Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story) (4 page)

BOOK: Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story)
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The Sacred Well
was a clear pool of water fed by underground springs a few miles to the east of
the meadow, close to the western gate of the town - a place where men and women
pledged their love for each other even as others prayed for a prosperous life
and good fortune for their loved ones. The ride on Rogan’s black charger took a
few minutes and soon the couple were standing before a priestess of the well,
who blessed them for a life of eternal bliss, for a mere coin of gold.


“Your union has
been blessed, young ones.” The lovely keeper of the sacred well smiled at them.
“Fortune looks upon you and the sacred powers of heaven and earth have approved
your conjugation.”


Rogan bowed,
handing the older woman the fee with a smile, and clasping Alicia’s hand in his
walked slowly along the pathway leading away from the well.


“We will be wed
right after dawn, at the Duke’s palace.” Rogan told his bride to be.


“My excitement
will not let me sleep tonight.” She said breathlessly. “I still remember the
first time I saw you, Rogan. My heart was set upon you at that very moment.”


“Even when you saw
I was a penniless and homeless wandering sell-sword who hadn’t bathed or eaten
in days?” Rogan laughed, squeezing her small hand.


“Yes, love is
unconditional,” she said breathlessly, “and even if you were now as then, I
would be with you and no other.”


“Indeed, but your
father and the elders would not want it that way.” Rogan sighed, and then let
his massive chest swell with pride. “I had to prove myself over the past three
years to be where I am now.”


“I would come away
with you, Rogan, anywhere you wanted to go.” She pressed his hand between her
breasts. “Even then and even now.”


“If I desired
that, it would prove that I do not love you for you, but only for me.” He
smiled down at her upturned face. “I only want the best for you.”


“And I wish the
same for you.” She rested her head on his chest. “Forever and always.”


They walked on
silently for a while longer, heading for where the black charger was tethered.
Rogan would take her to the meadow one last time as lovers before they were wed
and then take her back to her father’s farm. As he reached for his horse’s
reins, a strange and familiar odor made him look back.


“Beware, brave man
of war.” A shrill, yet strong voice grated his senses. “A great darkness
approaches to blot out your light.”


“Mad Mymisa.”
Rogan said with a patronizing nod. “Didn’t they lock you up?”


“No one locks me
up, Outlander.” The disheveled older woman sneered. “Heed my words: your days
here are numbered.”


“I know, I am to
be wed tomorrow.” He chuckled even as Alicia clutched at his arm in fear.


“You may think
little of what  I say now, but beware the darkness… it approaches.” Mymisa
shook her ragged head and waved a gnarled finger.


“What do you mean,
old one?” Alicia demanded, holding on to Rogan tightly.


“Ah, my poor
child.” Mymisa gazed sadly at the younger woman. “Such beauty and so much
sorrow to bear… so much sadness.”


“Enough of that,
old crone.” Rogan rasped, his patience wearing thin. “Be on your way lest I
call the guard upon you.”


“Beware, bold
knight.” The woman cackled as she turned and walked away. “The darkness will
bring great sorrow. Yet there is hope, but at a great cost, and if you do pay the
price, your destiny and that of your progeny shall prosper for eons, but in
lands anew and unheard of.”


“Away with you,
old dreamer.” Rogan snapped at the departing woman, “Sell your false visions to
fools who would care.”


“Rogan, what did
she mean?” Alicia demanded of her lover.


“Pay no heed to
mad Mymisa, dear Alicia.” Rogan gritted his teeth. “She only does this to fool
people, so they may ask her more and cross her palm with coin.”


“She spoke ill of
you and… and sorrow for me…” The blue eyed beauty went on, shivering slightly.


“Forget her, my
love.Now come. Our new home awaits us.” He grinned and helped her up to the
saddle before jumping on himself and kicking the great black into a fast


Alicia glanced
back one more time at the caterwauling old woman as the horse thundered ahead.
A cold chill ran down her spine at the ominous words of the woman. She
remembered stories she had heard about a demented seer in the city who foretold
much of the troubles that had plagued Kirk Falls before Rogan had arrived to
the dukedom.  Not much was heard from her the last three years when peace had
prevailed all around. And now she was back again with her strange prophecies of
doom and despair.


