Chief Distraction (4 page)

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Authors: Stella Kelly

BOOK: Chief Distraction
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Drawn in by his ease, Blythe felt her heart skip
at the flirtatious grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth. He obviously
enjoyed the women’s attention, but didn’t let it go to his head. As he turned
away, the women looked at each other knowingly, gathering courage before
venturing forward to strike up a conversation. As they did, envy crept into
Blythe before she knew what hit her. The women had nerve to come onto a man
with two children by his side, but then again, he wasn’t wearing a wedding
ring; a huge advertisement for most females on the prowl.

Chief Kalani spoke to them briefly before
politely dismissing their attempts. He steered the boys toward the exit. At the
last minute, he glanced over his shoulder and waved at her, catching her
staring – again. She flushed and waved back. Realizing she dreaded seeing
him leave, the knot in her stomach tightened.


another hour of playing tourist on the volcano, Blythe brought Rachel and
Jarrod to a restaurant that specialized in local delicacies of mahi mahi and
ahi tuna. They enjoyed plenty of wine and laughter, sharing stories of the past
and present. Blythe ached for her sister’s company and already mourned their
departure even though they’d just arrived. Her year in Maui had been an
exciting adventure so far, but lonely at times without those she loved around
her. Sure, she’d met a few friends, but work kept her running full-steam ahead
most days of the week. Finding downtime was difficult, and when she did find
some time alone she felt restless and unsettled. Something was missing, she
just couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

Arriving back at the house, Jarrod led the
charge up the porch stairs. “What’s this?” he said, picking something up.

Rachel and Blythe reached the porch just as he
turned to face them. In the glow of the porch light, Blythe spotted the object
and couldn’t suppress her smile.

“A fire extinguisher?” Rachel looked perplexed.

“One of your neighbors must be giving you a hint
– ‘Don’t cook!’” Jarrod chuckled as he handed her the unexpected gift
adorned with a giant yellow bow.

“It wasn’t a neighbor. I know exactly who it’s



The hot blazing sun beat down on Rachel’s
unprotected head, making drips of sweat trickled down her temples.

“Here, put this on,” Blythe instructed as she
handed her a wide-brimmed sunhat. “You’re skin’s not used to this kind of heat
yet. Don’t want you to burn.”

“Thanks,” Rachel said, shoving it on. They
trudged through the scorching sand that led from the already full parking lot
to Makena Beach – one of Maui’s best beaches, hands down. Blythe loved to
come here with a book and sit in the shade to people watch. Those days were few
and far between, but even so, this beach was the place to be if you wanted to
hang with the locals. They rounded a corner and faced an endless expanse of
golden sand.

“Welcome to
Big Beach

“Wow,” Jarrod stood in awe.

“I know, right? Beautiful. Come on,” Rachel
grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him along.

“How’s this?” Blythe asked.

“It’ll do.” Rachel tossed her towel down. Blythe
did the same, wedging it close so they could chat as they lounged.

Jarrod bent to pick up a random black lava rock.
He inspected it in the sunlight before slipping it into his pocket.

“Jarrod, I’d put that back if I were you.”
Rachel’s voice was direct.

“Why? Who’s going to know?”

Rachel and Blythe looked at each other, their
lips pursed.

“Pele, that’s who,” Blythe warned.

“The soccer player?”

“Um, no honey, not the soccer player, Pele the
volcano demigod. She’ll protect her lava rocks.”

Jarrod shot Rachel a look of half belief, half

“It’s true, Jarrod. Our parents told us all
about her when we were young and foolish and filling our pockets with lava
rocks, just like you,” Blythe winked. “You don’t want to upset Pele…or Rachel.”

“But your parents are the most logical,
practical people I’ve ever met! Blythe, you don’t believe this mumbo-jumbo too,
do you?”

“Not really, but Rachel sure does. According to
myth, Pele’s got a quick temper and since she’s the demigod who creates and
destroys with fire, I’d be careful.”

