Chrome and Hot Women: Wayward Angels: Book-1 (5 page)

BOOK: Chrome and Hot Women: Wayward Angels: Book-1
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"Oops. It sounds like you were a bad girl."

"I was. I confess. I've kinda changed my ways now."

Shannon was hoping she would get to find out just what a bad girl Cece Myers could be. As a matter of fact, she was counting on it. Between the beer and the pot, she was getting rather horny. Shannon couldn't stand the sexual tension building between them a second longer.
Oh, hell, here goes!
She leaned toward Cece, placing both hands on either side of her face and kissed her. "I've been wanting to do that all night," she breathed, "I can't take it a second longer."

Cece put her hand on the back of Shannon's neck, pulling her toward her. Their lips met again, as Cece's tongue found its way between Shannon's teeth. Their tongues danced together like a pair of hot, flickering flames. Shannon felt a deep desire and longing building up inside of her, unlike anything she had ever felt before. She thought she would faint from pure ecstasy. They kissed again and again. Shannon couldn't get her fill of those sensuous lips.

Cece's lips were on her neck, as she threw her head back and moaned. She had never felt such ripples of delight before. This is where she had always longed to be, in the arms of another woman. This was who she was. There was no going back now.

Cece caressed her arm, lifting her fingers toward her lips. She kissed her hand, tenderly, lovingly. She looked up at her, kissing the tip of her middle finger, then running her tongue around it, she took Shannon's finger in her mouth and started sucking it in and out. Everything Cece was doing was sending bolts of electricity straight to her clit. She felt like she could come any second.

"You are not sleeping on the couch tonight, lady," she told Cece in no uncertain terms.

"You don't think I should?"

"Hell, no."

Shannon stood up off the sofa and grabbed Cece's hand, drawing her toward her. She put her arms around Cece's waist, pulling her into her. The two embraced, continuing their passionate kissing.

She felt Cece slip her hands down the waistband of her jeans, as she began rubbing her ass cheeks. "Oh, fuck," she moaned. "You're coming upstairs we me-now, woman!"

Shannon took her by the hand, leading her upstairs and toward her bedroom. Her heart was beating harder, she was feeling a bit nervous. She hoped she would be able to satisfy Cece Myers sexually. Cece was so much more experienced than she was. Sure, she had read all the best lesbian sex books, but...

Standing in Shannon's bedroom, they kissed again. Cece lifted Shannon's t-shirt above her head, pulling it up gently over her head. Shannon didn't resist. She didn't want to. She took her t-shirt and tossed it haphazardly onto her easy chair.

"You're beautiful," Cece said, stepping back to admire the vision standing in front of her. She caressed Shannon's sides with her hands. "Your skin is as soft and smooth as satin."

"You keep flattering me like that, who knows how far it will take you," Shannon grinned, biting her lower lip.

"Then maybe I should keep talking."

"Shhh," Shannon whispered, placing her index finger across Cece's moist lips. She proceeded to lift Cece's shirt up over her head, exposing her breasts. Shannon licked her lips.

"Turn around," Cece said.

Shannon turned her back toward Cece. She undid the three hooks on Shannon's bra then slipped the straps down over her shoulders, slowly, letting it fall to the floor. Cece pressed her breasts against Shannon's back, which caused her breathing to pick up. They felt so damned good and warm against her skin.

Cece put her arms around Shannon and cupped her breasts. Cece began tweaking her nipples lightly with her fingers, which caused Shannon to gasp. "God, that feels good." Cece rubbed her own tits around on Shannon's back, pressing them into her. Shannon could hardly wait to get her in bed.

Cece turned her gently around. Placing both hands on the side of Shannon's face, she kissed her deeply, sensuously. She hugged her and Shannon felt the exquisite sensation that only two women can feel as their breasts made contact. Cece ran her tongue, slowly, purposefully, down Shannon's neck and down her breast, letting her tongue make teasing contact with her now rock-hard nipple. Her tongue playfully made circles around her nipple, moving from one breast to the other. She could feel her knees almost buckle at the sensation swirling within her.

