Chronicles of Athena Lee (4 page)

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Authors: T S Paul

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Teen & Young Adult, #Space Opera, #Science Fiction, #Lgbt, #space station, #Assassin, #Murder, #engineer, #spaceship

BOOK: Chronicles of Athena Lee
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“Uh, we don't really have anything beyond the basics here on our ships data-banks.” Carver replied.


“ Then I say we have a bit of a problem. Don't we. If you are planning to attack me, don't. This station is very well armed.”



Both of the EOH ships had moved to relative positions near my station. Sensors showed that while they weren't aiming at me they were still on alert.

I was irritated that they were still here.

“Wilson? Can you intercept any of their computer traffic? Is there any way we can see what it is those ships data-banks?”

“Miss daisy…I mean Ensign, I can try to focus some of the comms lasers in their directions, if they ask tell them its an automatic weapons lock-on system.”

“I’ve warned you before about that Daisy crap! I’ll stick you in a waste disposal drone if you don’t quit that crap!


On the EOH ships the sensor techs were freaking out.


“Sir, Sir! Were just lased. A really strong one too; both us and the Jethro Gibbs.”


“Send orders to the Gibbs, have them back up out of range of the Station. We will do the same.”


Both of the ships moved away and out of torpedo range. If I had to attack them I still had some surprises.


“Wilson did we get anything from their computers?”


“Athena, they were not expecting an intrusion of my great computing skills....”


“Cut the bullshit and tell me what you found out!”


They are telling the truth. According to what they have, our political entity ended when the battle of the Diablo Nebula did. The PPL is no more.”


“Wilson, what in the hell do we do now to fix this mess?





Chapter 11




Alpha Centauri sector, Fleet command Station



“They found WHAT in the Diablo sector?”


“There is a remnant of the PPL navy. In control of a scratch built space station, basically holding two of our ships and bay? ..AND... you think that ONE person, ONE! Did all of this?”


“Explain that too me again. One destroyer has already been destroyed?”


Angry was not something that Rear Admiral Emily Kane got. But she was royally pissed right now.


Poor judgment on the part of one of her Captains had gotten him and his crew killed. It's not often that someone can surprise an Admiral much less a whole fleet. Especially an Ensign!


“What do we know about this ensign? How did she not get picked up by the Churchill? Where do her loyalties lie? Is she an asset or a major problem? These are the answers I want on my desk NOW! Put as many people on it as possible.”


Several hours later the Admiral started to get some answers and more questions.


You could cut the tension in the meeting room with a knife. The fleet advisory board along with the investigation team and members of the intelligence command were meeting. Everyone wanted answers.

Admiral Kane called the room to attention. “OK what do we know?”

“Sir, intelligence does not believe that this is any kind of enemy action from terrorists, pirates, or subversives.”

Glaring at the Intelligence specialist the Admiral pointed at a chair and said “Sit down, we already know all of that, who let you in here anyway? Don't answer that! Records. What do we have?”


“Admiral, as we already know, Ensign Lee was reported KIA. An interview with the former Captain of the Churchill, Charles McVay, revealed that they only scanned the PPLN Tesla, they did not board her to look for survivors. If fact they did not board any of the PPL ships, only their own.”


“That is new information. How is it that we were not informed of this 15 years ago? There may have been injured or trapped survivors in those ships! Rescue ships should have been sent.”


“At the time Admiral, the war was going on, the AAN ship had orders to return home. He only picked up “enemy” survivors as a courtesy. Captain McVay also expected that their SAR ships would rescue them.”

“That fact is going to haunt me to my dying day, damn it! Just the thought of those poor men and women lost in the dark waiting for rescue.... It gives me the chills. As you know, I was a fleet commander in the PPLN at that time, not an Admiral.”









“On the question of the Ensign, we checked our records, she appears to be who she says she is. Her academy records show her to be a prodigy, at the top of her class. In fact she graduated a year early. She comes from a family with a strong military tradition. Her father is a retired ground forces Colonel She was on the “list” for early promotion, she was a rising star.”


“Well this rising star is now the Ghost in the machine. We aren't sure if we should recruit her or shoot her!” said the Admiral with a chuckle. “What else do we know?”

“Fleet engineering has analyzed the battle records of the Churchill. Judging by what ships remained and what were partially destroyed, she may be better armed than Captain Carver thinks. If she salvaged all the weapons from both fleets.... well, it won't be good. If you don't kill her, engineering wants her, badly. An engineering student who can build her own battle station could be a major asset to the fleet. “


Breathing out a heavy sigh, the Admiral looked at the rest of the board. “We need to send reinforcements to Captain Carver and someone of authority needs to go. The person we send also has to be active duty and a former PPLN officer. Someone that she might recognize. Unfortunately that someone is most likely going to be ME!”



Pointing at the research team, the Admiral said “ pick your best people and bring your research, they are coming with me.”






Chapter 12






For two days we have been sitting here staring at each other. I was starting to think that we might be here forever.


“Ensign, sensors just picked up a small fleet entering the system! A Carrier, three destroyers, two cruisers and a couple of freighters.”



