Chronicles of the Supers (Book 1): Born From Darkness (The Story of Max) (7 page)

Read Chronicles of the Supers (Book 1): Born From Darkness (The Story of Max) Online

Authors: Jeremy Williams

Tags: #Science Fiction | Superheroes

BOOK: Chronicles of the Supers (Book 1): Born From Darkness (The Story of Max)
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The man sclowled deeply and began walking towards Max. Max feigned
fear but when the man got close she let him grab her neck. As she did
she was vaguely aware that part of her didn't want to do what she was
about to do. She didn't really care though. She was tired of the
people in her life who'd hurt her. She wanted payback and she was
going to start getting it.

As he began to squeeze Max's neck she laughed. The attempt was
laughably weak thanks to Max's new super powers. She grabbed his arms
and effortlessly crushed them with one hand each. The mans scream was
surprisingly silent, alerting no one to the scuffle going on behind
the door to the office.

Max was prepared to let it stop there but the man, in a state of
shock, brought his head up into her stomach. She staggered back from
the surprise and grabbed his head. She shoved him into the ground
face first, cracking his spine and killing him instantly.

Distantly she was aware of another part of her trying to
take control. Suddenly that part of her managed to break through. Max
ended up screaming in terror at the sight before her but before
anything else happened she reigned in that distant part of her retook
control of her body. After that, she looked down at the body in front
of her and smiled cruelly. She now understood why she had her super
powers, and she was going to fulfill that purpose.

Chapter 7:


Max sat calmly in the chair at the police station. She was in the
interrogation room and the detectives were pestering her with
questions about the man she killed. Of course, they didn't know that
she had killed him. They thought she was just a person who had
stumbled upon his body.

she was playing the part perfectly. Tears were streaming down her
face to add to the performance and the officers were buying every bit
of it.

this your full statement?" The officer asked. Max nodded and let
a few more tears run from her eyes for dramatic effect.

well. We need you to sign this slip of paper confirming that the
recording we have here of this interview is your full statement. It's
just a bit of legal shit that we have to worry about. Sign right
here." The officer said, pointing to a line as she signed. Max
shakily signed the line, making her signature illegible.

had claimed that she'd walked into the room to find the body on the
floor and the police had believed her. This interrogation was a
formality for them to have an official account of her version of the
story. Then she'd be able to leave and begin preparations for
training her newfound super powers.

only took a few more minutes and a very intense ride in a police car
back to the school for Max to finally be done with the police. They
dropped her off right out in front of the school where a security
guard was waiting. He escorted Max to her dorm room.

the student governments president had been found dead the school
board had threatened to shut down the school again. They'd already
pulled a fourth of the funding for the school and pushed it into
security guards themselves via an old charter rule allowing the
school board to take over the schools funding in cases of emergency.
The guards were posted at every building as well as the school
parking lot and all students arriving after a day out on the town
were to be escorted by at least one security guard back to their dorm
rooms. They'd also made the curfew stricter and required that all
students be in the dorm hall before sunset. Additionally the guards
would patrol at random times and check to make sure no student was
trying to sneak out.

bothered Max slightly because she still had a job to take care of.
One that required her to be off campus until midnight. With her new
powers it was unlikely she'd be hindered in any way, but it was still

entered her dorm room and booted up her computer. She scowled through
the entire 5 minute bootup process and then logged in before going
about browsing the local sale ads. She would need some supplies to
help her out with her training for her powers. But she couldn't
afford to spend too much on the equipment she needed. So she was
buying all of it used, assuming everything she needed could be found
in the local or online sales ads.


Max smiled at the equipment before her. She'd found a good bit of
training equipment for really cheap on the local ads. The only
problem had been that she had to drag it all the way back to the
factory without any help, which had taken hours. It was now midnight
and she was just finishing setting it all up.

Max desperately wished she could start her training tonight but she
wanted to have a proper training plan, so she left after setting it
all up and spent the rest of the night deciding on how best to train
and test her new powers. It took a considerable amount of time since
her powers were new territory and everything she'd found was only
theoretical at best. Still, around sunrise she had a solid plan and
would be implementing it the following weekend.


Max opened the side door to her secret lair and stepped inside
eagerly. She was ready to begin her training and had decided to begin
by testing her limits. Her first test was a test of strength. She'd
managed to get hold of a full free weight set to test her strength
with and she fully intended to use it until it broke.

To that end she'd set up the bench press. Starting with just a bar, a
total weight of 45 pounds, she kept moving up the weight until she
began to struggle. However that took a while. She ended up at over
450 pounds before she couldn't lift the weight anymore. Certainly a
personal record for her, but not a world record by any means.

After that she moved on to other exercises and followed the same
procedure until she had a baseline for her training program. She'd
managed to set world records in some areas, such as 2 thousand
pullups and 5 times as many pushups, but her weight bearing exercises
had been stuck at less than record breaking no matter how hard she'd

Even so, she wasn't sure if she would continue gaining powers or not.
So she would act on the idea that they would continue growing and
train every day. Which she did. After finding her limits she began
training in earnest, redoing all the exercises she'd already done.
After a long training session that lasted for 6 hours she finally
finished with a sprint back to campus. She would return every night
to train after her job at the grocery store and continue to improve
her skills until she felt she was ready.


Max smiled as she held up the weight over her head. While holding the
weight she looked at herself in a mirror and smiled a bit. After only
a months training she'd managed to set a new record in every single
exercise on her training schedule. She finally felt she was ready and
decided to head on back to campus early and begin buying her new
outfit that she would need.

