Read Chosen Online

Authors: Nina Croft

Chosen (5 page)

BOOK: Chosen
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I want you to love me.

The words flashed through her mind, but she didn’t say them out loud. Instead, she asked a question of her own.

“And you? What do you want, Tallon?”

He answered straight away, and she knew the words came from his heart. “I want to do what’s right.”

The first flicker of hope awoke inside her. “How will you know what’s right?”

“For a long time now, I’ve struggled with reconciling myself to The Order and their doctrines. Too many rules. Too much that I sense is wrong. The Order is powerful but they seldom use their magic to help the ordinary people. Our magic is a sacred trust, given for good, but The Order hoards it like misers.

“And the Witches. I never gave much thought to the slaves, where they came from, their lives. I took what relief they gave my body and welcomed it. Until I found your friend, Leah, trying to take her own life rather than serve us.” He paused for a moment. “You know, the Witch was right.”

Shayla glanced at him in surprise. “Cassandra?”

He nodded. “I’d somehow convinced myself that it was some sort of honor for them to service me. Leah taught me otherwise. To find that she would rather end her life than continue as a slave, it was like being ripped in two. Everything I’d been taught, I started to question. I spoke with The Order. They made me see that there were no alternatives. I took the job as Enforcer so I could forget my doubts in the fighting, in hunting The Order’s enemies.”

“Enemies like me, you mean?”

He smiled. “No, I never met one like you before. And yesterday, as I first looked at you and thought of you dead at my hands, it seemed so wrong.”

“Yet you still tried.”

“And failed. I’m glad—I think it would have destroyed me to kill you. “

Tension drained from her body and a lightness filled her heart. He felt something for her, and for the first time, she allowed herself to believe that maybe he would be hers. She knew then what she would do, and a small fire burst to life in her belly.

He was studying her in a strange, pensive manner.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Just thinking about something the Witch said. So, what do we do now?”

“I have to find your staff.”

“How can you trust me?”

“Because I believe you’re a good man. Just a little misguided.”

“How do you know I won’t take you back to Arroway and complete my mission?”

She smiled then. “Because I’m going to have proof that you have changed.”

His eyes narrowed on her. “There can be no proof.”

“Break your vows.”


She heard the shock in his voice.

“Lie with me and break your vows to The Order.”



Chapter Six



Heat flared to life in his belly at her words. Tallon was glad he’d put his pants on because he could feel himself filling, rising. He stood up, needing to put some space between them while he thought through the consequences.

But, by the Goddess, he wanted this. More than anything he had ever wanted in his life.
she bewitched him? He swung around. Shayla was still seated on the floor, her knees hugging her chest, her hair a curtain of dark crimson falling around her shoulders. She appeared unconcerned. He was burning up, and she was so cool. Then she lifted her head, and he realized she wasn’t cool at all. Her eyes were glowing with emerald fire.

Suddenly, he had to know. “Shayla, do you want me?”

She opened her mouth then closed it. Her small pointed tongue licked at her lips as she considered her answer, and the flames in his belly burned hotter. “Is this just to give you proof?” he asked. “Or do you want

He held his breath, waiting for her to speak.

She allowed her gaze to wander over him like a physical touch. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you,” she replied. “I was twelve, a child, I didn’t understand. But I’m not a child now. You tried to kill me. And I’m not sure I will ever forgive you for turning in my mother, but I still want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

“I’m no virgin,” she continued. “I’ve had lovers, from the time I was sixteen. They kept the magic at bay, helped me control it. But I always thought of you. I think you bewitched me that first time.”

Tallon started at her use of the word that was so much in his mind. “Perhaps we have bewitched each other.”

He took a step closer and reached out his hand for her, her small fingers closed around his, and he pulled her to her feet.

Shayla stood before him. A fine tremor ran through her body, tightening her muscles. Tallon wanted her. It was clear in the glitter of his dark eyes, and the knowledge made her melt. She could feel her own arousal, her sex hot and swollen with need, her nipples taut with anticipation.

She reached out her free hand and stroked her fingers down over the twin scars made by Cassandra’s weapon. His chest was smooth as satin, ridged belly lightly furred. She swayed into him.

He’d gone still at her touch, now he released her hand and reached out and framed her face, tilting it up him. Shayla held her breath as he leaned in towards her. His mouth touched hers, almost chaste at first, then he licked at her lower lip, tasting, teasing and she opened for him. He slipped inside, his tongue hot and moist, and a wave of heat washed over her, leaving her legs trembling. She gripped his shoulders, giving herself up to his kiss. His mouth hardened on hers, his tongue thrusting, filling her with the flavor him.

She dug her nails into the skin of his shoulder, and he went still above her. He pulled back slightly, giving her space, and she found she was panting, her breath coming short and fast.

He studied the bare room. “I wish there was somewhere I could take you. This should be outside, in the clean air, under a crimson moon.”

An image sprang into Shayla’s mind; the two of them lying locked together, under the witches’ moons, bathed in their radiance. “One day,” she said, “but this will do for now.” Removing her cloak, she spread it on the floor.

She’d never had a virgin before. Would she have to lead him all the way? The thought of teaching Tallon to make love sent a wave of weakness over her. She glanced up at him. He was still watching her, his heavy-lidded eyes flicking between her and the bed she had made for them.

“You’ll have to show me what to do, Shayla,” he said, and her heart started racing at the thought.