Well, there goes the neighborhood. It looks like they waiting was over. I guess they decided to attack me. The newcomers joined up with the other two ships and slowly began it spread out into a defensive formation.



“Wilson, bring all weapons to full alert, including Huey, Dewie, and Lewie. Lock the station down and activate all internal defenses.”


“This is gonna suck!”





“Admiral, its good to see you.” Captain Carver was relieved that the Admiral was here.



“Captain Carver, what is the situation? Has anything changed? We got your report about Captain Buckley. I went to the academy with his father. He too was a little rambunctious. That whole family is nothing but a bunch of glory hounds.”


“If he had only followed orders. We moved out of torpedo range when talks broke down. We didn't have any real proof as to our identity, and the station scanned us pretty hard with a laser.”


“What kind of a laser? A comm laser, maybe? Did you check your systems for intrusion?” This was new information. Information was what the Admiral needed.

Red faced the Captain replied “Uh, oops? We didn't check for that. I will have our techs check into that immediately.”

Blowing out a breath the Admiral said, “I am here it to try and talk her down. We are hoping that she can be useful to us, we would rather not kill her, if we can.”

On the Station I was getting nervous. Could we take on a full fleet? I had an escape plan but I could only get so far in the runabout. I did have a bug-out location, but it was more like a hut than a base. When I built it I had not finished the base and had, had a nightmare about pirates and slavery.


“Wilson, would you please clone yourself and put it in my link. I'm thinking that if I have to run, I want you to come with me.”


“Athena, you have treated me like a person, I wish I was bigger so that I could help more. Cloning complete.”


“OK, Wilson connect me with those people over there.”


“We are receiving a transmission.” Both the Admiral and the Captain ordered for it to be put on screen at once.


“Captain Carver, I see that you have been reinforced.”





Watching on a split screen Admiral Kane watched the conversation between ensign Lee and Captain Carver. The ensign did not look afraid. In fact she was defiant, in spite of the fleet arrayed in front of her. Something about this situation pricked at her brain. Some remembered fragment of information.



Damn it! The Art of War!


“Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. ... Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected “


She needed to stop this NOW!



“Ensign Lee” remarked the Captain, “ these ships are here for support and negotiation that's all. We are not planning to attack.”


“I'm afraid that I still don't believe you, Captain. In fact...”


“Captain Carver, and Ensign Lee I must stop you right now. Ensign, please stand down. We really don't want to hurt you.” The Admiral was desperate.


Surprised at the interruption this was not part of the plan, Captain Carver was startled. “Why does the ensign need to stand down?”


“ I fear that she is about to attack, isn't that right ensign?


“Commander Kane is that you? Commander of fleet operations?”


“I was unaware that we had met ensign.”


“We didn't, you gave the commencement speech at my graduation from the Academy.”

“It's Admiral now, please hold off your attack. We really are here just to talk.”


“I took my seven breaths, Admiral. You stopped me just in time. “


“ Seven breaths Admiral, I don't understand.” Carver looked puzzled. This whole conversation didn't make a lot of sense. Was the ensign really about to attack the fleet?


Glancing at the captain on the screen. “Its from the Hagakure, the handbook of the samurai's . It states that you must make any decision within seven breaths.”

“With my presence here do you now believe that we are who we say we are, ensign. My orders are to ask you to stand down. We do have to place you under arrest, because of the loss of the Redcoat. But, it is only a formality.”

“Admiral, I really would like to go home. I don't want to be arrested though. As I see it you can't give me orders. You are not in my chain of command anymore. You may think that you hold all the cards....but you don't.” I turned toward my control panel. It was time for all the cards to come into play. Starting with my ace-in-the-hole.

“Wilson. Activate the triplets, lase those ships, and lock them into a firing solution!” Red lights began to flash in my war room. A large targeting screen opened up.




“Holy Shit!” The scan tech was to about wet his pants.



“Admiral, all ships being scanned and locked on by very powerful lasers. We have three battleship level graser batteries that just uncloaked astern of us and we are reading very powerful emissions from the station. What are you orders?” The XO was in shock. How could one woman do all of this?

The ship came to alert instantly. “Battlestations take all ships to battlestations.”


The Admiral had to stop this madness. “Do NOT fire on that station, unless fired upon first. I will court marshal any officer that fires first!”


Turing to the screen she pleaded. “Ensign, Athena... Please stand down. Please. We really don't wish to harm you. I have had requests from half the engineering staff of both the shipyards and the academy to meet and work with you. We need you talents with us not against us. I promise that no harm will come to you. You are in the navy. You know that a inquest is held when any ship is lost. I promise you, we will not put you in prison.”


Blowing out the breath that I had held. “ Admiral, alright, standing down.”


“Wilson, stand down the weapons, turn off the red alert.”






Chapter 13





I had on my Dress uniform. I know, I know. Why do I need a dress uniform when I am the only one aboard? Because I like to be pretty and play dress up? That's all I will say.



I was about to receive my first visitors. Hopefully, that incoming shuttle was not filled with armored space marines. I am still not very trusting. Wilson, was monitoring and manning the security drones and internal defenses just in case.

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