Read Circle of Death Online

Authors: Colleen Masters,Celia Loren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #New Adult & College, #Multicultural & Interracial

Circle of Death (11 page)

BOOK: Circle of Death
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She texts back almost immediately.


Are you kidding me? That’s AWESOME. Stay there for as long as you can. And Logan—don’t hesitate about getting creative about your investigation techniques. I won’t judge you if you want to take a more hands on approach with Vile. Keep me posted about what you find out. This is going to be the greatest story we’ve ever published! xoxo


I stare blankly down at Elliot’s message. Is she giving me to the go-ahead to get down and dirty with the Circle of Death president...for the sake of my story? I must have missed the journalism 101 class where they discussed that particular ethics conundrum. You aren’t supposed to name your sources, after all. I’m sure you’re not supposed to fuck them, either.

For the first time in my adult life, I’m starting to wish I’d gone to med school like my parents wanted after all.


Chapter Nine



Daytime offers a reprieve from the sexy chaos of The Club. I get the sense that most of the people here remain nocturnal during their stays, waking only to party the nights away. This relative peace and quiet is a small but welcome blessing as I make my game plan for the next week. I don’t know how much time passes as I sit on that dock, calming myself little by little. But once I’ve got my head on straight, I trace my way back to the hotel room.

Devlin is clothed by the time I get back. I honestly can’t tell if I’m more relieved or disappointed by that fact—probably best not to think about it now. He’s wearing a plain white tee and broken-in blue jeans, his black leather cut resting reverently on the dresser. My eyes alight on the sigil emblazoned on the back of his vest: it’s a circle with an x through it. I recognize it from one of my history classes as an archaic symbol of death. Above the image, the title Circle of Death MC is scrawled, and beneath, East Coast Chapter.

“There you are,” Devlin says, as I step further into his spacious room. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away for long.”

“Just wanted to come grab the rest of my things,” I tell him, trying not to notice how well his jeans fit.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he goes on, running a hand through his still-wet hair. “I took the liberty of asking The Club to open this room up into a suite, since you’ll be staying for a while. Your room is right through there.”

I follow Devlin’s gaze to a previously concealed doorway. Taking a tentative step forward, I see that it opens from his onto a second bedroom, kitchenette, and half bath.

“Devlin...You shouldn’t have,” I tell him, moved by the gesture all the same. “I mean, really. You shouldn’t.”

“What else were you going to do, ask Juliet to let you camp out on her floor?” he laughs. “Relax. It was no trouble. Go on, take a look.”

 Stepping into the elegant space, I see that an array of clothing and toiletries are waiting for me on the bed. And it’s not just essentials that my room has been stocked with, either. A brand new laptop is sitting on the writing desk in the corner, and the kitchen is crowded with bottles of fine booze and delicious food.

“Did you do all this, too?” I ask, spinning around to find Devlin leaning casually against the doorframe.

“Who else?” he grins. “What, did you think I was going to keep you locked up in my closet all week or something?”

“Hey, I don’t know what you’re into,” I laugh, half-kidding.

“I’ll play caretaker while you’re here. It’s not a sexual role I’m accustomed to, but I figure, what the hell,” Devlin goes on, crossing the room to me. I feel a tug just behind my navel as he gets closer, as if an invisible string is pulling me toward his approaching body. “I’m fucking fascinated by you, Logan. Every other girl who comes around has been more than happy to have me fuck them raw and send them on home. But not you.”

I don’t know about that, I think, keeping my lips tightly shut.

“I know how much you want me, Logan,” Devlin goes on, planting his hands on my waist. “You made it very clear last night. Especially once that last drink loosened your tongue up real good. And even though I could lay you out across that bed right now, have you begging for me in a matter of minutes...I have a better idea for us.”

“Wh-what’s that?” I ask, resting my hands on the soft cotton tee covering his far-from-soft pecs.

“You’re going to belong to me for the rest of the week,” he grins, circling my waist with those strong arms of his. “I’m going to make sure you’ve got everything you need, that no other guy comes near you. Trust me, you want someone protecting you. You don’t want to know what some of the guys here are capable of.”

“And what are you expecting, in return for this protection?” I ask softly, my head spinning as the closeness of Devlin gets me high.

“I was hoping you’d ask that,” he says, lowering his face slowly toward mine. “I expect you to be all mine, Logan.”

I stare up at him, breathing in his incredible presence. “You want me to have sex with you?” I all but whisper.

“Well, obviously,” he chuckles, “But that’s not all. I don’t just want to fuck you, Logan. I want you to put yourself entirely in my hands. Let go—be completely submissive to me. Let me take you how I want to. I can tell you’re a strong-willed woman. I doubt there’s ever been a man you’d be willing to give yourself to, that way. I want to be the first one to have you like that.”

“I’ve certainly never, um, done anything like that before,” I breathe, memorizing the feel of his body against me. “I don’t know how to...What I mean is, I don’t know what it means to be submissive, I guess.”

