CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All (19 page)

Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All
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“It sounds cute!” Nancy said with excitement. Talking to Candy always put her in good spirits; especially when she sounded happy about something.


“Dee and Auntie just went to the mall so she could find something to wear tonight.”


“Yeah, I just spoke to your Auntie. I had to share the big news with her.”


Candy frowned. “What big news?”


“The news that I’ll be home in a year and a half tops!” Nancy said with pure excitement in her voice.


“WHAAAAAAT?!” Candy shouted. “YOU’RE COMING HOME?”


“YESSSS!! They’re gonna let me come home.”


“WOW,” Candy said taking in a deep breath. This was the best news that she’d heard in a long time. She was very overwhelmed as the happy tears started falling. “What happened to make them decide that you’d come home early?”


“Apparently, my lawyer has been working overtime on my case. And surprisingly, your father’s ex mistress came forward with some kind words on my behalf. Can you believe it?”


Candy was shocked. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.”


“Me either,” Nancy said. “But, it won’t be long now baby girl.”


“I know and I can’t wait,” Candy said.


“Me, either.” She said with a pause, and then she said,” Listen baby girl, I gotta go, but I’ll call you on tomorrow to see how the party was.”


“Okay mom, I love you.”


“I love you, too.” Nancy responded, and with that they ended their call.




Meanwhile, Dee and her mom shopped inside of Dillard’s looking for something white to wear to the party. Dee browsed through the racks of white dresses. She wanted something short fitted and snug.


“Honey,” Deb said as she checked through the rack of dresses behind her. “You know you don’t have to rush in getting in another relationship. I know that I’ve been stressing that since I’ve been here, but it’s the truth. You’ve been through a lot with men and I think you deserve some time to do you, be you, and focus on getting your life back on the right track.”


“I don’t disagree with that,” Dee said pulling out a white fitted, short dress by Chanel. “This is cute,” she whispered and then checked the tag. “This dress is ninety dollars. I only plan on spending around fifty.”


“If you like the dress, get it. I’ll pay the difference.” Debbie said.


“Well, in that case. Let me keep looking.” She said with light laughter.


“I knew you’d say that.” Debbie said, and then uttered. “My God, whose loud mouth is that?” Debbie questioned with a frown on her face.


Dee glanced back over her shoulder to hear loud cackling and talking.  The first person she saw was Karen as she cornered the section of the store and immediately started browsing through the clothes down from them. Dee didn’t think much of it, because she didn’t know Karen. However, Karen had company.


“Does she have hot pink hair?” Debbie questioned. “Oh, wow, that’s a man.”


Dee instantly looked up again, and then she did a double take. It was Payton and instantly her blood boiled. “Ma, that’s the punk that was sleeping with Maurice.”


Debbie looked at Payton through squinted eyes, and then questioned, “Who, him?”


Dee hung the dress back up on the rack. “Yes, that’s him.” she said.


“Wow,” Debbie said with a disappointed shake of the head. “I would’ve never expected to see someone that’s as flamboyant as he is. My God, the colors he has on are just as loud as his mouth. I don’t know how I would’ve handled that one, sweetie.”


Dee shook her head. “I still can’t believe that I did, because I truly wanted to kill both of them.”


Debbie felt bad for her daughter. “It’s amazing how people can make you step outside of your character.” She said as she noticed Dee hanging the dresses back up.


“Let’s go.” Dee said. All she wanted to do was go the other way to avoid any drama, but as they got ready to leave she heard Karen ask, “That’s her right there?” She and Karen locked eyes, and then Karen nonchalantly smiled at her.


“Come on, ma. Let’s go,” Dee said again. This time choosing to walk by them since she knew that they were talking about her.


“Hey,” Payton spoke. “I just wanted to say-”


“NOTHING,” Dee spat. She immediately wanted to shut down any small talk that he’d planned on having with her.


“Dee,” Debbie called out. “Don’t show your ass in these people mall.”


Payton stood there feeling somewhat embarrassed that she had cut him off so bluntly. “I was only trying to say-”


“You ain’t got shit to say to me and I don’t have shit to say to you.” Dee chimed in before he could finish his sentence again. She wasn’t about to be making friends with the nigga that was sucking her ex nigga’s dick. That type of shit just wasn’t going to happen.


“Fuck that bitch,” Karen shot. “I wouldn’t be trying to apologize anyway. She was the one fucking your man.”


Instantly, Dee walked up on Karen as Debbie tugged on the back of her shirt. “Bitch?” she questioned with a serious frown on her face. “I got yo bitch, bitch.” Karen’s neck jerked to the side like she was appalled that Dee would stand up for herself, but before she could come back with a fly remark, Dee continued. With her finger now pointing in Karen’s face she said, “I don’t even know you, hoe. But, if you ever stick your nose in my business again, I’ll beat your muthafuckin’ ass!”


“In your dreams,” Karen responded with a mean mug on her face that said,
I wish a nigga would


“Please, don’t let the cute face fool you.” Dee told her.


“Dee!” Debbie called out. “Let’s go! Ain’t nobody got time to be gettin’ locked up in Georgia.” She uttered. And with that being said, Dee turned as she and Debbie walked off.


Chapter 15

Later that night, Rico stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a white towel around his waist and headed into the bedroom. He looked over on the nightstand noticing a blinking light on his cell phone. He’d missed a call. He picked up the phone and clicked on the missing call. It was from Monica.


“I wonder what the hell she wants at nine 0’clock at night.” He said while clicking on her name and calling her back. The minute she answered he said, “What’s up?”