Cece cupped her hand under one of her breasts, gently lifting it toward her mouth. She began gently sucking her nipple, still letting her tongue roll around in circles around her now puckered areola. "Mmmm," Shannon moaned with pleasure.

Cece's fingers found the brass button on her jeans. She undid it, then slid the zipper slowly down. Reaching her hand inside, she gently rubbed Shannon's mound through her panties. "Ooh," Shannon cried out as she rubbed the area surrounding her extremely sensitive clit. "That feels so damned good."

She heard Cece chuckle. She was obviously enjoying her reaction to the foreplay. Cece undid the metal button on Shannon's jeans. Shannon kicked her shoes off. Then she pulled her own jeans and her socks the rest of the way off. Cece looked at her, licking her lips. Cece sat on the edge of the bed and slipped off her boots. She undid her belt and unsnapped her jeans. Shannon grabbed the legs and pulled them off of her, tossing the jeans to the floor.

Cece pulled Shannon down on the bed on top of her. They kissed passionately, their tongues doing battle. "Damn you're hot!" Cece told her with great admiration.

"You're no cold bowl of soup yourself, woman."

It felt so good lying naked there in bed with Cece. She just wanted to lay there and absorb the feeling for awhile.

Cece rolled Shannon over so she was laying partially on top of her. "Let me look at you," she said with admiration. She gave her a quick kiss and started massaging her left breast. She lifted it, tonguing her nipple. Shannon arched her back and moaned, pulling Cece's mouth into her breast.

"Damn, that feels so good," Shannon breathed. "I never realized how good this could feel."

Not wanting the other breast to feel left out, Cece traced her tongue around the areola of Shannon's other breast, causing her to gasp. She moaned as Cece rubbed her thigh across her eager pussy, getting her more aroused. "Oh, fuck," she moaned.

"Like that?" Cece snickered.

"Yeah." Shannon's breathing was intensifying. She could feel her heart quicken with every rocking movement of Cece's leg against her quivering snatch.

Cece squeezed Shannon's breasts as her tongue traced a path lower down the length  of the woman's abdomen. Her tongue ignited every sexual fiber within her. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm gathering deep within her.
Shit! She hasn't even touched my pussy with her hand or tongue and I'm almost ready to launch into an orgasmic event!

Cece rubbed her abdomen with her hand, moving it lower, traveling down her sides and thighs. Her touch was almost enough to send Shannon over the moon and out of the galaxy. She never knew it could be so good with a woman. She always wondered how it would be, but no amount of imagination could have prepared her for the real deal!

Cece cupped her hands underneath Shannon's butt cheeks and gave them a squeeze. Shannon moaned with delight. Cece began kissing her on top of her mound. Shannon bit down on her lower lip. The thought of those kisses right in the heart of her waiting pussy was almost too much to think about. Then Cece began rubbing the inside of her thigh with one hand, She teased her opening with one of her fingers. She slowly slipped it inside her waiting vagina. Shannon cried out with delight, grabbing the bedsheets.

"Somebody's a little wet," Cece said.

"I'm fucking horny, woman."

Cece worked her finger in and out of Shannon's dripping pussy, then inserted a second one. Shannon was bucking her hips in rhythm to Cece's fingers.

"You are horny," Cece said.

"I've been wanting this for so long. I need you so bad."

Cece began tonguing her clit tenderly. She kissed it and tongued it, sending pulses of unparalleled pleasure coursing through her. "Mmm," she moaned. "It feels so good." She never realized something could feel so damned good. She never wanted it to end. All was right in her world at last.

Cece put her face between Shannon's legs. Placing both hands underneath her, she lifted her ass slightly upward. She traced her tongue downward and tongued the inside of Shannon's hot, wet pussy. Shannon reached down and pulled her head in deeper. The whole thing was driving her wild! Cece's thumb played with her now swollen clit. Shannon had never had such a sensation run through her before. It was like her entire body was one huge sex organ. Then Cece started tonguing it again. Shannon cried out. She just couldn't hold back another second.

