City of Gold (6 page)

Read City of Gold Online

Authors: Daniel Blackaby

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Christian, #YA, #Fantasy, #Christian fiction

BOOK: City of Gold
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!” A bright light filled the room, but the two hooded men had vanished. How they had managed to disappear was of no concern to Cody; he had more pressing matters on his mind. He scooped up the Book, the ruby pocket watch, and the stone tablet and stuffed them into his backpack. Without looking back, he vanished out his door. Darkfall had come at last—the wait was over, but there was one essential thing left to do.


The Journey Begins

HUSHED, REVERBERATING WHISPERS EXPOSED the only trace of life as two figures hastened down the darkened alley. A creaking noise brought a sharp “shhh” upon the guilty culprit. Exiting the alley, the first figure pushed aside a rock, revealing a narrow corridor. Without a sound, the two figures ducked inside.

Scurrying toward the end of the tunnel they were greeted by the vast horizon. Red soiled dunes stretched across the immense landscape and faded into the distance. Lingering on the threshold view were the titanic pillars of the Labyrinth Mountains: the gateway to El Dorado.

“Cody, you’re late. We have no time to spare. Hurry!” Dace hissed toward the men in the tunnel. A congress of people waited, tucked against the city’s forty-foot wall; The Company was ready for departure.

Dace looked fierce in full battle armor; a bright Orb crested on the breast of his rock-mail chestplate. His helmet narrowed to an arrow point between his eyes, and a feather draped from the top like a horse’s tail.

Five equally adorned warriors flanked Dace. Cody recognized them as Wolfrick, Sheets, Lacen, Kingsty, and Tryin. Their horse-hybrid creatures flared their black noses, clawing at the dirt with their front hooves, anxious for the journey.

Unlike the others, Tat wore only a loose-fitting blue tunic and a tattered brown hat. A polished bow draped over his shoulder and a quiver of arrows rested on his back.

The next man was unfamiliar, although the scarlet sash wrapped across his chest confirmed him to be Chazic—Silkian’s representative for the AREA. The Enforcer had a hardened square face, with only the vanguard of morning stubble detracting from his otherwise methodically-groomed appearance. Two C-shaped, hooked scimitars hung from his saddle. Across from the Enforcer was Xerx, exhibiting his usual melancholy demeanor.

At the end was Tiana who stood beside her snow-white stallion. A white headband managed her flowing, lush hair. A leathery-brown corset outlined her narrow figure and the small, elegantly decorated hilt of a knife was visible from the scabbard on her hip.

The three royal siblings, Levenworth and Silkian approached the group. Kantan’s face registered confusion at the sight of the man standing tentatively behind Cody. “My servant, Poe Dapperhio, has been an invaluable service to me. I have requested he accompany me to help bear the burden.”

General Levenworth huffed. “The Under-Earth wasteland is no place for a bumbling servant. I forbid it.” To validate the accusation further, the stumpy servant collided against a horse, blinded by the tower of baggage tottering in front of him. His oversized robe was two sizes too large, making a humorous mockery of his attempted stealth.

Cody stepped toward the massive tactician, his forehead failing to reach the General’s chin. “Poe’s under oath to me. That places him under my authority—not yours. He is coming.” Cody surprised himself with the courage in his voice.

Levenworth shrugged indifferently. “So be it. The time you spend burying him will doom
girlfriend. Just don’t allow him to speak or show his face; maybe an amateur scout will mistake him as a warrior.”

Dace reared his horse. “With all due respect, we have but seven days to save Jade’s life. We must depart before the light exposes our mission.”

Levenworth whistled. As he did, a majestic black and white horse cantered into the circle. Without slowing, the horse rolled to the ground, scooped Cody onto his back, and shot back to his feet. Cody grasped the horse’s thick neck to keep from sliding off.

A tug on Cody’s pants brought his attention to Eva’s guiltless eyes. He immediately felt her soothing aura. She handed him a dish-sized pewter bowl and a small vial of sand.

The Speaking Sands

Eva nodded. “I’m here for you.” She gave no other explanation.

