Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Chronicles of Eden - Act VI (21 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act VI
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“Daniel, this isn’t your fault,” Specca pleaded. “You didn’t-”

“I didn’t save her!” Daniel shouted out, causing the girls to jump with a startle. “This is exactly why I wanted to use magic, why I wanted to have that power. I wanted to protect all of you. She needed me, she was right there in front of me and needed my help… but I couldn’t do it.”

“Daniel, don’t blame yourself for this,” Alyssa implored. “You did more than what was expected, you just started learning to use magic. The way you fought against that Darker One for Triska was incredible. She even said so herself.”

Daniel slowly lowered his hands and looked at the girls with sorrow as he tried to steady his breathing. Specca quickly hopped off the bed and held his hands, her eyes watering while she tried to force a small smile for him.

“Please, don’t put blame on yourself for this,” she begged while holding his hands tightly. “You were so brave to fight for her like you did, you fought with more strength than even we knew you had. Please, we need that strength right now. Daniel, what do we do? Tell me what I should do, because I don’t know. I’m your guide out here and I don’t know what to do now. Please, tell me.”

The nixie quickly held onto Daniel and hid her face in his shoulder, her tail drooping low behind her as she cried into Daniel’s shirt. Falla and Luna started crying softly while Squeak lowered her head and closed her eyes, all of them feeling terrified for Triska and fearful of what would happen to her. Alyssa whimpered and looked down to Triska while holding her hand with both of hers, watching as her co-mate had succumbed to this illness and appeared to be worsening.

“Daniel, what do we do now?” Kroanette asked while trying to keep her composure while a tear leaked down her cheek. “This isn’t something we were prepared for.”

Pip gently patted Specca’s head then looked at Daniel with a saddened eye as he tried to think of what to say or do. He saw all the girls feeling devastated and afraid, he saw Triska plagued with a powerful sickness, and he saw Clover walking over to him while she watched Triska with a blank expression on her face. Specca glanced over to the elf with a teary-eyed glare while still holding closely onto Daniel and began to tremble with growing ire for her.

“Don’t you dare say a word to us right now, Clover,” Specca forced out through her teeth. “Just get out of here.”

“I’m more interested in what he has to say,” Clover said glancing to Daniel questionably. “Well? You fought off a Darker One to save her, are you just going to whine and bitch now that she’s sick or are you going to do something?”

“Clover,” Specca hissed with anger.

“I mean it,” Clover retorted as she crossed her arms while watching Daniel. “I want to know what you’re going to do now. Really, I’m genuinely curious. Because from what I remember you charged a fucking Darker One to save that girl’s life, you did some crazy shit that I couldn’t believe seeing to not only try and save her but also protect your other girls from being burned to a crisp, and now that she’s sick you’re just standing there crying like a little bitch and not doing a damn thing. Seriously? Is this what you’re going to do now? Just give up and let her die after all you did to keep her? Wake up! She’s not dead yet! Quit wallowing like a little baby and be a fucking man! You were sure as hell acting the part earlier, where did all that bravado go just now? Are you going to save that girl’s life or just cry about this?”

Daniel and the other girls stared at her while being rendered speechless, all of them seeing the elf tapping her foot impatiently while waiting for Daniel’s response. Daniel turned his eyes to Triska, seeing her still unconscious and burning up with her fever, then looked from one girl to the next as all eyes fell on him to see what he would say. He shut his eyes and remembered Triska thanking him for coming after her, the way she smiled and held onto him while saying he was like her knight, exactly like how he wanted to be for her.

“You came for me, that’s all I care about. You’re already my hero, Daniel. You always have been.”

Triska’s words echoed in his thoughts, reminding Daniel how she truly felt about him after everything he’s done for her.

“Well?” Clover finally asked with annoyance. “What are you doing to do now? We’re waiting.”

Daniel slowly showed a focused expression as he watched Triska on the bed. The girls all saw him thinking something very intently, his eyes then shifting to Clover as the elf raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m going to be her hero,” he answered. “I’m not going to lose her, no matter what happens.”

