wonderful PR work and for being such a total pleasure to work with. To Ronni O'Brien and Larry Getlen at Health Communications, for getting us such great television, radio and print coverage.
Craig Jarvie at Health Communications, for his ever-present support and patience.
Kelly Garnett, Carol Kline, Diana Chapman and Irene Dunlap, who edited some of the more difficult pieces into wonderfully moving stories. Thanks for being so talented and so fast at what you do! You are extraordinarily talented writers.
Marci Shimoff for sharing all her great ideas with us.
Lisa Gumenick, Lisa Rothbard, Lia Gay, Hana Ivanhoe, Bree Abel and Jamie Yellin for all the experience and wisdom they have shared with us. We carried it with us into this book and we will cherish it forever.
Thanks to Kim Foley for being the best friend Kimberly has ever had.
The following people, who read the original manuscript, helped us make the final selections and made invaluable comments on how to improve the book: Fred Angelis, Russell Bredlow, Brian Deol, Peter Doerksen, Vickki Dyakovetsky, Brigette English, Kim Foley, Rachel Friesen, Jessica Gardner, Lia Gay, Manjeet Gill, Laurie Hanna, Stephanie Horner, Hana Ivanhoe, Jan Kirberger, Jared Kuehl, Darcy Kuhn, Katie Leicht, Chad Loewn, Mandy Martens, Katrina Mohr, Prett Pandher, Sat Pandher, Lisa Rothbard, Meredith Rowe, Bindu Sidhu, Ravi Sidhu, Jill Toma, Jen Tredall, Julianna Tyson.
We also received feedback from Vertes Andersen's classes at Centerville Junior High in Centerville, Utah. Their comments and grades were instrumental in helping us make the final selections. At the end of this project we had another fifty stories that were possibilities for the book. With only days left to make final decisions, Amy