Christmas Babies (15 page)

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Authors: Mona Risk

BOOK: Christmas Babies
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She opened her eyes, stared at
him, and shifted her gaze to the babies. Her lips curled down.

“What happened?”

“Louisa came. She found an
adoptive family for our babies.”

A knife speared him. He loved
those little dolls. “So soon?” That explained Madelyn’s gloom.

“They want to take them on
February 1st. How can I let them go?”

As if she had a choice. They
always knew the foster parenting was only a temporary situation. Like her he’d
thought, it would last three months and they’d have more time to ponder their
feelings and make different arrangements.

He couldn’t reassure her with
platitudes. But he had to do something to alleviate her stress. “Let’s go
downstairs and picnic on the beach patio. Your mother left us plenty of food
and the weather is gorgeous. We’ll discuss our options.” He held a hand to help
her up. “I’m going to change and be right back.”

“How come you’re in scrubs?”

“Sandra and I called you several
times. I got worried and came as soon as I was out of the OR.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t pay
attention to the phone.”

“You were crying?”

She pinched her lips and averted
her eyes.

“I’m hungry,” he said to distract
her. “Can you warm us some cannelloni and turkey, please? Don’t forget the
fudge brownies and

She smiled and nodded. Relieved
that he’d cracked through her dejection, he rolled the stroller inside.

Fifteen minutes later, he
returned to her apartment in swim trunks. She had changed into a sundress. The
see-through material gave him a glimpse of her bikini clad form. He swallowed.

Could he take her in his arms and
kiss her? Would it appease or distress her?

“The food is ready. Even the
babies’ bottles. I changed them. How are we going to carry all that?” Her brisk
tone warned him she was upset and hurt.

He put a lid on his lusty
thoughts and promised himself he’d find a way to soothe her. “I brought a
cart.” He stacked the boxes of food, basket of fruit, paper plates, plastic
cutlery, and bottles.

On the beach patio, only one
table was occupied. He chose a table at the opposite end, with enough shade
provided by a large umbrella. No one swam today in the cold ocean and a few
snowbirds ambled along the shore. Good, they’d have the beach practically to

Madelyn spread a plastic table
cloth and he set their meal. Happy to be in diapers and shirts, the babies
smiled and kicked their naked legs. Nick chuckled at their antics. Madelyn bit
her lip and lowered her head. It should have been a lovely time.

But it wasn’t.

They ate in silence while he thoroughly
rehearsed the right words to tell her. Wanting no interruption when he’d talk
to her, he fed the twins and made sure they slept comfortably, well protected
from the sun by a blanket attached to the stroller canopy.

He spread a beach towel on the
sand and took off his t-shirt. He caught her gaze skimming his chest and
suppressed a smug smile.

She slid off her dress.

Not fair.
on the towel, he inhaled and stared. “Why have you been hiding all these

A furious blush covered her
cheeks. “Lusty thoughts won’t get you far.”

He chuckled. “No, but you should
come and sit here.” He patted the towel.

She sauntered to the sand and
dropped next to him. His fingers itched to touch and caress. He kept them occupied
and played with shells for a moment.

The hell with shells. His arm extended
behind her back.

“Madelyn, darling, I can’t stand
to see you sad.” He lowered her down and brushed his lips over her cheeks and

“I can’t help it. I’ve tried to
think rationally. It’s not working.” Dark shadows dimmed the usual liveliness
of her green gaze.

“What do you exactly want?”

“How can you ask that?”
Indignant, she raised her head, but he pushed her back gently. “You know I
can’t have children. Either because of the side effect of my medicine or
because I’m single. If I can’t keep Celia and Liana, I’ll go to Africa, to a
faraway place where sick babies will need me. And I will try to forget the past.”

He sobered. “Forget about me,

“Don’t torture me, Nick,” she whimpered.

He heaved a deep sigh. “Do you
really want to adopt the babies?”

