Cherry Ames 21 Island Nurse (5 page)

BOOK: Cherry Ames 21 Island Nurse
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“No wonder Sir Ian is so worried about the mines,” Cherry mused aloud. “No wonder he was so upset over the trouble in that Number 2 mine you are reopening.” She thought of the letter Sir Ian had written Jock Cameron. Now she could understand why Sir Ian felt it urgent to return as soon as possible. He had to be there to see that there was no trouble in the mines. His being there would probably make no difference one way or another, but he
he should be there. Trouble meant loss of money. He dare not let the mines lose money.

Lloyd turned his attention to his soda and took a last noisy suck. He gave Cherry a smile, as bright as the sun breaking through clouds. “Away dull care!” he


cried softly in a bantering voice. “Ah, Cherry lass, ’tis a good thing there’s na more to drink or there’s na tellin’

but I waud ha’ tawked your ears off your bonnie head.” He leaned back and considered her with mock serious-ness. “Mind ye, I’m not one to throw my money away on a mere snippet of a gurl, but waud ye have another strawberry soda?” he asked.

Cherry thanked him, laughing at his imitation of a canny Scotsman, but told him she had promised to be home by fi ve o ’clock.

“I really must fl y,” she said, glancing at the time.

“The Women’s Camp Committee is meeting at our house tonight on fi nal plans on day camps for children this summer. I’m supposed to help Mother.” Lloyd paid the check, then insisted upon taking her home in a taxi. “Will you have dinner with me one evening?” he asked as he left her at her door.

“Perhaps you’ll come for dinner and meet my family,” she countered.

“I would he delighted,” he said. He ran down the steps and drove off in the cab.

“Who was that nice-looking young man who brought you home?” her father asked. He was sitting near the window in the living room, reading the evening paper.

“Yes, I think he’s rather nice,” agreed Cherry, stopping to preen herself before the hall mirror. She stuck her dainty nose in the air and announced in stilted accents, “He’s only the nephew of the famous Sir Ian Barclay.”





Mrs. Ames came in from the kitchen just then. Her sweet face was puzzled for a moment, then she smiled, her eyes twinkling in amusement. “Miss Ames, I don’t like to interrupt an actress who is throwing herself into her part—and I do mean throwing—but . . .”

“I’ll be right with you,” Cherry sang out. She tossed a kiss to her mother and dashed upstairs to her room.

When dinner was eaten and the dishes washed, Cherry and her father escaped to the back porch and sat on the steps, leaving Mrs. Ames and the ladies to carry on their committee work inside the house. To escape the hectic preparations for the meeting, Charlie had decided to dine out that night.

“I’m to stand by in case they have any questions on health, physical examinations, and the like,” Cherry told her father. Because of her experience as a camp nurse, she served as a sort of volunteer consultant to her mother’s committee. Cherry gave one of her delightful little giggles. “Otherwise,” she said, “the ladies pre-fer to do their own planning with no interference from fresh young things like me. I think, this year, they are going to hold the free day camp in the woods near the lake and take the children there and back each day by bus. Right now, they are in a swivet over how to raise some more money.”

Mr. Ames groaned. “I smell a White Elephant Sale or a Spring Auction coming up. And your mother is going to make me give up one of my treasured possessions.” Cherry sniffed. “Something like that hideous desk lamp you bought because you felt sorry for the man? Or


the stuffed owl that molted? You bought that, I believe, because you wanted to help the Boys’ Taxidermy Club get started. If it weren’t for the ladies’ sales and auc-tions,” she scolded fondly, “this house would soon look like a whatnot museum.”

“Women!” snorted her father. “No appreciation of the fi ner things in life.”

Silence fell on the two. They looked out on the lawn where trees cast mottled shadows in the moonlight.

From Mrs. Ames’s garden the odor of spring fl owers was wafted to them by a little breeze that came up suddenly and as suddenly died away. There was a feeling in the air of contentment.

“Why don’t you ask that young fellow to dinner sometime?” asked Mr. Ames apropos of nothing at all.

Cherry knew “that young fellow” meant Lloyd.

“I already have,” she said. “I know you and mother will like him.” She talked about Lloyd and his uncle then for a while.

