Read Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Chronicles of Eden - Act IV (65 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act IV
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After a while he finally slowed down to a stop, with Alyssa breathing heavily while still on his lap, her eyes struggling to focus as she trembled with another orgasm rolling through her. Daniel held the witch tenderly for a moment then looked to Triska as the girl watched him with a coy smile.

“And of course, I could never forget about you, Triska,” he said before he gently pulled Alyssa off of him, the witch letting out one last gasp and shaky moan as he then laid her down on the bed.

Triska leaned back on her arms while watching Daniel with a promiscuous smile, his hands then moving over to take hold of her pants and slide them down off her legs. She giggled softly then took off her shirt, her breasts bouncing a bit as she threw the clothing aside before Daniel removed her panties, tracing his hands with the lingerie down along her legs which he lifted up into the air before he gently tossed the underwear away. Triska shivered slightly with anticipation, her eyes glancing down to his erection then back to his face as she appeared so timid and docile before him, something that he found to be very arousing with her.

“Daniel,” she breathed out as he pulled her legs to his sides and slid her closer, the girl lying on her back as he held her hips with a daring smile on his face. He gently held his erection to her then tilted his head as he merely rubbed it against her clit, the girl trembling with a small gasp as her body shivered from the touch.

“Don’t tease me, please,” Triska begged.

“I’m just admiring you, Triska,” he said dearly, the girl then looking at him with pleading eyes as he watched her biting her lip slightly. “All those years you were right in front of me, and I never noticed you for the woman you are. I want to make sure I don’t miss another moment with you.”

“Daniel, I love you so much,” she said softly, her heart fluttering from his words.

“I love you, Triska,” he replied, then gently pushed into her. She promptly gripped the sheets above her head as she screamed out, feeling his member going deep inside of her and causing a wave of pleasure to roll throughout her body.

“DANIEL! I LOVE YOU, DANIEL!” she cried out as he started thrusting in and out of her, holding her by the hips and watching as she held onto the sheets with a flushed face. Her breathing increased, her breasts rocked back and forth with each movement he made, he felt her insides grabbing hold of him tightly, her legs danged above his shoulders while the steady clapping sound of his pelvis against her hips was heard over her gasps and cries of passion. The world seemed to fade away around him as he realized just how beautiful she really was, how precious she really was. Memories of when they first set out from Edgewood flashed before his eyes, all the apparent signals that she had made to show that she liked him that went by unnoticed, all the times she smiled and laughed with him during their travels, everything fueling his love for this girl that had been in love with him since they were young. It all made sense now. How she never even tried to find a boyfriend in Edgewood, how she always believed in him and even volunteered to travel with him when nobody else would, how she was always by his side ever since he could remember. She wanted to be his girlfriend, his fighter, his lover, his wife, his everything. As Triska looked to him with a loving smile while she cried out his name again and again, her lovely body rocking back and forth from him thrusting into her repeatedly, the feeling of them being joined together like this, Daniel knew that she was more important to him than he would have believed before. He loved her, everything about her, and never wanted to let her go.

“I love you, Triska,” he said before leaning down and kissing her, the girls’ arms quickly wrapping around his neck while her legs dangled about above them during their lovemaking. She felt her heart beating steadily as the one she loved so much returned those feelings and more, something that made a tear of joy creep out from her tightly shut eyes. After the kiss ended Daniel leaned back and started thrusting into her with more vigorous motions, the girl crying out in ecstasy as he watched her with a daring smile.

“And I always will,” he finished while her legs kicked about at his sides.

!” she cried out as she felt him picking up the pace, her body trembling and feeling hotter all over. Daniel watched as the girl was floating with pleasure rippling through her, her cries for him causing his love for the girl to grow even further.

‘Triska, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without your help, without you and your fighting spirit. I’m sorry I never realized how much you wanted this, but I promise to love you every day for the rest of my life to make up for it.’

Triska moaned loudly as her hands dropped down at her sides, her breasts rocking back and forth while she felt the boy she loved constantly thrusting into her. She then yelped and looked to seeing Specca holding her right arm down while sucking on her breast, then over to see Squeak holding her other arm down and licking around her other nipple.