She gripped the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. His gaze burned a trail across her bare breasts, and the nipples grew taut. She flicked open the button on her jeans and slid down the zipper. Tallon stepped towards her. When he was within touching distance, he reached out and trailed a finger over one distended nipple. She gasped and arched her back, wanting more. Instead, he sank to his knees in front of her, and a flash of shock hit her in the gut. Tugging at his hair, she managed to pull back his head so he had no choice but to look up into her face.

“Tallon, you don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do,” he said. “I have taken so much pleasure and given nothing back. I need to please you.”

He slid the tight jeans down over her hips and slender thighs. She kicked off her shoes and allowed him to remove them so she stood before him dressed only in the brief underwear Cassandra had given her—black, lacy, and hiding nothing.

He leaned forward, inhaling her scent, his warm breath teasing her. Then he kissed her through the black lace and flames licked at her flesh.

“Besides,” he murmured against her, “I want to do this.”

She closed her eyes as he kissed her again. His hands were on her, pushing her legs apart, his mouth trailing wet promises across the skin of her inner thighs. She swayed, gripping his shoulder for balance as the hot wetness of his tongue snaked beneath the lace to tease her swollen flesh. She groaned and he went still, pulling away slightly.

“Tell me what to do, Shayla.”

“Don’t stop,” she muttered. “You’re doing everything perfectly, just don’t stop.”

She heard him laugh softly. But he did stop, and she moaned in protest. He rose to his feet, and picked her up in his arms. He took the few paces and lowered her gently onto her cloak. She had no time for anything as he stripped off his pants and sank down beside her. He reached for her, dragging the scrap of lace from her body and tossing it to the floor.

He took hold of her ankles, spreading them wide, and for long moments, his heated gaze fed on her. His hands slid up the length of her legs to the juncture of her thighs. His long fingers glided over the sensitive flesh, parting the folds of her sex.

“So pretty,” he crooned. “So hot.”

He came down to her slowly. His warm breath feathering against her, his tongue licking along the length of her sex, and heat flashed through her body. He hit the most responsive spot, and she bucked against his mouth. He paused at her reaction, honing in on the sensitive nub, his tongue sliding wetly over her until the world was reduced to nothing more than his mouth moving over her flesh. She moaned as she sensed him reading her reactions, stroking harder, faster, in response to her sounds of pleasure. He raised his head.

“More?” he whispered against her.

In reply, she reached out, stroked her fingers through his silky black hair, and pulled him against her. He teased her as his confidence grew, licking lightly, sliding lazy circles around her until she twisted her hands in his hair in protest. The pleasure was building inside her. She shifted beneath him trying to force him to touch her where she needed it the most, but he held her in place with ease.

Finally, when she thought she could take it no longer, his mouth closed on the tight bud, suckling her until she screamed her pleasure. His teeth grazed lightly against her, and she exploded, arching against him, pushing at that hot, wet mouth. Waves of pleasure crashed through her body and crimson fire burned behind her closed lids.

When she came back to herself, he was still between her thighs, kissing her gently, soothing her tortured flesh, and another ripple shivered through her.

“Shh,” he whispered against her. When he realized she had stopped moving, he raised his head and stared at her, his eyes full of triumph.

Tallon was drunk with the taste of her and the knowledge that he had given her pleasure. She lay before him, limp and sated. His own body was painfully aroused, his cock ready to explode, his balls aching viciously, and underneath was a wild feeling of exhilaration, of rightness.

He kissed the silky red curls between her thighs before moving up over her smooth, flat belly. He nuzzled the soft mounds of her breasts, heard her moan, and lingered there for a while, licking, using his teeth. His little Witch liked it rough, he’d realized.

Finally, he couldn’t resist the lure of her mouth any longer. He kissed her, letting her taste herself on his tongue. Raising himself over her, he rested on his elbows, his cock nudging the juncture of her thighs. She was gazing up at him, green eyes luminous.

“Make love to me, Tallon,” she whispered. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, praying he wouldn’t explode just from the sound of her voice. Her hand moved between them, and he raised himself slightly so she could reach between their bodies. Her fingers wrapped around him, and his head went back as he fought for control.

Her thighs opened wider, he felt her positioning him, guiding him, and he let her take control. This once. The head of his cock nudged at the hot, wet entrance to her body. He paused, then looked down into her eyes as he pushed inside her until he was sheathed as far as he could go. She was slick and tight and it was the best feeling he had ever known in his entire life.

Her hand came up and she caressed the clenched line of his jaw. “Let it go, Tallon. This time is for you.”

“No,” he said. “This time is for us.”

He moved in her, slowly at first, reveling in the exquisite drag of her muscles against him. Then, when he could restrain himself no longer, he thrust harder, faster, and she reached up to meet each stroke, wrapping her slender legs around his waist. He wanted her pleasure, and he angled his body so each thrust pushed against that sensitive point between her thighs.

She writhed against him, her movements frantic, and he increased his speed until he was slamming into her, each lunge taking them nearer and nearer. He gritted his teeth, his whole body straining for release, until at last, she spasmed around him, and a moment later, he exploded. The sensation went on forever, raging through his body like fire until he collapsed, drained, to lie against her listening to the rapid thud of his heart.

Sometime later, Shayla stirred against him. “I can’t breathe, Tallon.”

He put his hands beneath her bottom and rolled until he lay on his back with her sprawled on top of him, and his cock still firmly wedged between her thighs.

“Better?” he asked.

She nodded, wriggling against him. Her thighs settled on either side of his lean hips, he pulled her snug against him, and his cock stirred to life. She rose up on her elbows then wriggled again.

“You’re a fast learner,” she murmured gazing into his eyes, “but there’s still a lot more to be taught.” And she slowly started to move on him.

BOOK: Chosen
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