~ ~ ~




“The most
memorable day of our lives.” Rogan sighed deeply, stretching himself on the
large bed he himself had fashioned from an old oak tree. “And I am more
exhausted than I had been after a week’s worth of battles on the northern
border last winter.”


“Indeed, my love.”
Alicia giggled, still a bit overwhelmed by the lavish ceremony. “This is a day
we will never forget. The Duke must be really in your debt to sponsor such a
splendid feast in our honor.”


“It is hard to
believe that this one-time wandering nomad would be worthy of such opulence.”
Rogan shook his fiery blonde head with a bemused smile. “The Duke’s kitchens
must have slaughtered half the beef cattle of the dukedom alone… and all that
fine wine and succulent cakes and pastry.”


“Yes, it was a
feast fit for kings… and honored knights.” Alicia sat down beside her husband.
“Yet now it is a memory to cherish and we must move on.”


“What troubles
you, my blushing bride?” Rogan laughed, caressing her dark shining tresses.


“I haven’t quite
gotten over that seer woman’s omens.” Alicia sighed, running her fingers over
his massive chest. “Her words have filled my heart with fear… fear of losing


“Mymisa is mad, my
love,” Rogan said softly. “Ignore her.She roams the outskirts of town selling
her self-made prophecies to fools who believe in such things.”


“That may be true,
but this fear has clawed its roots deep within me.” She said with watery eyes.
“Before we were wed, I was so proud of you… of your valiant deeds and heroic
exploits. I reveled in the glory of your achievements and wanted you to keep
striving to bring law and order to Kirk Falls. But now that we are wed and you
are forever mine, I fear losing you more than ever. I wish you would relinquish
your duty as guardian of the Dukedom and stay here with me at all times, but I
know that is a foolish whim of a selfish girl.”


“It is neither
foolish nor selfish, my love.” Rogan smiled softly. “I am yours forever, but my
duty to the land we live on also keeps you and everyone else safe and well.”


“And yet, it is
you and all the other brave young men of Kirk Falls who must risk their very
lives to keep it so.” She bit her full red lip. “The words of that loon woman
trouble me, Rogan.”


Rogan remained
silent, taking a deep breath instead and caressing her hair as she lay beside
him. His mind went back to the day before, after their blessing at the sacred
well. He recollected the words of mad Mymisa. She had mentioned the advent of
darkness and sorrow.


“I have something
for you, my love.” Alicia brought him out of his thoughts. “Last night I
consulted Shorn, the cleric who my father employs.She is also a mystic, yet not
quite as mad as that woman.”


“What did she have
to say?” Rogan propped himself up on one elbow.


“She says that the
mad woman may speak true and you must take heed.” Alicia reached into the front
of her wedding dress and drew out a small necklace of gold with a pebble-sized
glowing stone encrusted on it. “This is a ward against evil that she has
prepared for you. It is a powerful talisman, bonded to me and to you once you
wear it.”


“It is a mere
trinket.This Shorn is the same as Mymisa.” Rogan snorted.


“For my sake,
Rogan.” Alicia pleaded. “Believe in it and wear it, to make my heart and mind
feel at ease.”


Rogan sighed and
took the little pedant from her and tied it around his muscular neck. “For you,
Alicia, I would go to Hell and come back.”


“Oh, no, don’t
ever wish on that.” She smiled, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips.


“Tonight, we are
husband and wife.” Rogan grinned. “Tonight, our love will be bonded


“You have put my
fears to rest, my champion. “ Alicia breathed. “Now take me for the first time
as your lawfully wedded wife and let our love be forever blessed.”