Tat’s voice sounded over the gathering, “It’s two-days’ ride to Redtown. Time is our deadliest foe. We journey steady from darkfall to darkfall. Ride!” Rearing his horse, Tat slammed his heels and burst away at a gallop. Dust clouded the air as the others set off after him. Cody looked at the majestic city of Atlantis, the Sanctuary towering over the walls. Without a second glance back, his horse rose to its hind legs and bellowed an echoing neigh. The thunderous drumming of hooves sent Cody’s world blurring. He clutched the horse’s neck and settled into a smooth rhythm.

Somewhere, sitting alone in a dark cell, was Jade and she was counting on him. The clock was now spinning at rapid pace: in seven days she would either be rescued…or dead.




Darkness Closes In


The earth rumbled with each
. The sky dimmed and all visible color drained away like wet paint dripping to the edge of a canvas. Under the gloomy canopy, frantic footsteps and alarmed voices stained the air with the smear of fear.

Hustling from the barracks, Nocsic emerged into a fortress consumed by chaos. Soldiers rushed madly in all directions, many still in the process of dressing. The elevated shouts of commanding officers were suffocated by the mass commotion.


The ground continued to quiver, sending Nocsic stumbling into a passing soldier. “Private Nocsic, what’s happening?” Regaining his balance, Nocsic pushed the soldier aside without responding; there was no time for unnecessary discussion. Weaving through the mob, he scaled a flight of stairs to the top of the wall.


“Captain Talgu, Sir. My orders?” He called to a tall, gray-haired man who was standing with one leg perched upon a crenellation, gazing onto the horizon like the skipper of a ship. His casual face resisted any trace of apprehension.

“It has begun.” At his words, the sky completed its solemn retreat. Nocsic joined the Captain’s side, staring silently into the dark. His cheek tingled as a soft flake fluttered against it…then another. Soon the two men were surrounded by a blizzard of white bits. Nocsic rubbed the substance off his nose and pressed it against his tongue. “Ash.”

Talgu nodded. “Lilley has fallen.”

“Any survivors?” Nocsic asked without conviction.

“The Golden King is merciless, as is his High General—The Impaler. If the General leads the offensive…I dare not ponder the unholy fate of the Lillians. The unstoppable flood of El Dorado now crashes toward Flore Gub….” Talgu’s voice faded into introspection.


Nocsic took a deep breath. “Is there any hope...Father?”

Talgu placed his hand upon the younger soldier’s broad shoulder. “Son, we have long since forfeited our hope. I swear a blood oath upon my father’s blade that Flore Gub will not fall while I have the power to defend it. We are but a leaf in a hurricane. The Golden King’s sight is set, and our time is up. They are coming.”



An Ill-Fated Departure

SOMETHING WAS WRONG. Cody felt it immediately. The ominous sense of peril was tangible. He glanced over his shoulder at the blurry silhouette of Atlantis fading into the distance. Only the small, floating orb of created energy that hovered over his head offered any light to his night-darkened path.

The monotonous drumming of hooves against the rough terrain spoiled the otherwise nocturnal vacuum. Cody squinted through the haze. Tat rode directly in front, his head pivoting on a swivel.
He feels it, too

Cody’s skin grew cold. A light gust of wind rolled over the upright hair on his arms.
What was that?
Cody could feel his breath hammering against his chest.
Something’s not right; there’s no wind in Under-Earth.

He felt another quick chill against his cheeks. Then he sensed it; an unexplainable, yet undeniable feeling—
I’m being watched

He began to tremble. Noticing movement above, Cody peered toward the cave’s ceiling. A colossal shape hovered over him like an enormous bat and two scorching scarlet eyes punctured the darkness and were glaring directly at him.

“The Hunter!”

A piercing shriek ripped through the sky. Cody grasped the reins just in time to keep from tumbling off as his horse bolted forward, casting dirt into a thick cloud.

Another shrilling screech resounded from the Hunter as it circled above; its immense wings propelled it across the cave’s celling. Blinded by the haze, Cody lost his bearings on the winged demon. His heart beat in sync with the horse’s powerful strides.
Where is it!?

An agonizing scream rang from somewhere in the dust. The cry was followed by a wet, crunching noise—then silence.