“Aw, how sweet,” Clover dryly mocked. “So what’s the fucking plan then?”

Daniel let go of Specca and glanced around at all the girls, seeing them all watching him with worried eyes as they waited to hear what he had in mind.

“Alyssa,” he boldly spoke to the witch. “You have your materials for making potions with. Make what you can for Triska to help her.”

“But-” Alyssa started before Daniel pointed over towards the witch’s boxes of supplies with a stern expression.

“You don’t know how to cure her condition, I understand that. But surely you can make something light enough to help ease her. Anything to bring her temperature down, we have to help her be more comfortable in any way we can. I know you can do this, you’re a skilled potion maker, and this is for your mate as well.”

Alyssa looked over to her supplies while biting her lip then nodded and quickly scrambled over to them. She started opening boxes and waving her hands around, tossing bottles and small brown pouches into the air where they floated in place as the witch quickly brought out a large bowl and started mixing liquids and other ingredients into it.

“I’ll do what I can,” she vowed as she focused on making something to help soothe Triska’s pain.

“Specca,” Daniel said turning to the nixie. “You have a large book collection over there from Flairwood. Search through it all if you have to, look for any records, stories, even myths if you must, anything to help explain what is happening to Triska and how to stop it. If you have any medical books search each and every page, anything about succubi that isn’t in our guidebook you will reread it three times if need be. If there is a clue of how to save our mate in those books you
to find it. Do you understand?”

Specca looked to the bookshelf with wonder then nodded and quickly ran over to it. She started pulling book after book out and setting them on the table, her eyes quickly going over the titles of each tomb while her hand nimbly ran across the rows of books before snatching select ones out that she wanted.

“I won’t stop until I find something, I swear,” she promised as she quickly opened a book and started going through it with a keen eye.

“Squeak,” Daniel called to the ant girl, with her jumping a bit with a quick squeak. “You can’t heal Triska with your saliva, but you can still help. She’s burning up with her fever. Grab a washcloth and get it wet with some of our water, use it on her forehead to help keep her cool. If it gets too hot then switch it out with another, don’t let her fever get any higher.”

Squeak nodded then scrambled over to their closet, quickly grabbing a small washcloth before running over to their pantry. As she hurried with getting the cloth wet by pouring water from a container on it Daniel glanced to each of the butterfly sisters.

“You two as well. Use your wings to keep the air flowing on her, try to help cool her body with Squeak.”

“That we can do,” Falla said as the sisters sat up above Triska’s head and started flapping their wings towards her, creating small gusts of wind that blew over the girl repeatedly.

“Please be okay, Triska,” Luna fretted.

Squeak raced back over and set the wet washcloth over Triska’s forehead, the three girls watching their friend closely while trying to help her cool off.

“Pip,” Daniel said glancing to the fairy on his shoulder. “Can you do anything to help Triska with your magic? Anything at all?”

“I don’t know,” Pip sadly answered. “I’m sorry; I don’t know what I can do for her now.”

“That’s alright; you’ve done more than enough already with saving Triska from that succubus. You were amazing how you fought her and won like you did, Pip. Thank you so much. You really came through for us.”

“I wanted to help, I wanted to protect her. I just wish I could do something more,” Pip said as she watched the girls working to help Triska. “But I don’t know what I can do. What should I do, Daniel?”

“Right now I don’t know what else we can do,” Daniel admitted as she sat on the edge of the bed and watched Triska with worried eyes. Falla and Luna kept gently flapping their wings to keep the air blowing against the girl while Squeak wiped some droplets of water away from Triska’s eyes as she waited and hoped the wet towel would help lower the girl’s fever even a little.

Daniel gently rested his hand on Triska’s leg, holding onto hope that they would be able to cure what was affecting her while Pip watched the girl with a worried eye atop his shoulder.

“You’re going to be okay, Triska,” he gently assured her, though he couldn’t tell if she heard him as she showed change in condition. “We’re here with you. You’re going to be okay.”

Clover glanced around at all the girls, watching them desperately doing whatever it was they could do to cure their friend, then rolled her eyes and turned around and set her hands on her hips.