“Yes, if they only let me. I love
them so much. The couple who’s going to adopt them reminds me of your parents.
They’ve lined up two nannies to take care of them. The prospective mother
doesn’t want to spoil her figure with a pregnancy.” His usually cool Madelyn
hit her flat belly in disgust. “Like you when you were small, Celia and Liana
won’t be happy with selfish parents.”

“What if another couple comes along—a
loving selfless man and woman whom we can trust to give the twins the TLC they
need? Would it make a difference for you?”

She frowned and sat.

He scrutinized her face to read
her feelings. “I can talk to the CPS director and explain that this adoption was
too rushed. Suggest the circumstances might not be ideal. They may find some
other couples on their list.”

“You could do that?” Her voice
chimed with hope.

“It’s a risk, because the CPS may
not find other adoptive parents who would take both babies.”

“Oh.” Deep in her thoughts, she
wrinkled the corner of the towel.

“What about us, Madelyn?”

“Us?” She opened wide eyes,
simmering with confusion.

“You’re too important to me. I
don’t want to lose you.” He cupped her cheeks.

“Nick, are you saying that...
that...” She looked at him, hope and longing in her eyes, waiting for more.

“The babies are precious, but you,
Madelyn, you’ve become part of my life. I love you, darling.”

“Oh Nick, I love you too. But
what about your
no marriage, no commitment

“You said as much. We were both
fools. I changed my mind. I’m committed to you now. Will you marry me?”

“Nick, I can’t give you children.
It wouldn’t be fair.”

“Just say yes.”

“I can’t cheat you of having your
own kids.”

“Let me be the judge of that. There
are many solutions to each problem. You can stop working for six months while
you go off the medicine. Or you can have surgery. Or we can adopt. I love you,

She smiled, tears wetting her
eyes. “I love you too.”

“Say yes.”

“Yes, Nick, I will marry you.”

“I’ve been in love with you for
the last five years. I had to hide my feelings because you didn’t seem

“I was attracted to you, but I
was afraid any relationship would interfere with my career. Now I know better.”

He gathered her in his arms for a
long tender kiss that soon set the beach on fire. Even the babies felt the heat
and screamed.

Madelyn pulled away. “What about
Celia and Liana? I love them too much, Nick. I can’t let them go. Even to a
suitable couple.”

“Then we will fight to keep them.”

“What do you mean? How?”

“I’ll pull some strings. I know
friends of my father who can stop this rushed adoption. Trust me, I’ll do my
best for them.”

“I knew you could help. I even
thought of seducing you to get you to marry me and help the babies.”

“Don’t waste time, darling.” He
offered her a big grin. “Seduce me right away.” He claimed her lips while the
babies yelled at the top of their little lungs.


“Merry Christmas, sweetheart. Did
you finally have a chance to sleep?” Nick’s husky words ended in a big yawn at
the other end of the line.

“You bet. Even Santa Claus
himself wouldn’t have been able to wake me up.” Christmas Eve had been the
busiest night of the month at the Women’s Clinic with two emergencies and too
many deliveries. “Actually I woke up a moment ago around four o’clock.” Madelyn
rubbed her forehead to soothe her terrible headache. What a bummer. To spend
Christmas Day asleep.

She’d brought the twins to the
clinic and let them spend the night in her call-room with their new babysitter
Vicky. At least, Madelyn had been able to check on them between deliveries.

“I’m taking a rain check on our
private Christmas dinner.” Nick’s plans to meet in the cafeteria for a
tête-à-tête on Christmas Eve never materialized as doctors and nurses kept
rushing from one OR to the other. “This week is going to be crazy with too many
staff on vacation.”

“Good thing I have Vicky to
babysit. She’s off school for the holiday and has offered to camp in the
babies’ room for the whole week. I can hear them now. Must go. Bye.”

As expected the next few days
continued to be hectic at the hospital as if every pregnant woman had decided
to deliver a Christmas baby. Between Vicky and Nancy Howard the twins were well
taken care of while Madelyn worked in the OR.

Four days later, Vicky left for
the weekend. Nick said he’d like to come for dinner. The freezer still abounded
with delicious treats, compliments of Mom.

