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Authors: Louisa Bacio

Christian Mingle (3 page)

BOOK: Christian Mingle
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“No, I don't think so,” he said. “You see, even with my low moral standards—as you would see them—you're still attached. I'd rather not get physical with a woman who'll regret it. If you were separated, that would be a whole different story.”

His admission made her open her eyes. “What? You don't want me?”

“Oh, I do.” He gripped his cock, stroking it out long and hard and teasing the fuck out of her. “But, I don't want you to regret any of your actions here.”

Despite best intensions, it was getting harder and harder to concentrate on his words. They were sprouting forth from his mouth but the physical component of their interaction took over her brain capacity. A fiery ball built from her loins, coiling in her stomach, ready to break at any moment. All she needed was one direct touch to send her over the edge into a heightened pleasure, she knew she'd never experienced before. This sensation was what was missing from her life. So many people seemed to have known it, except for her.

A burning flush crept up her chest and neck, and continued to crawl up her face.

“I'll be right back,” Drew said. He brought out a thick red dick from the box of sin. Of course it would be red. What other color did she expect?
Like the devil's cock.
“While I won't fuck you, I'm pretty sure you'll get a fair amount of pleasure out of this baby.”

Making a show out of it, he dripped lube all over the device. She licked her lips, and when he held it up in front of her, one eyebrow cocked, she nodded. She'd take it. She'd take it all.

“Spread them wide for me,” he said, moving the dildo between her thighs.

She was more than willing to comply. As he pushed the head between her lips, a moment of panic took over. It was so much bigger than her husband's member. Maybe she should ask for something smaller.

Fuck that. Do you think Mr. Druger asks his woman for a less tight pussy? Hell no. The tighter, the better for him. Well, then, the bigger, the better for her.

“I'm ready,” she said, closing her eyes.

“Oh no, baby. Open wide, your legs and your eyes. You're going to see this coming, as you come.”

His words and tone turned her on even more. Pleasure rested in his hands. Well, and a few extracurricular toys. With sureness, he moved to her side, rubbing the oversized dildo against her nether lips, pressing hard against her clit.

“If you shut your eyes, I'll stop.”

The tip entered her, stretching for position. She dragged in a deep breath, and he pushed further. Inch by inch, until all that was left outside was the red handle he held.

Then the fucking began. The pseudo-cock pumped in and out of her, building up. She wanted to close her lids to concentrate on the feeling of being filled, but she fought against the urge.

“Imagine me taking you,” Drew said, “my cock bringing all sorts of pleasure. Show me how good it feels. Show me how much you want it.”

A beeping sound indicated that he'd upped the speed on the vibrator, and everything tingled. At the moment she thought she'd climax, he stopped the device. Damn frustrating man possessed too much patience. She wanted to finish it, wanted to come.

“What did you do that for?”

“Don't you know, the longer you wait, the better it will be?”

No she didn't. At home, she received a wham-bam-no-thank-you-ma'am. Getting physical was for the sake of procreation, at least in the household. Outside, she now guessed anything went.

Trying to keep from either panting or begging, she worried her lower lip, and pleaded with her eyes.

“Oh, stop looking at me like that. Here you go.”

After so much stimulation, she didn't think it would take long. She hovered, ready to fall, ready to break apart in a million pieces. The roller coaster had reached the peak, and the car was about to tumble. The waves built to a crescendo, about to crash on the shore. Every cliché to explain coming, she waited.

The muscles in her abdomen tightened and she flexed her hands, wishing to be able to touch him. Right now, at this moment, it didn't matter if he wasn't her husband. Hell, it was better he wasn't. She hated that bastard. She'd show him.

At that point, the mental moment of setting free, and granting her permission, the physical stimulation trumped, shoving into an abyss of pleasure. Shockwaves traveled through her body, and she clenched her teeth.

“Oh my….,” she exclaimed. “That feels so fucking good.”