! What are you-
!” Triska cried out as she felt the girls pleasuring her body as well. Of course Squeak’s actions were causing even more pleasure to course through her body, but that didn’t change the fact that Specca’s constant sucking on her other breast and nipple was causing her body to quiver with excitement. Triska watched the two girls holding her down and sucking on her breasts then saw Alyssa sitting up next to her head, the witch tossing her skirt off to the side while having a sultry smile on her face.

“And now, Triska, you’re all
,” Alyssa declared before she slowly straddled Triska’s face and held onto her head, with Triska letting out a surprised gasp before the witch held her pussy down onto her mouth. Daniel watched as Triska’s muffled screams and moans were heard from below Alyssa, the witch arching back with a deep sigh and closed eyes, while Specca and Squeak held Triska’s arms down and continued to stimulate the teen’s breasts.

“That’s right, I told you that you were going to get it,” Alyssa said looking down to Triska with a lustful purr, the teen’s eyes watching her wearily as she ate the witch out mostly from reflex to the situation, her mind swimming with everything that was happening to her.

“Good girl, good…
,” Alyssa moaned before she shut her eyes and felt her hips quivering, her breathing picking up while Daniel continued to thrust into Triska vigorously. As he did he felt her tightening up with each motion he made, her juices dripping down onto the sheets as she was getting even more excited, and her body trembling as Specca and Squeak continued to lick and suck on her breasts together.

After a while his breathing started to pick up as did his voice becoming heavier and grunting with each thrust into one of his lovers. Alyssa looked back to him with a deep blush while Specca and Squeak glanced to him, all noticing that his expression was starting to become strained slightly.

“You’re going to cum, aren’t you, Daniel?” Alyssa said with a soft giggle.

Specca and Squeak slowly sat up while fondling Triska’s breasts, their hands rubbing their saliva all around the girl’s sensitive skin and nipples.

“Oh my, I think he’s nearing his limit,” Specca said with a knowing glance down to his crotch. Squeak nodded and looked down to seeing Alyssa holding Triska’s face beneath her still, the witch watching the teen eating her out with a promiscuous smile.

“I think he should give it to her this time,” Alyssa mused. “She must really want it right now.”

“Alyssa, he can’t cum inside her, she’ll get pregnant,” Specca reminded with some concern.

“I never said inside her pussy,” Alyssa said glancing to her with a smirk.

Specca and Squeak exchanged looks then giggled and nodded while looking down to Triska as the teen was still held underneath the witch.

“You know what, I’m okay with her getting a treat this time,” Specca agreed with Squeak nodding to that. “She deserves it after being a good girl for us now.”

Alyssa giggled and looked back to Daniel while holding a hand at her hip, her other keeping Triska’s head still as she straddled her face.

“Daniel, let us know when you’re about to blow, okay?” Alyssa said with a wink.

Daniel nodded and picked up the pace with thrusting into Triska, feeling his body heating up while something else was building within him. Alyssa, Specca, and Squeak watched him with hungry smiles while Triska moaned and screamed as the witch remained sitting atop her face. The girls all watched as his chest started to have some sweat forming on it while his stamina proved to be very high even without a narcotic enhancer like Squeak’s pheromones.

“Make it nice and juicy for her, Daniel,” Alyssa cooed as she looked down to Triska with a sweet smile, watching as the girl looked up at her with pleading eyes and a muffled cry.

“You really are a beast, Daniel,” Specca purred while holding a hand to her chest, the other still groping and squeezing Triska’s breast.

Squeak licked her lips slowly while she gently rubbed and caressed Triska’s other breast, her abdomen wiggling slightly behind her in anticipation for what was coming.

Daniel continued to thrust in and out of Triska as he felt himself building up, the pleasure racing through him beginning to feel like too much to keep bottled inside of him.

“I can’t hold it much longer,” he strained out as he shook his head slightly.