Her father listened, asking a question now and then.

“You know, Cherry,” he said fi nally, “I think this whole ulcer trouble is probably due to worry over money. Sir Ian is sick with worry. That’s an old-fashioned expression, but it is very apt at times.”

“Yes, money worry is probably the clue to the whole thing,” Cherry agreed musingly.

Without their being aware of it, the house had become silent and snatches of conversation no longer drifted out to them.





They heard a movement behind them and Mrs. Ames walked out on the porch. “Meeting’s over and they have all gone home,” she announced, then without a break continued, “Cherry Ames, I distinctly heard you use the word ‘clue.’ Now, you’re not going to start playing Miss Sherlock Holmes again, are you? You’ll end up in a book just the way he did,” warned her mother, laughing.

“The Barclays are very interesting people,” remarked Mr. Ames in a hurt tone. “And we were talking about them. I don’t know how the word ‘clue’ came into the discussion, do you, Cherry?”

“I suppose it sneaked in when nobody was looking,” replied Cherry, joining her father in teasing her mother.

“Oh, you two!” exclaimed Mrs. Ames. “Incidentally, while you were doing so much talking about the Barclays, did you decide to ask the young man to dinner?”

“We did,” Cherry and her father declared in unison.

Cherry and her mother and father set a date that seemed best for everyone—Friday of the following week. The next day, Cherry was giving Sir Ian his noontime milk and cream when Lloyd came to visit his uncle, and she invited Lloyd to dinner. He accepted enthusiastically.

“The nerve of the chit!” exclaimed Sir Ian. “Asks you to a good dinner at the same time she’s conniving with the doctor to keep me on Dr. Sippy’s slops for three weeks.”



Sir Ian might growl, but all the same, Cherry could see that he was enormously pleased.

“And what do I have to do to receive an invitation?” he demanded.

“Get well, sir,” she told him cheerfully.

That was Saturday. It had been arranged for Cherry to have a day off on Sunday. It would be Monday morning at eight before she would be on duty again.

By then, Sir Ian had already seen the disturbing news item in the paper, which changed everything.

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c h a p t e r v


monday morning, miss page, the twelve-midnight-to-eight a.m. nurse, came out of Sir Ian’s room, looking worried and exhausted.

Cherry hurried up to her. “How is he?” she asked.

Sir Ian had been walking about a bit when she had left him on Saturday.

“Things aren’t going too badly now,” Miss Page answered.

Cherry cried, “You mean Sir Ian’s worse?”

“Well, he had a relapse after I came on at midnight,” Miss Page explained. “He was in great pain and I had to call Dr. Fortune.”

“What in the world happened?” demanded Cherry.

The other shook her head. “I haven’t the slightest notion, Miss Ames. He was asleep when I relieved Mrs.

Hendrickson. She said he’d seemed all right. He had sat up and even read the newspaper earlier in the evening.” 43





“How is the patient now?” Cherry asked.

“As I said, not doing too badly,” Miss Page replied.

“Dr. Fortune is in there with him.” Cherry opened the door and walked quickly into the room.

Dr. Joe was sitting at the desk, making some notes.

He looked up as Cherry came in and stood beside him, after she had briefl y observed Sir Ian’s quiet form.

“Good morning, Cherry,” Dr. Joe greeted her wearily.

In a quiet voice so as not to be overheard by the patient, he continued, “We’ve had a setback, I’m afraid. It’s a good thing you are going to be with Sir Ian. He has become extremely dependent on you. His attitude toward Miss Page and Mrs. Hendrickson isn’t at all cooperative.” Dr. Joe sighed and returned to his notes. Cherry went over to the bed. Sir Ian lay quietly on his back, his gray-streaked black head turned to the side, his nose beaklike against the pillow.

“Looks just like a great sleeping eagle,” Cherry thought.

All of a sudden, she was aware of one gray eye regard-ing her. “I’ve made rather a mess of things, Cherry,” he said with a wan attempt at a smile. “All your good work for nothing.”

“There, now,” she told him, “don’t fret. It’s going to be all right. You don’t hurt anywhere now, do you?”