“Hey, Alyssa,” she called out, with everyone looking to her as she reluctantly glanced over to the witch. “Are you using iscas herbs? You know they help reduce fevers, right?”

“I know what they are and what they do,” Alyssa snapped at her. “But we don’t have any; there wasn’t any to obtain from Flairwood while we were there.”

“I see,” Clover replied before walking over to her bed and grabbing her quiver, strapping it behind her before holstering her bow around her shoulder. “I thought I saw some in the woods near where I found Triska earlier. I’ll go take another look.”

“Clover?” Daniel asked as the elf walked over towards the entryway, her eyes resting on Kroanette who was looking up at her with wonder.

“You’re taking me there, got it?” Clover ordered.

“You’re trying to help Triska again,” Kroanette said while tilting her head curiously. “Why are you being nice to us now? I don’t understand.”

“You want to help your friend get better or not?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then shut up and take me to that forest nearby, now.”

“Why are you offering to help like this? You seemed not to care when Triska fell ill earlier, why-”

“This is all time that could be spent getting me over to those woods so I can help your fucking friend get better. Now, do you want that to happen, yes or no?”

“Well, I... yes, I do.”

“Then shut your mouth and let’s go!” Clover yelled out. Kroanette quickly backed up with a squeak and nodded as the elf glanced back to Daniel with discontent, seeing him staring at her along with the rest of the girls.

“Clover, thank you,” Daniel genuinely praised. “Both for helping me get a grip and also volunteering to get those herbs for us.”

“The next time shit doesn’t go your way, quit with the crying and be a fucking man from the start,” Clover snapped at him before she looked back ahead and yanked her cowl over her head. After a pause she glanced back to him while shifting her shoulder with her bow slightly. “Don’t think I like you people because I’m doing this. I’m just not a heartless bitch like you make me out to be.”

She quickly left the cabin and hopped down next to Kroanette, giving the centaur a fleeting glance while clearing her throat before Kroanette smiled weakly and knelt down for the elf to get on her back.

“Thank you, Clover,” Kroanette gently said as the elf mounted her back. “For doing this to help-”

“I will jam an arrow into your ass if you keep talking,” Clover threatened, with Kroanette quickly holding a hand over her mouth with a quiet whine. “Just take me to the forest so we can be done with this.”

Kroanette nodded then quickly took off towards the woods in the distance, the elf’s cape fluttering behind her as she held onto the swiftly moving centaur and showed a dull scowl on her face.

Inside the cabin everyone was staring at where Clover had left in silence, with Daniel then looking around at the girls and catching their attention. They immediately resumed working on their tasks while Daniel looked back to the curtain gently swaying in the breeze over the entryway.

“She’s trying to help Triska again,” Pip curiously said. “Does that mean she likes her? Does she like us now?”

“I’m not sure,” Daniel replied shaking his head. “That girl is impossible to figure out.”

Chapter 6

In the world of Eden it was always good to have friends close by. Having those who could be trusted, to share laughs with, to ease troubled times with, to know that they were always there when you needed them. It was a special bond between those who would band together through the good times and the bad. They made taking on more daunting and sometimes dangerous tasks easier, they could give advice or warnings when running astray, or they could simply offer their company so as not to feel alone in the world. It was always good to have friends in life.

Even if they were stubborn or downright insane.


Drifting veils of haze and embers passed by close to the trees along the forest floor as the large smoking crevice that had been cut through the land earlier by a tiny fairy quietly crackled with small fires and burnt stones lining the edges. Kroanette stood close to the torn gash with a look of wonder on her face, slowing turning her head one way then the other to see how far and wide the powerful magical attack from Pip had traveled.

“I don’t believe there is any questioning now that Pip would be in a class such as a Darker One,” Kroanette admitted with a single nod.

“Told you,” Clover said as she slowly walked around the area, eyes carefully searching for the herbs they had come out there to find. “And you thought I was lying to you.”

“It just seemed too unreal to believe. She’s so tiny and friendly with us, I never would have imagined she or any fairies possessed this much power.”

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act VI
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