Alyssa smirked then hopped off of Triska’s face, the teen gasping and moaning loudly before Squeak and Specca lifted her away from Daniel and sat her upright on the bed, holding her by the arms and back while Alyssa got behind Triska and held her head forward, the girl quivering with a dazed look in her eye as Daniel stood up before her while holding his throbbing erection. Alyssa giggled and opened Triska’s mouth with her fingers, spreading her cheeks a bit while the girls all looked up to Daniel with immoral smiles on their faces, except for Triska who merely glanced up to Daniel with a shaky moan escaping her open mouth.

“Give it to her, Daniel,” Alyssa said with a twitch of her eyebrow, with Specca and Squeak then reaching out and grabbing hold of Daniel’s penis before they started stroking it together, keeping it aimed at close range towards Triska’s mouth. Daniel shut his eyes with a grunt as the two girls kept stroking his erection while watching him closely, with Alyssa gently brushing Triska’s hair while holding her mouth open still.

“Here it comes,” Specca mused playfully as Daniel’s hips bucked a bit.

With a heavy grunt Daniel looked up with a deep blush, his body then releasing what had been building up with an explosive ejaculation. Spurts of the white semen shot into Triska’s mouth and onto her cheeks before Alyssa pushed her head forward to take the penis into her mouth, with the teen closing her eyes as she felt Daniel releasing himself and filling her mouth with the warm liquid as her lips closed around him.

“Drink it all, Triska,” Alyssa ordered.

“Yes, it’s very rude to spit,” Specca lectured with a smirk.

Triska let out a small moan as Daniel grunted and gasped while he released into her mouth, the girl then swallowing what he gave with a few quiet gulps. Daniel breathed heavily for a moment then looked down to see Triska sliding her head forward and back as she sucked him off in a trance, her eyes slowly opening as she glanced up to him before she gave one more gulp to down what he let out.

“How did that feel, Daniel?” Alyssa asked while keeping Triska’s head forward on his erection.

Daniel took a steady breath then smiled gently down at the girls.

“That felt incredible, from all of you. Thank you for that,” he said dearly.

Alyssa giggled and looked to Triska while pulling her head back, the teen opening her mouth to show that she drank it all before she smiled lovingly up at Daniel.

“Thank you, Daniel,” she breathed out.

Specca leaned over and started licking the semen that got onto her cheeks along with Squeak, the two girls taking Triska down onto the bed with a light gasp as they licked and kissed her while getting lost in the moment again. Alyssa smiled down at them then glanced to seeing Daniel standing before them on the bed with a smile on his face and a firm erection still.

“Daniel, still not satisfied, are you?” Alyssa purred.

Daniel looked down to his honest body’s obvious signal then smiled weakly and shrugged as he sat down on the bed, with the witch hopping over and sitting on his lap while her hands gently stroked his penis against her crotch.

“Well, I probably could keep going,” he reasoned with a small chuckle. “But we need to leave if we’re going to make any progress getting to Flairwood.”

Alyssa gave him a pouting smile as her fingers gently caressed and rubbed along his penis to the tip.

“Aw, but, Daniel,” she whined softly with an innocent smile, batting her eyelashes before she glanced down to his erection and licked her lips slowly. Daniel smiled amusedly at her then lifted her gaze back to his by the chin as he leaned closer to her face.

“Now now, we have a job to do out here still. Don’t forget that.”

“I know, it’s just… you’re still so
,” Alyssa purred with a coy smile as she gripped his penis firmly.

Daniel smirked then pulled the witch into a kiss, the girl closing her eyes while still holding onto him and using her other hand to gently rub the head of his member. After the kiss ended he winked at her with a calm smile on his face.

“We need to get going again, Alyssa,” he gently reminded her. “And not by doing what I know you want to get going with. But, if you help get all the girls ready so we can leave now, the next treat I make will be all yours.”

Alyssa stared at him with wonder then smiled curiously while holding a finger to her lips.

“For me? Really?”

Daniel glanced to seeing Triska laying on her back while Specca was kissing her passionately, the teen’s hand holding the onto the nixie’s back while the monster’s tail was wrapping around Triska’s leg. Squeak was licking Triska’s breasts again with small flicks of her tongue, causing Triska to moan and tremble with each pleasurable lick.

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act IV
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