Jarrod pulled the lava rock from his pocket and
held it up, as if debating what to do before letting it tumble to the sand.
“Fine then, crazy girls, have it your way. Wouldn’t want to upset the

“Good idea, honey,” Rachel threw her arms around
his neck and kissed him. “Lets avoid deliberately attracting bad luck, shall

“They sure are superstitious here.”

“That’s an understatement,” Blythe sighed.

“We ‘white haeloes’ aren’t as receptive to the
traditions, but the native Hawaiians live and breathe by their superstitions.
It’s not just myth to them,” said Rachel.

Blythe nodded. “There are tons of beliefs that
would blow your mind. Choking ghosts who attack you while you sleep if you’ve
upset a demigod, night marchers who tromp through the walls of your house to
torment you. The list goes on and on.”

“Hmm, sounds pleasant,” Jarrod sneered.

“Seriously, they believe it all. They bless
everything too. They even have blessing ceremonies for inanimate objects like
new cars and bicycles.”

Jarrod stretched back on his towel looking lost
in thought while Rachel and Blythe slathered sunscreen on their legs. Sitting
here on Makena Beach with the breeze blowing and not a care in the world, life
was good…and superstition free.

Jarrod propped himself up on an elbow. “Wow,
check out the windsurfers. They’re flying over those massive waves!” Blythe
followed his gaze as he watched, transfixed. “You’ve gotta have a big set
of…you know… to do that sport.” He grabbed his crotch for dramatic effect.

“Jarrod!” Rachel scoffed.

“What? I’m serious. Could be agony if you land

“Why don’t you try it then?” Blythe said
sarcastically, knowing that unless the sport was golf or fly-fishing, Jarrod
would rather watch than play.

“Ha, ha,” Jarrod smirked. “You’d like me in a
full body cast? Would you scratch my feet for me?”

“Um, no. That’s Rachel’s job.” Blythe looked out
toward the water, laughing. She raised a hand to shade her eyes and then pulled
her sunglasses down from her head. Looking intently at one windsurfer in
particular, her breath caught when she realized it was none other than Chief
Mak Kalani. Her jaw dropped. She couldn’t pull her eyes off him. Although she
sat stationary in the sand, internally she experienced a surge of unexpected

“I forgot the cooler in the car. Be back soon,”
Jarrod announced.

“Okay. Can you bring my sunglasses too?” Rachel
asked. “Forgot them.”

Blythe heard their muffled conversation as background
noise since every fiber of her attention was glued to the sight ahead. Gliding
onto shore, Chief Kalani hopped off his board and pulled it up past the break.
Blythe watched him like a hawk and Rachel noticed.

“Speaking of demigods, are you enjoying the

“Uh huh,” Blythe practically grunted, her focus

Turning to watch his fellow windsurfers, Chief
Kalani unknowingly gave Blythe and Rachel a nice view of his back. He unzipped
his wetsuit and stripped it to his waist, giving them an eyeful of the taut
muscles that ran down his spine. He turned fluidly, revealing a well-built
chest that would make any woman drool and swoon with delight. Blythe heard
Rachel gasp. The feeling was mutual. He ran a strong hand through his wet hair,
slicking it back as he sauntered up onto the beach.

“Wow, he’s like a full-fledged Hawaiian God or
something,” Rachel commented without reservation. “Screw the demigod title.”

“That’s him.”

“Who?” Rachel sat up taller.

“Chief Kalani, the one I told you about.”

Rachel shot her a look of disbelief. “The God?
No way! What an absolute tragedy!”

“I know. It’s such a waste,” Blythe confessed

“If I were single, I’d be taking my chances on
that curse. Being struck down
the act wouldn’t matter.”

“Trust me, I’ve considered risking painful
consequence or slow death for a brief encounter. But if he ever found out who I
am, that would definitely be the end of me – curse or no curse.”

