Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)
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“Getting serious already?” She winked and took a drink in an
attempt to hide a smirk.

! Not you, too! The man is
my boss. I’m now the person directly under him. The job comes with

“I know. I know. Just
’, the
man is handsome and all, and you’ve been spending a lot of time together.”

, business.
, am I going to have to hear this from everyone?”

“No, not everyone. I just want what’s good for you, and if
it leads to…like I told you sweetie, ride the boat as long as it’s floating.”

“I will. I will. Right now, all I want is a hot shower. I
have a mountain of paperwork to do.”

“One last thing—how was your first day…besides the part with
your mother?”

“Busy. Mainly going over stuff. Oh, and one of the team
players is not happy about my promotion. Don Turner. Aggressive go-getter who
thought it should have been his for the picking. He made a few snide remarks to
me in front of
, but I held my own. And
, my salary? Girlfriend, we’ll be out of this cracker
box before long. I’ll buy a house, and we’ll figure something out in rent for

“That much, huh?”

“The exact same thing he was paying my predecessor!”

She threw me a devilish grin. “He must really like you,

According to Mr. Choice, he’s one step ahead of everyone else, likening himself
to the pioneers. You know, paying me what he’d pay a man, and all that. I just
wish my mother saw it the same way, instead of looking at it as a husband-hunting

“She’ll chill after the shock wears off. You’ll see. Next
week, she’ll be off somewhere and have forgotten all about the handsome Mr.

I swallowed the remainder of my drink and got up. I knew if
I sat there much longer and had anymore wine before a shower, I’d never
accomplish a thing. And I had to remember I wasn’t in acquisitions anymore. I
was upstairs with the big boys.

The next couple of days ran together, and I saw little of
Choice. Leaving me to my own devices, his confidence
in me apparent. I researched projects left by my predecessor, attempting to
pick up where he’d stopped.

Barring any unforeseen interruptions, I planned my Thursday
to include making phone calls and writing emails to each one of the contacts.
It was also the day Don Turner thought to test me.
had been across town on and off the past couple of days, involved in some deal.
Don knew that and set about trying to sabotage me the new vice president.

Finishing a response to questions a client had, I glanced up
as I felt someone looking at me. Don had popped his head in and promptly sat
his smug ass down in one of the two chairs before my desk. No knocking on the
door, no going through Renee—no, he was out to show that he was the man who
should be in charge. Especially when
was away.

I closed the program before settling back in my seat. “Is
there something I can do for you, Don? Was Renee not at her desk? Because the
proper thing to do is to go through her, not come barging in here like you own
the place.”

“She saw me. That’s good enough. It’s not like I’m one of
the little people. So, what are you doing, Caitlyn? I can’t imagine
would have turned you loose with anything, yet. You’re
far too green. Or were you chatting up your gal pals on social media, wasting
valuable company time?”

Sitting upright, I folded my hands on top of the wooden
desk. “Let’s get something straight, Don. You and me…right from the start. What
I’m doing, or what
has me doing, is none of
your business unless it concerns you, and then you will be brought up to speed.
? Second, don’t ever walk into my office
without first clearing it with Renee or by knocking. Got it?”

Don didn’t flinch. In fact, a smile broadened his face, as
though I had lit a fire under him. “Why? You got something to hide, Caitlyn? Or
are you afraid I might walk in and catch you and
doing the nasty? You know, he does like his sex toys.”

I was boiling under the surface, but determined not to let
him know he’d ruffled any feathers. “Don, I think it’s time for you to leave,
before I say something I might regret. Or worse, file a complaint with HR for
sexual harassment.”

“Oh, and who do you think they’d believe? A pathetic piece
of trash like you? Or me?”

“The lady asked you to leave, Turner,” a deep voice boomed
as the owner strode over the threshold. It wasn’t the smoky, lustful baritone,
but a tone of command. “And I suggest you do so before I throw you out.”

“I was just—”

“I heard enough of what you said to know exactly what you
were up to. Now leave, and don’t think we won’t discuss this.”

Don left, but not before he threw a go-to-hell look my way.
I pretended not to notice, as I had my gaze focused on Renee in the background,
phone in hand. I was pretty sure she had security on speed dial.

“Dinner. Seven. This evening. I’ll pick you up,”
barked, turning on his heel and walking back to his

“Mr. Choice?”

He spun around. I wasn’t sure what was going through his
mind. “Yes, Caitlyn?”

“Can you give me some idea where we’re going? You know, so I’ll
know how to dress.”

“I thought that hot, new Italian place everyone is talking
about. I had Renee make reservations. Does that help your clothing dilemma?”

“Yes, it does. Thank you. I’ll see you at seven, then.”

“See you then.” He winked at me with those gorgeous gray
eyes, turned, and walked away. Back to business.

What was I doing? Breaking one of my cardinal rules about
not dating my boss. But he was more than that.
Choice was like no other man I had ever met. Instinctively, I trusted him. I am
not a conquest. If I was, we would have gone to his houseboat, paparazzi and
all. No, there is more between us, and he wants to do things right. I have to
respect and admire him for that.


* * * *




Caitlyn, Caitlyn, Caitlyn! You’re unlike any other woman I
have ever been with. It drives me crazy how you respond to my touch, so easily,
so completely. And I haven’t even taken you to bed, yet. I want you completely,
every part of you.

Caitlyn White is meant to be mine, and I’ll move heaven and
earth if that’s what it takes to make her that. Together, we’ll make a formidable
couple, a power house for future projects both at Choice Enterprises and in my
personal life. I cannot get her out of head. My body aches for her touch, her
scent, her flesh melded with mine.