“Yes you do, deep down every woman knows,” Devlin growls, brushing his lips against my throat, “some just can’t admit it.” His stubble tickles my tender skin, his full lips glancing against me. A shiver of delight runs through me at the thought of this man leading me to bed, making me his, showing me the way. And hey, my editor did say that I should try a more hands-on approach...

There’s something about the fleeting nature of our arrangement that’s slowly crushing my inhibitions. In spite of the fact that his words may have sent women back fifty years, my body can’t help but respond to his. I close my eyes as he kisses along my neck, my collarbone, easing down my chest. I fold against him, letting him take the weight of me in his arms. I’ve never been the submissive type. Never let a man—or anyone—have full control over me. But if there’s anyone I’d want to take me that way, it’s Devlin Vile. There’s just something about him that I understand, inherently—his confidence, sincerity, desire, power...I can only imagine what he’s capable of. The things he could do to me.

Devlin’s hands roam all over my willing body. He slips his hands up under my tee, his touch setting my skin afire with sensation. I moan as he trails his fingers up toward my breasts, cupping them in his huge, strong hands. I gasp as he pinches my hard nipples, mixing just a touch of pain into the pleasure that courses through me. My hips grind against his, and I can feel him start to respond to me too. I can’t ignore the throbbing ache between my legs, the sudden wetness there. I know I just met him. I know this is insane. But I’ve made up my mind to step out of my comfort zone, right? This is as good a first step as any.

I run my hands up Devlin’s built back as he brings his lips to mine. Our tongues tangle as he lets his hands glide down over my stomach, fingers brushing against the peaks of my hips bones. My body begins to tremble as I feel his fingertips against the bare skin of my thighs. The throbbing need in my sex is drowning out any rational thought that might linger in my mind. All I can think about is how good it would feel to have him slip inside of me, to feel him pulsing and flexing against my most tender flesh.

A low groan escapes me as he slides a hand between my legs, letting his fingers run along the thin cotton panel of my panties. He grins down at me, feeling how wet I’ve already become for him.

“I fucking love how much you want me,” he growls, cupping my sex in his sure hand.

“I do want you, Devlin,” I whisper.

“How much do you want me?” he demands, tucking two fingers beneath the band of my panties. “Tell me. Now.”

“More than I’ve ever wanted anyone,” I pant, my entire body screaming for him to slip those fingers into me. “So much that I could just...push you onto that bed and straddle you without a second thought.”

“I figured,” he growls, and takes a step away from me. His hands lift from my body, leaving me reeling and confused before him. I look up at him imploringly and he smiles calmly and crosses his thick arms.

“Why did you stop?!” I gasp.

“I told you I’d teach you to submit,” he replies, straightening his tee. “You’re clearly not ready to hand yourself over to me. This is your first lesson. When you can put yourself entirely in my hands, then I’ll give you what you want, understand?”

“But I was—I would have—” I stammer, sinking down onto the edge of the king sized bed in my new room.

“You wouldn’t have,” Devlin insists, brushing my black hair behind my ear. “Not yet. But you’ll get there, Logan. I’m all you have on this rock. And you’re the only woman I’m interested in out here. Just you wait, we’re going to have the sexiest, most incredible fucking week together. As soon as you’re ready to let me take you.”

He takes my upturned face in my hands and kisses me, hard and deep. His strong, powerful tongue fills my mouth, and the taste of him sends me reeling. Goddammit. I can’t believe I blew my chance to have him right here and now. I guess he’s taking the upper hand again, showing that he can play hard to get.

But hell if I’m not ready to play his game, too.


Chapter Ten



Devlin’s arranged for the rest of my day to be as perfectly relaxing as possible. This is still a resort, debauchery and all. He’s arranged spa treatments, massages, and even a restorative yoga class for me. I know he’s trying to loosen me up so that he can finally have his way with me—but that honestly just makes the whole day even sweeter. And since all the rich men and their female companions are still asleep this early in the day, I’ve got The Club all to myself. For now, at least. I try to take careful mental notes every step of the way, the better to construct my article for
when the time comes.

But with every passing hour that I spend here, it becomes harder to keep my investigation at the front of my mind. This island is so removed from anything I’ve ever known that it almost feels like the rest of the real world doesn’t even exist. I try and fail to imagine how I could ever describe this island, this club, to anyone who hasn’t seen it up close. The way it wholly changes you, makes you into someone entirely could I explain that to people who hadn’t felt it for themselves?

After I’ve returned to my new bedroom, I treat myself to a long, hot bath. And of course, a drawn-out, steaming session of self-love is in order, too. I touch myself in the warm, scented water, picturing Devlin all the while. The orgasm that ripples through my body just thinking about him is more satisfying than most of the sex I’ve had in my life. Truly.


BOOK: Circle of Death
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