As the tremors passed, she closed her eyes, losing awareness in the physical body and projecting to a higher, spiritual level.

Absentmindedly, she knew that Drew removed the dildo and plug, wiping her clean. He unbound her wrists, rubbing lotion on the tender skin. The gentlest kiss he laid upon her neck. He pulled a warm blanket over her body.

“When you're really ready, come back to me,” he whispered.

The lights shut off and a soft click of the door sounded.

She was looking forward to what else the weekend at Sex U. would offer, and she now knew that when she returned home, she needed to make some changes. And she wondered if Ms. Lucy sold those toys?



Chapter Four


The next day, Ms. Lucy greeted Jody with a customized leather flogger with wide tails. Jody fought the urge to hide her hands behind her back, and refuse the torture device.

“I have no idea why you think I'd want to touch that,” she said.

“Really? Would you rather me give you a choice? Do you want to feel it on your bare ass, or learn how to use it to give someone else pleasure and discipline?” She raised her eyebrow, while swishing the ends in the air.

Given those choices, Jody didn't really have a decision. No way did she want to be on the other end of the kissing leather. “Tell me what you'd like me to do.”

“Smart choice,” Lucy said. “Ultimately, my goal is to give you a variety of tactics to handle day-to-day life. Ideally, I'd like you to leave that lying, cheating hypocrite you married, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.”

Deep down, Jody knew the option hung over her head. In the media, and on blogs, people questioned how she could stay with him after everything that had happened. The network had even asked her to do a special show where she talked about her side of the story. She wasn't ready—yet. She doubted him, herself and their relationship. But until they had time to attempt to work through the issues, she wasn't willing to make that call.

“You're probably right.”

“I usually am. Instead, I'd like to offer you some ways of dealing with him. Let's think of them as incentives to curb his bad behavior.”

“Or punish what he's always done,” she murmured.

“That too.”

Lucy held out the leather instrument. It was obvious she wanted Jody to take it.

“This is a flogger. It's one of the more entry-level instruments of power play. The wider tails—these long strips at the end—make the strikes less intense. Don't get me wrong. The person on the other end will feel them, but less so than a crop or a whip.”

In her fingers, the leather felt soft and flexible. She imagined it kissing the flesh of her husband. With this baby, she could curtail any future bad behavior.

“Ready to practice?”

“Let's go.” She swung the device for good measure, and Lucy stepped back, before grabbing the end.

“First, let's talk safety. You want to be able to control the strikes. Think of it as an extension of yourself, your arm. When you strike, be mindful of the sensitive areas of the body where you may do harm. You don't want to hit near any internal organs not covered by bone. Watch the kidneys, genitals, the face, and even the breasts.”

“No genitals, no breasts? You take away all the fun.”

Lucy stepped closer, putting her face directly in Judy's. “It's not a joke. You don't want to hurt someone. The session may truly be about discipline and you don't want to provide pleasure. But the key is to remain in control. Do you understand?”

Quickly, her own brief training bounced back. “Yes, Ms. Lucy.”

“Good.” Lucy nodded her head, and then walked toward the bedroom. “Let's practice on a pillow first.”

“A pillow?”

“You're not going to hurt a pillow, and you need to get a feel for the swing of that thing.”

In the room, Lucy laid out three pillows in the shape of a human body. “Remember what I said about those sensitive areas. The safest place, of course, is the ass with its nice layer of fat. Now feel the rhythm, and sway the flogger back and forth, turning at your wrist.”

With precision, Jody swung in a figure eight, back and forth, getting a feel for the instrument. Finally, she moved her aim downward, where the ass of the subject would be and a satisfying thump-thump rang out.

“That's it,” Lucy encouraged. “You also want to discover how hard or how soft you want the strikes. Usually, you start off soft, warming the subject up, and then you can move to harder ones. For you, I'd suggest staying light. Even the softest of strikes feel strong after repeated applications. It's even like when someone rubs your arm affectionately in the same spot, over and over. After a while, the sensation builds up and can become uncomfortable.”