"I'm coming! Ahh, ahh! Oh, baby!" She felt wave after wave of pure bliss crash through her. She felt like she could pass out from pleasure. Cece kept licking until Shannon was totally spent.

Shannon sunk back into her pillow, breathing hard. "Oh, God, that was so good. That was so damned good! What the fuck was that?" Shannon chuckled, "Wow! Fucking wow!"

Cece kissed her on the tummy moving upward to kiss her full on the lips. "You liked that, huh?"

"Liked it hell, I loved it!"

The two of them embraced and kissed again and again.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself," Cece said.

"I enjoyed the hell out of it, woman. Now what can I do for you?" Shannon bit her lower lip and chuckled. She slapped Cece on the ass.

"Well let's see...Why don't you surprise me?"

Shannon kissed her deeply, rolling Cece over on her back. She started sucking on her breasts, delighting in the first-time sensation of having another woman's nipple in her mouth. It was wonderful! Judging by Cece's reaction, she was enjoying it too.

She kissed her some more, letting her hand move over her smooth, well-toned body. Cece's skin felt so silky-smooth as she ran her fingertips over it. She moved her thigh gently back and forth across Cece's pubic mound, causing a small moan to emanate from deep within her. Sex manuals were fine and all, but she did hope she was doing the right thing. She didn't want to come off like a rank amateur, although she was-with women anyway.

She continued caressing Cece's soft, supple skin, working her way downward, ever downward. She let her fingers glide gently over her soft pubic hair. Cece moaned, obviously enjoying every move she made so far. She began gently rubbing her finger across Cece's clit, causing her lover to moan and writhe.

"That feels good, Shannon. Just add a little more pressure."

Shannon did as she was instructed. "Is that better?"

"Oh, yeah. Perfect baby. Just like that."

Shannon continued to manipulate her clit awhile longer, running her tongue downward toward the other woman's moist pussy. Contact! Her tongue found Cece's sensitive clit, causing her to arch her hips upward. Shannon could hear her breathing intensify. Judging by Cece's reaction, she knew she'd found the right spot. There was no longer any doubt in her mind that she could bring pleasure to another woman. She felt damned pleased with herself at that moment. All self doubt had just vanished.

She lifted Cece's legs over her back as she buried her face in Cece's wet pussy. She continued flicking her tongue across the other woman's clit, driving her wild with ecstasy. Cece grabbed Shannon by the back of her head, pulling her in harder.

"I'm coming baby. I can't hold back!" Cece cried out as she climaxed.

Shannon continued until Cece's body went slack. Then she slid on top of her, kissing her deeply. She laid her head between her breasts, listening to her rapid heartbeat.

"Damn, woman!" Cece breathed hard. "You really know how to please a lady. Whew!"

"Glad you think so. This is my first time, you know."

"I know. You're good, baby. You're good," Cece smiled.

"I'm sure there's so much more you can show me."

"Ya think?"

"Oh, yeah. And I expect you to."

"You do, do you?"

"Uh, huh."

They spent that night in each other's arms. There would be no more sleeping on Shannon's couch for Cece Myers.

Thou Shalt Not Commit...


Kim Hall had phoned Ryan Savage at the number he had listed on his business card. The two of them had agreed to meet at a discreet location in Denver. Ryan didn't think it was wise for him to be seen out to dinner with a woman other than his wife. They agreed to meet at a small cafe in a part of the city where he was sure his well-to-do clients would never spot him. It wouldn't have been wise to give these right wing political donors the wrong idea.

Kim arrived first. She didn't want Ryan to have to wait for her. He didn't strike her as the patient type. But damn she found him attractive! He oozed charisma and she had been drawn in from the start. She wanted to help him on his quest to rid the Earth of the homosexual scourge. She spotted his SUV as it pulled into the parking lot. She waved. He nodded his head once to acknowledge her existance.