The dark haired
beauty languorously stretched out her sensual body as her husband gently peeled
off the pristine, gold embroidered white wedding gown off her. Goosebumps
covered her creamy naked skin, yearning for the warmth of his touch. She arched
her back, pushing her naked breasts and cherry pink nipples toward him. Rogan
grinned like a boy at the sight of them. He had enjoyed her breasts more times
than he could remember, yet every time he saw them, he was filled with


“Oh, Rogan… don’t
keep me waiting, take me, my love… take me now.” Her voice was heavy with lust
as she caressed her own naked body with shameless abandon.


Rogan ripped off
his own clothes and moved in over her, covering her trembling body with his
powerful physique. He lowered himself over her until his hard, battle scarred
bulk crushed down on her soft, velvet beauty. She parted her legs, exposing her
warm, wet arousal for his weapon of love to impale her. And he did, spearing it
in all the way to the root. She gasped at the thickness of it as it filled her
like it had always done before and yet each time it was a new and exhilarating


Alicia shivered as
her body came alive, burning hot with desire and lust. Her lover’s foot-long
thickness filled and stretched her to the limit, making her wince and moan out
his name. She clawed at his back and rock hard buttocks, her tender touch
taking in the muscular hardness of the man. Her pussy throbbed, swallowing him
whole, hungrily siphoning it ever deeper.


“Oh, take me… take
me, my love.” She gasped, digging her nails into his hard skin. “Fill me with
your love, oh, take me to Heaven.”


“Oh, Alicia…” He
groaned and began to slowly move his hips back and forth, making his thick cock
slide in and out of her, sending waves of electrifying pleasure all through her
sensitive body.


Rogan increased
the intensity of his thrusts, falling in to a rapid rhythm, grunting and
kissing her neck and face savagely. His new bride threw her shapely legs around
his waist and bucked up against him, meeting his downward strokes with equal
urgency. She whimpered and moaned, gasping out his name every time he went in
deep. Her body shook against his as she felt a wave of indescribable pleasure
beginning to rise within her. She clutched at him tightly, and even though she
had many such moments with him, every time was an experience to remember. This
time it was even more special. They were lawfully wedded now and it made the
experience even more fulfilling for her, and even him.  


Rogan grunted out
loud as he felt her orgasm explode over his thrusting cock. He continued on
relentlessly despite her whimpering gasps as her body shook violently with the
force of her climax. She would have a few more back to back, , he knew that ashe
increased his tempo, whispering his love for her into her ear as she wept with
joy into his neck. He grabbed her soft buttocks and pushed her against him with
force over his ramrod erection, making her cry out his name again and again
with every wave of pleasure that ripped though her trembling body.


“My love… it is
time…” He gasped, holding on to her even tighter.


“Yes, oh yes…” She
moaned. “Fill me with... your love, my husband.”


“Here I come.”
Rogan slammed his hips in hard and pushed her buttocks against him. His cock
swelled even more and speared in deeper. He felt his balls contract and then
release his load with an explosive spurt. He gasped at the intensity of his release;
holding on to her and shivering like a leaf in a summer squall. Wave after wave
of his flowing orgasm splashed into her, sending streaks of pleasure all
through his body as he let himself go.


Exhausted and
spent, from the day’s festivities and the relaxation from his orgiastic
release, Rogan rolled over on his back and passed out with a blissful smile on
his face. Alicia looked at her husband lovingly and felt comforting warmth all
over her and yet her mind was ill at ease. She slipped off the bed and sat by
the window, gazing at the new moon over the horizon. This was the happiest day
of her life, but her heart felt heavy and her mind was filled with fear. She
glanced back at Rogan. The large man lay sprawled on his back, snoring
blissfully, seemingly at peace with the world.


Alicia felt happy
for him, that so much had happened in his life for the better. He had worked
hard to get where he was now and she would be by his side at all times. That
thought filled her with joy and yet the fear of losing him gripped at her too.
She knew that sleep would be elusive for her on the happiest night of her life.


~ ~ ~


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