Cody dug his heels in.
Faster! Faster!
He didn’t know which direction he was heading; he was completely caged in the nightmare. “Tiana!” he screamed into the blur, but it was the voice of Dace that responded, “The light! Cody, kill the light!”

It took several seconds before the order registered—the glowing sphere over his head was like a beacon pointing the Hunter directly toward him. “
Gai di gasme
!” he yelled. The orb exploded like a firecracker and vanished, leaving him engulfed in the blackout.

The yell of a second victim echoed—then silence. The Hunter was picking them off like a bird of prey snaring helpless mice.

“Split up! Lead the demon away from the Book Keeper!” Dace ordered. Cody felt a tingle wafting against his neck. Cranking his head, he saw the Beast burst through the smoke, its iron, blood-stained jaws gaping.

” Cody nearly was jerked out of the saddle as his horse thrust itself abruptly to the left. The Hunter’s powerful wing whizzed over Cody’s head. Cody’s stomach lurched as his horse hurled through the air and resumed its mad dash down the ridge of the steep dune.

Two shapes appeared at Cody’s sides, falling into steady stride: the broad-shouldered Chazic galloped to the right wielding his mighty scimitars. Looking left, Cody exhaled a sigh of relief—Tiana’s fair skin seemed to glow in the night. Her blonde hair had broken free from the headband and was now streaming in a wild train behind her.

The sound echoed like dynamite. The Hunter had landed and was now racing on all fours down the dune after them—and quickly gaining. Reddened saliva gushed from its open mouth as it howled in hungry ecstasy.

Cody slammed his heels repeatedly, but the Hunter was too fast. The creature’s long talons ripped into the ground as it careened down the hill. Its voracious panting grew louder as it lowered its shoulders. Cody winced. With another wild shriek, the Hunter pounced.

In a blur, Chazic propelled himself off his horse and rammed into Cody, sending them both soaring through the air. They crashed to the ground and skidded to a rough stop.

Cody grabbed his chest, fighting to regain his wind. A staggering Chazic was already on his feet; a bloody gash pumping from his side. The Hunter rolled to its feet; its blood-red eyes burning with rage. It surveyed its challenger; then, without hesitation—it sprang. Chazic dodged left and swung his blades in a powerful arc—but the Beast was faster. Its gargantuan wing bashed the Enforcer against the dirt. Launching onto the fallen attacker, the Beast sunk in its claws. Retracting its talons, it hurled Chazic out of the way, a smear of blood tracing his path. The Hunter returned its lustful gaze to Cody.

” The earth shook as enormous soil pillars burst up, imprisoning the Beast. Tiana emerged into the clearing wielding her jeweled dagger in one hand, and the other palm open to the Beast. Her pale skin glistened with sweat. “
Gai di gasme
,” she finally uttered. She knelt beside Cody. “We have to run!” The Hunter immediately burst through the earthly prison.

Tiana jumped between the creature and Cody. With one swift thrust of its wings, the Beast propelled forward. Tiana sidestepped the first attack. A splatter of black blood squirted onto her face as her knife sliced the predator’s wing.

The Beast howled in rage. Its hind leg smashed against her, knocking her over. Tiana’s forehead struck against the solid ground and her body instantly went limp, blood pooling around her head.

Cody shuffled backwards as the Hunter approached. He could no longer think. He knew he should resist and fight, but he had become incapable of unscrambling his thoughts. The Hunter’s gore-soaked talons stretched out toward him. He felt the prick of the claw slowly puncturing his skin—then nothing.

The Beast released a fierce wail. Its giant wings spread out and with one powerful flap it soared away into the night.

Cody clutched his throbbing forehead.
He pulled himself weakly to where she lay unmoving. A stream of blood trickled down the side of her head, staining her beautiful golden hair. He scooped her into his arms. “Help! Somebody, please help!” Cody looked up. Standing across the clearing was a stranger.

He had long, stringy gray hair that merged with a thick beard to form a matted mane. His garments were tattered and grimy, and his face was filthy. The man’s wide, dilated eyes gazed unblinkingly at him. Cody realized the man had no eyelids at all.

“Cody! Cody!” Cody spun to the top of the dune where Dace was racing toward him. Turning back to the clearing, Cody saw that the stranger had vanished.

Everything went black.

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