"It starts right here in your own community, Kim," he explained to her. "If we are to win this war, you've got to take a stand right here in Denver. Just know that you're not alone in wanting to rid society of these perverse people."

She sat there and nodded her head, soaking in everything he said like a sponge. She believed him. She was determined to be onboard with his agenda. She had to do something, but what?

"Is there a more private place we can discuss this?" Ryan asked her. "There's too many ears around here."

She thought Ryan seemed somewhat paranoid.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry, maybe I should have found a less crowded place."

Ryan remained mute.

"How about my place. You can follow me."

"Sounds better," he said.

Ryan left a twenty on the table, along with the receipt. The two of them left the cafe. Kim put her helmet on and mounted her Honda Shadow. She released the kickstand and started it up.

Ryan followed her back to her apartment. He told her to go in first, as he didn't want to be seen entering an apartment with a woman.

Kim went in first and waited. They talked for quite some time. Then one thing led to another and they ended up in bed together. This wouldn't be the last time it would happen.

Kim became Ryan's outlet for his frustrations. He told her that his wife was strictly a
, missionary position woman in bed and he needed more. He justified it by saying men did it all the time in the
Old Testament
of the Bible.

Kim was able to rationalize it in her own mind as well. Those old men in the Bible were still looked up to. The people of that time must have been okay with it all. She didn't mind getting pounded by Ryan Savage and doing things most women wouldn't. She had found him sexy since day one. There was something about the guy that got her juices flowing.

He never spent the night, as he always had to go home to his wife. As much as she would have enjoyed cuddling with the man, Ryan Savage was not the cuddling type. In fact he didn't want to look at her much when they had sex together. You couldn't call it making love by any stretch. It was raw, animalistic sex. Come to think of it, he had only kissed her once and that was when he had seduced her the first time. She didn't mind too much though, she was getting laid and he seemed to like it that way. But still...

She thought the man was a bit of a prophet himself and she admired him for trying to hold back the tide of change that was sweeping the nation over same-sex marriage.

The next time the two of them got together, they discussed how disappointed and turned off she was about Wayward Angels.

"Their name fits them," Ryan said. "Disgusting group of women. Ugh!" He shivered. "I do hope you're not doing things with them anymore."

"No. I haven't since that bitch Cece Myers, reamed me for trying to sabotage the club."

"Were you?" Ryan asked.

"Maybe just a little," Kim said, holding her thumb and forefinger apart with about a millimeter of space between them.

Ryan leaned back and laughed, "You crazy bitch. I mean that in a good way. We need to stop those dykes in their tracks."

The two of them enjoyed a collective laugh over Jack Daniel's on the rocks. Kim's apartment had become the official meeting place for the two of them. Ryan had told her it was because there was less of a chance of him getting caught there by the press or someone else he knew. His book was now a best seller in certain circles. They plotted and strategized about how to best go about stamping out
in society as a whole.

They ended up fucking as usual, although a little bit earlier than they normally did. Ryan said he had some important business to attend to.




Cece and Shannon were fast becoming a couple, it seemed. They were behaving like a couple of teenagers who had just discovered sex for the first time. Cece hadn't felt this smitten with a woman since her first lover and classmate, showed her the ropes back in high school. She couldn't believe what a crush she had on Shannon Storm. Wow! She had become her drug of choice. They were constantly calling or texting each other over breaks and lunch during work-that is, when they weren't at one or the other's house in the evening.

The two of them decided to go riding the following Sunday, one week before the next club meeting at The Lavender Light. They intended to take in some mountain twisties that day, along with a little sightseeing then grab dinner before they had to go home and get some rest before the next work day. Colorado was filled with those wonderful scenic highways, full of bends and curves. A biker's paradise! Cece was anxious to see what a racer like Shannon was made of on the road. They decided on the Lariat Loop, which ran between Golden, looping through Evergreen, then on to Morrison,  then back to Golden again, where they would connect back with Highway-93 on their way back to Boulder and Longmont, respectively.

