Choices (31 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Choices
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“Earth to Gracie!” Meg shouts at me. I finally snap out of my daze and look up, muttering a barely audible “huh” to her. “Are you okay?” She asks, concerned. Not really. I want to say. School has been awkward all week since Nick kissed and left me all screwed up in the head. I’m already screwed up in the head-you know, being pregnant and all. Get it together. I tell myself.

“I’m not feeling well. Maybe I should go to the nurse and go home.” I probably should be at home anyway. I’m so close to my due date. I only have a few weeks left, give or take. But staying at home would probably drive me crazy too.

              “No, you need to sit there and tell me what is going on. You’re acting so weird.” I start to protest but then decide against it. Maybe if I told her, she could help me figure this mess out.

“Nick came over this past weekend.” I say, looking at the table, knowing she wouldn’t be too thrilled about it.


“He kissed me.” I look up and see her wide eyes rise, then she looks slightly angry.

“What was he doing at your house…kissing you?”

“I don’t know exactly. But he did apologize and told me I was right about his mom and her controlling ways. I knew I would be right. But…fuck. I don’t know what to do.  He looked sincere and then I felt guilty.”

“He’s just trying to complicate your life some more. Seriously, he needs to get the hell out of town and take the bratty cheerleader with him.” Even though Jana made peace with me, Meg still hates the sight of her. I guess I can’t really blame her.

“Well, this time tomorrow we’ll be dancing the night away at our last dance. Oh how I never thought this day would come.” Meg leans on Mason in an embrace. I find myself wishing Carter were here. If I could see his face, then I could stop worrying about Nick and all of my complicated feelings that associate with him. My emotions are getting the best of me, damn pregnancy. But I don’t have too much longer, so I just suck it up.

Last minute prom shopping gets overwhelming, especially when Meg becomes frantic about her dress, which I think is beautiful on her. She’s got a great figure and could wear anything. “You look gorgeous Meg. Chill out.” She’s checking herself out in the mirror in my bathroom and finishing her makeup. “Do you have the corsage?” I ask her. She nods, smoothing her hair out with her fingers. She takes a deep breath and looks at me. “Okay, I think I’m ready.” I’ve never seen Meg so nervous. She’s normally the one so composed one between us. I grab her by the shoulders, looking her in the eyes.

“Calm down. Tonight will be perfect. It will be a night to remember. I promise.” She nods and closes her eyes to calm down. Mason is picking her up from my house. Then Carter and I plan to meet them there.

“Meg, Mason is here!” My mother calls from downstairs. I turn to her and smile.

“Okay, you got this. Go, have fun my beautiful friend. I’ll see you there.” She hugs me, mumbles a ‘thank you’ and walks out of the bathroom. I grip the counter for support and stare at my reflection. Turning to the side, I hold Kylie between my hands, feeling her kick. “Are you ready for some dancing tonight, baby?” Her kick is a response that brings a smile to my face. I make my way down stairs.

“They just left. Oh Gracie, you look incredible.”

“Really?” My mother takes my hands in hers, a tear fills her eye.

“This is definitely a camera-worthy moment.” She leaves the room.

“Oh heck, where’s my daughter? Have you seen her?” My father sneaks up behind me. I laugh and fall into his open arms.

“Hi daddy.”

“You look stunning. Let me see.” I back up so he can observe my profile. “Wow, that baby bump really perfects your ensemble.” I laugh. “I hope you enjoy tonight. It’s going to be a night to remember, I’m sure.” I smile and hug him again.

“Thank you daddy. You’ve been my biggest support. I love you.” My eyes start to water and I blink back the tears before they escape, afraid of ruining my makeup.

“Oh look at you two. It’s picture time.” My mother snaps a few pictures. I do a few more poses on the stairs too, before I hear the door-bell. My heart pounds in my chest at the anticipation of seeing Carter in a tux. I take a deep breath, looking back at my parents and see them smiling, and then I open the door.


Chapter 42

The sight before me had my eyes bulging out of their sockets and my breath caught in my throat. Carter looked like he had just stepped out of a GQ magazine in a dashing solid black tuxedo with a white dress shirt peeking out underneath, black tie and black belt to complete his ensemble. Even his dark shoes looked polished. I wasn’t used to seeing him this dressed up and I have to say, it was quite a sight.

“Wow.” I hadn’t realized I said it aloud until Carter stared me up and down and said, “You too,” smiling. I blushed.

He takes me in his arms and kissed me until I was breathless. My father cleared his throat, reminding us they were still in the room. We broke apart and I giggled, a little embarrassed. “Okay, picture time. No complaining Gracie. This is Cinderella perfect.” I shrugged but obeyed my mother.

“You look gorgeous, Gracie.” I smile, holding his hand.

“Even with a balloon belly?” He snorts and then looks serious.