She knew exactly what the other woman was talking about. While watching television, her husband liked to do exactly that. Absentmindedly, rubbing the back of her neck until it ached and she wanted to yell out of frustration.

In her mind's eye, she pictured the subject's ass, and she wound up and
. For each rotation of her wrist, she went from one side—cheek—to the other.
. Easily, she imagined the husband in a subservient position, paying for the pain and embarrassment he'd brought to the family and her.

After a few minutes, Ms. Lucy stopped her. “Impressive. You seem to have caught on well.”

Jody needed to catch her breath a few moments before responding with more than a smile. “Got it. What next?”

“We bring in a willing subject and try it out on a live volunteer,” the head mistress said. “The question is, male or female.”

“Oh male definitely, and can I make a request?”

“Of course, but first a little lesson for you. Before you use this tool on someone else, you need to know what it feels like.”

That wasn't part of the plan. Jody mentally back-peddled. She thought the idea was to train to use it on another subject. “Are you sure that's necessary?”

“Don't worry. I don't plan to be rough. Now, skirt up and over the side of the couch.”

Grumbling under her breath, Jody leaned over the rounded armrest. A cool breeze caressed the backs of her thighs. Ms. Lucy didn't say anything about removing her underwear, so this time she left them on.

“If this wasn't a simple demonstration, you'd be trying my patience,” she said. “You should know better already. Off.” A swirl of sensation tapered down her back, a kissing of the flogger's leather tails.

She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her undies and slipped them off.

“Now if I wanted to be particularly dominant, I'd stuff those in your mouth as a reminder,” Lucy said. “But I'm being nice. We're in a different environment here, a sex school. But in any other instance, you need to set rules. Some like to use the colors of a stoplight, which should be obvious. Green equals keep going, yellow is cautionary to continue on but not to increase, and red means to stop.”

“Self-evident,” Jody said, anticipating the next move. “And safe words.”

“Yes, that's the other precaution. Do you have a safe word you'd prefer?”

All the Biblical terms that came to mind right away, she pushed aside. It seemed blasphemous to use the Lord's terminology in the bedroom, or sex chamber or playroom.

“How about apocalypse?” Because that's how she was feeling.

Soft and supple, the leather flowed over her tender skin like a lover's touch. Ms. Lucy trailed it over each cheek. “It's a dance,” she said, “of wills and determination. You want the subject to feel comfortable and on edge.”

. She brought the flogger down with the gentlest stroke.

Flicker. Flicker.

“Remember that even softly, over time, the feeling intensifies.”

Flicker. Flicker.

Right when she'd gotten used to the pace, Lucy increased it. Jody flinched, and her sex pulsed with need. Oh, she liked this interaction.



“Yes. It can give pleasure, and it can give pain. You can have your subject walk away aroused with barely a mark, or you can leave bruises. You need to both set the boundaries.”

“Got it.” She reached back, rubbing her smarting booty. “Now how about that willing subject?”

A certain blond pretty boy came to mind. He seemed so calm and collected, Jody wanted to know what he looked like with his perfect hair mussed up.



Chapter Five


“What am I doing here?” Blaine asked, after being invited to Ms. Lucy's special chamber, reserved for physical interludes such as this one, he'd grown antsy, shuffling from foot to foot. “Is this part of the job description, and is there a reason why I keep getting volunteered to participate and my brother left alone?”

“All things are not always equal between twins,” Lucy said. “For some reason, you've attracted the attention.”

“Maybe we need to switch off and he can work in the front for a bit,” Blaine pouted.

“Or you could always send your brother in your place and we'd probably never know the difference,” Lucy said.

The young man opened his mouth, tilted his head and kept quiet.
Yeah, he'd probably never thought of that trick.
Jody watched the proceedings, more than ready to begin.

BOOK: Christian Mingle
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