They both rode their Sportster's, with Shannon in the lead. Riders always wanted to keep staggered space in front of them for the most part, for safety. Occasionally Cece would pull up along the side of her, then drop back two or three lengths. Both had worn their
today, black leather jackets with the
Wayward Angels
logo on the back.

Occasionally they would pass another biker, or group of bikers and would extend their left arms out at their sides in the traditional biker wave.

For brunch, they stopped in Golden and had a filling meal before they continued on with the rest of their journey. They intended to get some sightseeing in today. Shannon had brought her camera along for the occasion. They topped their gas tanks off before pulling out of Golden.

Their next stop was up to the top of Lookout Mountain Road, for a spectacular view of downtown Denver and the surrounding area.

"I always find this place so stunning," Shannon said. "I haven't been up here in quite awhile."

"You know what I find stunning?"


"You," Cece said, putting her right arm around Shannon's waist.

"You're something else, Cece Meyers. I just haven't figured out what yet."

Cece looked at her. "Just what do you mean by that crack?"

"I'll never tell." Shannon giggled.

The two women soaked in the sights awhile longer. Shannon made sure she got some great shots with her Nikon, before they rode away on the bikes. It was a beautiful, sunny day. It was like the universe had ordered it just for the two of them.

Their next stop would be Bergen Park, before going down to Evergreen for dinner. They stopped their bikes at Lake Evergreen for awhile and looked out over the tranquil water, stealing a kiss or two when they could. Cece had feelings going on inside of her that she never thought possible. Could she be falling in love with Shannon? Was it too soon to tell?

They enjoyed each other's company over a wonderful dinner that evening. Shannon had the rainbow trout and salad, while Cece opted for the hamburger deluxe.

"We really need to go camping one of these weekends," Cece said.

"Sounds great," Shannon returned, dabbing her lips with her napkin. "I love camping."

"Good. Start thinking of some places this week and then we can decide where we want to go. We can take the bikes or pack up the truck, depending on what we decide to do. Do you like to fish?"

"Oh, yeah! I used to go fly fishing with my dad when I was young. And, hey-we could always rent a couple dirt bikes for the weekend. I have a trailer."

"A fly fisherman. I'm impressed. Or is that fly fisherwoman?"

"Fly fisherwoman would probably work best," Shannon said, taking the last bite of her salad.

"Well, I suppose we'd better get going. It'll be dark as it is before we get back."

"You're right," Shannon said, taking a twenty out of her wallet. "You grab the tip and I'll pay the rest."

"You sure?"

"Sure I'm sure, or I wouldn't have offered, silly."

"Okay, but the next one's on me, woman."

Then it was time to go back to the reality of a Sunday night and work the following morning. The day had seemed much too short to Cece. Why was it that the things you loved doing went by so fast? When you were doing something you loathed, time often seemed to stand still. It just didn't seem fair.

They mounted the Harley's in the gravel parking lot, then pulled safely out onto the highway heading toward Boulder. Cece would see Shannon home before heading back to Longmont. It was getting near twilight as the sun set on the western horizon.

Cece was riding ahead of Shannon toward the center line. She observed Shannon in her side mirror. She was back about four lengths on the outside of the lane.  They were almost to Golden and the cutoff to Highway-93, when whoosh! Out of nowhere a black SUV cut over in front of Shannon. Cece watched helplessly as the black behemoth on wheels clipped Shannon's front wheel and she went careening off the right side of the road.
Oh, my God!

"Shannon!" she screamed into the darkness.







Don't Forget To Pick Up Book-2

Available March 15, 2015



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Other Books By Melanie Vance



Blueprint For Love Series



Blueprint For Love: Book-1

Hers By Design



Blueprint For Love: Book-2

Drawn By Desire

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