“Pregnant or not, you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes. But I have to say, pregnancy does suit you fairly well.” I stare into his eyes, feeling a tear fill mine. “You ready?” I nod and kiss my parents as we walk outside. I look around for his truck but instead find a black limo parked on the street, in front of my house.

“Carter, what’s this?” He grabs my hand and ushers me to the nice vehicle, which still puzzles me.

“This, my love, is our ride to the prom.” I stare at him, eyes wide. Is he freakin’ serious? I’ve never ridden in a limo.

“Really?” He smiles and kisses the back of my hand.

“I want this night to be perfect for you. A night you’ll always remember.” It seems to be the statement of the day. I start to jump and down in excitement but stop myself. I doubt Kylie would appreciate being tossed around, even if she’s squished in my womb with no extra room to move. I kiss him hard and slip inside when he opens the door for me.

I gawk at the long black leather bench seats. I look up and see the driver smiling at me. I smile back, looking around the spacious seating area and see a mini refrigerator. I wonder for a moment what it would be like to have a drink, though I quickly dismiss that thought since A.) I am pregnant and B.) I am not of age. As if reading my thoughts, Carter opens it and grabs a bottle of water and hands it to me. “Thank you.” I say as I take in the cold drink. He grabs a bottle of coke for himself, closes the fridge and turns back to me.

“What do you think?” I look wide eyed at him.

“This is incredible. I’ve never ridden in a limo before. I wish Meg were here. She’d freak out. We always talked about riding in one to our prom.” I stop thinking about Meg and curl up beside Carter, content.  He wraps his arms around me and I relax, basking in the warmth he brings.

“Is this better than my truck?”

“This is…it’s a pleasant surprise. Thank you Carter.” He kisses the top of my head and a sigh escapes my lips. I bring his hand that is intertwined with mine to my lips and kiss his fingers softly. He leans in and addresses the driver.

“Excuse me, sir?”

“Call me Mitch please.” The driver says.

“Okay, Mitch can you please close the window? We’d like some privacy.” Mitch smiles and nods politely at Carter, then he gives me a wink before closing it, leaving us alone. It’s quiet from the radio being turned down.

A wave of apprehension fills the pit of my stomach. I swallow, closing my eyes. Is he gonna try and seduce me in the limo?

“Hey, is this okay?” He gestures to the limo again.

“Seriously, it’s perfect. I don’t know why you keep asking. How much did it cost you?”

“Does it matter?” He asks, rubbing my knuckles gently with his thumb. I can’t concentrate on anything but the tingling sensation coursing through my veins.

“I guess not.”

“You only have your senior prom once. I wanted it to be special Besides, my prom sucked. Well the one I went to my Junior year before I left my school. I went with some bitch who was so self-absorbed. She was a senior. But I ended up leaving her ass and going to a party in which led me to fight some asshole. The whole thing turned out to be a disaster.” Listening to his past experience reminds me of my prom last year with Nick. I enjoyed it, but he doesn’t really dance. So I mostly danced with Meg. Mason danced with us too. But somehow I know, this prom is going to be epic.

“I wish Meg were here. She’d love riding in this.”

“She’ll get to ride in it to the after party.” I perk up, beaming.

“We’re going to the after party?” I ask. I didn’t really consider going, not really. It’s at a fancy hotel and most people will be there, getting drunk. I can’t drink. But I suppose there are other things to do there. Kylie starts to stir, making me uncomfortable. I shift my body to the other side, resting my arm over my belly protectively.

“I wanted to talk to you about something before the night started and I forgot.” I eagerly await and glance up at his face as he smiles down at me. My heart rate picks up at the expression he shows.

“Okay, well I’m just going to say it.” Oh my God, is he proposing? Oh shit. “I know we’ve been through a lot in the short time we’ve been together. And I know there have been so many changes in your life. Many you weren’t expecting at this point.” I swallow hard, wondering where this conversation is really headed. Would I say yes if he proposed right now? Am I ready? I’m too young for marriage, which sounds stupid since I would be too young for a baby too. Just shut up and let him talk, my subconscious tells me.

I smile and let him continue. “So I was thinking, would you like to move in with me?”

“I do.” Wait, what? Move in with him?

“Uh.” My face flushes in embarrassment due to my misinterpretation.

“I’m sorry. That came out wrong. Forget I just said that.” I look away, and then glance at him again. “Please.” He chuckles and then puts on a serious face.

“Okay, would you like to move in with me? I know it may be too soon and I understand if you’re not ready. It is a big step. But I want to be there for you and Kylie. If you want to go to school, I’ll take care of her. If you want to work, I will take care of her too. Either way, I’ll be there...for both of you. I don’t need an answer now. You can take as long as you need to think about it. I don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for. But I just want to assure you that you don’t have to do this alone. You won’t be alone.” My heart soars with excitement. Knowing my answer already, I keep it to myself. I will think about it and surprise him later. I smile to myself.