After living in scrubs twenty-four
seven for several days, Madelyn welcomed the opportunity to dress up and wore the
white mini dress she’d never touched again after Nick’s promotion. Once ready
she pampered the twins.

Nick arrived on time. A sight to
behold, in navy pants and light blue striped shirt that matched his eyes. He
took her breath away. She came straight to him and hooked her hands around his

“That’s the type of greeting I
love. Missed you, darling.” He proved it well-enough with a scorching kiss. She,
too, had missed him. At the hospital, they had to behave professionally and
concentrate on their patients. Drat, they hadn’t been able to exchange a single
kiss or hug, or even hold hands for so many days.

“How are my little dolls?” he
said when he finally released her. He took both babies in his arms and cooed to
them. “Daddy missed you too, pumpkins.”

Madelyn’s heart skipped a beat.

So far, he’d called himself Uncle
Nick around the twins. She shook herself out of bemusement and brought the pan
of roast and potato on the table.

“Let’s eat because I have news
for you,” Nick announced.

Immediately anxious, she frowned.

“Good news,” he specified with a
smile and savored his bite. “In spite of being so busy in OR, I haven’t been
idle about our business.”

“And?” Her eyebrows arched,
urging him to continue.

“Your mom is an amazing cook.
This meat melts in the mouth.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her. Now finish
eating and tell me more.”

He chuckled and helped himself to
a glass of wine.

She knew he enjoyed teasing her,
and tapped the table with nervous fingers. “Nick, go on.”

“I called Dad. He knows so many
people and he’s quite knowledgeable about the secret ropes in adoption. He gave
me a few names. I contacted the regional CPS director and explained my
professional concern about the rushed adoption of the
Willis twins

He squeezed her hand. “Sorry, I
know you hate that name, but that’s how our babies are registered in their
system. He got back to me yesterday and said the couple was still arguing about
some details. Apparently the woman doesn’t want two babies. One is more than
enough, but her husband wants both.”

“Oh my God, is this the type of
mother who’ll take care of Liana and Celia?”

“I explained that the babies were
in a foster home with a reliable pediatrician I can vouch for and that there
was no need to rush through the adoption. They can wait until the right couple
comes along.”

“Two hours later he called to
tell me the couple has dropped their request for the twins. The husband wants a
little boy he can relate to. A toddler. So Celia and Liana are staying here
until March as decided previously.”

“That’s so wonderful, Nick.” She
sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her and eased her off.

“I like having you on my lap, but
I have to bring the champagne.”

Keeping the girls was worth
celebrating, but Nick winked. “We’re not getting married every day.”

“Come again?” He wasn’t making

He brought a bottle of champagne,
popped the cork out, and poured the bubbling liquid in two flutes. She watched
him silently. What was he getting at?

“Madelyn, I didn’t do it right
last week.”

“Do right what?”

He took her hand in his and
captured her gaze. “I love you. Will you marry me?” His eyes scorched with
their blue fire.

“Yes, I will marry you, Nick. I
love you, too.”

He shoved his hand in his pocket
and brought a little velvet bag. He extracted a magnificent ring and slid it on
her finger.

She stared at the big diamond
surrounded with baguettes. “Oh my God, this is gorgeous.”

“Dad gave it to Mom when they
adopted me.”

“Anne Lee Meyer’s ring. No wonder
it’s so big.”

“It’s my ring to give now. Madelyn,
would you marry me anytime?

“Of course, I would marry you

“Good. Because I contacted the
hospital chaplain and told him we wanted a small private wedding as soon as
possible. We’re getting married tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Are you crazy?”

“You said you’d marry me

“Yes, but—”

“No buts. We need to have an
official marriage with legal papers as soon as possible so that we can apply
for adoption.”

“Oh. Adoption. Marriage. Oh God.”
Her head spun. So much good news at once.

Nick thought of everything and
organized at full speed. Even when they were focused on their patients day and
night. All week he hadn’t uttered a word about his previous proposal. For a few
crazy moments, she’d wondered if he’d forgotten about it and the pre-Christmas

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