“Hey, what are you doing?” she questioned.


“Just getting out the shower,” he said.


“Can I come see your sexy ass? I bet you got a towel wrapped around you.” She teased.


Rico grinned. “Is it a time when you don’t be horny?”


Monica sat in silence for about twenty seconds, and then responded, “Nope.”


“I figured that.” Rico said shaking his head. He held the phone to his ear as he opened up his drawer to pull out a pair of boxer shorts. “I’m getting ready to go to the all white party at Raven’s Hot Spot.


“Yeah, I was going too. Your mama just picked up Aiden for the night.”


Rico smiled. “Well, that’s good. I’m tired of her talking about she don’t see her baby enough. Now, she’ll get to see him.


“She was telling me that, but I can’t help that I ended up having to stay in Florida longer than expected.”


“You just got back in town earlier today and you already wanna go out? You should be getting some rest.”


“You rest when you’re dead,” she teased.


“Only you would say something like that.” Rico uttered feeling like Monica wouldn’t miss a good party for nothing.


“I was just calling in hopes that I could see you tonight. That’s if you feel like some company after the party.”


“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he said hearing the doorbell ring. Monica had desperately been trying to squeeze in since she knew that he and Mona had parted ways, but he wasn’t giving in. For once, it actually seemed like he had changed.


“You sure?” she questioned.


“I’m positive,” he responded while heading down the hallway to the door to answer his door.


“Okaaaaay,” Monica sang on the other end. “Did I hear your doorbell?”


“Stop being so fucking nosey,” Rico said as he reached for the doorknob. “Who is it?” He called out, and then opened the door. Mona stood there with a smile on her face.


“Sup baby daddy,” she said with a seductive smile on her face. “I love your attire.” she told him. Rico’s handsome, Colgate smile spread across his face.  


“Oh, so Mona is over there?” Monica questioned being that she could hear her in the background.


“I’ll holla at you later.” Rico told her, and then quickly hung up in her face. He stared at Mona from head to toe, and then finally said, “Come in.” As Mona walked by him the smell of her Joy of Pink by, Lacoste, put him in an instant trance. Rico smiled while he admired how tasty she looked in her all white attire. It made his dick hard as he pushed it down to calm it down. “Damn, you look good.”


She glanced back over her shoulder knowing that she was giving it all she had in a short white, fitted dress by, Prada. She also had the matching white Prada purse and white high heel shoes that finalized her sexy attire. “Thanks,” she said.


“What brings you by? I wasn’t expecting to see you until the party. Not that it’s anything wrong with it.” He added to make sure she knew that it was all good.


“I’d been thinking strong about us and you.” Mona turned to face him. “I’ve been gone for about four months now. Lately, we’ve been getting along great. You’ve been a good boy and have kept your hands to yourself.” She teased with a light chuckle knowing how bad he wanted to fuck on several occasions when they were together, but he held his composure. “I see that you’re trying. I want you to know that I appreciate it.” She stepped up to him and kissed him softly on the lips, totally catching Rico off guard. “I’m ready for us to get things back on track.”


Rico’s eyes lit up. “Are you serious?”


“Very,” she answered while holding up her hand to show him that she’d put her engagement ring back on.


He smiled, and then hugged her tightly around the waist. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.


“I love you more,” she said as they passionately kissed. “I want you,” Mona said.


“Damn,” Rico whispered. His dick was rock hard and he wanted her, too. Instantly he rubbed his hand up her thigh, rubbing on the g-string that stood between her smooth pussy and his fingertips.


“Mmmm, mmmm-hmm,” Mona moaned. It was such a great feeling to be there with him and in that moment. Rico was definitely the love of her life and she wanted nothing more than to be with him and raise a family together.


His finger slipped past her silk, lace thong and dipped inside of her wet temple. It was the most exciting thing that he’d experienced in quite some time. He’d been fighting off pussy for months trying his best to wait for this moment and now it was happening.


“Ahhh,” Mona softly moaned. Rico’s fingers sliding in and out of her was one of the best feelings she’d had in a while. “Damn baby, I’ve missed you.”


Her pussy was so wet it was making gushy noises as her juices squirted out on Rico’s fingers. “Damn,” he whispered from the adrenaline rushing through his body. He pushed her dress up and around her waist, and then bent her over on the sofa. The black g-string between her legs, lining the middle slit in her butt was showing just enough to entice him into licking it. He kneeled down on his knees with his dick nearly pushing through the towel and buried his face in between her butt cheeks.


“Yesss,” Mona whispered. It was such an amazing arousal. The feel of Rico’s tongue softly sliding up and down the crack of her ass had her throwing it back on his tongue. He slurped in her ass, only penetrating a small amount of his tongue inside of her. In a rhythmic wind of her pussy now on his face, she moaned out. “Aaaaah baby, this feels good.”


Rico held the thong to the side with one hand, and then slipped his tongue in and out of her good juices. He slurped and sucked while savoring the taste of her sweet pie. Without a doubt, it was some of the sweetest tasting pie he’d ever had.


“Mmm-hmm,” Mona moaned while holding the back of Rico’s head. “Wheeew,” she whispered as his tongue softly danced back and forth on her clit. He finger fucked her and slurped on her voluptuous pussy lips. Her clit swelled up and was peeking out at him wanting more of the action. He instantly began sucking on it, and sucking on it, and sucking on it, until Mona exploded in his mouth.


“OOO-HH,” her body shook. “OOOH MY----YY GO-DDD!!” she moaned out while still gripping the back of his head.

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