“Okay, I’ll think about it.” I kiss him fiercely, all of my love pouring out of me, in such intense passion and desire. My tongue is urgent, rubbing against his. I can’t move fast enough to get as close to him as I want to be. Instead, he moves his body toward mine, crushing me into the seat.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” He says against my mouth, and then backing up a little. I smile, my mouth never leaving his.

The limo stops, throwing him into me again. “Fuck.” He says as he peels his body from mine. “I guess it’s our stop.” We both laugh and I silently apologize to Kylie for the jolting movement. Carter shifts to sit beside me, trying to catch his breath.

“Damn, Kylie is making this making out and stuff difficult.” I say, catching my own breath. Carter laughs and rubs my belly.

“Yeah, but she doesn’t have too much longer. Hopefully before your graduation she’ll be here and we can really celebrate.” He winks at me, I blush. Damn, I forgot to apply blush to my cheeks. I hate that I’m so obvious.

I hug her affectionately. Once upon a time, seeing someone rubbing a pregnant belly would have made me uncomfortable or laugh. But experiencing it firsthand and feeling her grow inside of me has changed my perception so much that it makes me understand why people do that. My need to protect her and make her feel safe is fierce. I love her so much and I haven’t even met her yet. I’m ready to meet her.

“You ready?” Carter asks as the driver, Mitch opens the door. Carter steps out and reaches for my hand. “Thanks Mitch. We’ll see you in a bit.” Mitch nods and gets back in his vehicle.

“You kids have fun.” I wave at him and Carter guides me into the school. People stop and stare at us in fascination or jealousy. I take Carter’s hand again as we enter the school.

The prom theme is City of Lights in Paris. As soon as we enter, I’m awestricken by the decorations. The walkway is so magical. There’s a brick road platform, with grass-like stuff on both sides. An Eiffel tower is lit up, illuminating the place. The fireworks background looks real, lighting the area. There are trees and flowers lining the walkway and the lamp posts are glowing. The whole set up makes you feel like you’re in Paris.

“This is unbelievable!” I squeal in awe. He squeezes my hand.

“They really did a great job. It makes you want to go to Paris, doesn’t it?” I nod, unable to take my eyes off the scenery. I am putting that on my bucket list.

“Oh hey, smile for the camera.” Carter nods his head in the direction of the photographer. We smile and post as the picture is snapped.

“Isn’t this fucking amazing?” Meg glides around the smooth floor as we make our way into the throng of students. I see a lot of seniors I recognize and some that I may not have noticed in my four years of attending.

“Yes, Meg. It’s amazing. Mouth, please.”

“Hey, I don’t have much longer. I’m milking it for all I can.” I laugh.

“Do you really think she will be able to stop cursing? She’s a sailor. I don’t see her accomplishing that goal.” She sticks her tongue out at Carter but then laughs. I don’t want Meg to change, just tone down the profanity a notch, maybe two. But then again, I’m a hypocrite-which I need to start working on as well.

The lights are dim and the music is loud-Kesha is playing. My hips begin to sway without my consent. But then I feel Carter’s hands pulling me as close as he can get me. I wrap my arms around his neck, moving in rhythm to Tik Tok-a least favorite of her songs.

Mason and Meg are next to us, getting their groove on. Carter and I are laughing, especially when Mason busts a robot move. Carter looks down at me, smiling. I bat my long eye lashes flirtatiously. 

“So how was the limo ride? We are so going to ride in it to the after party.” Meg sidles beside us, swaying her hips.

“What, my car’s not good enough for you?” Mason feigns hurt.

“Really? Honey, when it comes to limos, no car is good enough. I mean, of course its good enough doll face. I was kidding.” She makes a kissy face at him then turns to face me and gives me a “yeah right” face. I look away laughing.

“Hey want to help me get some drinks, Carter?” Mason asks as he begins to make his way to the punch area.

The music changes pace. Bruno Mars blares on the speakers with Grenade.

“Yeah, coming.” He kisses the top of my head. “You thirsty?”

“No, I’m okay for now. Thanks.” He smiles, then follows Mason, leaving Meg and I together. I stop dancing and find a seat, feeling slightly out of breath. My feet throb and my back needs a good popping.

“Hey.” Meg takes a seat beside me.

“Hey, y’all are the cutest couple ever.” I say nodding to Mason on the other side of the room, his back turned to us.

“As if. Maybe after you and Carter. He looks fucking hot as hell in that tux. I mean, he looks great. Sorry.”

“I love you and your mouth Meg.” She laughs and nudges my shoulder. “By the way, Carter asked me to move in with him.” Her eyes bulge out of her oval-shaped face.

“Oh my God. Are you serious? Holy shit! When?”

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