“It’s such a shame you had to ruin his life. Oh
Blythe, if only you’d had foresight,” Rachel pushed her gently. “You don’t
actually believe in that curse stuff, do you?”

“No. Do you?”

“Maybe. Every jilted woman needs a grandmother
with the ability to spin a convenient curse,” Rachel giggled.

“It would certainly keep boyfriend’s on their

“One thing’s for sure, the demigod’s keep
throwing you two together. Must be a sign,” Rachel grinned. “A sign that you’re
meant to clear the air and put things right with him perhaps? It’s going to be
very unpleasant when he learns the truth. Do I need to remind you that you
don’t fair well with conflict? Unless, of course, you’re into self-inflicted

“Um, no. Absolutely not,” she said as Rachel
placed a hand on her forearm.

“Hold on, hold on.”


“Brace yourself. He sees you.”

Chief Kalani sauntered through the sand in their
direction. Perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her, but Blythe was certain
he grew better looking with each approaching step. Her nerves mounted with her
rising attraction.
, he was fine.

“Aloha, Miss Davenport.”

“Aloha. Chief Kalani, this is my sister,

“Charmed,” Rachel said flirtatiously.

“Aloha,” he nodded. He straightened and ran a
hand through his hair again, the gesture making Blythe melt into her

Rachel nodded toward his board at the shoreline,
“You’re pretty good at that.”

“You think so?”

“I agree, totally,” Blythe held a hand over her
eyes to block the glaring sun – and to get a better look at The Chief’s chiseled
chest. His caramel-colored sun bronzed skin accentuated every curve of his
muscular abdominals, the sinewy veins in his arms popping out like a masterly
carved Italian statue. She wanted to reach out and run a hand along his taut

“Maybe you should do a story on us Kamikaze
windsurfers then,” he leaned back, facing the sun and closing his eyes. Blythe
noticed how at ease he seemed on the beach, as if in his element. A true native

“So, do you know Josh Stone then?”

His eyes shot open and he turned his full
attention her way. “You’ve heard of Josh Stone?”

“Hey, I know a great windsurfer when I see one,”
she smiled, amused with his boyish energy.

The mere mention of Maui’s talented windsurfer
had him as giddy as a kid. “I can’t believe you know who he is. Do you

Blythe shook her head. “Nope. I’m a treadmill
kind of girl. Sweating in an air-conditioned indoor environment for me,
preferably followed by a spa treatment.”

Rachel giggled. “And she has to look good while
sweating. Has to have the right outfit.”

“Yep, color-coordinated,” Blythe and Rachel

“Give it time. You’ll convert to the Maui way of
life soon enough. We’ll have you on a surfboard before you know it.”

“Is that an invitation for a private lesson?”
Rachel asked.

Blythe squirmed on her towel, her sister’s
phrase a little too suggestive for her liking.

He politely smiled at Rachel before facing her
square on. “I could do that, if you’re interested. Just name the time and
place.” His eyes conveyed so much more than simple small talk. Blythe felt the
magnetism way down to her toes.

“Thanks for the offer. But like I said, I’m a
dry land, indoor kind of girl. Your talents would be wasted on teaching me.”

“Suit yourself. Offer’s always there, though.
It’s a tricky sport and I wouldn’t suggest learning on this beach. The
undertow’s too strong and the surf pounds pretty hard here, but Makena’s still
tame compared to Jaws.”

“Jaws?” Rachel looked confused.

“Peahi Beach,” Blythe answered. “For hardcore
surfers. It’s affectionately referred to as Jaws…for obvious reasons.”

“Hey, you know more about surfing than you’re
letting on. I’ll convert you yet.”

“Sounds like a plan. You’d be just the right
person to show her the ropes,” Rachel piped in again.

Blythe’s head swam with silent profanity toward
her sister. “No, no. I’m hopeless. I just read about Jaws in a travel

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