“No, not for the moment,” he answered.

Dr. Joe began to gather up his notes preparatory to leaving. “I’m going to call Dr. Mackenzie at Balfour Island and confer with him,” he explained to Cherry. “Sir


Ian was nauseated by the cream in the milk. He hasn’t been before, as you know. Miss Page gave him plain milk, but he vomited that and suffered intense pain. There were no indications of hemorrhaging. I worked to get the acid in his stomach neutralized. He was in distress for some time, though, in spite of various treatments.

That has been relieved, but I want him to go back on the Sippy regimen that we used at the beginning, that is, the hourly feedings instead of every two hours.

“If there is any hint that the cream may make him nauseous, don’t mix it with the milk. Simply give him three ounces of milk.

“I know you realize,” Dr. Joe said, as they walked through the sitting room, “how important mental rest is for people with psychosomatic diseases, such as ulcers. From the description Lloyd has given me of his uncle, I gather Sir Ian has always been an intensely hard-driving, hard-working man, who has been under unusually severe strain for a number of years. Acute anxiety brought on the attack in the plane, for Dr. Mackenzie told me when I talked with him before, that any major diffi culty at the mines used to bring on mild attacks. Never anything so serious before. But I can’t think of any nervous upset which might account for this relapse, can you?”

“No, Dr. Joe, I can’t offhand.” She stopped, then said quickly, “Unless Sir Ian was upset by Jerry Ives’s leaving as he did.”

“Sir Ian doesn’t know yet that Ives has gone,” Dr. Joe continued. “He didn’t hear what went on Friday in the 46




sitting room. And I asked Lloyd to say nothing about it. I mean, there was no point.” Dr. Joe took a deep breath. “Do everything you can to put his mind at ease.”

“Of course,” Cherry promised. “Are you going to allow Lloyd to see him?”

“Yes. Not too long at a time. Sir Ian’s very fond of his nephew. Might be upsetting if we kept Lloyd away just now,” replied Dr. Joe. With that he left, saying he would be in again later.

Cherry moved about the room quietly, putting things in order, checking supplies, keeping a watchful eye on her patient. At nine o’clock she gave him three ounces of milk. The cream bothered him, he said, so she omit-ted it. He dropped off into a light doze.

She noticed that the wastepaper basket beside the desk was full. It had been overlooked, no doubt, when the room had last been tidied. But what made her decide to take it out and exchange it for the empty one in the sitting room, she could not guess. Or why she looked into it, she did not know. But she did. The greater part of the contents was a newspaper, neatly folded and tucked in at the side.

Cherry stood in the sitting room, about to set the basket down, when she found herself thinking back to what Miss Page had said, that Sir Ian had read the newspaper. What newspaper?

With a glance over her shoulder at Sir Ian to see that he was still dozing, Cherry closed the bedroom door and snatched the paper out of the basket.



Toronto Star
stretched across the masthead in bold, black type. “Why of course,” she thought. She knew Lloyd had arranged for his uncle to receive the
by airmail special delivery at the hospital. She felt a prickle of excitement. Sir Ian must have read a news story or an item that disturbed him.

Holding the paper in outstretched arms, she began running her eyes up and down the columns.

At last her search was rewarded.

“Explosion in Mine” headed the one-column report.

She raced on:

Balfour Is
Nfl d. Apr
. 10. An explosion took place yesterday (that was Saturday, Cherry thought, counting backward quickly) in one of the mines here. No one was injured, according to a statement by M. F.

McGuire, Assistant Superintendent of Balfour Mines.

He could not account for the explosion. Operation of the mine has been temporarily halted for necessary repairs.”

There was no question now in Cherry’s mind about it.

That short paragraph was the cause of Sir Ian’s upset.

There was something in the story itself that struck Cherry immediately as wrong. Why was McGuire, the assistant superintendent of Balfour Mines, quoted?

The person who should give out statements to the press was the superintendent in charge, Jock Cameron. Why had not Mr. Cameron done so?

She folded the paper back at the paragraph, ready to show Dr. Joe and Lloyd. Cherry looked about for a hiding place. Beneath the seat cushion of one of the chairs 48



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