Searching around online, Max found some cheap but new pieces to use.
She ordered a pair of thick leggings, some black combat boots, a
tight fitting corset, a tight fitting long sleeve compression shirt,
a pair of elbow gloves, and a pair of thin black sunglasses. The
order came out to around 300 dollars, a considerable amount for her
tiny budget. But her income took care of it somewhat well. She'd kept
her job as a secretary, though she was now working for the student
government as a whole rather than one person.

It took a whole week for her order to finally arrive, but when it did
she tried everything on immediately. She found that all of it fit
perfectly, except for the shirt. Since it was a womens shirt the bust
was larger than the waist, and her tiny breasts couldn't fully fill
it in even with the corset pushing them up and out. It was something
Max would have to live with though because she had already ordered it
without considering that factor.

After that she finally enacted her plan and began her
search on the computer and the governments public sex offender
registry. She found almost a dozen registered offenders in her area
who were now out on parole. Selecting the nearest one, Max left her
dorm room that night. She managed to cover the distance at an
astonishing 50 miles per hour, another new record both for her and
the world.

Chapter 8:


Max arrived at her destination, a non-descript house that was sitting
suspiciously close to an elementary school in the next state over.
Registered sex offenders weren't supposed to live that close to young
children, regardless of their actual offense. So the fact that his
address was listed as here made Max scowl hard.

needed to find a way into the place without tripping any potential
alarms that might be there. That would be hard considering the house
was situated dangeroulsy close to 2 other houses and was well lit.

stalked around for half an hour before finding a place to enter.
There was a window on the next house over on the second floor that
lined up with a window on the house she needed to get in to. And both
windows were open. The next house had an unlit side with a generously
wide alley and a window on the second floor that was directly over a

silently sprinted across the well lit street, managing to stay
undetected. She slid her body on top of the car slowly to insure that
she didn't set off the alarm accidentally. After she made it to the
top she reached up but could just barely reach the window. She pulled
herself slowly up to the window and peeked her eyes over and through
the window.

seemed Max had really lucked out. The window lead to a hallway with
stairs on the right. On the other side was the exact window she
needed to access. She carefully looked around but saw no one. Just to
be sure she peeked over the rim of her sunglasses, which allowed her
to see better. Though she didn't really need to take them off. Her
sight was just one of the things that had improved drastically when
she gained her powers, to the point where she could see perfectly
well even in a dark alley at night while wearing sunglasses.

she saw no one around still and decided to test the window and found
that it was unlocked. Max slid the window open quite easily and with
no noise. She quietly slipped in, making the minimum crack necessary
in the window to fit through and gently landed on the floor. It
creaked a little under her weight and she tensed up. After nearly
five minutes no one showed up and she quietly crept across the floor.

of the floor creaked beneath her miniscule weight and she tensed up
many times. But so far no one had come to investigate. When she
reached the first door on her left she stopped and focused her
senses. She couldn't sense any living thing inside the door, but
decided not to play on the assumption that no one was there. She
hadn't been able to properly test her ability to sense living things
and wasn't ready to rely on it just yet.

So she
crept on slowly, eventually reaching the window without anyone
finding her. She climbed out and crossed the houses carefully. She
made it inside the other one without being noticed, which was a mild
surprise. She hadn't bothered to check if anyone was watching because
the alley she passed over was well lit and she didn't want to be
exposed for too long. She figured if anyone had noticed her she could
quickly incapacitate them and continue on with her mission.

looked around, find the room she was in was very dark. There was only
one window, which she crouched to the side of while inspecting the
room. It was a very empty and non-descript wooden room. There was
nothing at all in the room except a poster for a concert of some kind
on the door.

moved across the room slowly and found that the wood once again
creaked a little under her weight. Cursing her luck, she continued
along slowly while extending her sense out to see if anyone was about
to enter the room.

Max reached the door she opened it slowly and, to her relief, it made
absolutely no noise. On the other side of the door Max found a set of
stairs to her immediate left and a door just across the hall.
Straining her ears, she picked up some minor noises from underneath
the door. Max layed flat on her stomach in the hallway to peer under
the door but the room curved back to the left and she couldn't see
much of anything inside it.

Max stood up and thought over her options for a moment. Her best bet
would be to opne the door quietly and slip in. It would be fairly
easy since there was no light and the hallway itself had no windows
of any kind to let in the outside light.

standing up, Max grabbed onto the doorknob and turned it. She took
her time, a full minute just to open the door enough to peer inside
the room fully. After a moment of searching Max spotted a bed and a
very horrifying sight that made her want to retch.

On top
of the bed was a middle aged man with slightly wrinkled skin and a
balding head, completely matching the description and photo she'd
seen online. He was completely nude and had a hand roughly on a young
girl who was also nude.

seethed with anger but managed to stay calm. She needed to get the
girl out of the place before she took any action. So with that, she
flipped the light switch on the wall. The 2 people in the room
blinked in surprise and tried to clear their eyes from the light.
They succeeded after a moment and looked at the intruder.

man had a strange look that crossed between terror and ultimate
hatred. He looked down at his charge and realized that he'd been
caught. So carefully and quietly he placed the girl down on the
ground. Without a word Max went over and picked the girl up. The man
made no moves and Max carried the girl out of the room and back to
the window. She realized then that the girl lived next door and the
man had used the closeness of the windows to abduct her. He'd
probably been doing that to her for years considering his address was
listed on his parole sheet more than 3 years ago.

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