I knew that Don was not happy about Caitlyn receiving the
promotion, however, I never in a million years thought he was as chauvinistic
to go as far as to try and belittle her or whatever the hell his plan was.
Overhearing his snide little remarks to Caitlyn brought to life just how much
some men, still to this day, do not like seeing women in positions of power. If
he wants to continue to work at Choice Enterprises, he’s simply going to have
to accept her and get over it. I chose the candidate most qualified and that
person was Caitlyn.

Don’t ever let it be said that having money makes life nicer
or simpler. Instead, it makes things more complicated. After the things Don
suggested to Caitlyn, I need to get with Jacob and discuss what needs to be
done. Her safety is foremost. I realize she is more than able to look after
herself. But this promotion has put her into an entirely new lifestyle. Although,
I do have to admit, I was quite pleased at how she handled herself with Don.

Even so, I must address the issue as well.

I left Caitlyn’s office and headed in search of Don. I
needed to nip whatever was going on with him in the bud now. Don has always
been a hard worker, but he’s one of those new graduates who expects to be
installed immediately into the top positions, making an obscene amount of money
without putting any sweat into it.

It was obvious by the conversation I overheard him having
with Caitlyn that he’s upset he wasn’t chosen for the position. The other
disturbing thing to me was the sexual context he implied. I’d never seen nor
heard that from him before. Quite frankly, it disturbed me.

Quietly, I approached Don’s office door. Hearing the sound
of laughter, I inched my way closer. Looking around the corner of his doorway,
I found him on his cell, chatting with someone, laughing. He was seated at his
desk, his back to me, swiveling back and forth in his leather executive chair.

I cleared my throat, letting him know he had company. He
swung around to see who it was. Immediately, he told whomever he had been
talking to that he’d get back to them. Making it appear as a business call.

,” he almost stuttered as he
placed his phone on the desk. He began to stand, but I motioned him to remain
as he was. I was the shark here, and he was simply my chum.

“Do you mind telling me what the hell you thought you were
doing back there? Just who the hell do you think you are, Don, walking into my
newly-hired executive vice president’s office and all but accusing her of
getting the promotion simply in exchange for sexual favors?”

He sat there, his mind obviously hard at work, trying to
come up with answers. It was obvious he’d thought if I ever did confront him
with this that it wouldn’t be any more than a “please don’t do that again”

“I meant no harm,
. But you
know, if Caitlyn’s going to play with us big boys, she’s going to have to
toughen up. She needs to realize she ain’t in Kansas anymore.”

The adrenaline was surging through my veins. I had to
control my personal emotions toward Caitlyn in front of him. He was out of
bounds, and I needed to put him back in his place. “The lady is tough as nails,
and she is quite capable of playing with us ‘big boys,’ as you say. She proved
that in mergers and acquisitions. That’s part of the reason I chose her for the

“Okay, geez, I’m sorry. I didn’t know the lady was such a
touchy subject to you.”

“She is not a touchy subject, Don. I simply do not like it
when a disgruntled junior executive of mine oversteps his authority. I’ll leave
you with this word of advice. Don’t let me catch you, or hear of a repeat
performance of today. If I do, I will be forced to take corrective measures. Do
I make myself clear?”

He sat there, dumbfounded. I stood waiting for his answer.
Finally, it came.

“Yes, yes of course,
. It
won’t happen again, I promise. I meant no harm by it. I was simply shocked by
your choice. There are candidates, I believe, far more qualified for the
position than Ms. White.”

“And that is exactly why I own the company and I make the
decisions, and you are where you are, Don. You have to earn and prove yourself
to advance and succeed in the corporate world. You’d be wise to remember that.”

I turned, walked out of the office, and didn’t look back. I
had made my point. He knew my position. There was nothing more that needed to
be said.

That conversation went easier than expected. Now, to see if
it would sink in with him or not. First, however, I think I need to find Jacob.
I need to bring him up to speed on this latest development. See if he thinks
monitoring Don would be in order.

I swung by Renee’s desk on my way to the elevators. I didn’t
need to say much. She knew me well enough to know my habits when a situation

“Going downstairs for a minute, Renee. Be right back.”

She nodded, knowing I was going in search of Jacob. His
office was on the second floor, right above the lobby. Security. He was looking
over a stack of papers when I entered and shut the door.

? What brings you to my
humble abode?”

“I want to run a situation by you that just occurred
upstairs. See what you think. It involves Caitlyn, but on a professional level.
I don’t like what I overheard. It makes me wary.”

“You wouldn’t happen to be talking about Don and his visit
to Caitlyn’s office, would you?”

“Yes, how did you…never mind. Renee called, didn’t she?”

“Yep. Don’t worry. I’ve got it handled. Consider Don in our

I shook my head. “I should have known she’d call you.”

“The man was speaking to your executive vice president in a
manner he shouldn’t have been. Renee overheard just enough. That’s when she
called me. Anything else I can do for you?”

“No, that’s all for now.”

“Good, then if you don’t mind, I have this stack of incident
reports I need to go over.” He smiled. He loved thinking he was ahead of me.
And he was, some of the time.

I chuckled, shook my head, and left Jacob to his work.
Sometimes, I had to wonder if he and Renee had built-in radar.

Walking into the executive elevator, I pressed the button to
my floor. A vision of Caitlyn’s mother crossed my mind. She certainly was
everything Caitlyn had said she was. Pushy, domineering, every man’s nightmare
for a mother-in-law. But then, the lady and I have just met. She obviously
loves her daughter. She just doesn’t give Caitlyn credit with having the smarts
to know how to run her own life.

For now, I’ll just step back and see what transpires in that

Now, comes the hard part. Bringing Caitlyn into my dark
world. I can make a game of it for a while—let her think I’m something I’m not.
Just until I’m sure that she won’t run. That she won’t leave me as the others

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